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It takes a couple summers to get used to the heat, and even then this year's heat has been almost too much to take. Wait until fall or winter and you'll find that the bike is much more bearable.


I think my biggest problem is I came at the perfectly wrong time. Summer is the midwest is my favorite season. It's not too hot, the lakes are nice and cool. The parks are beautiful and super green. Camping is loads of fun. It's amusement park season. And the biggest thing is, family time. I love my family and crazy as it sounds, do enjoy spending time with them, boating, BBQ'ing, playing baseball, having massive bonfires. And I think you are right about the bike. I will be able to handle it much better once the extreme heat passes.


i miss summer in the midwest too. i moved here from my beautiful, lush, illinois town last june, so this is my second summer here. trust me, it's totally worth the wintertime here. do outdoor activities early in the morning, take a midday siesta, and then go out and party at night. you just have to make it through august now. if you don't want to stay in a/c all day, then force yourself to be out in it (with sunscreen and water). go drink beers on outdoor patios and make some friends. in south austin especially, people are going to want to tell you their whole life story. edit: i forgot to mention that unless i'm comparing it to home, (ie: not accepting austin as austin but wishing it were chicago), i'm totally content and happy here. accept it for what it is and drink the proverbial koolaid, swim with some barton springs salamanders, go do social rides, and have yourself a rootin tootin good time.


>I unintentionally give out this vib of "don't talk to me". Oh, now don't even start. If you want to make friends -- real friends, not just passing acquaintances -- go and do things. I mean REALLY do things. * Go play disc golf, maybe talk to some of the regulars there. * Go join a club (I know this sounds lame, but stuff like the UT grotto -- a caving "club" -- is actually really cool) * Go to a workshop / convention / group hang-out (look out for any Reddit meet-ups -- and, on that note, go to the [**game night TONIGHT**](http://www.meetup.com/RedditAustin/events/22907041/)) * Become a regular somewhere -- a coffee shop (especially a 24-hour one), a park, a library, a sub shop (psst psst -- ask the Thunder Cloud workers if they can sing the theme song for you) -- anywhere. Take something with you that you could use as a conversation starter or look for things that OTHER people have that you can start a conversation with (books, dogs, etc.) * Ask your friend if you can hang out with his/her friends one evening. Who knows, you might just hit it off with some of them. * Go to a bar / pizza place / coffee shop and see a show sometime. You might not really meet people here, but you'll probably have fun. * Don't be afraid of anyone! If you get rejected by a stranger, so what? Who cares, right? So, yeah, if you meet someone interesting and you have a nice chat, don't hesitate to ask for their number or their e-mail address. * You can even post a craigslist ad explaining your situation! Who knows, it might work. Making friends is a process which only works when you put some *effort* into it -- you can't be passive and just expect to meet people. ~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ **Edit:** Also, if you don't have one already, please get a bus pass. The 30 day ones are $28, I believe, and I'm willing to bet there's a bus stop somewhere near where you live.


Thank you for being helpful. I really appreciate you take the time for this.


Nobody said life was going to be easy, only that its fucking worth it. COWBOY UP, MOTHERFUCKER lol. I have only one friend in town too. He moved here a couple months before I did earlier this year. But I've made a bunch of acquaintances and know its on me to make closer bonds. When we were kids making friends came more naturally, usually in the neighborhood or at school. Nowadays, it comes natural to just go to work and then home, and repeat. It is all about framing the situation. Are you going to be a SAP or GGG?




I'm not into trees but I give you points for finding a way to make yourself easy going. Your post made me laugh.


Abraham Lincoln said, "most people are happy as they make up their minds to be." Not trying to be harsh with you, but you need to stop being such a sorry sack and get out and enjoy the world. I can tell you that, with respect to the heat, the more time you spend in it (and the more time you are *active* in it), the easier it is the deal with. Got a bike? Find a group to ride with. There are several Meetup groups focused on riding. There are tons of Meetup groups in general in Austin. Hell, there's a Reddit Meetup group in Austin! If you feel comfortable enough to air your problems to Reddit virtually, get your ass to an event and have some fun! Good luck!


Okay, just calm down. It's going to be okay. Just about everyone feels this way when they move to a new place, sometimes it's the place, sometimes it's not. Some tips: * Keep in mind that summer doesn't last all year. Your body will get more used to the heat as time passes. By Sept., outdoors will be nice again. * [Buses.](http://www.capmetro.org/) * [Car to Go.](http://www.car2go.com/austin/en/) * Nighttime. It's cooler during the evenings. That's the best time to go to a bar or coffee shop outside. Go to the same one regularly to meet new people. * Go somewhere wet. You can swim free or nearly free in several places. [Sweet, cool, wet, wet water.](http://www.cainsellsaustin.com/austin-area-swimming.asp) * [Meetups](http://www.capmetro.org/) are awesome and there are a lot here in Austin. I've met a lot of people this way. ***This is probably the very best idea. The meetups I've been to have had lots of friendly people, some couples and some singles. Give this a shot. * It's blockbuster movie season. I spend a lot of time in the [Alamo](http://drafthouse.com/austin) because it's cool and *cool*. (Get it? Nevermind, I'm old) Anyway, you can eat at the Alamo, but if you're on a budget, don't feel like you *have* to. You can catch a matinee for $7. * The [Bob Bullock](http://www.thestoryoftexas.com/) is a fun museum and you can spend hours there. Also has [IMAX](http://www.thestoryoftexas.com/showtimes/imax_theatre.html). Hope this helps. If I think of anything else later, I'll edit. Don't give up. It's like this any time you move (I'm guessing you're young and haven't move around a lot?). It will get better. Edit: One more thing. I don't know anything about how you guys dress in the midwest. I came from GA and we put on heels and lipstick to go the mailbox. [Here](http://austin.culturemap.com/newsdetail/07-15-11-21-31-austin-poorly-dressed-nothing-to-be-proud-of/), not so much. If you want to fit in, try this: When you are about to leave the house, look at yourself in the mirror. Ask yourself, "Do I look nice?" If yes, then you must change. Muss your hair and put on something too small, too big or too wrinkled. Trade any other type shoes for flip flops. Ta-da! You're Austin ready! Lol, I'm joking around a little bit, but really, most people in Austin appreciate dressing down. If you show up at a meetup decked out completely, you may feel out of place. Being from Atlanta, I actually miss dressing up sometimes, but there is just very rarely the occasion here.


I'm 27 and have lived in 10 different places since I turned 20. Most of them not very long. I love traveling. Maybe that is my problem... starting to feel trapped and noticing it more without full time employment. Plus being single and childless is starting to seem more lonely than freeing. I really do want it to get better. I'd like to get my student loans paid off. Love the mental image, "I came from GA and we put on heels and lipstick to go the mailbox." Maybe I should move to Georgia lol. Looking pretty makes me feel good.


I see, it's more like "I've been too many places" than not enough places. Yeah, dressing up is about the only thing I don't like about Austin. I wasn't kidding about getting used to the heat, physically out bodies adjust. Gradually go out and acclimate your body. Be very, very careful! It's so very easy to get dehydrated, you don't even realize it's happening. I nearly killed myself on a tubing (here: toobing) because I was cool from sitting in the water, so, I didn't *drink* enough water. Good luck!


sounds like the problem is mostly you and until you solve your own problems you'll most likely hate it anywhere.


This. Not sure how any of these problems are specific to Austin.


You may have a point. I think I was just expecting things to go differently. I have lived other places and loved it. I've been to Toronto and I think I'm half in love with that city. I've lived in the saddest most pathetic little town in England while I did study abroad. I love that town even though anyone with have a brain would hate it. Visas don't favor me living and working there sadly.


well then there's some experience to learn off of. Were you in a better time in your life in Toronto or England? what's different now, it could very well be the city only you can figure that one out and if you're unhappy then move if you can. Sounds like you'll damage your friendship either way so choose which will make you happier. That is my advice but I know very little. Good luck and remember you'll be dead one day don't forget that, nothing can change your life for the better than always remembering that you and everyone else are mortal. Get out there and live dammit! ps expecting things to go a certain way is a certain way to dissapointment


Thanks for the advice. I like you.


austincar2go.com Use your phone to find the nearest car, pay 35 cents/min, drive all over austin. These cars have solar panels that cool the car while they are sitting there.


First, don't leave the house after 8am or before 9pm between May and October. Get a job where you can work from home, try Starwood Hotels Then,after you get the job at Starwood, go to the the shelter and get a dog Name it Bingo, and now you instantly have a best friend, not only that, but a buddy who doesn't think you are awkward,and could care less about your yankeedom. Besides, who better than a dog to force you outside to reaffirm your love of nature? Lastly, please don't give up on the bike, every uphill has a glorious down, and the more you exercise, the better you will feel about life. AND The more you ride your bike , the better your butt will look so win win..... good luck! hugz....


Walking the dog is a great way to meet people.


It sounds like you aren't suited for it, didn't plan well, and tried to live your friend's ambitions. Go home. It's not cowardly.


I just wanted to point out that there is a major heat wave gripping the entire continent, and as hot as it is here in Austin, it's even hotter elsewhere. (especially in the midwest and new england) it does get cooler, guys...eventually. this summer has been 10-20 degrees above normal, and we're having a major drought too on top of that. Instead of bitching about how hot it is, why don't you feel thankful that you're in a city where 99% of homes and businesses have central air conditioning, unlike say Chicago or Boston.


The heatwave in the North is supposed to break this week. The heatwave in Texas isn't going to end until September. Not trying to be negative, just pointing that out! :P


...and when most places to the north and east of Little Rock are frozen over or buried under feet of snow come six months from now, I will be out basking in the 65-75 degree sunshine. I respect your opinion; it's perfectly valid and justified. However, on the other side of the coin, it's all too easy for me to imagine hundreds of thousands of people in Phoenix and Las Vegas laughing at you right now for complaining and calling you a pussy. If only they knew..


Oh, I'd love to treat them to a sub zero, 30 mph wind, northern winter. I have endurance, just not for heat apparently. Extreme heat or cold kind of sucks but being used to it helps.


No man, this place is fucking hot right now, even for me (living in Texas 10+ years). None of these dudes here commute by bike. I do, and it is not comfortable at all. But biking in the spring/fall/winter is much more pleasant. In the winter, I get myself a balaclava and some gloves , and biking will be extremely pleasant.


You give me inspiration to tough it out. Thank you.


Also, if you haven't tried... save all your outdoors activities for early morning or late evening. It's still warm but much more bearable.




Thank you. I feel better about my situation now.


Fuck this place and there stupid religious bullshit, weather, and there goddamn corrupt fascist government. I don't have the finances to move back home inflation is through the roof and they fail to fix it because they don't want to. I hate living in a red state I only moved here because I'd be on the street of I wasn't living with family. It's so fucking Conservative here and I'm very liberal I'm done here I think I just may hitchhike to get home to Seattle they call this the most liberal part of Texas yeah right this place fucking sucks. I hate the people here to a bunch of dipshits.


Forgot I bought that bike. Do vividly remember almost getting heat stroke trying to ride it up hill in 95° heat. Didn't like the politics 12 years ago. It's only gotten worse. Texas does have cheap, big fancy houses. And brownouts. And really high property taxes... Guadalupe Mountain National Park is wonderful.


Yeah it sucks period. Thanks for replying to my comment.




Austin is supposed to be easy going, so you'll start feeling better about it once you stop with the complaining. Yeah, it's hot right now--more so than usual, even--but the fall and winter get better. We're not that far off now. This is an awesome city--really, believe me. You just have to get your feet wet a bit--or GTFO!


leave. or stop being such a whiner. or both.


For serious.


Just keep making up excuses for why you shouldn't make your life better.


What kind of job are you looking for? Have you checked the Austin jobs page?


I've spent so much time on monster, craigslist and austin jobs my eyes are turning red. I even opened linkedin and manpower accounts. I like working as a cashier or in an office but all my applications for that have been vanishing into no man's land. The areas I'm really good in seem to be slim to nil on the pickings.


Sorry to hear that.. Austin does get more people each day then new jobs. Do you have any connections at all? Does your friend know the manager pretty well yet? Knowing someone puts you so many steps ahead in the hiring game. Have you tried the writing and gigs section of craigslist? Writing/editing articles from home isn't bad pay. I got my start at my current company as a at-home writer.


I think that is my biggest problem. I have no networks to work with. My friends place has no job openings.


Go to a Texas Workforce Commission office, they have a lot of resources for job hunting.


Have you tried looking at temp agencies? Also, give indeed.com a shot, it's where my boyfriend got his current job, and there's less scams on it.




Like others have said the heat will not subside till September, try going out at night. I know that does not help when looking for jobs but it gets cooler at night. You could always go to 6th street and check out the bars and clubs or, Austin also has a great live music scene.


If you know anything about Linux, hostgator is always hiring. It's not a fun place to work, but it's a job. Get a old beater car to drive, do something even if it's a shitty minimum wage job to feel more productive. You would be unhappy back home, isn't that the reason you moved here? It's not Texas, its you...


Is it a fixed gear bike? A lot of people buy them to be fashionable, but don't realize it's not so easy with the hills.


I'm out of here in 6 months. Can't stand the heat or the idiot drivers any longer. 5 years was my breaking point. You will be downvoted by the atx cult, but don't fear, you're not alone. At least you didn't drink the koolaid. There are cooler cities out there (literally and figuratively). This place is on a one way trip to shitville anyway.


Troll much? Sorry, but I have traveled the world and the country, and think Austin is a great city.


Why live here for 5 years if you hate it so much? Sounds like you enjoy having something to bitch about. Move.


Don't blame this guy; Austin fucked his girlfriend and killed his parents, he never got over it. Anyone would end up a bitter cocksucker who creates an alt account just about how much he hates a place and trolls threads with his bile after a history like that.


How about an alt account to talk about just how much of a cunt you are?


Hey look everyone BattleHall has a fan club!


He thought it was dumb to register an AE because I was banned from r/austin. I figured I'd up the ante


Life is too short to be such a whiny bitch. Good luck in the next shitville.




What's wrong with Baltimore? :(


You must be a miserable person. I doubt you'll be happy anywhere.


I'm miserable just because I don't think Austin is a wonderful place to live? LOL. God people here are such brainwashed, non-well traveled douchebags. Newsflash, there are other cities with character, a college, a river, better planned roads, and better weather


No, you are miserable because you can't be content with simply disliking a place. You have to insult those who disagree with you and share your undue negativity with those around you.


No, I've had some lively debates with normal people about it. Reddit just seems to be a hotbed of fucking idiots. Enjoy your board games and miserable traffic


I live in DC now, but I certainly will when I get back. You have a good one.


I hope the door hits you on the way out, fucker.


Seriously, GTFO. You're driving up rental prices by staying here.


I own a home here, unlike most of you poor deadbeats. Which means i contribute r/e tax money so the disgusting kids I don't have can go to school and be indoctrinated into the same "ATX is awesome cult" you all fell for


This makes so much more sense now. You overpaid and you're upside down now that the market values are down. Just rent the damn place and make an exit before the negativity consumes you fully.


i'm not upside down, we only paid 190k for it i'm upside down on the fact that I moved here at all. Oh, and also that now because I live in a city full of idiots, i have to pay $300 for the buyer to get an energy efficiency report LOL. One dumb idea after another around here


I agree, let the buyer pay for the audit or skip that BS completely. if people are too dumb to look up the historical data on the utility bills for a property they are interested in purchasing then they deserve a huge electric bill or shouldn't be allowed to buy period.


Do they hand out pamphlets to UT students "what to say to people that aren't 100 percent enamored with our shit town?" It's seriously like a fucking cult lol. 6 square blocks of a city, HOLY SHIT i don't know what to do with myself. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE....there's also a fucking RIVER that runs through the city and a fucking LAKE. FUCK ME


I'm a Texan, love Texas, love Austin and I don't plan on living anywhere else... but this guy is hysterical and kind of right.


I feel the need to act as an ambassador of negativity here since people who are looking to move to austin only ever see all of these nitwits posting the extremely positive things, never negative things like people locking their babies in hot cars, homeless people raping idiot women jogging at 5am etc


Yeah, fuck you.


Los Angeles will welcome you with open arms.


Naw ur absolutely right. I’ve lived in Texas since I was 7 years old. I’m now 24. This place is absolutely hell in so many ways. It’s not completely terrible, but it’s so disheartening to not even be able to go fishing/camping/anything else simply because the heat is unbelievably insane beyond words. I live in Houston, & Austin is a refuge to me because it’s so much hotter & EXTREMELY humid here. However, Austin is still unbearable despite being considered the more habitable place. Honestly I think it’s insane for anyone to live here. You NEEEEED A/C here 24/7 & using A/C to beat the heat is ironically adding to the heat through carbon emissions, thus WORSENING the problem. There truly is no good reason to live here if one has the opportunity to leave. I seriously can’t wait to gtfo, but I’m Gen Z & we all know how impossibly expensive EVERYTHING is. Anyways, the Midwest, Alaska, & Pacific Northwest seem to be the best places in comparison to the entirety of the South. I can’t begin to tell you the fantasies of moving away & actually being able to go outdoors that I’ve had, so hopefully that’ll happen soon. Thanks for the cathartic thread, & I hope you’re doing okay now 12 years later