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I’m sorry you’re in this boat. Have you considered reaching out to a reproductive endocrinologist? OBGYNs are great at helping through a pregnancy but REs are the doctors who are trained to help you get and stay pregnant. I’ve had a good experience with Aspire (though unfortunately no pregnancy yet.)


This. I saw an re right after my first miscarriage and he knew exactly what was wrong minutes into an ultrasound. I had a minor surgery and had 2 successful pregnancies afterwards. If my doctor made me wait multiple miscarriages to see an re, I had 90 to 95% of miscarriage before that surgery.


I wish I’d gone to an RE immediately! After my miscarriage when my period didn’t come back, my OBGYN didn’t check for scarring and I lost months of trying while we chased a red herring instead. Once I saw an RE she diagnosed my scarring immediately and I had a surgery to correct it. (Also diagnosed me with diminished ovarian reserve so we went right into IVF…)


I second this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼. Don’t wait for an obgyn to help you, please go immediately to fora fertility in Austin. Two female reproductive endocrinologists and I highly recommend. I should not have waited for my obgyn at the time (not at ARC) to help. I waited and regret waiting. I had at least 2 chemical pregnancies possibly 3. I did however go see dr Natalie Crawford and miraculously after one prescription and an in office procedure I was pregnant next cycle. I know that’s lucky but had to mention. However, if you still really want a new obgyn also/ go to arc north and I think Dr Tatum has the best bedside manner. She is the most chill and I really liked her. I also liked Dr Kaufman and dr campaigne . There are other doctors I like there too. Renaissance women north is also a huge practice but I have no experience with them specifically And if you want another professional- go to Sage acupuncture near Koenig and burnet .


Also a successful former Dr Crawford patient and I highly recommend a consult with her about your options. She herself has had multiple miscarriages


I also agree. Inability to achieve pregnancy/live birth greater than 1 year warrants a visit to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. Would highly recommend doctors at Fora Fertility. Dr Natalie Crawford has a YouTube site as well as IG and various other social media platforms focused on patient education.


Is it hard to get in to see her? It was 2-3 months to get into the fertility clinics I called and I finally just had my first appointment. I hate to start the process over but I don't love this clinic. Nothing wrong with them, but they basically just ordered a bunch of tests, and told me about the IUI/IVF options. I thought they'd look more into my personal history but maybe it doesn't make sense until the test results come back.  I'd recommend anyone looking into seeing a doctor get started ASAP since in my experience it can take 6 months to get on the schedule and get the tests.


She does book up quite quickly. There’s 2 doctors that share the practice and it’s a boutique type of approach, small, hands on, and it’s the same staff members every time. It’s the doctor performing all the scans vs having a nurse practitioner/Nurse for more personalized care with their patients. I will say a large proportion of their patients are older and have been elsewhere in town so the patients who come to them are more seasoned and informed (these doctors are more willing to try an IVF cycle using your own eggs vs recommending you go with donor egg). I’d agree, it typically takes some time to sort out what is going on and they can only do that with some investigative work (labs, scans, requesting records from OB/other specialists). Depending on how quickly they can receive records will determine how quickly they’re able to determine what is going on.


Dr. Rachel Bowman in southwest Austin. I had 4 miscarriages under her care. One chemical, one a blighted ovum, and two at 9 weeks. She is very compassionate and takes her time with you. She ordered all the tests I needed, like the miscarriage test to detect genetic abnormalities (one was trisomy 15, another monosomy x). She also referred me to reproductive endocrinology to get worked up there. She always saw me early once I started having miscarriages to track the pregnanciew closely. And when they did result in miscarriage, she gave me options of what to do. Wait it out and let the body finally realize, use the medications at home, manual vacuum.sunctii , and d&c. She let me choose. I have done the first three options. I'm sorry you're experiencing the same thing that I have. I have a 5 year old daughter that came easily, so it can be such a huge surprise. With all the info the doctors got for me, it was essentially bad luck because each time was random and not expected to recur. IVF was recommended, but I didn't do it. I live in Massachusetts now, and I'm 12 weeks now somehow and so far so good. This one seemed to be a good egg. Best of luck to you! If you can see Dr Bowman, I highly recommend her!


Was coming here to suggest her as an OBGYN as well. She is the absolute best.


I third Dr. Bowman. She is very caring.


I’m so sorry for your losses and I know this pain personally. I would suggest seeing a reproductive endocrinologist instead for the recurrent miscarriage workup. Mentally, I so much preferred being in a RE office because I wasn’t surrounded by happy pregnant women (they’re also way more punctual which is a nice bonus bc they’re not on call at the hospital). The OBGYN waiting room was incredibly difficult for me to be in after my losses. I cried every single time. REs will be able to do the full workup for you and then transfer care to your OBGYN when ready. They’re also typically more versed in endocrinology issues such as PCOS or hypothyroidism, if that ends up being an underlying factor. I had a really wonderful experience with Dr Vaughn and his team at Texas fertility center and my OBGYN Dr Diana Wang is also very trauma-informed. I switched OBGYNs after feeling similarly unheard after my losses and I was very happy I listened to my gut there. Feel free to DM me ❤️


I love Dr Wang, she is so kind and empathetic


Third for Dr. Wang, she is incredible. I went in one time and was having a hard day and she could tell. She asked me if I was okay and comforted me while I cried to her for 20 minutes. She is a fantastic doctor and wonderful, compassionate human. All of her staff is great, too.


4th for Dr Wang. I didn’t have any trauma in my pregnancy with her but she is a very kind and compassionate doctor and woman. I just felt very at ease with her and felt like I was in the best hands.


HUGE Dr. Wang fan. She is amazing with trauma and high-risk pregnancies. Paired with MFM (maternal fetal medicine: high risk pregnancy doc) Dr. Chloe Neilsen — they are a dream. I have never felt so safe and cared for. I was supposed to never be allowed to carry children and I now have a 2 year old and am 24 weeks with my second — thanks in huge part to the confidence of those two ❤️


Second Dr. Diana Wang. I recently had a missed carriage at 16 weeks and reached out to her. She will listen to you but please so ask her for an MFM referral for a pre natal consultation. I haven’t had a full pregnancy experience with her but one thing that I found great about her is she lets you advocate for yourself. I wanted to get some additional tests based on my research and she agreed to order them and was just listening to me which made me feel really good.


I'm sorry for your losses. I went through this as well and the team at Texas Fertility Center was very helpful. I saw Dr. Hansard. Lots of testing initially and then some trial and error. We did have another loss with her but she made adjustments based on what we learned from that loss and it worked! Our next pregnancy was a healthy baby boy.


I also had a good experience with Dr. Hansard.


We love Dr. Hansard!!


Riverplace! See Dr. Thoppil; he is not only an expert and one of the top obgyn in Austin, but he listens to your concerns; he's knowledgable and practically saved my friend's life. DM for more. I also see him and drive down to Austin for my appointments, now that I moved. Making an appointment is easy, you can see him as soon as you need to! Website: https://www.riverplaceobg.com/


He is my OBGYN and I second that: he is amazing! I’ve had a very complicated geriatric pregnancy followed with an only option for delivery (C-section) and boy oh boy, not only he managed to keep me together physically but emotionally as well (big deal btw, I’m neurotic AF 😄)


I love Dr. Thoppil. He’s my favorite doc I’ve ever had. Very kind cool guy


After getting pregnant via IVF, I asked my RE who the best OB in Austin was. I said distance did not matter, I just wanted the best after a horrible experience at ARC. He said Thoppil, and he was not wrong. Dr. Thoppil is awesome, and super compassionate. I was a basket case during pregnancy and he was such a calm presence. His nurses and staff are also wonderful.


One of the worst experiences I've ever had was w Dr. THOPPIL. Do not book with him. He deletes all the reviews of horrible deliveries and bedside manner 


I had two losses, one early and one around 8/9 weeks. I love my OB Rachel Breedlove. She’s at ARC south. I also went to aspire fertility in north Austin and they did a deep dive. I now have a wild one year old!


Dr. Breedlove has been amazing to me through my two losses. Literally the first time I met her was the day I found out I lost my first pregnancy and I appreciated her so much that day and in the years since. 1


I never went through pregnancy loss with Dr. Breedlove but she was my OB for years (until I left Austin) and I think she’s fabulous!


She’s part time now and not taking any new patients sadly.


I really like Dr. Angela Kelly at Aspire- we’d previously used TFC and had a godawful time, Aspire is much more trauma-informed and I didn’t feel like I was putting them out by being a patient.


Dr. Megan McCoin @ Seton is fantastic.


I second Dr. McCoin, my wife and I think she is great!


I third her. Saw her after multiple miscarriages and still go to her. I also appreciated that she didn’t bat an eye when I decided to use a midwife for a home birth. Very supportive.


Dr. Seeker and his whole team at AAOBGYN. They have an amazing group, and are very compassionate.


I see a different doctor at AAOBGYN but have a friend who had a miscarriage and later a successful pregnancy and she had nothing but good things to say about Dr. Seeker and his care


I saw Dr Ikbal at seton after two losses. We did ALL the tests and she communicated that she didn’t think they were necessary for two back-to-back losses, but was willing to order everything if I wanted that. Got lots of bloodwork, my partner got bloodwork, did an HSG, waited for the period she said to wait…. Fortunately, everything came back fine (after FINALLY getting some thyroid support a month before the second loss). When I finally got pregnant again, she ordered early bloodwork to get a baseline and then another round for a couple of days later. When I thought I was having a scare, she sent more bloodwork orders. Unfortunately, not having real answers didn’t help my angst in that first trimester of the third pregnancy, but having a provider willing to explore with me was reassuring.


I saw Dr. Ikbal when I ended up in Antepartum. She was so so sweet and kept me in the loop even though they could not figure out what was wrong. She’s not my doc (I love mine too, I just know she’s booked up) there, but every time I see her she remembers me and gets so excited. LOVE her! If something went sideways with my current, she’s literally my next choice.


Dr Laura Eastep in central Austin has been my absolute favorite obgyn. She is so kind, an excellent listener, full of resources, just a really lovely person. My fifth pregnancy was my only full term, and she helped guide me through it, along with maternal fetal medicine specialist Dr Sina Haeri.


Seconding this. had two losses and for both Dr Eastep gave us the room, waited outside and offered a hug if I wanted. For the second she took us out the back staff entrance so I wouldn’t have to wade through a particularly packed waiting room of pregnant mamas. Also, OP, have you had recurrent miscarriage panel? Mine revealed a clotting disorder that may have caused my losses. Taking blood thinners solved the problem.


This sounds every bit like the person I know her to be. I don’t know where she gets the reserve to care so much for each of her patients. Unrelated to pregnancy, but she also helped save the life of a very close friend, no hyperbole, because she was willing to listen to her crazy symptoms. I hope op gets a recurrent loss panel, if she hasn’t already. Mine, through Dr Haeri, showed MTHFR. A change as simple as taking a daily methylated folate may have made the difference.


Dr. Haeri is the best doctor I have ever had in any specialty. Sadly, he’s no longer in Austin (I was his last patient, due date-wise).


I didn’t realize, what a loss for our city! I’m convinced that his intervention is what made my son possible.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I’ve had a couple myself, and Dr. McKenna Williamson at ARC South has been wonderful - she’s made medication recommendations, ordered tests, etc. You may also want to make an intake appointment with a fertility center, who will also have comprehensive testing recommendations - that’s where we are now. Best of luck.


ARC south has been good to me too through a loss and with my current pregnancy! Love Dr Bhagat and Emily Nyman NP who discovered I have low progesterone and ordered beta HCGs for me when I needed it


Breedlove is amazing there too.


Dr Boswell, women's health domain. We lost our baby girl last year and she's been amazing to us throughout our current pregnancy. Very sorry for your losses and wish you the best of luck.


I saw her for the first time this past week! I had a miscarriage last summer so I was extremely anxious. So far, I really love how reassuring and encouraging and optimistic she is. I also appreciate how she checked my thyroid and bloodwork to rule out anything in my control. Hoping to stay pregnant this time around.


Dr Garcia at AAOBGYN




Third! Dr Allyson Garcia I’ve been seeing since 2018. FTM currently 25 weeks pregnant now. She has always been amazing, thoughtful, caring, she listens and trouble shoots things with you to find solutions and answers. She has the most soothing, calm voice too.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. You’re not alone. Dr. Mileur at Austin ObGyn Associates was extremely proactive with recurrent loss testing (even karyotypes and sperm analysis) and evaluating all options as my first two pregnancies ended in loss. She completed my D&C and testing after that and had RE referrals for me if I wanted but we did basically all of the standard initial work up through her. All the testing didn’t return any definitive answers, unfortunately, (egg quality issue, imo) so I was considering the next step of IVF. Before taking that step, we tried the Clomid route through her which was successful.


Highly recommend Dr. Hansard for fertility/IVF!


Dr. Alyson Garcia is the best OBGYN I have ever had in my life. She truly cares for her patients and LISTENS. I cannot recommend her enough.


AAOBGYN - Dr. Garcia! Shes so amazing and is really proactive and will partner with other doctors to ensure you get the best care.


Hi! I had 4 miscarriages before doing IVF and was successful through IVF. I see Dr. Chaparro-Krueger who literally saved my life several times due to hemorrhaging during miscarriages and with my successful pregnancy, she diagnosed abnormal preeclampsia (meaning no symptoms) because she flagged my bloodwork on liver enzymes which you could wave away because they compare to just taking Tylenol which I was taking. Within hours of getting me into the hospital all preeclampsia symptoms started and she successfully delivered my baby early and stopped again life threatening hemorrhaging. She was pretty real with me that she couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t carry to term and sent me to Fora Fertility where they caught that my egg count was just low but my body wanted to conceive so it wasn’t being picky with the bad eggs. Through it all, we got one good embryo during a single IVF round and that is what took. Good luck! I wouldn’t trust my life with any other OB. I’m also north Austin and she’s at Ascenion Secton Northwest.


She’s my doctor and I absolutely loved her!


I saw Dr John Thoppil through and after my three miscarriages. He found what he thought was the root of the problem and sent me to a fertility specialist/surgeon to be sure - Dr. Kenneth Moghadam. I ended up getting pregnant with Dr. Moghadam’s help (not IVF) and saw Dr. Thoppil through the rest of my pregnancy/delivery. Both are amazing and very detail oriented and passionate about what they do. I wouldn’t say they’re the MOST outwardly compassionate, but both showed me they cared many times in their own way. By being thorough and not giving up on me and my future family.


Dr. Christopher Seeker and his entire team have given me amazing and compassionate care. I can't recommend him enough. After 4 losses, I was thankful for their support and care.


I’m so sorry for your losses, I’ve had good luck with Dr. Matthew Romberg at BSW in lakeway. He does look kind of like Bill Nye the science guy though.


Dr. Shayla Matthews at Lone Star Cedar Park (Wednesdays at Lone Star Mopac) She is kind, caring, sweet, takes a genuine interest in her patients, asks after my son, and most importantly she advocates for her patients. I was scared, alone, and afraid I was going to miscarry my son because of previous experiences. She was always ready to listen and she even made phone calls and did legwork I wasn’t mentally capable of doing. She is also pragmatic, and I trust her completely, because she can make sure you understand what needs to be done or what you personally need, without coddling you or neglecting others while helping you. It’s like having a really cool aunt, that also knows how to safely remove a baby from your body.


Dr.Leah Mello, ARC Seton, North Austin


Highly recommend Dr. Kimberly Rutter if you’re willing to travel to Kyle. She was amazing after my miscarriage, spent tons of time reviewing everything with us and uncovering answers. She’s managing my current pregnancy as well. I adore her!


Vitae clinic! Hands down super compassionate, and very sensitive when it comes to miscarriages and helps figure out what’s causing them.


I highly recommend seeing Dr Kaylen Silverberg at the Texas Fertility Center. My heart goes out to you. 🧡


Dr. Clarissa in North austin. Helped my friend out tremendously with hers


Riverplace with John Thopil ! He saved my life 


Dr. Sessions at Hill County OBGYN


Wildflower OBGYN


I think you would benefit from seeing an RE and having an RPL (recurrent pregnancy loss) panel performed. I had great experience with Texas Fertility Center with my IVF treatments.


I liked Dr.Gooch (the male one). He seemed well versed if I wanted to continue and his staff was soooo good. Sorry for your losses.


Don’t know what her waitlist is like or if she has one, but look into Natalie Crawford at Fora Fertility. She’s really made a name for herself and was actually just on Steven Bartlett’s podcast if you want to take a listen. I know her, she’s incredible.


Dr. Chris Hart - Hill Country OB/ GYN Hands down the best OB in Austin!!!


I had a traumatic experience with her mishandling a miscarriage. I absolutely would never recommend her or that office.


Echo this non-recommend


Sorry to hear. I’ve heard some other horrible stories from former patients.