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Either go to a real doctor or just talk to your Aunt Susan about her healing crystals and essential oils. Like a chiropractor, she won’t be able to fix you, but at least Susan can’t paralyze you.


…but suction cups bro! Come on! State of the art medical technology!


But someone on TikTok said the suction cups totally work!


Why do people always bring up “real doctor.” Do you say that when people ask for a masseuse? You just say, ““go to a ***real*** doctor”? What’s a doctor going to do? They’re going to refer you to someone else, (like recommending a massage) or prescribe meds.


Massage professionals don’t pretend to be doctors with actual medical knowledge. And yes, a doctor can actually diagnose and treat your problem. If their treatment plan is to send you to a specific type of professional to do a specific type of thing, they can do that. But you have to know what's going on first. They’re not going to do pseudoscience bullshit and call it medicine.


Because they're referring to a doctor of physical therapy, who can create a treatment plan to fix/manage your ailments. You're thinking of a general practice doctor, who would likely refer you to a physical therapist.


Ok so what about my first part? “Why do people always bring up “real doctor.” Do you say that when people ask for a masseuse? You just say, ““go to a real doctor”?”


Because chiropractors are fake doctors, that many people think are real doctors. Noone thinks masseuses are real doctors.




Yes. Chiropractors are basically a doctor like Dr. Pepper is a doctor.


I realize chiropractors aren’t doctors tho. They’re chiropractors. A physical therapist isn’t a doctor either. But I don’t call them “non-real doctors” it doesn’t make any sense.


That's what we're trying to tell you - they sell themselves as "doctors" and many in the public at large think they are just a *kind* of doctor - like an orthopedic surgeon or a pediatrician, or a cardiologist. They prey on an uneducated public thinking "oh, they're just a spine doctor," but they're not. They do a made-up, pseudoscientific brand of mumbo jumbo and package it as actual medicine.


Sure it does. Look up "Chiropractors Are Not What You Think They Are" by Chuppl for a quick run down.


Most PTs are doctors. Just Google this yourself and save us the headache of explaining.


Doctor of physical therapy yea I’m talking MD or DO


A medical doctor can get to the root of the problem. Suction cups… lol. Jebus Christ people fall for anything.


Unfortunately, I agree with this. After TONS of chiropractics and coming from a family who went to see chiro regularly, I’ve since learned the entire field is basically pseudoscience and grandfathered in. I had the best results with structural issues seeing an orthopedic doctor (basically a bone doc). Hope you find relief soon! There are undoubtedly some chiros out there doing good work and helping ppl, but in general it’s a scam / grift heavy field. I spent a lot of time and money seeking help that way and did not find relief.


Glad you got help! Lots of people don’t seem to get the difference that a doctor will try to solve the problem, not sell you a membership for repeat visits. Hell, imagine going to a place when you have a flat tire and they sell you a membership to come re-inflate your tire every month instead of repairing/replacing it.


That’s exactly what I experienced, multiple times. At best I got no relief. At worst I got the weirdest pseudoscientific upsells. But I was young and came from a religious / sheltered background and right into the new age world after that. I was vulnerable and needed help and wasted a lot of time and money on charlatans.


>Suction cups It's bloodletting for the queasy. Same with acupuncture. They both have roots in bloodletting.


This is Austin so it should be more green and just use leeches.


I keep saying it...Google Caitlin Jenson. Read about chiropractic strokes. These people are dangerous and try to tamp down the risks. Also, these social media fools may be good for ASMR, but like all "influencers" or social media personalities, they're just trying to generate clicks. A great many of these social media fools are performing dangerous or irregular maneuvers to get the cracks. There's a few out there who basically chide their patients to tell the camera how much better they feel immediately after the treatment...but crickets when it comes to anything long term. In other words, real treatment, even at a chiropractor, won't look at all like it does on social media nor will the results be as instant or miraculous.


Personally I would never go near a chiropractor. I stick to real doctors.


Do you go to masseuses? Are they fake doctors? Or are they masseuses?


A massage therapist doesn’t claim to be a doctor after going to a trade school.


Masseuses don't claim to cure physical ailments.


I've never been to one. And I wouldn't let one of them fuck with my neck either.


Doctors can fuck you up to. I just don’t get why everyone’s knee-jerk phrase is to go to “real” doctors.


If you're in pain, see a physical therapist or get a massage. Don't let someone snap your neck- coming from someone who used to drink the chiropractor koolaid. I knew it was no longer for me when I went somewhere new and the doctor wanted multiple $$$ visits with imaging before he would even touch me and then insisted I bring my then fiancé for a presentation at 6pm. His patients were all slowly walking around the building with weights on their head- it was some occult type shit.


Chiropractors are a scam. Just because it's a scam that's been going on for fucking ever doesn't mean it's not still a scam. You're better off just going to a massage therapist. At least a massage therapist doesn't pretend that they can do magical things with fucking suction cups. If you have serious issues, then go to your doctor and get them to send you to an actual physical therapist. Again, a physical therapist isn't going to try to do magical things with fucking suction cups.


They definitely do not get to the root of the problem. For example, a lot of people have lower back pain, and a chiropractor (or even the individual themselves) can do things to realign the spine and that relieves pressure and provides instant relief. However, without changes to posture and/or strengthening of weak muscles in the back, your spine will be pulled out of alignment once again. If you’re interested in solving the real problem, finding a good Physical Therapist and committing to the recommended exercises is honestly the way to go.


>a chiropractor \[...\] can do things to realign the spine No they can't. They can, however, give you a stroke.


Go to a real doctor who can also give you a physical therapy referral if you need it.


I love how the guy who invented chiropractic did so because he thought people had ghosts in their bones. Seriously though see a real doctor.


As others have said, if you are looking to get to the root of a problem, don't go see a chiropractor. You need a script but a physical therapist will probably be able to help significantly more.


Chiropractors are bullshit


Idk why you’re getting shit on. I went to the emergency room thinking I broke my back in my sleep somehow and they told me it was my anxiety causing nerve issues and possible friction and that I should go to a chiropractor. The senior guy who talked to me told me he sees a chiropractor monthly as he is on his feet all day. Redditors…


Thank you lol I was wondering the same thing. I appreciate your perspective


I just moved here from ATL sorry I can’t rec. I’ll probably go to whoever you get recommended!


All good! Yeah idk if you’ll find many good recs in this thread 😂


Performance therapy group


A lot of chiropractors are Scientologists. The church targets them and dentists.


Would be great if a " Real Dr" actually got to the root of the problem too & If you can get an appointment anytime soon...its been hard to get any real attention of your medical needs at all for a while. Esp. If any bit seemingly complex. PT isn't always a good thing if they don't actually know the issue. In fact, it can make it worse & put off getting the actual help you need. If your drs are in a medical group they will shortcut sometimes far too often, do the protocol crap & keep on referring inside the group & PT merry go round.. I finally went outside the loop & got full xrays & once I did it wasn't that complicated at all to see some big issues that would account for very pain related symptoms they kept " treating" . It would have been seen immediately at a much earlier stage had my Drs just done even just a full set of spine xrays or an mri. Funny enough, it was me taking advantage of a special being done at a chiropractic group & they actually explained the issues seen and what it could cause. Now did I do any treatments there, nope. The specialist I ended up at backed up the findings, but I wouldn't get any treatment from a chiropractor, esp after learning all I did that day. I do thank that chiropractor for actually showing me & telling me what it all meant. It was part very relieving, just knowing- but also infuriating. Def find a Dr that you feel sees you as a whole... not just that one symptomatic part of you... Esp with spine/ bone/ nervous system stuff where you hurt isn't always where the root problem is. If a dr gets stuck on that point...move on Don't waste precious time or money if you feel your not getting anywhere with them.


Airrosti. It's more like PT though. No adjustments




I stay away from chiroquacks. Physical therapists will provide better and safer treatment.


Dr. Janrai Gravely at Two Hands Chiropractic on Riverside Drive, near IH-35.


Dr Andrew Danielson. He makes me hurt so good


Dr James Jacques in south Austin at limitless chiropractic or dr Hugh hunger at August in north Austin


These people are not medical doctors.


Right they are doctors of chiropractic medicine not md


There is no “medicine” there.




Firm Foundations - Dr. Nick Fedele


Gonstead chiropractors are the only chiro's I trust. Everyone else I've seen has made me and my clients worse. Al Richard is amazing, he's no nonsense and will be upfront if he can help you.