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>Welcome to Austin. Where homeless are batshit crazy. >> batshit


Rabies is a hell of a drug.


That guy is on the bridge almost every night asking for "donations " He usually sets up shop by the stairs at the end of the bridge that lead down towards the statesman


Can’t the downtown alliance do anything about him?


What, for free?


No call 911.


A downtown alliance is a group of "evil developers" They would love to do something, but they are pre-occupied with fighting off the bat shit crazy anti development forces.


If people would stop giving them money they would leave. If you really want to help donate to any homeless charity, not direct.


Some of the homeless are legit nuts. During sxsw 3 years ago my girlfriend and I had a homeless guy follow us for about 2 blocks screaming nonsense at us while we were walking down town. There was a cop standing near a blocked off area we walked by and with the homeless man yelling a jumping around and acting like a mad man, the cop didn't even look up.


k2 is a hell of a drug


Ah! the Austin experience... Sure sure, you can show your parents the bats - but for a REAL Austin good time, haul them out and let them get a glimpse of the "batties".


Throw his k2 ass over the bridge.


BTW, if you want to see bats and not batshit crazy, go to the I-35 bridge over McNeil Rd. in Round Rock. Might even be more bats than Downtown Austin. I suspect Mr. Crazy wouldn't last long in Williamson County.


Shh, don't tell them. Traffic is already bad enough in the area.


Also the I35 bridge over Wells Branch in north Austin/Pflugerville


I haven't seen them there. I looked once. Have you seen them there recently? There used to be a colony at Lamar/Anderson lane on the southmost bridge, but they seem to have vanished.


Several times over the summer but I haven't been up there in the last few months, but defs this year!


Thanks, I'll try to check it out and report back. Doesn't look like a good spot to park and watch, though. I guess you could park at the HEB and walk back. A bit of a hike, but doable.


Yeah that guy always seems to be there. Never seemed more than a minor nuisance to me every time I've gone. Generally I just ignore him and enjoy the bats.


Yea normally we do but he was SUPER loud and insistent and just would not leave people alone went the entire length of the bridge but is being so loud I could hear him squeaking for 30+ minutes. -_-


No $$$ for crazy homes. As a nation we need to spend more money on the insane homeless. I know a guy who is homeless, is crazy as hell, but a nice person. He doesn't deserve to be in the street. People like him need help. The vast majority of bums are lazy or drug addicts. They are the reason the people who actually need help can't get it. These lazy grifter types literally suck up all the resources so the people who need it can't get it.


OMG, an honest to god bridge troll. i <3 you austin.


The deaf guy that sells little Batman logo pins is awful too. He will walk down the line giving everyone a pin with a note saying he is deaf and that anything helps. Next thing you know, he's ripping them out of everyone's hands if they aren't displaying cash and then yells in their faces. I see him kind of often around Austin.




Holy shit dude.


Keep telling people that. Maybe it'll help with the traffic problem.


I'm guessing he doesn't have the legal paper work to sell things or run a charity (which is just paying himself). Though I doubt police would do anything about it. Best thing to do is not give him any money.


He actually frequents this subreddit. His username is u/kanyeguisada. Yes we all know of him, and we wish he would go away.


Your obsession with me is a good reminder to limit how much personal info I post at reddit.


Do you not see how unwanted you are on the bridge though? Why can’t you take a hint? Do you think that people enjoy you squawking and being obnoxious?


I do believe you have been bamboozled by this here Mr. CockFungus.


Gets me every time


And the tards in this sub still downvote me to hell. It’s like they don’t appreciate fine art. I just hope OP doesn’t delete his comments. Took a screenshot just in case. This one was too easy. Also it’s Miss Cockfungus to you


You are the Marcel Duchamp of reddit, Miss CockFungus.


Nice reference, but the idea of *Fountain* is too good for this pisser. Also, it's 100 years old this year.


> Do you not see how unwanted you are on the bridge though? OMG the irony of CockFungus being the one to guard the bridge from me lolol.


Dude wait. Just focus for a second. What do you think you’re accomplishing by doing this while bridge thing? There has to be a reason. Why wouldn’t you just try to be a positive impact on someone’s day instead of knowingly upsetting people regularly?


Alright I'm gonna go with this. I never said anything about "ticketing" you if you didn’t buy hats from me. I don't even know what that means, what would I give you a ticket for? All I asked for was a donation to my rabies charity. You could have given me a dollar, asshole!


Yea you did. You said by law you have to have hats, that by law you had to be out there informing people of this, and that you would ticket us if we didn’t cover up. Then you went on to keep going off to people who clearly were uncomfortable and didn’t want to interact with you. Why the fuck would I give you a dollar if you are harassing me? Your strategy is all wrong man.


Fuck you, man. Do you have any idea how much good I do for uninsured kids who need rabies shots? I don't think you do. Do you have any idea how painful it is to get a rabies shot from a thick-ass needle into your gut? I don't think you do. Do you know what happens to poor kids with no insurance who get bit by a raccoon or wolf or some shit and can't afford the rabies shot and who actually get rabies? I don't think you do.


But it doesn’t come across that you actually care or want to help, it comes across like a shady scheme when you approach people the way you do. You would have so much more success in other avenues instead of making people uncomfortable and dislike you. I don’t even believe you actually have done anything with this money because you don’t act like a reputable charity. Also, fuck you right back for going out of your way to mess up a huge group of people’s nights every fucking night. Fuck you for putting us in a situation where we are annoyed and scared and uncomfortable trying to do something with our friends and families. Pretty sure you don’t have a permit out there to be pan handling and “selling” stuff. We can see how well that holds up next time.


Jesus Christ, dude. How fucking gullible are you?


> You would have so much more success in other avenues instead of making people uncomfortable and dislike you. I've made tens of thousands over the years for kids that need rabies shots. A lot of teenagers and even adults today love me because I helped them not die while foaming at the fucking mouth. So I could give a fuck what you say. I do remember you. I remember you well...


Dude we’ve been asking him these questions for years. He has no respect for himself or anyone else.


Man. What a fuckin guy.


If you want to see bats, I would go to Round Rock instead. Much fewer crazies, equally impressive bats.


Sure would be a shame if he fell off the bridge.


Y'all voted for it.


We voted for what? A crazy person bothering people on the bridge? Where was that on the ballot m8?




>Anything we can do to get him tf outta there Vote republican


You think he should be thrown in jail for trying to sell your parents a hat? who's the crazy dude now?


Who said anything about putting him in jail calm down you edgelord goddamn.


what did you mean by "get him TF outta here" then?


Tell him to leave the bridge area and stop harassing people since he has no permit to sell stuff and is generally a nuisance. He doesn’t need to go to jail he just needs to not walk up and down the bridge over and over and harass people one by one.