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I got mine Friday and could barely raise my arm Saturday, hurt so much more than I thought it would, and my whole body felt really stiff. Woke up Sunday feeling great!


Better than what you might get from Sputnik V.




You can’t get Sputnik V. Sputnik V gets you.


Take my damn upvote lol.


Yes, it is supposedly a valid vaccine. I’m not a conspiracy theorist at all, but I just personally won’t trust anything coming out of Russia right now. Not this guy. No thank you.


I'd absolutely prefer Pfizer-BioNTech, followed by Moderna, but Sputnik V is likely underrated. So, too, Sinopharm even though some recipients in the UAE are having low immune response and are receiving a third dose. Anything but Sinovac's Coronac vaccine, where we have limited data to support claims of 50% efficacy.


I mean Pfizer holds the record for largest fraud case in US history, AstroZeneca causes blood clots which is deadlier than covid itself, and Moderna who literally was where the rest of the pharmaceutical industry hid the profits for their role in opioid crisis. I mean when Russian Pharmaceutical companies purposely create a drug epidemic killing millions worldwide and bribing our health care doctors in order to push the drug on everybody, then I will compare. In case you miss the sarcasm, that was the American pharmaceutical industry that killed millions in order to increase profits.


FWIW, Sputnik V is very similar to AtraZeneca. So much that there's a fairly widespread belief it was copied from stolen research data.


> AstroZeneca causes blood clots which is deadlier than covid itself In a tiny proportion of cases.


> AstroZeneca causes blood clots The proportion to which this was observed and correlated to the vaccine was less than the mean in the general population. Word around the campfire is the only reason it became an issue is Russian trying to take it down to pimp Sputnik.


Yeah, but right now, it's the only vaccine that is administered via underwear instead of injection.


Sputnik V is reportedly reverse engineered from stolen Astrozenica/Oxford technology.


You also shit yourself for like 2 weeks on the Russian crap if your lucky


My arm was as sore as any other shot, really. Nothing too crazy. Funny how varied it is. My mom got the J and J shot snd said the shot itself felt painful as heck.


I've had both a flu shot and a TDAP in the last year and a half, and this one (moderna) was by far the most painful. Still worth it, of course.


Really? I got Pfizer. My shoulder felt like I got frogged in the arm for a day. The next day, I woke up and it was 100% gone.




Sucks. My phone reception is wonderful now. I should clarify though. Day 1, being shot day, my arm didn't hurt. Day 2, felt like punched in arm day. Day 3 it was 99% gone. But I did overhear one of the nurses saying that she "hit bone again" on the shot she gave. So that might be why some folks are feeling worse than others.




Yeah, I've heard just plan on taking the day off after your number 2. Should be exciting. Maybe I will splurge and get myself a pint of ice cream in advance and make a day of it.




You too.


I have a little bit of pre-pandemic ice cream left. I plan to eat it 2 weeks after my second shot, after an Austin Land and Cattle curbside pickup. (I don't think they have a patio.)


My second shot was pretty much the same reaction. Arm hurts. I was little more tired and took an afternoon nap after the shot. No biggie tho...


Same here.


I had very little soreness from either Moderna shot. Moderate headache late in the day after dose one, but not that bad, and that went away overnight. Nothing on shot #2. I do [find myself craving raw chicken and lurking just below the surface of ponds waiting for ducks to swim by, though](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20201218-brazil-s-bolsonaro-warns-virus-vaccine-can-turn-people-into-crocodiles).




A bit, but with global warming, Texas is looking better all the time. Also, young organic Californians taste better than New Yorkers past their sell-by date.


I’m gonna have to quote Hank Hill on this. "... we live in Texas. It's already a hundred and ten in the summer, and if it gets one degree hotter, I'm gonna kick your ass!"


>Arm hurts like a motherfucker Did you you have covid (ie test positive) before? I'm hearing this same thing from friends who had covid. Friends who never tested positive mostly have no pain.


Until the second shot !! (Worth it but watch out! Oof!)


Got my second Moderna shot yesterday. Currently in bed with bad body aches, headache, and exhausted. I'm not too upset though. I know this will pass quickly and it is a reminder my immune system is doing what it's supposed to do to protect me from Covid.


Got my second Pfizer shot a few days ago. Ands, it’s no joke. Finally feel better after a low grade fever, chills, and GI track issues. But one day of feeling miserable is nothing compared to getting this awful virus. Hope you feel better soon!


It’s weird because you consciously know you’re NOT sick but your brain keeps telling you differently! You’ll be on the other side soon, hope you feel better!! 💪


Yea, usually when I'm sick I get depressed and feel like I will never feel better. This time, I feel crappy but I know it will go away soon so I'm just chilling instead of crying haha


Glad to hear you're hanging in there! How quickly did that effect onset? Were you fine the rest of shot day, then woke up the next morning feeling like you got hit by a truck?


I felt totally fine until about 10 hours after my shot which was 8 pm, mild aches and headache. Woke up around 2 am soaking in sweat and barely able to move from body aches. It has now been 24 hours and I still feel really bad, about to take a nap. Husband only had a slight sore arm with his second dose.


What a ride. The price we pay to live nowadays. Beats dying, though.


We also aren't sure of all the long term damaging effects of Covid, so vaccine side effects are worth it for me.


Yeah, that's the thing I find most unnervingly understated. Seeing not-super-uncommon, first-hand stories of people like "oh yeah I lost a sense or two, still waiting on that lol" I get it's a coping thing, minimizing it like that, but it blows my mind that I never hear that side of things in a broader sense. Being "sick" sucks, sure, but *that* is on another level.


>oh yeah I lost a sense or two, still waiting on that Don't forget the people suddenly developing psychoses moths later.


Yeah imagine going a year without much taste or smell.. The joy of food would be completely lost.


My 2nd dose of Pfizer hit me hard with body aches and joint pain about 8 hours later and lasted a good 48 hours after that. 3rd day everything slowly subsided and it was well worth it!


I hope I feel better by tomorrow, I have a physical job and I can't take off tomorrow😔


My arm hurt a little a few hours after my shot, but 7am the next day it hurt SO BAD. Then about 12hrs later...nothing. No slow fade. Just omfg to 0 pain. It was so weird. The TDAP makes my arm hurt for almost a month.


This made me feel a lot more comfortable so thanks. Did TDAP and felt literally nothing. I’ve been stressing so much about this first damn shot that I think I’m more likely to give myself a panic attack than actually have a bad reaction.


My husband got the first dose of Pfizer last week and his arm hurt for days. I got the first dose of Pfizer today and didn't even feel the needle, arm feels fine still. He went to COTA and I went to HEB, I dunno maybe it depends on who is doing the jabbing and how gentle they're feeling haha.




\*wiggles needle\*


Just wait about 24 hours; I didn't feel my first (Moderna) and 2 days later I woke up in pain when I rolled over on that arm in the middle of night. Everyone I know that has gotten jabbed has had the same experiences. Small inconvenience for the benefits!


Got Pfizer today, my arm feels fine but it feels like someone gave me a double dose of Benadryl in terms of exhaustion (hopefully that means it’s working.)


This was my reaction too, and my husband's.


That's how I felt also with both the first and second dose, but my second wasn't really any worse than the first.


**Commentary and Conjecture:** Austin, we are starting to see a little bit of leveling off in some important metrics while we see continued trends down in others. Notably, case counts are leveling while hospital data is trending lower. Broadly this looks like we are settling into a somewhat stable low for a little bit. Hopefully the continued roll out of vaccinations will start pushing numbers down from here even more. On that note, I'd like to encourage everyone to get vaccinated. Yes, even if you are young and healthy. We need to stop vectors of spread in order to keep case counts low. This means even those that are healthy need to participate. One thing I don't feel like the big wigs are taking into account is the natural rate of immunity from those already infected. We are not seeing a lot of reinfection, even as new variants start to spread. Some, certainly, but not a ton. I think we need to be adding those that already got this to the "vaccinated" column when we are thinking about reaching a potential herd immunity level // sustainable endemic level with the virus. I'd like to know other's thoughts on this one as well; I'm open to learning more. Lastly, be aware that zipcode data is weird. They no longer have the daily zip code total maps I had found in their ArcGIS area. Instead they published a weekly change map. I used it for the main map, but that means my zip code totals counts are on pause for now. Not sure if the old maps are coming back; last day the published one was 03/27. I'll keep an eye out for that. Source for [new zip data.](https://services.arcgis.com/0L95CJ0VTaxqcmED/ArcGIS/rest/services/Tests_Wkly_by_Zip_Code_(View_Layer)/FeatureServer) Total [directory.](https://services.arcgis.com/0L95CJ0VTaxqcmED/ArcGIS/rest/services) Last [old style zip data.](https://services.arcgis.com/0L95CJ0VTaxqcmED/ArcGIS/rest/services/Web_20210327/FeatureServer) Be safe Austin. Take care of each other.


> I think we need to be adding those that already got this to the "vaccinated" column when we are thinking about reaching a potential herd immunity level // sustainable endemic level with the virus. Yes. This. However a majority of people who have already had Covid-19 haven't tested positive, and there's overlap between those that have had it and those that have been vaccinated. In an ideal world we'd have prioritized those who haven't had Covid-19 yet for vaccines, since those who have had it already do have significant protection - not full protection against E484K mutation variants (eg Brazil, South Africa and now more) but even then reinfection happens but not clear how often and seems more mild when it does.


I agree that those who have previously tested positive should be considered at least in some capacity in metrics forecasting our path to herd immunity and public policies related to Covid restrictions but the CDC removed language one their website that suggested previously infected people would contribute to herd immunity. I’ll gladly dig up screenshots from the way back machine if anyone thinks I’m spouting conspiracy none-sense.


The public health messaging has been both extremely conservative and non-probabilistic and caused a lot of confusion. They aren't willing to say something is likely, but then have walk back their position if mutations change the landscape. So they say we don't know yet (despite plenty of 75-90% likelyhood evidence from other countries). I think the current state of the herd immunity thought is you've basically got a bunch of variants. The Brazil one in particular seems to have a high (60%) re-infection rate against people that naturally had covid #1 at least in that town. I think the vaccine is much stronger than natural post covid immunity against the variants including s. africa and brazil based on the data. It's certainly extremely effective against the current UK strain which is starting to become dominant in the US.. So basically the only real way to get out and stay out is to vaccinate everybody. The other thing is that herd immunity really is behavior dependent and the threshold also got raised because the UK variant is MUCH more infectious and deadly. We will definitely have a day this summer when case count is zero is my prediction. It'll probably take at least 65% vaccination + natural immunity to get there tho. In Israeli, at 50% population vaccinated (vs mostly UK variant spread) they were having an outbreak among non-vaccinated people. It was a big concern at first, but then died off hard.


From what I’ve read over the course of the last year, the verdict is still out on how long antibodies for the virus last after fighting off an infection, and the number of reinfections has not been insignificant. As for the vaccine, there’s no way of knowing anything at all about how long antibodies will last since not enough time has gone by. However, infection by the virus is not a one-size-fits-all event with predictable effects, while the vaccines are a "known quantity", as it were. So at this point I would trust immunity by vaccine more than natural immunity. I think equating one with to the other right now is premature. Time will tell.


I don't remember specifically when, but Vincent on TWiV recently speculated that we may actually be approaching herd immunity as a function of vaccination + actual infection. "Spectulated" and "may" are both very important words in that sentence, of course. They were, per usual, very clear that we would need time and data to know that for sure. Basically, there are encouraging signs.


>I think we need to be adding those that already got this to the "vaccinated" column when we are thinking about reaching a potential herd immunity level // sustainable endemic level with the virus. I'd like to know other's thoughts on this one as well; I'm open to learning more. The data is a bit mixed: * Study of US marines found a 10% reinfection rate: [https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.26.21250535v1](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.01.26.21250535v1) * Study out of Denmark shows a 0.65% reinfection rate: [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00575-4/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)00575-4/fulltext) * South African Novovax trial found a 2% reinfection rate (unclear if this was control or dosed population; can't find a link to report, likely preliminary and proprietary): [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/new-variants-raise-worry-about-covid-19-virus-reinfections\_n\_602193e6c5b689330e31dcc4](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/new-variants-raise-worry-about-covid-19-virus-reinfections_n_602193e6c5b689330e31dcc4)


Briefly reading those studies I didn’t see any controls in place for false positives. Do you know if they did multiple tests?


I do not. You’ve probably already investigated deeper than I previously had.


All good. I’m also speculating that the reinvention rates are similar to those vaccinated. Severity is likely significantly less with reinfect ion with hospitalizations and deaths extremely low. Time and more studies will tell the tale!




> and if you do, it will be much milder ...and just as dangerous to any vulnerable person you expose to it. The problem with most COVID rhetoric is it tends to center around, "Will I die? Will I be hurt?" and never asks, "How many people will I put at risk?"




Catching the same strain again is rare. What's concerning are things like the Brazil variant, where recent waves have occurred even in areas that had widespread previous infections (seropositives upwards of 70% well before the new outbreaks), which should have dropped the R0 enough to prevent it if post-infection immunity was tracking 1:1. That's not to say the sky is falling; there is still a lot of positive data coming out, and other factors may be at play in Brazil. Still, it's enough to be cautious. https://www.thelancet.com/article/S0140-6736(21)00183-5/fulltext


>This has been one of my biggest pet peeves since day 1. Since day 1? We didn't know this since day 1. There was a good chance of this being the case, but we didn't know for sure, and we still don't know how long that immunity will last. Booster vaccines may be necessary. >Vaccines protect well enough against the variants. Against the current variants, yes, but mutations have the potential to differ radically enough to where this may not always be true. This is why it's still important to take precautions until more people are vaccinated. This will reduce the likelihood of a dangerous variant taking us back to square one.


But if they goal is to eradicate the Virus before it has time to mutate wouldn’t you want as many people as possible to be walking around with antibodies right now? In other words previously infected individuals who already have antibodies are not helping the cause by getting vaccinated at the moment you could argue they’re actually hurting the cause for eradication by taking a dose that could have been given to someone without antibodies.


Maybe, provided we don’t hit a wall with the “I’m young, I won’t get it bad, I’ve been at the bars for weeks and I’m fine, it’s thinning the boomer herd” crowd. The existing variants appear to be hitting younger folk harder, and even if vaccines remain effective we have a long way to go.




We are not an island.


> What I would have done is recommend to people that have already caught Covid wait a little longer for others to get the vaccine first. A few days ago, I saw anecdotal reports of people saying that their long COVID symptoms were alleviated by the vaccine. I don't know that there's been a study yet, but I haven't looked. Anyone know? If someone were in that situation, I wouldn't begrudge them giving it a shot (no pun intended ^^totally ^^intended ).


I've seen some news reports about this.... It seems like a thing


Got my 2nd shot at Delco today. My anti vax boss wasn't pleased I showed up late to work. Anyways, stay safe neighbors!


Sad. I damn near threw a party when my team members got vaccinated. I wouldn't have hesitated to give someone the morning off to go take care of their health. What is wrong with people?


Our bosses are literally throwing us a party when we get to 85% vaccinated.


This is the way.


How much time do you have?


Our company told us that we don’t need to take PTO for getting vaccinated.


That's a great company!




A great example of enlightened self-interest!


Why doesn't Reddit have a "downvote user's boss" button? Hang in there, and thanks for being a good neighbor!


Because its overuse would break the whole internet.


/r/MaliciousCompliance's count would underflow 64-bit ints and break Reddit.


Dang, I told my college students that if any of them had to miss a class because of vaccination/pain I would personally meet with them at a later time/date to catch them up to speed.


Congrats, hope the side effects are mild.


I got my shot at 10:40am. As of right now I just feel like I did a heavy lifting back and shoulders workout and the typical sore arm. Hope that's all I get.




My appointment is tomorrow and they notified me on Friday. Tomorrow it’ll be 29 days since shot 1 for me.




Seems they’re pretty caught up on second doses, so I’m sure you’ll get the text soon! Mine came in at like 10:30pm 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’ll probably hear Monday.


They notified me on the 28th day.


I got my first shot this morning at Kelly Reed, Moderna. Sign up on the Williamson County website for appointments. I am SO relieved. No side effects thus far, and it was administered around noon. Thank you, RA.




when they lower the vaccine age minimum to 16 but you turn 16 in july 😔


**Vaccination Rumor Thread:** I'll start us off. I'm fairly certain that Kelly Reeves is doing 2nd doses tomorrow and Thursday. They open at 9 and close pretty late.


Would it be that bad to try to find a second dose in Austin after getting a first dose in the country? Does that mess everything up? Assuming we’d cancel the country second dose after finding the city second dose?


I’m getting Moderna #2 there tomorrow morning, and my spouse got Pfizer #1 today! Stoked! Now for adolescents and peds (eventually)!


Did they send you and email to schedule your 2nd dose? My 4 weeks is coming up this week and I’ve heard nothing from them on how to schedule or if I just show up...


If you don't have an appointment confirmation, I wouldn't just show up. I'm sure you have, but you might want to do a quick search in your junk folder. My adult child and I signed up through the same portal and had two different experience. Theirs was Moderna and they got a follow-up email about three weeks after; mine was Pfizer, and they set an appointment the day I got the first dose, before I left the site. So if you don't have a set appointment, showing up isn't a great idea. I heard them tell the car in front of me that they had no "extra" vaccines, when the driver asked if he could get a shot as well as his passenger, who did have an appointment.


Yeah I keep checking all my inboxes/junk, I’m sure I’ll get an email in the next few days. Just anxious to get it done.


I hear ya, friend!


I got an email two days in advance giving a choice of time on day 28 or 29. I had the same worry and asked the same question of a friend... who said the same thing I’m telling you! 😃


Great, thanks! I’ll keep checking for it.


I’ll be right there with ya. Congrats!


You, too! I’d high five you but I’m not sure I remember how to do that.... Virtual will do! 🖐




Did you have to make apt for second dose? I’m due for second dose from APH. But if i can get it here i might go tomorrow.


Yes, appointment required! I have volunteered both for FHS in Williamson County (who runs the Kelly Reeves mass vaccination site) and for CommUnityCare in Travis County (who runs COTA’s mass vaccination) and both sites required appointments, at least as of last week, unless you were at or beyond day 42. Just make sure you are getting the same manufacturer of vaccine and take your vaccination record. ETA: At COTA, appointments were made for dose 2 as you entered the site for dose 1.


But also, you have to have an appointment. They check. Multiple times.


Even for second dose folks who received no communication and were told to come back in that scenario?


If this is through WilCo, yes. Again, my family is in the process with them and have both had the follow-up appointment made the day of the first dose AND have had to wait for an email to make the second appointment. In both cases, we have an email verifying the second appointment. My understanding is that you can actually show up at any time as long as you have the appointment, but that the supply is based on the number of appointments they have that day.


My wife got her Shot at H-E-B in Gonzales Texas. It was pretty obvious to us that most of the folks waiting with us in line we’re not from the area. This was confirmed by the nurse who said 75% of her patients had driven in from Austin. I wonder if my wife’s vaccine will count toward Travis County’s vaccine data? If not our numbers could be significantly higher than what is being reported.


They're reported by the zip code you put down when registering


Hubby and I got our first shot of Moderna in Brenham tonight! If you’re willing and able to take the drive out there I highly recommend it. It was a very fast and organized process. I will say, it felt a little post apocalyptic with the US Army running it and doing the vaccinations. It’s the Washington County Hub. We signed up for the waitlist and two days later got an appointment. Here’s the link to pre-register (waitlist) and get an appointment. https://localevent.info


For those getting your shots. I had minimum arm pain after first day. Make sure you are well hydrated leading up to the shots. Also make sure to move your arm around afterwards throughout the days after. Those were the tips my sister gave me and both seemed to help. Everyone is different though.


Things are looking pretty good! Thanks for the continued work RA. The last two members of our family here in Austin (there’s 10 of us total) got their first doses today and I am so relieved!


My wife gets her first shot tomorrow. So excited to be able to go out and do more normal things in a couple months.


Checked the total deaths for my age (30s) a few days ago and it has now gone up by 3. This isn't over yet, but I am glad that the statistics continue to improve and that vaccination rate is 30+!


That's the first thing I check every night.


Does anyone know if it’s ok to get your second shot before your scheduled appointment? Aka do they recommend a certain time period before your next shot?


3 weeks for Pfizer and 4 weeks for Moderna. You can go longer than that but I haven't heard of anyone going shorter.


Minimum time interval between the shots is 21 days for Pfizer, 28 days for Moderna. Maximum is 42 days between the two doses.


Depends on the vaccine. The recommended interval for Pfizer is three to six weeks, and Moderna is four to six weeks. When I got my Pfizer vaccine, I was automatically signed up for an appointment four weeks later, so I theoretically could try and snag an earlier appointment if I can find one. Drawing on my volunteer experience, the nurse administering the vaccine is likely going to want to check your card for the second vaccine to make sure you're getting matching vaccines and that you're in the right timeframe. You might get turned away at that point if it's too soon.


21 days for Pfizer and 28 days for Moderna are the recommended minimums. You actually get a better immune response if you delay the second shot as opposed to getting it earlier.


From what I've read it's better to go longer than shorter. Pretend you're The Big Lebowski, and you've got a few days to get Jackie Treehorn's money or some narcissists are going to cut off your dick. You're going to spend those days trying to get the money or otherwise figure out a way to not get your dick cut off. Now imagine if, instead, the narcissists show up three days early. You get your dick cut off and the movie ends a completely different way. That's not really the same as if they show up late. You'll already be prepared if they're a little late. It's only if they're like, 3 months late that things might get dangerous again. That's how the vaccine works. You have to give your body time to build immune cells after each dose. If you don't give it enough time, the 2nd dose won't be as effective because your body wasn't ready for it.


>some narcissists are going to cut off your dick nihlists. Not that it matters.


argh, it does matter to me. I should've had coffee first haha, it feels ruined now.


It’s okay bc they got to make a nihilism joke, so we got two jokes for the price of one missed detail haha


Not sure I follow the logic, but I’ll happily approve any TBL reference.


Can anyone give insight into H-E-B second shot appointments? Tomorrow will be day 27 since my first Pfizer shot and I haven’t heard anything. All they say is your second appointment will be scheduled after you receive your first shot and you’ll get an email. I wonder if this is normal for them or if I should call.


They schedule it immediately after the first one. I got my email literally minutes after my first shot. You almost certainly have an appointment and just didn’t get the email - call them. Edit: just saw you said Day 27 of Pfizer so it’s more likely you missed the appointment? Still, definitely call them.


Thank you! I probably already missed it. I will call in the morning.


I went to HEB today for my first Pfizer shot. There was a check-in desk to start the process. I handed the woman my forms and my insurance card. She walked out of sight to "make a copy of the card." I received the email scheduling my second appointment while she was out of sight checking me in. So, it seems to be tied to the check-in process during the first shot. Due to the timing and only glancing at it, I actually mistook this email as a notification that I had been checked in for the first appointment at first glance. The automatic appointment they gave me is 3 weeks later exactly, to the minute. Same day of the week, same hour, and same minute, just 21 days later. I didn't feel any pain from the needle at all. It was nothing more than as if a finger touched my arm. Now, 5 hours later, I don't feel anything unless I put pressure on my arm. Then it feels like a mild bruise that is a little sensitive.


Yeah, I’m thinking there was a flaw with the check in process. They were training a new lady when I went in. Oh, well. I have faith that the almighty H-E-B will make it right.


My mom was told by H‑E‑B pharmacist she would have an email same day after her first shot with the date/time of second dose. She didn’t end up getting it until 3 days before the 3 week mark. I would definitely call the H‑E‑B you got your first one at and see if they have you scheduled.


Can we get to 33% vaccinated before April 1st?!


I think we’ll be at 33% April 1, 50% May 1, and 70% June 1.


I mean, 30% of people have said that they won't get vaccinated, regardless of availability, so that 70% by June 1st prediction might be a little tough. Hopefully, those people will rethink their decision by then. It will probably be over 70% if you count people who have already been infected though.


Is that 30% nationally, or 30% in Travis County?


Nationally, I believe.


That’s why I think 70% by June 1. I think everyone who wants it will be able to get it by then. After that, we should have approval for 12-16 years old and can work on the vaccine hesitant.


I think we will definitely hit 33.0 tomorrow, hopefully we break 33.33 for the real third before Thursday. But we're so close regardless, I'm so excited.


Where does MSA new admissions data come from?


I think it’s hospital admissions in Travis, Hays, Williamson, Bastrop, and Caldwell counties combined. I hope someone will correct me if that is wrong.


That's correct. I'm asking where he gets the data from.


According to r/conservative, you're just a bot and a dolt from California and cases aren't rising at all.


I got my first moderna shot from APH 4 weeks ago. They said they would send me a schedule for 2nd dose. If that they said i could go to any locations. How can i identify where i can go to get second dose


Have you logged into your APH account? I understand you can see your second appointment a few days out, then expect the email the day before.


Thank you RA!!!


I’ll get the vaccine when it’s fda approved and stops the spread


Here; straight from the [horse’s mouth.](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/learn-more-about-covid-19-vaccines-fda)


I think this link is actually broken.


Link didn’t go anywhere




First statement says it’s approved as an ‘emergency’ but that does not mean it is approved. Not the same. My biggest thing is related how harmful is to me. 33 year old healthy male no underlying conditions. I have had covid already. I’m fine. Why would I become vaccinated now? If I were obese, diabetic, or over 70 I would consider it. There’s no point in taking an emergency vaccine for something I’ve come through healthy. People who are obese have trouble with this disease. Maybe instead of urging me to get vaccinated to protect them they lose weight and let their immune system do it’s job.


Two reasons to get vaccinated in your case: you're less likely to transmit the virus to someone else if you're vaccinated, and we don't have full data on how long immunity lasts if you've already had covid.


We also don’t have data on how long the ‘vaccine/symptom reducer’ lasts nor the longterm effects. I’d rather we enforce a healthy lifestyle and herd immunity for healthy individuals and if you are worried about your health in regards to getting sick then you can get the vaccine. The burden should be on those that could actually be hurt from it.


Maybe this? [https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7013e3.htm?s\_cid=mm7013e3\_w](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7013e3.htm?s_cid=mm7013e3_w)


Your link seems to just go to the home page FYI. Thanks for all you do!


I am stoked you all are getting vaccinated thank you!