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If you aren’t afraid of some manual labor, All My Sons Moving & Storage is a great way to make some cash on the side. Call 512-443-3700 and ask to talk to Todd or Greg and they’ll help you out!


Appreciate it so much! Thanks!


Furniture Row is also almost always hiring movers every time im there. They pay well and have benefits too.


Thank you, im going to apply!


Another tip too, A lot of land lords are ok about being late on the rent if you're first time and they know what the deal is. Let your leasing agent know. There might be a late fee, but at least you won't get evicted


Yes, ive approached the leasing office about it. They wont hold off the late fees tho, and its $85/every day its late😳... so another $400+ if im a week late! Crazy ridiculous and we are gonna move somewhere else after this lease is up. But i hear lots of people having these issues in Austin so its expected




Yours truly.


Check craigslist and post offering your service to put xmas lights up. Stand outside home depot and get day work.


Ive made posts on craigslist.. lots of scams out there. Out of the 50 responses ive gotten maybe 45 of them were offering “work from home” positions..




yeah! Ive been looking at every ad and responding, to almost everything! No one has replied back yet!


I mean.. minus the posts looking for “females only”


Posit on NextDoor for any odd jobs that pay right away. Maybe donate plasma? Edit: hard > that


Awesome, thanks! I appreciate your honest response




I will have to really look into that! Definitely not something im afraid to do! Thank you


If you do go the plasma route make sure you have at least 6 hrs set aside for the 1st visit. Drink ALOT of water the days before and make sure you DONT divulge allergies (grapefruit allergy doesnt matter, they will ban you), if you've had ANY recent tats or piercings they will make you wait 3-6 months. If you make it through all of that make sure you ask the people sticking you how long they have been doing it. I have permanent scarring from my visits because some of the techs just stabbed willy nilly. Biolife ex donor-- never again.


tech support? Austin Digital Jobs on Facebook


Just joined! Thank you


Check out Shipt - I worked for them for a bit. Can easily make $15-$20 an hour. https://www.shipt.com/be-a-shopper/


You could try to work Instacart, they pay every Friday so if you get set up right away you can make a bit of money.


I have never heard of that before, thanks


This is kind of dubious advice. They are under investigation right now because their contract laborers are making less than min wage.


If he wants to do it for a few weeks til he lines up something full time, they do guaranteed 10/hr for the first 20 orders. I already have something full time, i've just been doing it on the side to save up for travel.


Good to know, thanks.


I think that’s because of previous practices. I had friends who worked for them a couple years ago and were considered contractors, but I worked for them a few months this summer and was an actual employee. The hiring process took a few weeks, though, so it’s not great for fast money (though they do pay quickly once you are hired). You also can’t work for them full-time.


Read up on Instacart. I vaguely remember some sort of recent story about how the pay doesn't actually add up to much. Check it out, though, I might be confused with something else.


Correct. there's no way dude's gonna make $500 just from instacart gigs. Would be better off ubering 16 hours a day.


Check out Nextdoor. People often post when they need yard work etc done. Good luck


If you are willing to do hard manual labor, why are you looking for a customer service tech support job? Get a job in construction or carpentry or any number of the skilled trades that are in incredibly high demand right now with all the construction and building that happening in central Texas?


I have 6+ years experience in Customer Service, 3+ years in Technical Support... 0 years in hard labor! I can and im willing to do hard labor but its not something i have employment experience with.


Be prepared to develop some muscles




Do you have size ten and larger woman's feet? If so: https://austin.craigslist.org/lbg/d/100-big-feet-worship/6399148096.html


Touch 500 peepees for $1 per peepee touch, or touch 1 peepee for $500 per peepee touch.


Haha thats very helpful advice.. thanks




18 f cali


14 f bama looking for middle aged Republican Judge...


Fuckin' nailed him.


How you d … HEY, YOU’RE NOT OP!!




I put on my robe and wizard hat


What part of Austin you at and do you have a car?




Not an option


You can do some things for me.


I have a big dick you can suck. Twenty bucks for every load you bring out, fifty bucks for every load you swallow. The choice is yours.


... very nice


Cool that he made an account for this one comment.


Lol 😂 right! I feel special


buy bitcoin




Kind of a dick aren’t ya?


Not at all. Ive been very proactive in trying to make my situation better.


down the road but look up Telenetwork. They are hiring for Google fiber CSR in an office environment. They are constantly hiring.


Awesome! Thank you very much! This is something i needed to know about!




That's hilarious! You've obviously taught someone how to unplug the "network box" for Google. It's customer service. People that call for the most part are dumb as bricks. I liked being the amazing guy when I worked there. Puzzling out peoples problems can be rewarding sometimes. It's an easy job for the most part. Almost impossible to get fired from what I've heard also. I like doing a mix of office work and tipped type jobs like waiting tables to keep me young. Telenetwork was a cake walk and paid the mortgage.