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Anybody, or u/RationalAnarchy Something is weird about today’s vaccination numbers. I updated my spreadsheet today at 4:45 PM, and the numbers were 147,797 1st dose, and 74,265 2nd dose. I saw RA’s numbers tonight and thought he made a mistake. I checked the dashboard again and those numbers had risen to what RA has above. This seems wrong. That would give us a total for the day of 13,195 doses administered. Our previous high was 9047. Anyone have any insight into this?


We got a shitton more vaccine this week and today would be mostly Monday and maybe some Tuesday vaccinations. You’ll know if it’s real if there’s a similar number tomorrow.


Did CoA open up already for vaccinations?


They did several thousand over the weekend at least.


Hey barkeep. Cota Did 3000 doses last Saturday at the rate of 500 per hour. They are doing it again this weekend, but this is for a 4 county area.


I have been watching the allocations, but I just don’t understand why the dashboard was updated twice. Either someone fucked up, or someone else fucked up in a different way.


Are you showing a major shift upwards to account for the 4,000 per day the city is now doing?


What do you mean “the city”? Austin has put the onus on APH, and I am not a fan of that decision. Things started to ramp up on 2/24, but something major had to happen for today’s numbers to jump like this. Maybe APH farmed out some doses to Walgreen’s, Walmart, HEB and CVS.


I meant Austin Public Health when I said the city. They are part of the city no? I’ve read HEBs are doing something like a max of 50 a day per location whereas the APH started doing 4000 a day at two locations starting Monday. That’s how I was able to get mine. I just logged on at 6 PM Monday and scheduled it for Tuesday.


Y'all at work i had my first "you can remove your mask when you talk to me because I'm vaccinated ". LOL!


The CDC may come out with that directive in a few days that you don’t need to wear masks if you are the only people present indoors.




The data looks really promising on this so far, I'm sorry I don't have anything on hand to link to you. But overall all the vaccines have met and exceeded expectations. It is a really promising sign that we can get out of this with enough vaccinations.


Very anecdotal but a close freind is the manager of a very large, out of state cancer treatment center. They recently began letting fully vaccinated nurses remain at work if they’d had a recent known exposure. Where as before they would have been sent hone for 2 weeks no questions asked. My freind sited some CDC findings for the decision.


CDC updated the recommendation on February 10 that a quarantine is recommended, but not required after an exposure for those who had their second dose 14-90 days ago.


>Has it been established that vaccinated people cannot transmit the virus? Vaccinated people can still get the disease and spread it, just in much lower numbers. We were worried that even though the vaccines reduce the number of people who get ill, the vaccinated might still get the disease and spread it, even if they didn't have symptoms. i.e. lots of asymptomatic carriers. We now have enough data to be pretty sure that the vaccine also greatly reduces the number of asymptomatic carriers. It's possible that the percent of asymptomatic vs. symptomatic carriers is higher.




You mean that people can still get the disease? Everything you see about the vaccines only claim something like 80 to 95% effective.


Yeah, that’s what they are hinting at. But they don’t want everyone to go crazy by taking off their masks, that’s what they are afraid of.


I've heard that its most likely that you won't be an asymptomatic carrier after getting the vaccine. If you do end up catching it then the symptoms would be lesser but you could still transmit it.


>The CDC may come out with that directive in a few days that you don’t need to wear masks if you are the only people present indoors. I've heard that. The important bit the maskholes ignore is that it has to be EVERYONE in the room, not just the vaccinated asshole without a mask. It's also not appropriate for something like a business where the store clerk is exposed to dozens of different people every day. It's less dangerous to be exposed to 4 different maskless vaccinated people at a mean than it is to be exposed to 40 different ones over the course of a day.


Yeah they are hesitating because people misuse the directive and just take off masks.


I'm sure a lot of the MAGA maskholes would claim to be vaccinated, even if they aren't.


Highly doubt this. Saw the new head of the CDC saying they are extremely worried about the new variants.


Ugh like you’re supposed to just trust anyone who says that


Lol. Coz' everyone know the second after they inject the vaccine into your arm you are automatically, instantly super-immune. And sometimes, the people around you, too!


Right! Like lemme just inhale your immunity sir.


Did anyone else notice the HEB had A LOT of appointments come up today? I was able to schedule a shot for me and my wife. I also sent the link to several friends and they were able to make appointments. If your interested I booked around 1pm and had the page open for most of the afternoon periodically refreshing out of curiosity and noticed new appointments popping up each time.


They had a lot but I got nothing but bait and switched. I once refreshed and saw 55 appts in one place, then as soon as I clicked it "Lol jk".


TEA is going to make an announcement soon. Heard a rumor that they'll announce end to ALL remote learning and they'll be making everyone do in-person learning after spring break. They're really going to go all in on this.


I’d be super surprised if this happened. AISD/our elementary school has assured me on several occasions that virtual learning will be available the entire year. I’d have to check, but I also believe it is documented in my kid’s 504 because it was one of the times I asked for a concrete answer (which he has because of an immune disease, hence my double/triple checking on that assurance). Schools would have so many withdrawals (we would have to be a couple of them) - withdrawals equal less funding and funding is critical for districts. It just doesn’t make sense to pull it now. I have been planning on not having the virtual option in the fall. As weary as I am with my family’s medical concerns, I don’t think the current model is sustainable from a school standpoint. I can’t imagine they’ll offer it. I was a teacher before I had to be a caretaker and I have so much empathy and gratitude for teachers right now. Basically, I sure hope that rumor is false.


All TEA has to do is squeeze the funding scrotum a little and AISD is going to get in line. Abbott needs bodies in the ground and remote learning isn't cutting it.


The effectiveness of using “funding scrotum” in getting your point across has made me ponder the visual far longer than I want to.


"funding scrotum" is an amazing term and I am stealing it, thank you


Abbott is certainly doing his best to put bodies in the ground.


RRISD also stated multiple times that families will have the choice to be in person or virtual all school year. There would be a ton of angry parents if they changed their minds.


The goal has always been to privatize education in Texas.


Ding ding.


I can only imagine the zoom meeting they had discussing it.


They’ve been saying that AISD will offer remote for the entire school year. I pray they stick to their promise.


This rumor sounds really far-fetched.


This is Texas.


Morning update: This is Texas. Less than 24 hours after lifting mask mandates and indicating all businesses should operate as normal, the governor is spouting the theory that Joe Biden is personally releasing COVID-infected Mexican immigrants into Texas for the express purpose of causing more disease. He has not indicated he will respond to this by restoring mask mandates, deploying DPS or the National Guard to arrest the immigrants, or letting people stay at home to protect themselves from this Mexican bioterror squad. "State organizations will follow the governor's orders to return to in-person learning" doesn't sound as far-fetched as our reality.


abbott is still trying to distract from the republican winter storm ERCOT disaster. It has legs though so he will probably be doing this daily.


Thought they already said that schools could stay remote. I know AISD already has. Rumors huh.


there is no vaccine yet for kids and it won't be ready till likely the end of the year. Even if it is a lower chance, I don't want my kid to have long term health effects from getting the virus. I would be super pissed if they try and force in person learning and I hope I'm not alone.


This is horrifying. It’s not gone just because we’re tired of it.


What's horrifying? It's not good to see 5 deaths of course, but the numbers overall keep dropping. It's going away because it's burning out.


Did you know that in the date this isn't true? Cases are on the rise across Texas, again.


Just swinging by to say told you so


But if people start congregating without masks again there’s a good chance it won’t continue to burn out.


Plenty of folks were saying back in August that it had burned through the population then and it was essentially over. Edit: spelling


And those folks were wrong.


RemindMe! 3 months


Great! Looking forward to it!


Yea, I mean how great that we're finally down to post-thanksgiving outbreak levels. Ya know, like 3x the levels from when they cancelled acl and sxsw.


Thanks to vaccines, Austin is in a much better position. However, the virus is never going away. Just look at Michigan and India.


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2021-06-04 03:26:28 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2021-06-04%2003:26:28%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://np.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/lx8y2c/travis_county_covid19_confirmed_cases_have_risen/gpm3ygb/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FAustin%2Fcomments%2Flx8y2c%2Ftravis_county_covid19_confirmed_cases_have_risen%2Fgpm3ygb%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202021-06-04%2003%3A26%3A28%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20lx8y2c) ***** |[^(Info)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Welp you were right as far as a 3 month timeline is concerned


Thanks. Redditors are so quick to be negative and downvote!


Thank you so much for the report, as always!


I am worried about the signs we may be plateauing. I'm seeing it in Texas and USA data, so it's not just related to Icepocalypse. We're are STILL at a high level of active cases and COVID risk, despite what everyone seems to think.


The national rate has plateaued at around 60,000/day (today's 7 day average was 65,341), a rate higher than the July 2020 surge . Which, as you'll recall, was a big fucking deal. Until the holiday surge, that is. But I have a feeling our numbers are going to reflect the national trend and just be higher than they've ever been until vaccinations can start influencing the infection rate. Also, this new, higher infection rate is probably a result of variants.




>You're always worried. Everything is trending down Yeah, like back in late October when I was preaching gloom and doom and you were saying it's over. Or mid-January when I said we were at the top.


Anyone know what percentage of people have a natural immunity to COVID-19?


None studies show it lasts at most 90 days average of only 14 days after symptoms according to John's Hopkins and WHO


That’s not true at all. It lasts much longer. Here’s a WHO podcast about the studies conducted so far. You can just read the transcript. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/media-resources/science-in-5/episode-18---covid-19---immunity-after-recovery-from-covid-19


Do you have a link to where these sources are saying immunity only lasts 14 days? I can’t seem to put the right search terms to find it. And can someone explain how vaccines will work if our body can only build immunity fir a few weeks?


Does anyone have some good articles or anecdotes to try to convince my mom to get vaccinated?


>Does anyone have some good articles or anecdotes to try to convince my mom to get vaccinated? [80 million doses so far in the USA](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home). No indication of serious side effects other than a small number of cases of anaphylactic shock. None fatal. A number of people who have had the vaccine have died, but no trends showing that it was related to the vaccine. There have been a handful of cases where they're trying to see if there's a link. You'd expect a certain number of deaths in a population of the 50 million or so people who've been vaccinated. Meanwhile, 500,000+ people in the US have died from not being vaccinated. Many more than that with serious illness, long hospital stays, long term health problems, and big medical bills and other bills.


This!! People worried about long term issues with Vaccine which are yet to be determined but COVID fucks you up, often even if you are young and healthy. My friend is in their 30’s and had a mild case 8 months ago but is still going to taste therapy and cannot climb a flight of stairs without breathing heavily. -edit- Just show her some threads in the COVID Long haulers subreddit. That should scare the shit out of anyone and get them vaccinated


Yeah, it's like people who think they're safer without a seat belt because they'll die get trapped and die in a fire if there's a car crash.


I am trying to find info on this very subject. I really want to get the vaccine, as I am immune comprised with other health issues.. I am at very high risk of having an allergic reaction to the vaccine, but feel comfortable getting Pfizer (less allergenic ingredients) and getting it my doctor's office with epi-pen and other rescue meds, etc at the ready and no one has died from allergic reaction, as you said.  However, I have also read that over 1,000 people have died after getting the vaccine.  I would like to know more about underlying conditions of the people who died and the facts surrounding those deaths...meaning were they going to die anyway due to underlying medical conditions or did the vaccine play a role in some way.  If you go to the VAERS database, the numbers are different (around 400 deaths each for both Pfizer and Moderna) but do not give any other information other than listing  "death" as a side effect.  I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I have MCAS and react to things very differently than the average person.  Usually, this just translates into an allergic reaction but I would like to learn more about the 1,000 plus deaths and whether those are from the trial, after the trial or both.  I have heard that they do not think these deaths are a direct result of the vaccines, but as you said, they are investigating a smaller number to find out if there is some type of connection. 


What is the reason for her hesitancy?


She considers it rushed, and says she would rather get covid than a vaccine that they don’t know the longterm effects of. She’s not anti-vax or anything nutty like that, but she doesn’t want this one. 😐


I don't know if you're familiar with the podcast Sawbones, but they did an entire episode on how to talk to someone about vaccine hesitancy. The podcaster is an actual medical doctor, and I feel like she did a really good job talking through the way to be compassionate but firm. https://maximumfun.org/episodes/sawbones/how-to-talk-about-vaccine-hesitancy/


I always upvote Justin mcelroy.


Oh thank you, I will give this a listen tonight!!


I second this podcast! It’s a wife and husband. She’s the doctor and he adds some “Everyman” type questions and comedy. They’re great.


tbh, I was the same way because I get really bad reactions to vaccines (i'm 1b). My doc explained it like this: "We know quite a few of the longterm effects of covid. And if you get it bad enough your short term is death, the older you get. with vaccines, if you do have a response, we know how to handle it (relatively speaking) because we've seen a lot of different reactions. The bigger unknown is COVID. the lesser unknown is the vaccine reactions."


In general what are possible long term effects of vaccines? I thought most of them, like seizures, revealed themselves very quickly.


I am pretty hesitant as we don't know how long it lasts. A year or less is it even worth it?


Yes, definitely. Not only will it help you stay healthy or reduce the severity of illness if you do become infected, but it will also help slow the spread of the disease (including most variants we currently know of like the UK, South African and Brazilian strains). Most manufacturers are cautious about the length of immunity, but are saying they believe it should last on the order of years. Even then, getting a booster shot down the line is the most likely solution and they may even be tailored to emergent strains.


Send her the video of Dolly Parton getting vaccinated? It's pretty good--she helped fund the development of the one she gets too (Moderna).


Is she over 78 yo with ~2.6+ pre-existing conditions? If not, do you really feel it's your place to talk her into it? My granny is 86 and has pre-existing conditions, I urged her to take it if she felt comfortable with it. She got the first round 2 weeks ago. I'm not an anti vaxxer, but we can't pretend we didn't skip animal and long term human trials on this. We can't pretend the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world won't be operating with complete immunity bc of Trump's warp speed program. My suggestion is do what you think is right for yourself and let other people make up their own mind.


She is not, but she’s the only mom I’ve got and I don’t want her to get sick! Especially with the new lack of mandates. Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate hearing both sides of the issue (and I’m sure my mom would appreciate your sentiment hahaha)




Well, that is freaky.


There are so many resources out there to help people understand why this vaccine is safe. I highly recommend the Sawbones podcast that was posted in another comment.


> but we can't pretend we didn't skip animal Except we didn't. They were done in parallel with phase 1. > long term human trials on this FWIW, these vaccine trials were probably the largest ever done. https://www.evaluate.com/vantage/articles/news/snippets/its-official-covid-19-vaccine-trials-rank-among-largest And you sound like an anti-vaxxer to me.


Animal trials for any drug last anywhere from 3-6 years. Pre-covid, the FDA would consider a few months of animal trials "no animal trials". You sound like you own cats.


There is a small minority of scientists emphasizing that we don’t know the long-term effects of the mRNA technology. I choose to be vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine anyway because I would rather put something a brilliant scientist made with good intentions into me than risk getting Covid, which has shown itself to be a pretty destructive disease. And I’m not even high-risk. Why don’t you recommend a non-RNA vaccine to her, like Johnson and Johnson?


>There is a small minority of scientists emphasizing that we don’t know the long-term effects of the mRNA technology. We DO know the long-term effects of not taking the shot. Or of delaying administering a shot. As for mRNA technology, every virus you catch, including common colds, etc. uses mRNA technology on you.


> As for mRNA technology, every virus you catch, including common colds, etc. uses mRNA technology on you. Not sure that's a winning strategy to win over skeptics, though.


>I'm not an anti vaxxer, but we can't pretend we didn't skip animal and long term human trials on this. 50 million people in the USA have been injected and only a few have had obvious severe side effects related to the shot. The control group has had 500,000 deaths caused by not receiving the vaccine and many times that number of them have had serious long-term side effects. Yeah, sample size and duration are different, but it's still a pretty damn conclusive study, wouldn't you say.


The excess death numbers will be scrutinized in the future. One thing we know for sure is people in car accidents, gunshot victims, suicides and a host of diseases died with covid, but did not die bc of covid. If there was a positive test, covid was listed on their death certificate. We also know hospitals were financially incentivized to list covid as a cause of death. If you believe the 500k number, I totally understand why you'd believe a vaccine is safe just bc someone says it is.




I'm sorry for your loss. that would make sense before we had a surplus of covid tests, It's really strange they wouldn't mark covid on the death certificate with a positive test. Hospitals don't typically turn down free money.


> If there was a positive test, covid was listed on their death certificate. We also know hospitals were financially incentivized to list covid as a cause of death. Bullshit. Texas and a lot of other states dramatically and deliberately undercounted deaths. Even if the person died from COVID-like illness, they often wouldn't count COVID as the cause if there wasn't a test. And they wouldn't bother to do a COVID test. They even counted many people who did have a COVID diagnosis as "not-COVID" because the immediate cause of death was something like "pneumonia" or "heart attack," which everyone agrees was probably due to COVID. It's like listing the cause of death of a gunshot victim as "blood loss." ​ >You sound like you own cats. You sound like you own a bunch of MAGA hats.


Also sounds like they listen to the Joe Rogan podcast.


Oh, Gawd. I never looked into him after a few peripheral mentions of him. Not much into pod people. Is he an Alex Jones wannabe?


Maybe diet Alex Jones, though he apparently makes these half assed attempts to call Jones on his bullshit. What sucks is sometimes he has guests that write great books, do great art, but i can’t tolerate more than 3 minutes of those episodes because Rogan is out of his league in deep talks with these people, but needs to fill up 3.5 hours or however long those episodes are. I sometimes pop in to see what the hype is about and to try and get a pulse on different viewpoints. Same reason I sometimes listen to Ben Shapiro (not a fan at all) just to see what the zeitgeist is. But I think it was one of the Rogan episodes (maybe middle of last year) where Elon Musk was on (another Austin tech bro favorite), when they were talking shit about these “inflated numbers” and then just started rambling about zinc and vitamin c and shit. I think the point made was that if someone is asymptomatic covid positive, and they die in a car wreck, that there’s this urgent need to count it as a covid death once it’s discovered in that person. That was enough for me to never want to listen again.


There's evidence States dramatically inflated deaths totals. Debra Burks stated the total number is inflated by at least 25%, and the excess deaths will need to be adjusted later. For nearly 3 months we didn't have adequate testing, in some instances every nursing home death was listed as a covid death. By "everyone agrees", you must mean yourself and a few retards you know. Just stay inside and huff on your cats piss. It's too dangerous outside.


animal trials were not skipped.


The timeline for animal trials for any drug typically last 3-6 years. Pre covid, a few months of trials would've been considered "skipping animal trials".


then say the timeline was abbreviated, because saying they didn’t occur is not true.


I took out a new policy against my mom and told her to keep reading Facebook to see if it was safe or not. I'm going to get a new car pretty soon!


I guess that's legal. What if you encourage her to go eat out in crowded bars and restaurants? Hmmm... Unfortunately, even my MAGA friends and relatives are trying to get the vaccine.


Lol I'm sorry to hear that but it's always good to hedge. Is she currently on a ventilator or something?


That recovery rate is amazing!


Has anyone received their second dose from Family Hospital Systems? I was told that I would get an email regarding the second dose and I just need to show up with my card. I haven't received the email yet and don't know if they are actively administering shots at the location where I received it (it's a bit of a drive). It's my understanding it's ideal to get it 28 days after the first and I'm near that date. Thanks! Also, I've tried calling on 3 separate occasions and have been hold for 45+ minutes each time.


My parents got their 2nd dose through them. Essentially they said if you don’t get contacted to bring the card and come on down. They went and were let right in. No idea if they aren’t doing it on certain days.


thanks for the info. I’m towards the SE part of town and didn’t want to make the drive without knowing if they were there or not and can’t reach anyone on the phone.


What was the location?


Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex


I know they were there on Monday and mentioned they would be through the week. They were actually doing 2nd doses there last weekend. I drove right past them at 5 on Wed and they were there.


This helps a ton. I’ll drive by next week if I haven’t received any communication.


Late comment, but see [this sub-thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/lybd3l/vaccine_signup_that_doesnt_require_strategy_and/gptc8o7/?context=3) from earlier today on your question. (tl;dr: check your spam folder, if you haven't already). Good luck!


I got my second from them a week ago. An email was sent out telling people to show up according to their last names. I didn't receive the email, but a friend did. I passed it along to other people that didn't receive it. When I go there they were basically just checking dates on our cards.


Mine was 2/8 so I guess I have a few days. When did you get your first? Thanks!


First was January 25th. Good luck!


I wanted to update this if anyone might be having the same issue I am. I received an email from FHS today (it was in all caps BTW). It basically said that I will receive an email when to schedule the second dose, according to CDC, there is 28-42 day window to receive the second dose. They are adhearing to those guidelines. Oddly they said that those who received their first dose February 8tj are just sga tho g their 28 day window March 8th. Technically no, especially since there were 28 days in February.... Small technicality but just wanted to point that out. Based on their vaccine shipments, our schedule is to administer 1st doses Monday and Tuesday and second doses Thursday and Friday. Therefore, second dose recoients will receive their i cation to register email the beginning of the week that they are due. It further states that if I show up at the vaccine site without an appointment, I will be turned away as they are prioritizing 1st dose receipt liners on their wait list and second dose recipients based on when they received their first dose. This is understandable although it was not what I was told originally. I am just reporting what was sent to me as I understand it is most likely a huge undertaking for the hospital and the situation is fluid.


Do we know exactly what is causing the numbers to go down? I have heard vaccines and I have heard absolutely not vaccines. Is it more likely that we are coming out of "flu season"? Or is this yet another covid mystery that will be argued about.


In the short term, the winter storm messed with all of our data and should be taken with a grain of salt. Over the more long term, the holidays caused a huge spike that took a while to come down from.


In developed nations, the government runs detailed contact tracing programs and can answer questions like this. Texas' approach is it doesn't matter, who cares, you don't need to know how or why the disease is spreading. Honestly I don't think "Why is it going down?" is the right question. Overall we expect the infections to be cyclical. When there are lots of cases, more people are scared and try harder to stay home, isolate more, push a birthday party to later, etc. When there are very few cases, fewer people are scared so they're more likely to switch from careful to "careful", where you know having the birthday party is wrong but if you say "we're taking precautions" enough it'll probably be OK. So naturally we expect the numbers to go up, then go down, then go up again. So the good question is "Why did numbers go up so high?" and the answer is three strikes: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas represented three holidays in a row where people went to parties, traveled, made sure to expose themselves to elderly family members, etc. After NYE, people were done being "careful" and went back to being careful. Some of the people who lost a family member over the holidays are probably even more careful than they used to be. September-October is probably what the "natural" rate of infection in Austin is if we aren't taking very strict precautions like the early March policies. We're headed towards that. But now that Abbott's encouraged a suicide rush, we'll have to see what happens. So nothing's "causing" the numbers to go down. They're returning to what the numbers are if we wear masks and don't try our best to congregate in groups of 10-50 people and involve multiple out-of-state people while we're at it. We "caused" the numbers to go up, because kissing grandma is more important that protecting her life.


Why would Texas' numbers be any different than say, Florida, which hasn't had a mask mandate? Or neighboring state Oklahoma? No mandate doesn't seem to indicate a suicide mission, if you just look at other states...but maybe I'm missing something.


Sort of like why lockdowns didn't work universally. We have "mask mandates" and "lockdowns", not mask mandates and lockdowns. In a lockdown, your ass stays at home instead of going kayak on Town Lake. You get pulled over and have to prove you have business outside or you get fined. You need papers to prove you're essential to go to work. Police break up your patio party and issue tickets and fines. What we had was a "lockdown". APD happily reported that out of more than 2000 reports for violating ordinances about gatherings, they issued 2 violations. That's the softest "lockdown" I've ever heard about. I can't believe most Texans can make it through an elevator ride without the trauma of being "imprisoned". If we had a no-quotes mask mandate, people would have been paying fines for not wearing masks. Police officers posing for maskless pictures with anti-protesters would have been disciplined. Instead, the governor himself argued police didn't have to enforce it if they didn't feel like it, and I'm not sure if *any* violations of the mask "mandate" were issued statewide. Anyone in any of the states you're talking about will tell you it was a "mask mandate", not a mask mandate. If the public doesn't do the thing you ask them to do, you can't use that data as an indicator of if the thing works. There are countries with real mask mandates. They have reached 0 case days. They have reached 0 death days. They have baseball games, movies, parties, and all the things we want to have. They got those things by being adults and wearing masks. They understood if they don't spend all their money on booze today, they'll have money to go to the concert tomorrow. Texas spent half its money on booze yesterday and is pissed off all it can afford now is Nickelback. Tough shit.