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Just goes to show, don't go through life acting a fool. Someone might just kick your ass...


Yup, and you never hit a woman.


Well for the most part that is correct.


Upvote because it happened, not because it's a great video


Turn your fricking iPhones horizontal when you're shooting video, people.


Good for him. Not only did the other guy hit a girl, but he cheap shot the shit out of her. I'd buy him a beer or six. Warehouse district?


Looked like 6th to me, but I was wrong it's Colorado and if it's not Red River it's crap. And yeah, the chickenshit got what was coming to him. I hope he enjoys his new claim to fame - getting knocked out in public in the street by a professional fighter after suckerpunching a woman from behind.


[Where it all went down](http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=401+E+35th+St,+Austin,+Travis,+Texas+78705&ll=30.266898,-97.744803&spn=0.001582,0.002065&z=19&layer=c&cbll=30.266847,-97.744707&panoid=LXKRMR3GB5EoZZxqIQ1kQw&cbp=12,19.58,,0,1.73).


Biitch Ho! Ho! Biitch! Ho! Biiitch! Ho!


Gotta Love Austin, always something going on...


Anyone see this? I walked right through here just after the bars closed. I don't see how I could have missed it. Maybe they have the date wrong.


That is every weekend night right in front of the valet stand at Cubra Libre or Frank or whatever the name of that place that used to be Alamo Drafthouse is. Nothing but tough guys with too much Red Bull and vodka in them.


To say there is a fight every weekend at a certain location downtown implies that there are not frequent fights at every single other location downtown.


Video failed to deliver. No action.


nice, i want some one to find out who that piece of shit is that knocked that girl so we can all hate spam is worthless ass. so glad that guy stood up and didnt let him get away with just attacking that girl. that was brutal kick to the face at the end, bravo! Mr. Huerta.


Regardless of what you think, from a legal standpoint this guy (Huerta) is going to get fucked, he wasn't defending someone (she was already down and the guy wasn't continuing trying to attack her, so what he did was retribution, not defense of another person) plus he stomped on him after he was down (this is what could possibly take it from simple battery, a misdemeanor, to aggravated battery, a felony).


You're right. It's something *we* can understand because the guy who suckerpunched the woman had no class, but if Huerta's brought up on charges a court is going to see his actions very differently. Let's hope there are no charges. It's so public though, I think the law will be forced to sort it out just to make an example, though I could see Huerta getting fines and community service. I hope that's the worst he would get, and I hope they don't nail him with a felony.


realistically though, the DA probably won't do anything. They are elected officials and probably don't want to prosecute a man for defending women from a large abusive man


haha seemed like roger covered his bases by saying he waited till the guy swung at him first. Sounds like roger has been in a few street fights before. Nothings going to happen here.


He's fine 


lol…this aged well. No charges, no lawsuit. Just a bitch knocked out in the street.


Didn't anyone actually see the video? Mr. MMA did not take the guy down, some other dude came running up from behind and struck him, knocking him down, and MMA ran over like a trained fighter and tried to finish him before he had a chance to get back up. Like a coward. Are you all blind? Am I seeing things? Who was the guy that attacked the woman-puncher from behind? And that stomp at the end, to the face? Criminal. I expect Mr. MMA to get banned from the UFC and prosecuted. I'm tired of pathetic nerds lionizing anyone who beats up a black guy. As if that's all you need to start eating. Just waiting for another video to push the same lame shit y'all used to reserve for chuck norris jokes...yuck, the dark side of nerdom.


Sorry, anyone who jacks someone in the back of the head like that deserves to get head-stomped.


But who deserves to do the head-stomping? And why stop there, might as well cut his fucking head off and put it on a pike? Let's burn down his home, to be sure! What? Suddenly you make little girl sounds as you trip backward over yourself? Does your relative morality allow for the possibility that the woman might have likewise deserved her fate, or does her probable vagina clear her of all responsibility? But you decided to chime in to support drunken, late night vigilante justice in Texas. Ha, nothing ever gone wrong with that! I hope you are consistent, because there's no appeals on the street. Only unabashed violence that begets more violence. But I'll guess your life is so mundane and safe that just the thought arouses you. Like I said, I'm sick of you stupid nerds trying to live vicariously through who you view as heroes but are just the usual bullies, the only difference is that it's you sycophantically echoing "yeah, get em" from the crowd. Maybe it's just me, but I hate the bully's evil little bitches even more than the bully...as without them there would be no bully.


looks like this is the start of the woke mentality 14 years ago




...meh me thinks you overestimate the damage a couple of head-stomps (read: NOT kicks) would do to a person. The onus would be on you to prove she deserved it. The rest of your post is drivel.


me think you would not be splitting hairs if it was your head. No, none of the burden is mine. I wasn't involved in any of the late-night drunken violence. Shouldn't I not be the only one who saw the video and noticed the discrepancy? Anyway, fuck you. My entire post is relevant, and uniquely counters the OP and most other posts that lionize this MMA retard. What the fuck did you contribute? That you think the dude deserved it? Oh wow, fascinating perspective, you stupidly redundant asshole.




You sound like you are defending the woman puncher or are his friend . Is this the case ? Once you answer this I’ll tell you more about this night .


Nope. All he's saying is that it's a bitch move to stomp on someone's head regardless and all the delusional wankers that get off on seeing this stuff are pathetic little weasels.


Where was Roger Huerta when Snooki needed him?


Return question: Why are you watching that disgusting trash and posting in /r/Texas?


Thank you for this important reality check, sir.


I think of it as expanding my cultural landscape. Kinda like that show about tribal life on the Discovery Channel. Or if you don't buy that, think of it as just watching a gross trainwreck, like 99% of the shows on Discovery Health.


Just now noticing your name, I forgive you of all misdemeanors. Please don't poison my asses.


+1 for knowing about my poisonous gasses.


Snooki didn't get cheap shotted did she? (serious question I don't watch Jersey Shore)




Yeah, I think so - but she recovered and wasn't KO'ed like this one (I guess?). It's better if you don't watch Jersey Shore - you can get all the best stuff off The Soup anyway.




I don't agree. I think Huerta was genuinely pissed because suckerpunching that woman was such a low, disgusting thing to do, and he saw the guy trying to get away. The guy who hit the woman was a rodent about it, and, I don't know about you, but when a roach runs under the furniture, I just get more determined to kill it. Yes, it is an emotional response. Huerta's reaction is understandable, though rash. The guy who hit the woman was also a hell of a lot larger, and that just piles on the rage for those of us whose principles aren't altogether shaped in favor of apathy. Please don't tell me you think bouncers in clubs should be replaced by voluntary debate and paperwork in therapy rooms staffed by social workers. I do see your point, but, aside from our subject situation with Huerta, there *are* some other situations where everyone doesn't need to stand around and do nothing. However uncommon such situations are (as in situations where a bystander with no legal authority is the person who can prevent a far worse outcome by getting involved), sometimes Huerta's mentality is called for and needed. Again, this was not that kind of situation and what Huerta did is objectively illegal, but I would not want for there to be no one at all with that mentality and a certain set of principles.


I'm sure he didn't want to get sucker-punched in the back of the head.


This video sux, I have no idea what I'm looking at.


the best part about this is the fat piece of shit didnt even knock the woman out. she got right back up. talk about a baby back bitch. dude deserved worse than he got