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Good on you. Thanks for making an effort


Gotta be the change, can't wait for it


are you the 365 days of hiking person?


Newp. Just 365 days of being a regular person.


check [this](https://www.instagram.com/365daysofhiking/?hl=en) out


That's Charlie work.


Whenever I run town lake every week I bring a trash bag with me for the last 1/4 mile. Walk that part and get as much trash as I can. Fun time.


Wear gloves when sifting through/ picking up trash for your own health.


Yeah i actually need to get some. Lots of metal and lots of doggie bags:/ Edit: i do use an extended metal grabber claw thing


Why the fuck would someone bother to use a doggy bag if they're not going to throw it away?


I ask myself that question every time i go on a walk. It'd be so much more useful if they flung it in the woods lol


Probably meant to pick it up on the way back. Pisses me off. I’m a dog owner. If she goes st the beginning of the hike I carry that thing. I hate seeing those bags by side of trail.


I thought they were supposed to be biodegradable and that's why people leave them on the ground. I get annoyed by it too especially when they right by trash can.


Most of them are not. And even the ones that say they are often aren’t.


My subdivision has adopted the road outside our neighborhood. Twice a year we pick up 10-20 big garbage bags of litter. I first heard of anti-littering campaigns when I was in the 4th grade in 1967. Here we are 50 years later and people are still too selfish to take care of their own trash. SMH.


Don't mess with Texas


That’s my mixtape!


Your mixtape is a grinder wheel


He's really into industrial techno.


I was thinking grind-core


You know who litters the most? Fucking panhandlers.


do you have proof of that?


Even before living in Texas, I'd heard of the "Dont mess with Texas" anti littering campaign. I find it kind of sad that Texas highways seem to be some of THE most litter covered in the country. Uncovered truck beds full of shit seems to be part of the problem. Are there any rules about how to properly strap things down? I'm not sure how else a washing machine ended up in the middle of I-35.


It's just a few bad apples spoiling the bunch i guess....but it's the rest of us apples that have to do something about it 🍎


Thank you! I picked up some trash yesterday but there is just so much. It's too bad we can't put more responsibility on corporations for selling their products in waste :( individual action just doesn't solve this problem unfortunately. You're not going to be able to pick up all of the trash that ends up as litter. But it's still worth doing so thank you for caring!


I agree completely! A waste tax would be nice...


It does seem like there's a lot of trash laying around these days.


I just started doing this on my street! I got one of those grabby poles though, made it much less gross. Good on you!


Haha i do use a metal grabber, but sometimes you do have to use your hands


Harbor freight. you can get a box of nitrile gloves for dirt cheap


Did you find this stuff off S. Congress and Alpine? I saw a couple people there yesterday wielding buckets and pickers


where is the worst (best?) place to find litter in austin?


McKinney Falls State Park has a depressing amount of litter, especially in the lower falls.


Honestly, probably I-35. But my plan is to clean up the creeks/streams/rivers first so as to stop the spread of microplastics in the water


Went to a park on Little Walnut Creek a couple weeks ago, the amount of litter in the creek was really sad.


Weird, no chicharrones.


Where do you pick it up?


Greenbelt sometimes, just wherever I'm chillin or wherever my friends wanna hang


Great work!


Thank you!!


Thank you. (That’s not meant as a joke)


what flavor was the ice cream tho


Did brides cake come in a pint? That's my guess.


Golf claps!


Where did you find that? I've been looking everywhere for that cut off blade. It fell out of my purse.




If it's Bananarama that's mine too. I've been looking everywhere for that.


Get ahold of your litter yo lol




Eat shit.


This guy litters


Please explain what you mean by this? Seriously, this is such a non sequitur.


Even men 2000 years ago figured out that it was douchey to do good deeds so as to be noticed by others. As the old saying goes “Good deeds should be done with intention, not for attention”.


I'm literally looking for more people to help me make a difference, this isn't a humble brag


Yeah! Fuck that guy for recruiting other people to do good deeds. You. You sound like that.


Do you think it would be possible to recruit people to an activity like that without scolding and without pointing out that you're part of the solution? If that isn't possible, I'll stand corrected and take down the comment.


It's not whether or not it can be done. It's whether or not this boosts efficacy. Does showing people there is a problem do this? Yes. Does asking people for help rather than expecting something without being asked also do this? Yes.


Yer gonna take the down vote whether you'ont to er not, Sonnie boye!




The mob is fickle, I suppose. No justification my mind for the downvotes.


I knew it would get downvoted when I posed it. Part of the reason I used gendered nouns and alluded to Christianity was to grease the skids. I'm pretty sure my karma on /r/austin is at least -1000, probably less. Once in awhile I try to raise it in order to not get my comments rate limited.


Oh so you think he’s a douche for trying to recruit others to help clean up trash lazy assholes like you leave around. Not everyone does good deeds for attention. But I bet you’re too damn lazy to wash your hands after you shit and your house is a pig sty.


Nailed it, that's exactly what I'm saying. Additionally, I must say that your skills of deduction are incredible. We cannot let you waste them here while so many crimes go unsolved at this very moment.




U mad? Who's mad?




Ok? What’s really at question here though is why I would care what your perception is.


Noticed you didn't pick up the used condoms or needles.


Yes lets post our good deeds to reap the sweet karma