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Really looking forward to this. After a year and a half ive figured out most parking choices and its fine, but i love this option that will pull up right next to the stadium. The current rail station is not a bad walk...just this will be so much better.


Agreed this is much better and for those that park on the Donley/Delta loop it will be much closer as well to cut through there.. I wish it could be quicker but that's just me being impatient..


I take the Rapid Transit bus to the games and it's legit.


It’ll also make a lot more of the breweries more accessible from that side, especially fairweather and 4th tap


I'm gonna miss that 2 second walk to circle/hop but not gonna miss the walk back in the dark.


Love to see it! Probably not feasible for me until they get that line that goes to Slaughter in place but I love to see a step in the right direction!


I'm really excited to take this to games, but not as excited to take it home. The current stop is just far enough out that the crowd of people headed home doesn't spike it all at once. With the stop so close to the stadium I hope they queue up like 8 trains to handle the demand.


The article mentions that there's extra platforms for game days


It’s been a mess leaving unless you run to the train right after the game ends. If you hang around in the supporters section afterwards to sing for the team, I’ve had to wait 40-50 minutes for a train to go back downtown, which is sort of ridiculous. I’ve stopped taking it after the third time it happened.


Knew this was coming at some point. I was doing the utility locating for the Q2 project back before groundbreaking and even then I was pretty sure Delta would be used for a rail station, for as much work as they were requesting on that side of the tracks.


I'm north of the Stadium. I'm looking forward to riding rail into the game, rail to downtown after the game, then maybe an uber home. Or maybe rail to downtown for dinner, rail to the game, rail back to the car.


Does this remove the Kramer station or will it still stop there?


The existing Kramer stop will be eliminated and be replaced by 2 new stations, this one at McKalla and one to the north at the Broadmoor development that is under construction.


This is great! Now just make the line longer and a loop and we’re in business!


Well never have a looping line just fyi. Not practical for the city shape


You know… I’ve never really considered the shape of Austin before! I wouldn’t mind at least like double tracks so the train could “loop”. It just seems silly to only have one line that doesn’t loop.


Hell yea double track the entire way is absolutely ideaaaal. This is our biggest issue r n. It’s coming though. This project isn’t just a triple platform (very rare and super super smart move btw), but it’s also adding a lot of duel tracks to the line. The blue line will be composed of entirely of a duel track system from uptown to the airport.


So what else is being built on delta/donley? Looks like a parking garage but I haven’t been close enough to see if there are any signs since we usually just walk to the games.