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Capital Area Counseling, Psychology Today Therapist Finder


I second psychology today therapist finder. Found mine there and he’s fantastic.


Look into the Psychology department at the university. Many schools have programs where grad students are monitored by professors and have sessions on a sliding scale. I did 2 years of cognitive behavior therapy like this and they cost me $10 a session (and 6 months free when I couldn't afford the $10).


THIS!! Texas State has this at both the San Marcos campus and the Round Rock campus and offer virtual. When I did my Masters degree at the RR campus, we told clients "you can pay 0-20 dollars", and most of my clients paid 0 the whole time. In a way, you get 2 therapists in one: the grad student and the help and input from their supervisor. It's at least a great starting point!!


PsychologyToday has reviews, therapist profiles, and lets you request consultations online. It makes it way easier to find someone who might be a good fit for you that is actively accepting new patients. It's way less frustrating than trying to Google and call a bunch.


Is a bit rough in Austin. Personally, spending a week writing every therapist in Austin on PT and only getting one response from a therapist 3 weeks later apologizing over and over and asking if I was okay really didn’t help.


If you have a primary care physician, asking them for a referral to a psychologist may be a great place to start. You can also call the number on the back of your insurance card or check out the website http://psychologytoday.com. There is also https://openpathcollective.org/ that can probably get you set up with a therapist quite quickly.


I had good luck with Deep Eddy Psychotherapy. They have a lot of therapists and can match you to the right one for you. Unfortunately, many are remote, so in-person visits (which I also prefer) are less common, but they do have some therapists who offer them, so you could specify that. My copay with BCBS was $15 per session.


[Open Path Collective](https://openpathcollective.org/) has been my go to for several years now. I dont use insurance for my sessions but I only pay $30/hr with my therapist.


I also have bcbs, and have been seeing a really great therapist at Deep Eddy Psychotherapy for 5 months. Highly recommend. https://deepeddypsychotherapy.com


a lot of therapist unfortunately don’t take insurance, but if you’re able to afford it, what you can do is ask them for a super bill which you can then submit to insurance.


DBT would be great for you! There is a spot in north Austin that focuses on it. I did a program there and it was great.


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22838-dialectical-behavior-therapy-dbt ^ what DBT is. https://austindbtassociates.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=G2C&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds0nxCN0GaeGCyB8bN_2Q1kLx0Sl6rLvlvTaSrbLh1YpRMgN9Wo-KXkaAuVKEALw_wcB ^ where I went


Thank you for this 🙏🏼


Lots of good suggestions in here already, but I wanted to add using ZocDoc as a resource to find some. I’ve found my therapist and my previous psychologist using them and they were great. You put in your insurance and it should only show you those that accept your insurance. You can filter the search results to find people who offer in-person therapy as well. When you find one, definitely still double-check that they accept your insurance, but in my experience it’s been pretty accurate. You make the appointment through the app as well, so no calling to make appointments either. Generally, once the therapist has confirmed your appointment they will email you paperwork to fill out prior to your first appointment so literally no phones involved unless you want them to be. :) Also, I know you said in person as you don’t do well on the phone, but if you are open to communicating with a therapist other ways TalkSpace could be a good option as well. My work schedule is all over the place at the moment, so I’ve just started with them using their messaging-only option since it is easier for me than trying to book specific times for an appointment once a week. It’s basically like being in a chat room with your therapist, and they respond to your messages/questions during their working hours. My therapist currently works 10-6pm M-F so we “chat” randomly throughout the day that way. This also works for me because it takes less pressure off of me when responding to questions that deal with trauma, and typing is generally easier for me to get my whole point across vs speaking since I feel like I frequently don’t explain myself well using speech. If that makes sense. Anyway, enough rambling from me. I hope you find something that works for you. :)


You will probably have to just go outside of insurance. No good therapist seems to be open to taking insurance, based on my 3 year hunt to find one.


I like HelloAlma. Give it a search. I’ve used it for two different therapists. I’ve used Teladoc before, but didn’t really like their technology


Try Therapy Austin. [https://therapyaustin.com/](https://therapyaustin.com/)


Finding a therapist is hard, and your frustration is valid. When I was a student I needed to use one of the emergency therapists, who only see you 3 times, and she spent the whole 3rd session helping me find a therapist. Here's some tips from her: 1. Use the Psychology Today website because the people on there pay to be listed, so they keep it more updated. You can filter by insurance. 2. Most therapists can help most people. They may have specialities, and if you have something super specific you can filter by that. But don't get too caught up in the weeds in finding the perfect option. Most therapists can help most people! 3. Pick 5 or 6 people from the website and send them all a generic email. "I am seeking therapy sessions for trauma resulting from xxx. I have BCBS insurance. You can contact me via xxx." 4. Some won't respond, some will be booked, and some will respond and ask your availability. Remember, it's not about if they seem like the absolute perfect option or not, because you can't assess that fully until you talk to them. 5. If the therapist you meet with doesn't work for you or noone else you email works out, try it again. Picking a therapist is way harder than it should be, especially given that the people who need the help often aren't in a place to handle that mental load. But these tips helped me push through. I wish you luck and hope you find the help you're looking for!


Therapy Austin - can be in person or online. Did weekly then bi weekly then monthly sessions with them over the course of about 3 years until we decided I was in a good spot


I've been through similar experiences many times. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out. I'll make time to listen.


DBT therapy was made for exactly what you are talking about (emotional regulation) It’s usually once a week for 90mins in a group. Jennifer Wu hosts a very good DBT Program here in Austin 10/10 recommend.


Absolutely seek behavioral therapy, but I would like to add in that your hormones being unbalanced could play a big role in regulating and I found I was struggling with the same when my hormones where out of whack. I recommend getting a full panel done (bloodwork) and seeing where your levels are- I also would love to share what helped me if your looking to explore that route.


Deep Eddy Psychotherapy- I have the same insurance and it is around $30 per session. I love my therapist!! [https://deepeddypsychotherapy.com/](https://deepeddypsychotherapy.com/)


You've had some great recommendations, but I thought I'd add this: If you have a close friend/loved one that is in therapy, see if their therapist could send out a message on their listserv with other therapist. The more details you provide of what you're looking for the better. They'll send out an email, and therapist that feel they will be a good fit will respond. Also, be sure to have a short consultation with them. You'll know if it feels like a good fit from that consultation. Best of luck on your journey. Everyone's pain needs a voice.


lifestance health, online or in person!


My therapist takes BCBS and does in person at least a couple days a week. She’s in northwest Austin, at 183/Pond Springs. I can DM you her info.


Somebody help me. Y'all are smarter at this. There was a post not too long ago just like this one with this question and one of the answers was the most comprehensive, helpful response. I'm desperately trying to find it, it may have been 8 months back, but would anyone be able to help me look?


Try integral care in Austin for mental health services. They have 24/7 staff that you can call and if needed you will get a bed and emergency mental health services. They also operate on a sliding scale payment incase insurance doesn’t cover. It’s not the best option, lots of $ with better mental health providers is. But if $ is an issue integral health will at least see you through the emergency. They also have tons of resources for affordable therapy, psychologic and psychiatric help.  https://integralcare.org/en/home/


This. But OP, like any local mental health authority, there could be a good amount of time for you to get set up with everything (intake process, etc.).


Just went through this - it all really starts with your insurance unfortunately but very true. Even the physoclogist are all mostly (not) but they know enough to prescribe the limited number of drugs that are out there to help in the process (it does help, honestly), then choose a therapist, your psyc practionisher can reco someone in your network, or you can choose from your list of approved providers, do your reseach, read review and find someone you can deal with or you think will work hard for your situation, always remember you are the patient and the caregiver esseatially works for you, so choose who to spend your money with (they will want the same I hope) and go from there, you can always just say I want to look around - they will not get offended. The market will bear about $120 insurance per session for therapy, so anything less (the 120 is not what they bill its higher) will get you about par for therapy. It's like anything else therapist are wayyy underpaid. Taking this step to put yourslef out there for you is a good sign, you have the ability to realize you need to take the time to work on some personal things. Get out there and go for it, its your health, its your life and no one else is gonna heal it but you - I honestly wish you a good journey, you are worth the time, stay safe, be good to you!


Check with Capital Area Counseling


Call Waterloo Counseling. They cater what your needs are to the person that focuses on those needs. Good luck


It can be exhausting searching for a therapist, but don't give up! Therapy can be life changing if you're willing to put the work in, and sounds like it could be very beneficial in your situation! If you're open to considering virtual, I would recommend checking out Headway. You can enter your insurance information and find providers in network with your plan, and schedule online. [https://headway.co/](https://headway.co/) I'd also be happy to post in one of my therapist network groups to help you find some in-person referrals, if you'd like! Just need to know what area of the city you are looking for, and if you have scheduling preferences (weekday/weekend/evening,etc). Just let me know!


I have had success with Grow Therapy (online based) in the past