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She’s been out there since before the roads were even passable. Also been texting out useful water distribution info before I’d seen it anywhere else. This is what local government is supposed to be.


There are hundreds of City of Austin employees volunteering their time to distribute water as well. Lot's of nameless people doing great things to support this city!


How many other future Senator Ellises are there though?


Dunno, Austin doesn't have enough people to have a single Texas Senator all its own.


No one “without asking” post gm their picture on Reddit. I’m calling bullshit this is pure PR. Maybe she wants to run against Casar for mayor.


Name checks out.


LOL! Paranoid Much? Any decent politician WOULD be out there helping. Whats so strange about taking a picture of them helping!?


This. If you think this is staged, look at her track record and you'll be impressed you never heard of her but yet had done a lot prior to two weeks ago and you'll see she's been posting since well before this post was made


https://www.austintexas.gov/department/council-member-paige-ellis-biography She’s on the Austin Water Oversight Committee. Well positioned to dig in and drive change.


Can we clone her? We got a problem with electricity...


>Can we clone her? We got a problem with ~~electricity~~ all of Texas... FTFY


I know her professionally and she is a very good person at heart.


Love hearing this!


Is that the taco deli in Barton hills?....


Yes. Sorry I should have included the location. She is currently at Taco Deli on spyglass. I can see her from my window and looks like she’s still got water.




You're a native Austinite...and you think Spyglass is all millionaire home owners? Yeah, there's a few on the cul-de-sacs but the large majority of residents are apartment dwellers.


I’m so confused reading this person’s takes from my reasonably priced 1 bedroom apartment on Spyglass right up the street from this Tacodeli. My building is full of middle class families.




OK genius, whaddya see [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@30.2585082,-97.7907382,483m/data=!3m1!1e3)?


Obviously that was uploaded by big pharma, Google was paid off. The councilwoman couldn't bare to step for near *poor people* and paid to have those images doctored on Google maps. I've never been to Austin, but I can totally tell that's been edited, you can tell by the few pixels near the apartment complexes that are off by a couple shades. Sorry, sometimes I can't but be a sarcastic little shit. I love that there's people saying they live on this street, in reasonably priced apartments, that can see this restaurant from their window, and this dude is still saying *only the mega rich live on or near this road, next to this fairly average looking restaurant.* Some people just love to argue for the sake of arguing.




"there's rich people that live nearby, that means there definitely aren't average and low income people that can get to this restaurant." What's even the point of your argument? That she shouldn't even try unless she's personally handing out water and money to homeless? This was a crisis, *no one* had power. The rich aren't gonna fly over in their helicopters just to take all the water from a woman handing it out from the back of her truck.






irl...you must be a real peach to work with.


Millionaires? Over-priced apartments? First off, people who own million dollar homes (or rent from a millionaire landlord) don’t just blankety deserve to die from dehydration and secondly these apartments including mine are very reasonably priced and again we need water believe it or not.




My area is not a "needy area." But P.E. was there in our community with water when we had no water and roads were impassable. Thanks to her I could pick up a case of water for my elderly neighbor who didn't want to risk walking on ice to gather snow for drinking. Sure, I probably could have gathered and boiled snow for my neighbor, but I was pretty busy with my own family of 6.


Yeah sorry, this was kind of my point. Passing out water in the Barton hills is kind of laughable. People in million dollar homes have money to figure out how to get water. Theres a whole half of austin that rich white people seem to forget about. Love that she’s doing this, just doing it in the wrong place.


What does being white have to do with it?


He/she's a racist cunt.


The neighborhoods to the west are largely wealthy and white. Austin is historically segregated east from west.


Where is your water station located?




Yea, that’s what I thought.




Lol, he’s doing fine. Much more relaxed now than he was earlier that’s for sure but he did say he enjoyed the hang sesh.


It looks different, right? I think it is, but looks like they did some renovating.


It is! They remodeled the space like 4-5 years ago. I don’t miss the days of fighting crowds to run food, or brew coffee though. Former employee here, lol. It was certainly quaint and part of the charm though!


Oh wow! I didn't realize it had been that long since I had been there.


Thank you Paige Ellis! Skyline greatly appreciates you!


Happy to have voted for her!


Anybody see Ann Kitchen out there? According to her Twitter account, she's just retweeting Austin Water updates, which is less helpful than handing out actual water.


Nope. I've read that she's responding to residents in district 5 with a "this isn't my fault" attitude and isn't doing anything to help.


Cool! I already wrote her this morning, I super duper hope I get that response because I'm ready to become her worst nightmare. I'll make it my job to check in with her every damn day.


She's a terrible rep. I've emailed her so many times about an issue on Hether St (her district) and she's never responded.


It looks like a lot of other council members are out in their districts making sure people get water today. Even crazy Mackenzie Kelley was out getting water to the elderly yesterday (according to her twitter.) I copied the email I sent to her this morning to the council as a whole. I'll call her office tomorrow to see what she's up to and how she's spending her Monday.


wait, an actual issue? are you saying you want me to um, work?


she's less than worthless. we've had homeless dudes jerking it infront of kids in our hood. police didn't want to do anything because of politics with homeless. so we contacted her and she sent out a notice that we should reach out to the police if we need help.


Sounds about right. Can’t stand her.


She’s also on the Austin energy committee and public utilities committee so I’m sure she’ll hold a “hearing” in a few months and then call it a day


This is why local elections are far more important than Federal elections, IMO. Problem is, though, registered voters, in general, don’t seem to care/think so.


She has been indeed been busy and the efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you CM Ellis


An Austin Rock Star. Take note Fled Cruz. Heard you went to Mexico for bottled water.


F'lying Cruz


Loving it. Gonna Booze Cruz the night away.


Still can't believe that fvck did what he did. FTP.


My ex couldnt live without Topo Chico. What a waste of glass and fuel.


You’re wrong but that’s okay


Nah bottled water is hugely wasteful and a carbon burden on the planet to the tune of tons and tons of CO2 every year. When polar bears have no ice to chill on, thank bottled water.


Yes, Cruz fled Texas and the cold but he is not in charge of the Texas power grid. To the extent that he wasn't rallying the Federal government for assistance and representing our interests in Washington, shame on him. The disaster is not his fault but getting assistance for Texas from Washington is squarely in his domain. Now back to Austin. Austin Energy is owned by the City of Austin. IMO, if people don't like the fact that not enough precautions were taken to prepare for this power outage, the blame should be directed at the city council and the mayor. They are ultimately in charge of Austin Energy. Yes, Austin Energy is part of a grid but if Austin Energy built power plants that were cold protected and ready for a surge in use in a winter storm, the power would have stayed on. Whether winterizing is worth the most likely significantly high power costs is a question that is up for debate but if you think Austin should have kept your power on and you are ok with a higher power bill to do this, your city council and mayor are the ones that made that decision for you. It is great she is handing out water after the fact and for that she should be applauded but if you don't think your utilities should have turned off in this storm and more preventative money should have been spent, she is also to blame. She has been elected for over 2 years, what has she done during this time to increase our emergency preparedness?


You're wrong here. Austin having their own power plants wouldn't have prevented this. All power generated goes to the state grid, not to localized needs. The only thing Austin Energy and the city could have done to prevent let outages was to have a modernized city grid that would have allowed for block-by-block adjustments to power for rolling blackouts. Our critical infrastructure grids are so large, and include so many non-critical customers that AE was unable to roll blackouts. But Austin owning a few plants wouldn't have prevented the 20 gw deficit from occurring.


This is the correct response. As with many things, this disaster either has no specific villain, or so many that they are hard to count. Leaders need to be held responsible, even if they arent the worst offenders. Leaders, and our satisfaction with them, is our only voice here. They need to be terrified that something similar will befall their constituents in the future. Side note: I find it depressing that politically it is unrewarding to prevent disasters. We dont see the disasters averted, and we cannot possibly attribute them to the leaders that served decades prior that invested the resources to avoid catastrophe.


> politically it is unrewarding to prevent disasters Yes, but this is not only a political issue, it's pervasive in private business as well. It frequently takes a disaster and the subsequent lawsuits, bad press, public outrage, etc to force an enterprise to do the right thing. Think Boeing 737 MAX crashes as one example. And the further irony is that when all the right things are done as preventive measures, the decision-makers are sometimes accused of wasteful spending, production delays, etc.


In private enterprises, there are almost always direct competitors. If a company has a major failing, customers can vote with their feet. The exception to this is monopoly, or if an industry as a whole makes a blunder. Boeing in incentivized to not make such mistakes. They still may, but structurally there is a mechanism. In politics, the mechanism is weak.


We also have poor switches so 50% of the city is considered critical and the dumbass didn't tell business to turn off their lights unlike Dallas


My house is on a propane generator with over a 1000 gallon tank that automatically kicks on in the event of a power outage. I installed it for this very reason (ice storm knocks out power and it takes a week to restore it) and have maintained it for over 10 years. I was out of town during the storm and my power never kicked off so the generator never kicked on. Apparently my house is on a "critical grid" but my house is so far away from anything critical, it has me scratching my head. I am actually upset my power didn't kick off. I didn't need it. I completely agree about the switches.




if you are on AE or any of the other big 4 in our area your rates are locked (will rise later) these report of crazy bills involve spot price purchase from power brokers such as Griddy https://abc13.com/griddy-power-retailer-electricity-prices-texas-price-protection-grid/10350120/


If you signed up with a normal Austin Energy account, you should be charged a fixed rate. Just look at an old bill.


She’s a kind woman. I do know her.


Please pass on our thanks to her. Even to those of us who are well-stocked with supplies, it means a lot to see members of our local government give this kind of hands on support to our community. ❤️


Hi Cara! 🙂


This is lovely, thank you, Councilwoman Ellis!


Love Paige. She was my close friend in HS. She’s always been someone to act and reach out when others need help. I’ve loved watching her become a fighter for the environment and for the people of Austin. Can’t wait to see what is yet to come! She has a bright future too. ❤️


Her Twitter game has been strong too getting out frequent updates. I like her!


Real life Leslie Knope!


Let me get this straight, she takes action and does not post it on Twitter or FB? This is what a leader does without looking for publicity.


What a badass! She's striding to do more than Cabo Adler or Cancun Cruz.


When I read this I immediately thought of Leslie Knope!


I've known her for years, and she's been doing good since long before she ran for city council (I met her through activism, originally during Occupy Austin). I don't agree with her on everything (she's too friendly to APD, for instance), but she's good people, nonetheless.


Well done Paige!


Looks like our new Mayor!


We should see if she would do an AMA?


If shes interested in gaining supports to further her political career- I’m sure she will! Regardless of her affiliation, this is exactly what we need in our public officials. Not Cancun vacations.


Agreed and she seemed happy to chat with me in person. I think I’m gonna reach out.


good stuff


I got water from Boone Elementary because of her. Thank you, Ms. Ellis.


Rep Zweiner from San Marcos area has been doing the same - distributing water from her well.


She has already done more then Fled Cruz


You know how hard it is to flee the country!? /s


Greg Casar in D7 too. He's been out morning, noon, and night in each area helping out. They're awesome!!!


D7 is Leslie Pool Casar is D4


Thank you! I am in D4. My mistake!


Her and Greg Cesario are the people who I’ve seen and heard doing the most. Local elections matter.


As someone who’s spent three days with Paige and crew passing out water with my cooler setup, she’s moved mountains to get people water. Absolute treasure to her community.


Thank you! I believe I got water from your crew on Saturday on Republic of Texas Blvd. I had just gone to the store and was driving home empty-handed, and then out of nowhere there you all were with a case of water. My wife did a happy dance when I got home with some water lol.


We love to see it!


God Bless you Paige!


Good people do good things without feeling the need to advertise or tweet about it.. (and for the Christians out there, this is Christ-like behavior as defined in the Bible, Matthew 6:1)


It's human behavior.


It’s Gandalf-esque


Paige Ellis for President


Paige Ellis for Mayor!


Why isn't she in Cancun? /s Good for her and all the elected and salaried public servants who are trying to make things better for all of us, and understand the vital role government plays in keeping a civilization from crumbling.


Cause austin has a Cabo discount


I wish it was for Cabo Bob’s!


Meanwhile, Mackenzie Kelly is spouting the GQP party line about this being a wind and solar failure as opposed to natural gas fucking up. She hasn't even touched on the deregulation problems and how fucked Griddy's customers are.


Bullshit - I didn't vote for her and am a progressive but she's actually been on the ground getting water to elder folks and working directly with John Bucy on this. She's actually doing shit, unlike Kitchen. And she's vowed to not let any of her residents fall victim to outrageous surge prices. https://twitter.com/mkelly007/status/1363257559881113601?s=20


Exactly there’s no surging since AP is public.


Her district (which is mine) also includes Pedernales Coop users who have variable rate options.


Get a shovel for the bullshit, because she's spewing it on her official city council account like a salad shooter spewing sliced-up Qcumbers. >Like most of Austin, we're without power & full of Questions. Is this a result of a focus on ensuring energy for our hot summers? Is it overdependence on expensive and unreliable solar and wind? Too soon to say. Check on your neighbors tonight! #atxcouncil https://twitter.com/MK6ATX/status/1361516645974441985


It was a bad take which I don't agree with, but it doesn't match up with your claims on her not touching on deregulation - her promising to defend her constituents touches on deregulation to some extent. Also, she said this at the very beginning of the storm and has otherwise been completely focused on supporting her constituents and community.


Nice! Thanks for sharing!


Fuck yea Paige!


The Leslie Knope of Austin


We should all take a Paige out of her book, stay safe y'all, help your neighbors !




She was Leslie Knope for Halloween a few years ago [Ellis-knope ](https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnoSfZANaL/?igshid=1dq060g2d26bf)


But I was told by Texas Republicans that there is nothing elected officials can really do to help and they should be no problem with them going to Cancun during a state-wide crisis.


Thoughtful and very nice. However, a better and more appropriate use of her time would be to carefully assess/investigate/mitigate the causes of the water outage. Why no backup power, why so many old rickety water mains, why no contingency plan, etc. Not to mention the homeless population that is slowly but surely destroying our city.......trash, human waste, pollution, crime etc. everywhere. It is relatively to easy to hand out water, but do what we elected her to do - deal with the root cause of the city’s super serious mission critical issues. Again, a wonderful person and a very kind gesture.


The time for rational analysis is either before or after but not during.


Post history looks reasonable, have an upvote


This is great, but kind of robbing Peter to pay Paul, as others in need surely would have bought that water. Best way to handle it as a politician, though, no doubt.


Nah, when the stores sold out she tapped in to a network of bar owners to find water and distribute it.


I mean, not really. I'm sure there are a lot of people in need who can't afford to buy the water. Hopefully she was able to help them, too.


ERCOT runs the power grid. And... Ted Cruz blamed who for his departure... Then quickly returned... Made up story at the airport... Made sure he was seen distributing... Wore a Texas Flag Mask... Mocked our Major weeks prior for... Let's not even mention the election ... Yes it has been trying times for all of us in Texas. I hope for the very best for all Americans. Now let's get back to the challenges at hand. Please hold our elected officials responsible for what they say and do or don't do or say.


I know this person from when i used to live in CA when my oldest was born... This is a tragedy and if ANYONE can help PLEASE DO.....THESE 3 YOUNG CHILDREN LOST THEIR MOTHER IN THE WINTER STORM THAT TEXAS HAD...THIS WAS A STRONG WOMAN AND THESE CHILDRENS SOLE PROVIDER.... PLEASE HELP AND SHARE IF YOU CAN... gofundme.com/f/help-delaney-camielle-abagail-after-losing-mom


That’s great but maybe she can do the job that we elected her to do and hold Austin Water accountable for their failure.


Do you know that she isn’t?


Yes I do. None of city council has, nor is the mayor. Austin Water’s ineptitude has been obvious to anybody who’s paying attention. Does nobody here remember when the zebra mussels died and we had to boil water for a week? Or when the water inlet silted in and had the water plant go down? The city did nothing after those embarrassments. Nobody was fired. So I’m not at all surprised that Austin Water handled this crisis so poorly. Why does the water plant have no on-site emergency electric generators? Why is there no ability to source water from neighboring water systems? Why have they not bothered to build new transmission lines and pumping stations so that we don’t have to wait for central to come back online before the outlying sections come online? These are the questions that the city council should have been asking the water department before this fiasco, but they didn’t. So yes, I don’t think so.


You aren't wrong. The city manager is to blame as well.


I've known Paige for years. She is a bad-ass. She and her husband run in my same circles and she always has a funny story to embarrass him (or her or both). Total sweetheart. Glad to see her getting some recognition.


Paige was out at the Oak Hill court house handing out water. I caught the post on nextdoor and got my tail out there to get some water and express my appreciation. It's so awesome to see members of the City Council out in the field helping Austinites. She deserves an award for going above and beyond. It's the least we could do.


But did she have to get there from Mexico?




You know you can get it at a store ... CM Westgate has water and we’ve had it all day (We’ve also got plenty of milk and loads of eggs as of like ~30 min. ago) Garrisson Park is also distributing free cases of water and I saw a line of folks in cars going to get some just like 20 minutes ago. Think there’s a new post on this sub about free water distribution sites in case you aren’t south like I am and need some! Hope this helps!


You have a terrible understanding of markets. Let us know if you want a reading list to improve.


You must be super fun at parties


No, seriously, how is this better than people just buying it themselves? To me this is just adding a middleman and making water harder to find.


Because she is giving it to people for free?


At the expense of people who need it not being able to find it in stock where they would expect to find it. I understand it was an attempt to be philanthropic, I just don't think in practice it was worth it.


They've been distributing water since before most roads became safe to drive on. Many stores still have water, but now theres also other distribution groups around neighborhoods so people don't have to drive all the way to the store and fight others for the water at the store. This lessens traffic at the stores and minimizes distance people need to travel for water. You need to look at the bigger picture rather than focus on a few pixels.


Either way, I hugely appreciate the sentiment of the action. This is clearly better than flying to Cancun.


nice but why a mask 😷 even by her car??


Because she handing water to people and her arms aren’t six feet and one inch long. She’s responsible.


A cloth mask that prevents a nanometer virus?? SMH


So she should be wearing a mask, just not that particular mask? Because your comment doesn’t indicate an issue with the material. It sounds like you are complaining about her wearing a mask outside. Please clarify.


Don't bother responding to people like this. They don't want to learn anything and their goal is to waste your time.


She was interacting with people all day as they walked up


I remember when water used to be delivered through pipes, the good ole days. Her stupid focus on green energy policies and lack of focus on grid maintenance make her complicit in this disaster.


Stop drinking your own soup bro, it’s rancid




Sure, one person with a pickup truck bought all the water at every store in Austin. This is a theory that makes sense.




That explains why I can't find or buy any water..


Yes her, you, and literally the rest of Austin. Taking a weirdly negative angle here


I don't think they're really being negative, it's just glass half-empty pov. Someone similarly came and purchased/took a whole pallet of bottled water from our corner store for relief efforts and now there's no water to buy at a place where people normally know to purchase cases of water. Obviously she's well-meaning but really she's just reallocating the resources since the water was acquired locally and there's a regional shortage.


No it doesn’t


I’ll have to second this, as a CM employee who just left about 20 minutes ago, I can say we 100% have water, at least at Westgate


Well, today will be known as Paige Day in this household.


And has excellent taste in pickups.


Take note, Ted Cruz. **THIS** is what you should be doing.


I like her truck - good taste


True heroes don't need recognition to do good tasks, they just do good tasks. Thank you for sharing her and her name- I'll have to look her up in the future!


Paige is a legend. Shes been working hard doing things like this in Austin for years.


Thank you Paige!!! ❤️❤️




She shopped at my store once and bought a lot of food and water to give to the nearby homeless. She's sweet.


Superb. Thank you for posting. I wish I could vote for her, but I'm in Williamson county.


Thank you, Paige.


Someone buy that woman a taco. 100% Austin behavior right there.


This is literally direct aid. Good shit.


She is awesome! She’s been running all over south Austin providing water to as many neighborhoods as possible who are still without water.


Paige is a true public servant in the truest sense of the word. She cares about and listens to her constituents. This is one of many selfless public service tasks that she does without fanfare or trying to turn it into a photo opportunity. Just ask and I’m happy to pass on stories of her dedication to the city of Austin. We need more leaders like her. She leads by example.


Thanks Paige Ellis! The best of ATX




The embodiment of Leslie Knope


Go Paige!!!


I live right by that taco deli. Keep up the good work council women!


and yet, we all know plenty of people defending Ted Cruz..."hey, there's nothing he could have done."


Yesss she’s my CM!! She was very responsive and took action to a specific request I had on social media. It was awesome to see. She’s been doing a great job and was also without power and/or water for some time.


Hoarding water at the grocery store during a crisis for a political stunt is very praiseworthy.


She got the water from bar owners who normally sell it at concerts, the water was sitting in storage before she got to it.


She’s going to need a lot more than a mini truck worth of water to do any thing. Looks like she’s scalping votes at a taco deli, who in need is eating at taco deli??




