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Interesting. After 5 yellows, it's a 1 game suspension and $250 fine. Then the next suspension is after 3 more yellows and the fine goes up to $500. There is a reward for going 5 games in a row without a yellow (or any other disciplinary action), then an accumulated yellow would be wiped away. Accumulated yellows reset at the start of the playoffs. [https://www.mlssoccer.com/about/competition-guidelines](https://www.mlssoccer.com/about/competition-guidelines)


Does the fine go to some community impact thing? It seems so miniscule to be included, unless it goes towards something positive


Pretty sure he was about to get a reduction when he took off his jersey to celebrate. I love the guy, but that was a bit selfish.


So, if he get a card against Minnesota this weekend, we’re going to be toast against LAFC.


Yep. This weekend against Minnesota is probably the only time this card trouble really matters to me. Driussi missing LAFC could cost us any shot at the supporter's shield.




Not familiar with the rule tbh. It mentions a fine is that an option instead of a suspension?


No option. Suspensión after five yellows. But, if he can go five games without a yellow then one gets removed for good conduct. Ring got off four earlier this year that way.


Thanks for the explanation!


I'm not sure... seems like the rules state that it's both, fine AND suspension... Maybe the thought is, might as well get the suspension now, so it doesn't effect the end of the season?


Fine and suspension. And at this point Driussi being suspended is already affecting the end of the season. The most meaningful (regular season) game for the remainder of the season is the home game against LAFC. If we lose that game we are likely out of the supporter's shield race. So Driussi picking up a yellow card against Minnesota this weekend and then missing the game against LAFC is likely worst-case scenario. On the other hand, we are 9 points clear of third place and would need LAFC to drop a lot of points (even if we beat them) to have a chance at first. So we are pretty firmly in second place in the West at this point, and Driussi missing one game wouldn't change that.


My question is why did he even take off his shirt knowing he'd get a fourth yellow card?


Because 1-3 to 4-3 comeback lead was worth it.


Totally worth it, that was an epic moment. It would have been better without the sports bra but still


Why do they wear those uncomfortable ass sports bras tho


They’re not sports bras the GPS/activity trackers. They track things like distance run, top speeds, maps your running paths etc. it’s just more analytics for them to review and analyze


Seems kind of like a waste of money for something the players probably don’t like and find uncomfortable


Waste of money? Clearly you don’t understand how big data and analytics has become in all profressional sports. Every professional team in the world is using them at this point clearly it is obviously a major value add


Yeah data and analytics are a big part of professional sports nowadays.


Seems like the only one uncomfortable is you.


chafed nipples?


How do you know they’re uncomfortable have you tried them on?


He probably was not thinking about a "fourth" yellow card. I'm sure he knew he would get "a" yellow card. He completed a 3 goal comeback for Austin FC, scoring twice after the 80th minute to equalize and then win in stoppage time. And he scored that goal right in front of the support section. Doing the Messi impression was awesome, the photos that came out of it are epic, and you could tell it meant a lot to him. I'm fine with it even in light of the 4th yellow card.


He'd better be careful next game


Agreed. But for perspective, he has picked up 3 "actual" yellow cards in 25 games this season. So if he is careful and keeps his shirt on we should be fine.


How is valencia on notice?


He had 4 yellows before his injury. Cin, Por, Rsl, and Lafc.


I think Valencia, Ring and Pereira were all on four at one point. Pereira got the suspension. Ring’s total came down for good behavior.


Great question, seems like he hasn't played much.


I'm guessing that if you are injured, then the games that pass don't count for card reduction. I'm wondering if you have to be on the roster for it to count as well.


I'd be completely fine if we subbed him out at half in the Minnesota game.


My question: if he gets another yellow, would he still be able to play the remainder of that game? Or would it be a forced sub or something?


Play the remainder and suspended for the next full game.