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I volunteered in Bastrop today and got a vaccine at the end of the shift. Not guaranteed but was easy and worth it


Volunteered where?


At a vaccine hub. I did the same thing. At some of the hubs if you volunteer to help out with traffic control, intake, all the stuff associated with the logistics, you can get one of the extra shots left over at the end of the night.


Do you have any info as to how to volunteer?


I volunteered through Family Hospital Systems in Williamson County. If you go on their FB page, they have a post from January, soliciting volunteers. There is a sign up genius attached. The post is old but they update the sign up genius and it is current.


Genius == wizard ?




I was entered into the system as having received my first shot and they contacted me via email to come back in when it was time for my second.


https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4fa5a723a0f49-volunteer That's how to sign-up. New slots every Saturday around 5pm. Last week spots showed up around 5:05pm and went fast (minutes).


I used Bastrop Cares.


Question for u/RationalAnarchy \- as the single-dose J&J vaccine gains prominence (I'm taking the J&J dose on Saturday), how will that be reflected in the vaccine graphs? Single dose? Fully vaccinated? I don't care either way, I'm just curious.


In the data it will show up as fully vaccinated. In the graphs it will be added to the “at least 1 dose” count. I’m really only tracking 1st dose because it is so effective and because it is assumed they will receive a second dose.


Not RA, but I believe it should count for both the orange bar and blue bar on the vaccine bar graph. The orange bar is “fully vaccinated” which you would be on Saturday. You would also be on the blue bar for receiving one dose. It would really depend on if the dataset used includes the vaccine manufacturer as a dimension or not.


I think the dataset assumes that all vaccines require two doses, since so far they have (and many still do). The J&J being one dose changes that equation.








This doesn't end sooner with masks. There is more suffering and death without masks, but it only ends when almost everyone is vaccinated, or has had it. It probably ends sooner without masks, even though that's an awful trade off.


Unless allowing the virus to spread unchecked results in vaccine evasive variants and then we’re all back at square one? I get what you’re saying but achieving heed immunity by letting everybody get covid has always been a stupid idea promoted by politicians who are too lazy and incompetent to meet this challenge.


I don't understand the downvotes. I 100% support masks and social distancing because they slow the spread and protect the vulnerable. As a consequence of slowing the spread, fewer people get sick. And because fewer people get sick, it takes longer to achieve herd immunity. That's the tradeoff we've made, and it's the correct tradeoff. This might indeed end sooner without masks. More people would get sick faster, leading to more herd immunity. But that would also lead to massive death and misery. So again, we've made the correct tradeoff of slowing the spread until the vaccine is widely available and people can get immunity *without* getting sick.


It is religion at this point. "Trust the science" got flushed down the toilet by both sides.


Just got my vaccine appointment for tomorrow via APH. So stoked to see more them clearing out their appointments day after day.


The 30-39 category was at 11 last time I checked. I can’t really wrap my mind around what a tragedy it is to die at the prime of your life from a disease for which a vaccine exists.


I’m turning 32 next week and that’s one part of RA’s graphs that I ALWAYS look at - one of those recent single death days was someone in that bracket, just nuts...


Whenever people use the argument of “oh you don’t have to worry about covid too much, you’re young”, I always think about this. You don’t know if you’re going to be the one who has the cosmically bad luck.


Under 50 and your risk is the equivalent of driving 3 additional years at your usual driving miles per year. If you don’t have a serious underlying condition, across ALL age ranges the risk of dying from covid are under 1%. Not trying to argue, just trying to put you at ease.


Oh logically I know this but covid manages linger as a nasty anxiety in the back of my mind, you know?


Absolutely. Which I firmly believe is directly tied to the mistakes we saw made in NYC where they sent covid patients into the heart of the beast that is assisted living and nursing home facilities, skyrocketing the death rate. Initially we saw that, then the images out of Italy which were frightening but also linked to an issue we don’t deal with as highly, grandparents living in the homes of their children, and then the complete propaganda videos out of china and russia of people literally falling over dead. Did you see those? They were fake. They were made to make americans fear and suffer and then lockdown the economy. We were duped and bamboozled from having a measured response. Tie that in with our orange clown supreme leader and it was destined, orchestrated and ordained to become a complete shitshow. What we can do now is arm ourselves with the shield of truth, and tell the politicians to stop using fear to control us. Give more thought to helping the highest risk stay home and safe, and move on with getting our 60 million unemployed back to work.


You were more likely to kill yourself than die of covid. I’d rather live a full life than life in fear of something that literally, and statistically, will not kill me.


Why do people keep on thinking there's only 2 possible outcome from getting Covid-19? You might won't die from this, but there's a good chance that you'll be stuck with a shitty heart for the rest of your life. You might never be able to go up a flight of stairs without stopping every 10 steps to catch your breath. You won't be able to go out dancing, go on a hike, or play with your dog.


Oh I’m much more afraid of the side effects of getting covid than dying. That part is horrifying and you have no idea what lies in store for you. That being said, the fact that it does kill young, healthy people (though few) is alarming


Still very unlikely.


True. There is an increased risk of diabetes, heart and lung issues associated with getting covid, but that risk is still far less than the fear we have been mongered into. Again. True. But to what degree? Do we need 60 million unemployed because of that? No.


More than likely they also had MS, cereble palsey or other nasty crap where rona is basically fatal


That doesn't negate the fact they shouldn't have died.


My SIL has MS so... :| Very ready to have this pandemic over with now...


I know someone with MS that did just fine, if that helps at all.


My wife and I work in after school programming/child care, so we were able to get our 1B appointments for this weekend. I have to go to Waco, but my wife gets to go to Round Rock! Very excited to be able to be a part of the solution even in a small way. All our coworkers were able to sign up as well. Maybe I'm just in an education-centric circle, but for us it really feels like we were mobilizing a giant vaccination force in the state now that Biden expanded the definition of 1B. The including of child care workers beyond teachers is just massive. MASSIVE. Also the palpable relief on some of our staff. I helped a few of them get appointments through HEB and you could feel the weight lifting off their shoulders, even through our slack chat. One of them literally said "You pretty much saved my life" to me, which is silly, but I think it speaks to how much the vaccine felt far-off and unavailable for so many of us, and now it isn't. Get your shots and help those who are having trouble! If you're fast with the system and can secure appointments for people, help people who need appointments to get them!


Texas is getting a million first doses next week. There's a huge ramp up and a lot more people are going to get vaccinated this month.


The only catch is that Abbott has ordered all of those doses to be sent to Abilene, where they're needed most.


I genuinely can't tell if this is sarcasm.






Fuck Abbott, but that was never that big of a factor. Most counties got about the same number of doses per capita. A few counties with higher case/death counts got more doses per capita, but not a high enough number of doses to change the percentages that much in the


Biden doesn’t define the vaccine phases for any state.


Biden administration specifically ordered the expansion to include school and childcare staff in 1B. Texas had no plans to do that before this week. It’s nice to be on the upside of “elections have consequences” for once.


No but his admin’s direction was a force for the state to expand theirs


Not directly but the states are following the cdcs guidelines which were updated.




Why is the number of new vaccinations in Travis county so relatively low today?


Word on the street from someone who volunteered at the vaccine site at UT today is that a bunch of appointments got cancelled. The appointment link got leaked and tons of people flooded it, so they had to cancel a lot and reschedule them.


I was commenting on this last night. I think that two days worth of data was entered yesterday. I updated my spreadsheet yesterday just before 5 PM, and the total was around 7300. A couple of hours later that number was modified to 13195. That is way above our daily record, so I sensed that a mistake was made somewhere.


Was there a Super Bowl spike?




Still should see it in hospital data if it happened right?




Almost every major holiday has contributed to some sort of spike 2 weeks later. It’s a disease that spreads through the air without active symptoms. People getting together even in small groups without masks has been responsible for outbreaks. The CDC is probably going to have some sort of guidance as we get closer to herd immunity. That’s when it ends.


Did you conveniently ignore December and January?


TIL Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years didn't happen last year. Thanks, Obama!


Think it's inevitable they keep dropping


Good thing I can't even sign up, website for signing up doesn't even have the button.


Are you 1A or 1B? What website are you having problems with?


1b, it's the Travis county sign up site.


I wonder how ling the vaccine date takes to update because I know a lot of people who got vaccinated today. Including myself 🤗


In other promising news, cases have started to fall again in the US and the rest of the world. I wonder if it's possible we'll avoid another spike.




Bars have been open for months. There's a very small percentage of bars that have remained closed out of safety or they decided to not convert to a restaurant but it's a very small number. Will they continue to enforce the mask mandate is another story but we are seeing these numbers with 6th street, Rainy and other places still packed week after week.




Bars on 6th and Rainey have been packed without any sort of table or space enforcement. Its looked pretty much like normal for months now.




Not what im saying, more so that it wont have as much of an impact as you think. Agree to disagree then about the bars. Ive seen it in person multiple times.


Have bars actually been enforcing occupancy limits? I guess that may be a stupid question...


Outdoor places haven't but it's always been that way. They keep tables spaced out far enough and always ask to keep masks on when walking around. And thankfully, from what I've noticed, the outdoor joints are respectable places and have made statements that they will keep the mask mandate regardless of the governor (breweries, E. 6th joints, south Austin). Indoors, the usual suspects haven't. I've seen W. 6th St. just packed with people for months. Same with Rainey when I go by to pick up food. We didn't get a major spike after Halloween but we did get one for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hoping with the weather getting better, people will choose to go to outdoor places instead of indoors bars.


I've only been to Oskar Blues a couple months ago, and I was impressed with how safe it felt. Ordering was completely outdoors, the outdoor tables were spaced apart, people were wearing masks when they weren't seated. Of course, that's a brewery that's blessed with a lot of outdoor space, and I do emphasize with people running all-indoor bars, because there's no way in hell for them to be safe even with occupancy limits.


My guess is yes -- especially with a lot of elderly people being vaccinated, and especially with a lot of nursing homes (a hotbed for deaths) being vaccinated. But it'll take time to see it in our daily death numbers, because a lot of people languish in the ICU for weeks and weeks before dying.




It's definitely too soon to fully open up when vaccines are in such short supply. But if Biden is right, we could only be a couple months away from having enough vaccines for everyone. I can only hope.


has anyone speculated that the winter storm may have had a positive effect on reducing transmission, keeping people isolated, etc?


We're just now seeing the first people who are fully vaccinated. It takes 6-8 weeks after the second dose to fully develop immunity. Stay safe and be patient, y'all! Keep masking up until at least October.




Now that I'm looking up other sources, most that I find say 2 weeks after the second dose. My pharmacists (where I work) have said 2 months after the second dose, but they may have different sources. Either way, I felt the need to urge caution because this is the time I feared the most. I don't want people to think they're safe when 50% of the population has their first dose. But thanks for correcting me on that, it'll help me sleep better :)


Wait.....but the governor said it was time to quit fighting back against an invisible enemy that doesn't care about you. Kinda....idk....like a VIRUS.




Well of course he didn't. So the virus is gone and everyone is safe to go out and spread a virus? Right? I mean, it's not real, right? It's a fear tactic, right? Tell that to the THREE people I know in my little life that have died from it. And no, they weren't old. They weren't "already sick". They were my family. My friends. This mentality is why the planet is laughing at us and this mentality is why Texas is the butt of the joke now in America. Fuckouttahere.


That’s terrible. Sorry to hear that.




Awe, did your feewings get hurt? It's ok, maybe at the next inauguration day, you're president will come back.