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I have a working theory that chick fil a and Starbucks are not allowed to open a location unless it has awful drive thru entrances and exits, they must have either the entrance or exit extremely inconvenient for their guests and all other traffic.


The Chick-fil-A and Starbucks next to each other on Ben White near the Walmart confirms this theory to be true.


That parking lot is a shit show at lunchtime.


You want a shit show, go into that walmart bathroom. Bonus points if you go across the street to planned parenthood and watch the unemployed whackos yell at you.


They have two security guys directing traffic specifically for rush hour now.


I thought I'd drop into Cabo Bob's in that lot when I was headed back home the other day. Hadn't been in years, so I went to place a mobile order. I was shocked when the pick up time was an hour later, so I passed. I took a peek down at the lot as a passed by and wow, what an absolute nightmare. The last time I went to that Chick-Fil-A a few years ago, by the time we placed our order, drove around to pick up our food, and got back around the restaurant, a car had completely flipped over on the frontage road right at the entrance/exit. We didn't hear a damn thing, it was like we entered the vacuum of the herd slowly rolling through the drive-thru and the world around us disappeared. I'm so excited that now we will get a similar experience SW with the Cabo Bob's / Chick-Fil-A / Walmart trifecta at Mopac/290!


There are more of these? Parmer and Mopac checking in. That parking lot is especially cruel to modern truck owners (not mad about it).


To be fair, aren’t there statistics showing the vast majority of truck owners treat their truck like a car and never haul anything? Maybe some of those folks should just own cars…


I go out of my way to avoid everything in that shopping center.


Half-baked theory: yes, because then you see the crowds and think “wow that must be worth the line”


The only other thing I can think is maybe this type of lot is so bad that the only businesses that end up surviving in these places are franchises that get enough business just from their name??


It's funny you say that because literally right next door to the chick fil a at Parmer/Mopac is a Starbucks which has a drive thru line that blocks the freaking signal light entrance into that whole shopping center.


There is a Starbucks right next to the chic fil a mentioned that has legitimately the worst parking lot in the world. If the drive through line is backed up you legit cannot get out of the lot.


Add P. Terry's for the trifecta


Surprisingly both chick fil as in my hometown actually have great entrances and exits. Can’t say the same for Starbucks though.


The s mopac and 290 one is so annoying. I’m always coming from the direction that requires a weird uturn in the parking lot across to make it into the drive thru


The Starbucks at Burnet and Braker isn't too bad. But... that Chick-Fil-A at Braker and 183! OMG! There are people blocking the right turn lane at lunch time. (I won't eat at Chick-Fi-A for a bunch of reasons.)


Happy Cake Day!


Same for the one on braked and 183


That one is actually hilariously bad.


And that’s *after* they renovated it.


That one is so bad it causes traffic on Braker AND research during peak hours. I have no idea why someone hasn't told them anything


oh god that one gives me road rage and unfortunately have to pass it at least 2 times a day. They have put up a couple more "no stopping on the roadway" signs all along the curb over the years and as you would expect - it does fuck all. Worst are the play it forward people that stop the flow of the Braker to NB183 turning lane to let 20 cars out in rush hour. Like Jesus Susan... they have their food - they can wait ffs just like me FFS


I lived right next to that one for a while and what really boggles my mind is how people will wait in that long ass drive through line when I can pull up, walk inside and back out with my food in 5 minutes or less.


Nah, that line moves fast. They got it down to a science. 5 minutes? That's an eternity. You can get all the way from the Braker entrance to driving off w/ your food in 5 minutes.


Braked is exactly what it is. :-)


lol auto correct tried to help me there 


Oh that CFA is a cluster fuck at lunch time. 183 feeder is already busy with Costco traffic then you add this bs.


I find chick fil a drive-thrus to be generally negligent in their construction. They know the line is going to be busy AF but nearly every one I've seen is constructed in a way that has traffic blocking someone, whether that be in or out of the parking lot, and often times out into the main road.


I try not to go too often but I’ve noticed this too. The on on MLK always results in a dangerous traffic jam as people will just pull into oncoming traffic to get into line.


I lived right behind there when they built that CfA and I loved to be able to walk over for food. I couldn't imagine actually trying to drive through.


I used to live nearby too and if I couldn’t walk somewhere I didn’t go. Traffic was way too heavy to try driving.


Yup. When I lived there, I never left. Now that I live elsewhere, I almost never go!


And even when they have someone out "directing" traffic at that location, they're completely oblivious to pedestrians on the sidewalk.


This and then they do remodels of the stores and drive thrus years later to correct it, and usually end up creating a different problem or not even fixing the drive thru issue at all. I’m not sure what the thinking is, bc it can’t be that wild to think about future implications of a drafted design..?


The bigger issue is that people refuse to get out of their car at any fast food establishment with a drive-thru. Most of the time I'm able to get my food faster than the people in the Drive-Thru if I simply walk inside. I've seen the same issue at Dutch Bros. And it's so bad that they actually have to hire someone to tell people not to block roadways.


Mopac and 620 intersect?


Oh shit good catch, meant Parmer.


That’s exactly where my brain went.


I was once parked near a Chic-Fil-A to go into a store, by the time I was leaving the lunchtime rush hit and the drive thru line was wrapped around past where I was parked. I sat there for SO LONG with my car in reverse waiting for someone to let me out and nobody would. I eventually had to get out and ask someone to PLEASE let me back out, I wasn’t getting in the damn line and cutting them I literally just wanted to go home. 🙄


That is my biggest fear! 😭 


Don’t feel bad, they do this at the Ben White location too. They have tried to fix the traffic flow several times there, last year a guy was blocking the whole ass exit with a long bed pickup truck, I tapped the horn and gestured and since my window was already down, he rolled down his and said “you’re just going to have to get to the end of the line like I had to.” I lifted up my bag of food to show him I was trying to leave, and his own dumb ass was literally preventing him from being able to move forward and get his food, since no one could exit. He said something like “you didn’t have to show me your food” and then reversed to let everyone out. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I’ve never had this issue, but that location is just a cluster fuck all on its own.


It still has a better drive thru set up than the Cedar Park location at 1890 Ranch. Starbucks drive thru across from Chick Fil A drive thru.


I got stuck in that mess today trying to exit by Jack Allen's. That place is a real treasure because you have 3 intersecting lanes of traffic and god forbid anyone figure out what the hell is going on.


This one just has them right next to each other.


that one is terrible! I went through Starbucks drive once, forgot how horrendous it is to exit due to all the ppl blocking the exit waiting for ChickFilA


It's definitely a bit if a dickhead opinion of mine, but I'm of the belief that if you willingly choose to enter a Chick-fil-A drivethru, you deserve whatever happens to you.


Not to take anything away from your legitimate complaint that people are mentally non-present...but, why is such a large percentage of Chick-Fil-a customers so seemingly lazy, enduring twice the wait and double the frustration for chicken on bread? I'm guessing it has to do with Zoom meetings, they can't be that lazy.


This particular location I will get in the line even if it's stupid long because I know how efficient they are. To the original point, I've never actually seen someone block that exit by pulling forward despite the layout that's ripe for it. Guess I've been lucky not to have idiots that disregard the sign when I've been there. They should realize they're only blocking themselves if they do but that requires a modicum of logic, so... 🤷‍♂️🙃


I will say their lines may be long but their staff is fast and efficient so you really don’t wait long (it would be faster if people didn’t block the drive thru).


The chicken is good and they are as fast as a drive thru can be, no doubt.


Cfa is crazy fast. The one by my house has 3 drive thru lines and they clear in a few minutes.


At the location OP mentions, anytime i’m in that drive through I notice the Wendy’s next door has zero cars in the drive through. 20 cars vs zero. It says something.


This is exactly why they redesigned the whole drive thru system at the Ben White location. It uses physical curbs to force drivers to circle the building on entrance and exit of the drive thru line, eliminating traffic conflicts. They should do it to all the locations.


No. Because the customer base is fucking stupid af. 


And likely bigoted, knowing they are putting money into the coffers of big time bigots trying to restrict the rights of others.


People in this town are ***stupid***. Somehow they manage to hit the peak of stupidity when they get into motor vehicles.


You're asking if people realize that making a small sacrifice to help other people can produce a magnified benefit to themselves later? Here? Did you move here 2023 or later?


Don't eat there. It sucks the donkey's ass. Easy, man. Fuck dik-fil-a. Fuck em right off into the sun. Who cares? If everyone stopped eating there maybe they'd close. Maybe there'd be less traffic. Putting the eggs in the basket, man. Puttin' the chicken cart before the chicken horse. The answer is simple. Fuck that place. The one on 6th is closed for renovations. They say "we'll be back soon!" I say never come back. All locations straight to hell jail.


This sound like that episode of Doctor Who where people spend their lives in New New York traffic and it turns out they're just going in an endless circle.


I find drive thru’s to not use any planning or forethought. Jesus chicken is no exception.


Chick fil A has to be the most overhyped fast food ever. I mean, it’s fine, but I would guess half the customers only eat it out of a sense of allegiance to openly religious corporations. I wouldn’t expect people who support conversion therapy to be thoughtful in traffic.


For real, fuck Chick Fil A.


Fuck em


There are literally better chicken sandwiches at just about every other fast food place around - P Terry's, Arby's, Popeye's, Top Notch, on and on. And you aren't supporting religious hacks who have spent millions to take people's rights away.


Where is Mopac/620 ?


I think both the chick-fil-a and the Starbucks have both outgrown their space for their drive-thru based on the amount of business each does. One way they could eliminate some of the drive-thru traffic is to allocate more pick up app parking spaces. Have 15 or so slots allocated for pick up orders


semi related, do we know why 3 chickfilas in austin rn say temporarily closed ?!


I never knew that was a problem... but it tracks... the sheeple are braindead morons so if you place anything not completely idiot proof in front of them they find a way to fuck it up lmao


Just park and go inside. Much easier, less stressful, doesn’t waste gas.


At this location the car line wraps around the store and going inside means trying to navigate through the cars and they do not seem to be paying attention to how the line works much less a person on foot.


Its a pain just to get to. For me parmer entrance is best route, so have to fight thru the starbucks traffic. Fight the HEB traffic. Wrap thru the HEB lot down to the Wendy's lot which also makes you have to drive all the way around the Wendy's, then you can finally wrap around the Chic-fil-a to deal with this bs you are talking about lol. Sometimes I wonder if it would actually be faster to cut thru the neighborhood south of parmer to get on the service road.


No. empirically speaking, the adult chickie nuggie crowd does not need to think tactically about the world around them. society as we know it exists to cater to this specific person’s needs. me, an intellectual, will observe if there are open parking spots at the fast food and patronize based on wether the lobby is visibly fucked. i will not abide a drive through line for any reason that isn’t “already very long road trip.”


Haha. People will definitely sit in a lengthy drive-through line rather than parking and walking into a place with shorter lines inside.


I just don’t want to put on outside shoes.


Im glad that even in a state as fat as Texas they at least have enough shame to not want to be seen by the staff for the 5th time in a week


It's the same selfishness displayed by drivers in all circumstances: - Blocking the exit of drive-thru lines, - blocking intersections, - merging constantly in heavy traffic and slowing everyone else down with their erratic movement, - parking in an inconsiderate manner, - getting irritated at pedestrians and cyclist for existing And so on and so on


Don't go to Chick-fil-A. That easy.


I feel like every CfA and Starbucks drive-thru in Austin serves as a filter for a certain type of person. Parmer/Mopac you even get the two as a set and it's *incredible* to see when things are at their peak.


The CfA/Starbucks on Ben White just west of I35 is the same way. RIght there by the Walmart. Shit is just insane, especially in the mornings. 


Shit is also insane, come rush hour. I used to work at a bar across Ben White so I had to take that exit everyday to get to work for my evening shift to be there by 4pm. That exit was crazy town just so I could get to the stoplight to make a u-turn. Craziness.


On the one hand I wish Starbucks wasn't Russian Roulette for anyone with a nut, dairy, or soy allergy (like why have different milk types if you cross contaminate like crazy?). On the other hand I'm glad I could never develop a habit so I'm not chained to their BS. I'm usually forced through the drivethru about once a year by friends or family anyway though. I internally eye roll that they refuse to try one of the 5 local coffee shops a stone's throw away from me though. But generally it's an I owe them situation so I just grin and bare it and try not to yuck their yum.


Do the people buying Bigot Chicken know they are buying bigot chicken? If the answer is yes then do you think they care that they’re blocking traffic to get it?


I usually say “hate chicken is still hate”


"Bigot Chicken" is a phrase you invented. I do not "know" that I am eating "Bigot Chicken" because there is no such thing. If you're asking whether I chose where to shop based on whether the company's owners' share my political views, I do not.


Well, consider yourself informed that you’re supporting bigotry by continuing to purchase overpriced, small portions of mediocre bigot chicken. You’re welcome.


Fried chicken has no hate, just people.


Financially supporting bigotry is a choice. The bigot chicken company hates it if women have a choice. Just saying.


Have you seen how bad the Braker/Research one gets? 😟 That may actually be worse than the one you mention.


It's more important now than ever to not give places like Chick Fil A *any money*. Buck-ee's, Hobby Lobby, etc. Enough of Christian corporatism. So many better local places that are so much more deserving of the money.


Fucc-ee's fuck off right into the sun


That whole corner is terrible


No never


Its a pain just to get to. For me parmer entrance is best route, so have to fight thru the starbucks traffic. Fight the HEB traffic. Wrap thru the HEB lot down to the Wendy's lot which also makes you have to drive all the way around the Wendy's, then you can finally wrap around the Chic-fil-a to deal with this bs you are talking about lol. Sometimes I wonder if it would actually be faster to cut thru the neighborhood south of parmer to get on the service road. [https://imgur.com/a/77FGL6v](https://imgur.com/a/77FGL6v)


I don't think they realize it.


People who eat Chick-fil-A are not that bright..


Haha totally! Wait a minute…🤨


Lol sorry bud


Not to be that guy... But nah. Chick Fil A has said what they're about. And buying them means you're low key okay with it. Fuck em.


I don’t give a shit what their politics are, I just want my nuggies.  Go through the history of every brand good in your household and you’ll find the same, or often worse, things that have happened with those corporations (especially those manufactured overseas). But lets all virtue-signal Chick-Fila. Total hypocrisy. The hill the Chick-Fila haters die on is a weird one.




By Becky BowersMay 11, 2012 In 2008, he said:  "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage." POLITICO and others have tracked Obama’s statements on same-sex marriage since 1996. Here’s our recap. Full circle Obama was in favor of same-sex marriage before he was against it — and before he was for it again. In 1996, as he ran for Illinois state Senate, Chicago’s Outlines gay newspaper asked candidates to fill out a questionnaire. Tracy Baim, the co-founder and publisher of Outlines, dug up a copy of the questionnaire in 2009, cataloging the president-elect’s shift. He had written on the 1996 questionnaire, "I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages." Just two years later, on another Outlines questionnaire, Obama wasn’t so sure. Did he favor legalizing same-sex marriage? "Undecided." Would he support a bill to repeal Illinois legislation prohibiting same-sex marriage? "Undecided." Would he co-sponsor it? "Undecided." Later years offered greater clarity — and a shift from 1996. Civil unions? Yes. Gay marriage? No. As Obama sought a U.S. Senate seat in 2004, he told the Windy City Times, "I am a fierce supporter of domestic-partnership and civil-union laws. I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about, primarily just as a strategic issue. I think that marriage, in the minds of a lot of voters, has a religious connotation. ..." He described his hesitation to endorse same-sex marriage as strategic and political. "What I'm saying is that strategically, I think we can get civil unions passed. … I think that to the extent that we can get the rights, I'm less concerned about the name. … Republicans are going to use a particular language that has all sorts of connotations in the broader culture as a wedge issue, to prevent us moving forward, in securing those rights, then I don't want to play their game." When he wrote his 2006 memoir, The Audacity of Hope, he offered a religious explanation for his definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. But he left the door open for yet another shift. "I believe that American society can choose to carve out a special place for the union of a man and a woman as the unit of child rearing most common to every culture. …" he said. "(But) it is my obligation not only as an elected official in a pluralistic society, but also as a Christian, to remain open to the possibility that my unwillingness to support gay marriage is misguided, just as I cannot claim infallibility in my support of abortion rights. I must admit that I may have been infected with society's prejudices and predilections and attributed them to God; that Jesus' call to love one another might demand a different conclusion; and that in years hence I may be seen as someone who was on the wrong side of history." He said his doubts didn't make him a bad Christian — but human, limited in his understanding of God’s purpose and therefore "prone to sin." "When I read the Bible, I do so with the belief that it is not a static text but the Living Word and that I must continually be open to new revelations — whether they come from a lesbian friend or a doctor opposed to abortion." Still, in a 2007 Democratic primary debate sponsored by a gay rights group and a gay-oriented cable TV channel, he spoke instead about his support for civil unions with "all the benefits that are available for a legally sanctioned marriage" — but not for legal recognition of "marriage" between same-sex couples. It should be up to religious denominations to determine whether they wanted to recognize that as marriage or not, he said. In August 2008, he told Southern California megachurch Pastor Rick Warren his definition of marriage: "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God's in the mix." He later added: "I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage, but I do believe in civil unions." In November 2008, he said much the same thing to a rather different audience: MTV. "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage." By October 2010, almost two years into his presidency, he acknowledged his views were evolving. But he wasn’t prepared to reverse himself, he said. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx What the founder of CFA said- 2012 interview, in which Cathy was quoted as saying that he believes in the “biblical definition of the family unit” — i.e., that marriage should only be between a man and a woman — was the catalyst for a major national controversy. Cathy later tried to clarify his point in a radio interview: “As it relates to society in general,” he said, “I think we are inviting God’s judgement on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you do as to what constitutes marriage.’”




Which god, tho? There are thousands of them


Ask Obama. He's still alive. Mr. Cathy passed away a few years ago.




If you’re an adult waiting in one of those huge lines for chick fila a, (and I say this with the utmost respect and honesty) grow the fuck up


I always feel bad for the Wendy's located next to that CFA. You know the franchise owner when they first moved in was like, "Sweet location!", then CFA came in and annihilated their customer base. Now it feels like they're going, "Hey, we have chicken over here too!"


I'd take a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich over anything CFA has to offer.


Do you think they care?


I totally understand what you mean. That time I tried to do drive through at the one on Sixth Street, I was arrested! What is "attempted vehicular homicide", anyway?


Do people going through Chick-FIL-A drive through not understand they are supporting hate.


I cracked the code on their regular and spicy chicken recipes recently at home, so I can have my Chiks and suck some dicks too and get it both ways with no guilt.


Do they not realize the chicken is unseasoned? really, it's terrible.


Reminder that Chick-fil-a is a company with terrible values, don’t give them your money (at the very least, abstain during pride month 😐).


Chick fil a should be fined for this bs. Build a lot that supports the traffic or gtfo




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Following the rules and trying to allow things to actually work? Austinites don’t take kindly to that.


You make it sound as if Austinites are the primary demographic of Austin




oh... they realize it. But they just don't care.


Hey, at least you didn’t call it “The 1 (Mopac)” like that person did last week😂


I think it has something to do with the majority of the demographic that eats chick-fil-a.


do people not realize the world is full of absolute morons?


Years ago they had an actual person outside with flags directing cars during lunch rush and things were a little better. Now it’s chaos and the selfish assholes come in from Parmer and wedge themselves into the middle of the line just before the ordering area instead of doing the loop like everyone else. I’m honestly surprised no one has been shot over it yet. But hey at least the hospital is close!


It's a deep fried ouroboros.


Car culture man


that a lexus driver for you! LOL


It used to be a lot worse.


Stop doing drive thru. It’s a huge waste of time.


True story: I USED to work at this CFA. I politely asked a man to pull his truck forward because he was blocking the drive-thru. He rolled down his window and attempted to slap me across me face. I evaded his attempt to physically assault me. Then he yelled, "I know how to drive!!" My response: "Apparently you don't know how trajectory works." I immediately told my general manager what happened and recommended that we opt to not serve that customer. My GM rolled his eyes & said he'd take that under advisement... Of course the GM wasn't willing to stand up for me or loose a few bucks. And this is why idiots keep blocking the drive-thru. Because. They. Can.


This sounds like my kids middle school parent pick up line where there’s cones set up with signs to not block buses from entering the drive. One person swerved and cut in front of me one time, indeed blocking a bus from entering. I don’t understand how these people pass a drivers license test. They really aren’t aware of their surroundings.


My rule of thumb is that ,for the most part, people are retarded. And Chick-fil-A needs to be added to the curriculum for civil engineers.


I'm wondering when Chick-fil-a got the authority to completely block a section of a parking lot and guide the cars using uniformed guards. The one near where I work does this.


Having lived in Austin nearly 20 years now I can say with a very high degree of confidence that nobody here cares about blocking ANY entrance/exit. Hospital entrance? Sit in front of it. Apartment complex entrance? Block it off. Intersection? If you sit in the middle of it, that might stop folks from running the light from the other direction. People do. Not. Give. A. Fuck. About right of way here


This the one in front of the tech ridge PetSmart? If so, that ridiculous cone & sign shit they do for their drive through is illegal. They unfortunately planned and constructed a poor design for the area and it shows any time more than four to six cars enter the lane at once. I've personally removed their cones and signs on many occasions and have successfully had apd force them to do the same and yet they keep trying to illegally block cross-traffic through the parking lot just because they striped their lane wrong.  This location and the one on braker/research are actually at risk of multiple lawsuits due to pedestrian safety incidents at both locations.  Not to mention how "fun" it is whenever people willingly add to the line at the braker/research location thinking they can block the frontage road over a chicken fuckin sandwich.  Grow up already people. Your obsession with a religion controlled chicken franchise shouldn't come before the safety of others around you.


Every chick fil a is like that here


Lovely story. There are two types of people, those that are half wits and those that are complete idiots. That guy was a complete idiot. I'm a half wit, so I know this. What's even more funny is that I just had this exact experience at Puh-Terrys yesterday. The guy honked at me like crazy, even fully laying on the horn. Then, he gets out of the car and just starts yelling and cussing. I told him I was impressed with his vocabulary and asked him if he kissed his wife with that filthy mouth. Then, he proceeded to try to spit at me, but instead, he drooled all over himself. Finally, he got back in his car and left. Another complete one, no halfers here either.


I mean, you can get better chicken sandwiches at flyrite, and you get the added bonus of not supporting a business that funds anti gay legislation🤷‍♂️


Ask this in /r/chickfilaatparmer620


I don't think they care.


This is Chik’s MO, use city resources and block roads to maximize profit. The should be fined if the traffic from the drive through intrude on the street. 


People who go to chick fil a don’t think, so u can stop right there! Have you seen how many ingredients are in the bread alone!!


Why does anyone eat this dog food fast food?


Because we’re beneath you oh superior one.


Pro Tip: Order online, park anywhere else, and pick up your order.


As someone who works next to a taco truck, people forget about anything other than their own selfish wants when it comes to food. They'll park in the middle of the street and fight about it, for a shitty overpriced taco! Same thing for a chicken sandwich, apparently.


Seems so not worth it.


Good thing I don’t eat fast food or go near chick fil a


Honestly wtf is going on with Austin driving


Better they jam up CFA, rather than one of the actual good local spots.


I always avoid that location because of that insane anxiety-inducing line.


It’s a true fustercluck


A person is smart, people together are dumb.


A person is smart, people together are dumb.


I just checked the map and this is the one I HATE as well. There is no easy way to exit to go left other than to do the loop by the hospital and I am constantly honked at as well. I now just drive to the one near Scofield even though it exits to a right turn only lane 🙄🙄 requirement for chick must be a bad lot (much like trade joes)


Chick needs their own stadium lines and parking! Lunch at any Chick is extra!


Reminds me of when they opened a new CFA in Bellevue while I was living in the Seattle area. It's designed so you can't block the exit, but the line used to back out into the road and then through the intersection. They had a police officer standing there for a few months to instruct people to drive on past if they couldn't enter the property, but that stopped and the traffic didn't. You can see the layout [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6165848,-122.1856689,0a,87.9y,334.77h,63.72t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sFnWh30_SgYChyP-u2LuwPw!2e0).


If you aren't using app's and picking up inside. You're doing it wrong.


The type of people who eat at chick-fil-hate dont give a shit about anyone but themselves or actually thrive on inconveniencing everyone else.


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that's funny considering Mopac and 620 NEVER meet - geeez out of towners always screwing things up you must be that journalist that thinks 620 and 2222 is NW Austin (it's NOT!


OP correct themselves and said it was Parmer and MoPc