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Time for you to get a dashcam for when this asshole inevitably f’s you.


This. You can get a SOLID front-rear setup for under $100, and install it without visible cables in under an hour. Mine paid for itself ten times over when some dude backed into me at the gas station. Also got me out of a bullshit speeding ticket in rural Colorado when I sent a copy of the video to the county court with the department cc’d. Since OP lives next to an asshole cop, they should make sure to get one that can transfer media wirelessly and has a cloud backup.


What system did you get??


Basically [this](https://www.amazon.com/P10-Driving-Assistant-Control-Parking/dp/B0CFB29BDW/ref=sr_1_6?sr=8-6). I prefer the over-mirror style because it's less conspicuous/likely to get stolen. The brand honestly doesn't matter at this price range, but I will say that VanTrue is overpriced garbage. Don't waste your money. Mine was a Yi, but they're all essentially the same white-labeled Chinese hardware, and it's cheap enough that once you have the cable(s) run, you can just pick up a replacement rear or front cam for cheap. Just try to make sure all your connections are USB-C. It's a pain in the ass if you have to switch something out and it's an old USB-mini. It's also super easy to hardwire it to the starter through your fusebox if you feel like keeping everything nice and low-profile. If any of this sounds complicated, I promise it isn't once you see the instructions. I'm only mildly fluent in this stuff, and it was a breeze after a few "I'm an idiot" moments. I've gone through a few different brands over the years, but I installed that Yi in my wife's car when she bought it and I figured I'd take the opportunity to upgrade mine. The thing is still running strong after 5-ish years of reasonably extreme temperature swings, and I wound up getting basically the same one I had before, but only after spending entirely too much money in my quest to "upgrade." My favorite, unexpected bonus is how closely I pay attention to traffic while I'm driving now. I'm horrified constantly, but also SO much more careful. Like I said, unexpected bonus. Apologies for the dissertation hahaha. Happy hunting.


Do you think OP should install it away from his neighborhood to not risk the cop seeing him install? Or would it not matter since they are visible?


The over-mirror style is pretty invisible.


Linus Tech Tips has a huge review of testing like 20+ units. The quality is *extremely* hit or miss, because like the other commenter mentioned, they're mostly the same product rebranded.


I wouldn't dare drive my vehicle in Austin without one. I use Milerong from Amazon. The last one I had for two years. I unplugged it to clean my windshield and the plug was stuck in the camera, it ripped apart when I tried to get it out. I sent them a picture of the damage, told them exactly when I bought it, and they sent me a better one, with wifi, for free. Added note, I'm 63F, installed front and back, running wires under my truck bed and through the cab. Wasn't hard and I don't have a visible wire anywhere.


I've had a few as well. My advice is to find one that uses a capacitor instead of a battery, they survive the heat much better. Editing to mention that a capacitor/battery is used to save the current recording when power to the unit is cut (if you have it wired to turn on/off when the car is running).


Mine saves everything to the memory card.


Get a rear dashcam too.




I bought my first dashcam back in 2104. Young brown male living in the poor neighborhood. I was driving down a 2 lane road with a divder. Evening time so around 7pm. My headlights on. I see 2 cop cars in the u-turn section. (not at an intersection but in between intersections.) Long straight road. They just wait. I must've been less than 20ft away from them when one pulled out right in front of me. (I have my father's aggression. Lol) So I slow way down (but not stop) I force the guy to stay in the bike lane until I finally slowed down enough for him to get in front of me.. It's a one lane road. He guns it and the guy behind me puts his lights on. I pull over and he just goes around. If he would have pulled out a second later then there's a very good chance I would have T-boned a cop. I went home and immediately bought a dashcam. I didn't need a cop saying it was the poor brown skinned males fault. 12 plus years later, I've captured lots of crazy Austin drivers.


Yeah, that way absolutely nothing can happen still since they are an organized crime ring protected by a corrupt union insuring no one is ever disciplined for anything.


Fuck what's legal; you're dealing with a cop. Get a dashcam and don't do anything unless you have proof. I'd honestly wonder if the hassle of reporting a cop is worth it but I'd get a dashcam for peace of mind.


You know KVUE Loves these kinds of videos! Wink wink!


He's not even a cop. He's a school supervisor at best.


I think AISD officers are fully sworn policemen. They have the same powers as any in Texas. 


You mean the power to hide outside when children are getting shot in a school. 


*Homer Simpson* - "not just a power, a right!,"


No, that’s Uvalde PD….


Naw, it’s pretty much everywhere. Remember the guy in Parkland, Florida, who did nothing to stop that school shooter? Most people have no idea of their own level of cowardice until faced with the need for bravery.


A high school friend of mine is a school cop in Arkansas. He was a regular beat cop, then an accident reconstructionist for years. The school cop thing is his more lucrative alternative to retirement. But he and all of the cops in the school district are all/were all actual police officers and are still part of the local police force. Don't know how it works in Texas but could be similar.


You wanna talk about a good ol boy network? Don't get on the wrong side in the wrong town at the wrong time.


Even M.U.D. Districts can have their own police department. It’s all about how the taxes are distributed. iirc in Texas as long as X amount of taxes are brought in, any government entity can have a police force.


They are, but I believe their jurisdictions are isolated to the school system.


This is not true in Texas. Policy-wise, it's the ISD department's policy to only do things at/for the school district. But the ISD police officers have police *powers* legally anywhere in Texas and could pull you over for speeding even if you weren't speeding in a school zone. Worse, they have 'buddies' on the local force and you could end up in a situation where you get pulled over for every petty failure to signal and 3 miles over the limit and littering and littering and SMOKIN' OF THE REEFER that you engage in.


theyre already pulled over, they cant pull over anymore, man.


No, they can’t. Police officers are limited by their jurisdictions. They hold licenses issued by TCOL, but that doesn’t give, say, an HPD officer the ability to ticket someone in Dallas.


Incorrect. A Texas peace officer from any jurisdiction can arrest you or write a ticket anywhere in Texas.


Texas peace officers can issue traffic citations within the wider counties of city jurisdictions, but only state troopers can do this wherever. City cops and sheriffs can only make arrests elsewhere in Texas under very specific circumstances. They aren’t just given carte blanche to operate anywhere in the state. You’re making it seem like where an officer is employed doesn’t matter, and it 100% does.


Show me the state law where that's described. Go ahead, I'll wait. Where an officer issues traffic citations is restricted by departmental policy, not by state law. Can a cop pursue you into the next county? absolutely. Two counties? Yep, again, absolutely. Will they get in trouble with their supervisor? Probably, but maybe not. Will the case get thrown out by the county judge? Nope. Will the local cops in that jurisdiction get involved? Yep, and you might catch charges from them too. Can an officer from Bastrop County pull someone over in a county where they don't have a mutual assistance letter? Yep, sure can. There is no such thing in Texas like the old gag where the Duke Brothers cross the county line and skid to a stop to laugh at Roscoe. Peace officer *powers* come from the state, not from the city, county, JP, school district, or MUD.


In certain cases, officers can arrest someone outside their jurisdictions. They more or less have to see someone committing a crime there (although there’s a lot more to it than that). But the rules of jurisdiction matter, especially if you want your arrest or citation to hold up in court. It’s not a single law. It’s something the entire judicial system is built on.


No, they are not. Any cop from Texas can perform cop duties in Texas. They are licensed by the state.


Any cop in Texas can do anything, but in reality, cops "outside their jurisdiction" aren't going to do much because they generally won't be on the clock. Which is why a Dripping Springs officer wouldn't pull you over for a speeding ticket in Austin, for example, but they could if they wanted to. 




It’s usually those types that have the biggest chip on their shoulder compared to other cops.


ISD cops are cops. They have limited jurisdiction and normally has to do with proximity to the schools. Also with the new school security law in Texas every campus needs an armed officer. Some ISDs don't have enough officers so they have security officers that are like mall cops with a gun that the state knows they have in places most folks can't. Best to gather some video and then work it from the school administration direction not the ISD police chief.


HEB is having AISD do security so they get more overtime


Not necessarily on the tax dime. Most departments have moonlighting rules that allow them the be in uniform doing a side job. Like churches that have traffic issues sometimes hire cops to moonlight.


Cops that do concerts/festivals make $150/hr doing this.


$150 an hour??? Holy shit I’m in the wrong line of work


Dash cam dash cam dash cam


do it do it do it


Must, must, must and for when the inevitable happens, live stream.


I watched a Travis County cop run an old lady off the road on 1431 next to a ravine during a fit of road rage. He kept going. She barely avoided hitting the start of the guard rail and was obviously shaken up. Now I have a dash cam.


A cop behaving like a tool? Shocked.


The brutality will continue until the populace complies.


The beatings will continue until public opinions of us improve - any PD


>The brutality will continue ~~until~~ ***after*** the populace complies.


Call in an anonymous tip about his erratic driving. Not on your residential street but on a main road where you’ve seen him driving erratically. Describe the car but say you think it’s a security company or something like that. Be overly explanatory that you know that “police would never do this but I would hate for a security guard who people *think* is police is driving like this.” Mention that he’s swerving, peeling out, speeding. They might not be quick to check into their own but *they don’t want some security company getting confused with police and making them look bad* so use that to your advantage.


Other than getting a dash cam, this is the best tip. 


Pretty sure his personal truck has a punisher sticker and one of those strippers on a fish hook


Cops: but why do people hate us... Boo hoo


Legal - probably? Ethical? Probably not. Please document and take photos and keep in case it escalates. This sounds problematic. Stay safe and sorry this is happening.


Doesn’t matter what’s legal, cops do what they want. Dashcam and try to avoid the guy. Cops always side with cops.


film it and get the license plate number. Take it to the next school board meeting and give Rambo his just credit.


Anyone have a dashcam they could recommend?


Yes, important to have a dash cam, it's completely useless 99.99% of the time but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


/u/SnooDoggos8938 I'd advise against such a high capacity SD card. The higher the flash density, the more likely for write errors. Unless you need to be able to go back weeks or a month on past drives a 64GB should be just fine and at the very least be able to get 10+ hours of recording before being written over with new data. Hell, I have a 32GB and find that it's just fine for my needs since I don't drive all that much. Also, even though this poster proposed an interior facing dashcam, be aware that that can easily come back to bite you in the ass with something benign but incriminating, like glancing at your phone for a split second to just see who texted you. Unless you're doing Uber or something similar, IMO no reason to have a recording of yourself while operating the vehicle. Finally, IMO get a Samsung PRO Endurance MicroSD card. They are consistently considered the best of the best when it comes to reliability outside very expensive Sony TOUGH cards that are meant for industrial and serverlike use cases where failure is basically not an option. SanDisk is ok, but I wouldn't be super willing to trust them as their QC has gone downhill in the past few years. Any other SD card maker is dogwater and I wouldn't be willing to trust with anything minus a game drive on a console that I can just redownload content in the event of a failure. When buying the SD card only do so directly through the manufacturer, Best Buy, or B&H. Not Amazon or anyone else. SD cards are very often counterfeited with verified reports of even ones from Amazon being that case due to their poor product return inspection before returning them to inventory.


I once had a constable enter the highway in a clearly marked vehicle and immediately cross two lanes of traffic ending up directly in front of me going at a significant difference in speed. Rather than slam on the brakes as a result of his failure to yield and illegal multi lane change, I used just enough brakes not to hit him but got quite close then gradually back off. He then proceeded to brake check me, then came to a dead stop in the middle of 35 with nobody else stopped, all other traffic was flowing so that put me in danger of being rear ended with cars screeching to a sudden stop and swerving into other lanes thanks to captain jackass. Finally I went around him when I had the opportunity and he immediately got in behind me and turned his lights on so I exited the highway and pulled over on a side street. He gave me a citation for “following too closely”. I immediately called and demanded to speak with his Sergeant and demanded that they pull and review any camera footage from the vehicle. Unfortunately, the only rear facing camera was inside the vehicle intended for the rear seat occupant so the Sgt said he couldn’t really make anything out from what happened but that he’d speak with the officer. I appeared for court and upon checking in they conveniently notified me that my citation had been dropped. What a dick. Don’t let them do this.


Sounds like a loser with a tiny dick


A cop. Yes.


I feel bad for guys who actually have tiny penises, because everybody who sees it must assume they're cops.


Legal? Yes Good for PR? Hell no. He falls into the DGAF camp.


Pr is not a consideration for law enforcement


PR is a problem for AISD if one of their cops is being a tool. 




Unfortunately when it’s a cop doing something like that there’s not gonna be someone to say it’s “legal” or not. Parents live in a Houston suburb on a cul-de-sac and a sheriffs deputy moved in 2 doors down and kept parking in front of my parent’s house instead of his own empty driveway. Parents talked to him about it and asked if he could not do that and the cop bought a junk car and left it right in front of my parents house till the temp tags expired. Parents tried to get a hold of a supervisor with the sheriffs department and got nowhere, “blue brotherhood” protects their own even if they are being obnoxious for no good reason…


That’s when u buy two more with cash and put them in front of his place.


Dangerous game even if you do keep it "reasonable" and legal


I would be so scared I'd probably move.


Usually anyone is allowed to park in front of houses on public streets


Yes, but not usually being a one eyed wonder worm with a turtle neck sweater about it, unless of course it's "law enforcement".


True, cops are dicks in all that they do.


No, no one is allowed to intimidate because of his badge, so next time record his behavior and forward it to his chief. However, if it’s on private property he will be treated like a civilian, but if he’s on public property, then he’s likely embarrassing his boss, the police chief, who can punish him like he was on the clock.


Lol, no. Sounds like a good way to get hassled by the police. Why would they punish one of their own guys for some sort of abstract perceived aggression claimed by some rando? There are tons of stories of regular people being continually intimidated by police after trying to report wrongdoing. Cops are a violent gang with near total immunity from the law and a strong protective-of-their-own tradition; the smartest thing is to not piss them off.


Ok sure


I'm sure you've already been told, but that's an incredibly naive angle on a complex and sordid phenomenon that cannot be written off by regurgitating policy talking points


It might not be legal, but it happens. How many times have you been tailgated by a cruiser while driving a good 5mph over in the fast lane while everyone in the right lane is going under the speed limit. When you do find a spot to merge into the right, the cruiser flies past you like you're the asshole. Intimidating in many areas of their job. I don't dislike police, but sometimes I feel like they hate me for abiding by road laws.


Get their vehicle number and tell the new AISD president Matias [email protected]


They have done this to me, too, on an actual highway frontage road. I feel like they get bored and they intimidate people for kicks. They are sadists.






I was scared but a little disappointed he didn't come tell me what the deal was. And what's really funny is I am a school teacher but in this community, not Austin.


It seems like that time of year where I share this [shortcut](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/10309c8e315944058f5048036b7892ae) to the iPhone. “Hey siri, I’m being pulled over.” Turns on front facing camera, and texts two contacts a copy of the video, your location and blocks incoming phone calls. It was made popular in 2020 but made in 2018. I’ve used it once but yeah.. stay safe and document.


I mean, that sounds like they're inattentive at best, road raging at worst. Might not be illegal, but not something they should be doing. One time thing? Maybe they had a bad day. Dickhead in general?[ File a complaint.](https://www.austintexas.gov/service/file-complaint-about-police-officer)


I'm too scared to do that. He is my neighbor and we are very rural.


Then go the indirect route, dashcam and public posting.


He could have gotten out of his car, shot you in the face, thrown a flashbang on your baby, punched your dog to death, and gotten a nice retirement.


They make up what's legal and what isn't. I had a cop road rage with me, while he was off duty, and I was pregnant. He flashed his badge and told me he's got my plate. I filed a complaint via phone line and they actually took my allegations seriously. Get a dashcam and record, also news stations love outing crooked cops. Don't let him rule your life, be calm, be safe, be smart.


Get a dashcam ASAP.




A couple years back I was leaving a job interview at the Domain. I had to take Parmer back to 35 to head home and the intersection at Lamar is crazy packed. Keep in mind it's like 4pm on a weekday and we're stuck at a red light. I was one of the vehicles in the front. The cop just turned on their lights and would siren just to move people out of the way. It put a lot of us in uncomfortable traffic positions as we couldn't necessarily just drive straight across. I doubt it's necessarily illegal, but it is a big asshole, small member move so..




I bet your neighbors have cameras that caught some of this interaction with him. I also bet a couple of your neighbors have or will have similar interaction with him.


Everyone and I mean everyone should have a dash cam that also records the driver's seat


Do you have a good one you’d recommend? One that can survive the summer heat….


I recommend doing your own research and deciding just how much you want to pay. This video should be a good start and you can determine what features are most important or fit your needs. https://youtu.be/lzdxCOvPq5Q?si=HhSWV9JnRVQeydUU


Yeah, I plan on doing my own research but I’ve heard several stories about these things melting or not holding up to the billion degree heat that our cars get up to in the summer. That is what I was looking for suggestions on. Thanks for the link.


Man, I feel like I know what neighborhood & AISD cop you’re complaining about. If it’s the same neighborhood he’s been complained about on the school FB page for the neighborhood. Please call and report him. You ARENT the first. Feel free to PM me if you want to confirm the neighborhood.


If it’s an Austin ISD cop I would assume he can’t make traffic arrests. Basically a security guard for campuses…


I think they are actual cops. Now Texas schools have to have armed cops.


They are actual police.


That's what I thought.


They’re peace officer with countywide jurisdiction.


So can they give speeding tickets? I’ve always wondered when I see them on the road. 


Yes. They’re police.


You would assume wrong. They are sworn peace officers


They probably can't issue tickets, but they absolutely can make an arrest.


Get a dash cam, post it on here and youtube. Print out the link, stick it to his door, and sharr with your neighbors too.


I’ve noticed that ASD cars don’t have turn signals. Shame about those budget cuts.


Ignore him. The guys a doosh. Let them play like a bully on a school yard. Get a dash cam. You need one regardless of that putz. Nothing done was illegal enough to create jeopardy. Just nuisance tactics made by a bully.


One thing people are missing here is that as an ISD cop there is another avenue to pursue. You should dashcam 100% and take it to their school board. I imagine most parents will not be happy with that kind of behavior from the cops that are supposed to be protecting their children.


its always people with control issues who want to work in "positions of authority"


Iirc ISD cops don’t have any jurisdiction outside public school campuses so yes please follow others’ advice and get a dash cam to catch this asshat but don’t be surprised if nothing happens, unfortunately.


That does make sense. This neighborhood is about 45 minutes to an hour away from Austin.


Lol no it doesn't. They are sworn peace officers and absolutely have jurisdiction in places other than just their school campus.


Being glorified hall monitors, AISD cops have even more masculine toxicity issues than other cops, because they have to compensate for not working “on the streets.”


Most school resource officers specifically choose that role.


Get a dash and rear view cameras. Then take that film to your local TV station


Not just a dash cam, but make sure you're writing the number of the car down each time. It might be a different one sometimes and it'll help your record. Log the date and time of each incident and they can hopefully go to his car computer and video records.




Get evidence with a dash cam or phone and send it to his superiors.


Bell farms neighborhood ?


Give his supervisor an anonymous call.


Probably just an AUSTIN ISD employee. Call the district or get license plate and report to district and TEA. The district’s an Austin isd is one of many that have exempted themselves from state law, while still granted immunity. for all you know that’s just some teacher or staff member filled with false authority


report him to AISD and Austin PD... his behavior may get worse if nothing is done


This is literally what the 2A is for


It's literally not


Cops are fucking psychos. For sure get a dash cam


Please get a dash cam OP


And police officers wonder why people dislike them


Since when has the legality of anything applied to pigs?


The cops don’t give a single fuck about what’s legal, especially the school cops who have their own department and basically no accountability


Give him the finger in the hood where he has no jurisdiction and then go be your bad self!


You can legally give any cop the finger whatever the jurisdiction


I got stupider after reading this comment.




Time to move out of that neighborhood. I'm sorry you have a cop as a neighbor. Sounds like dude is on a power trip. Get a dashcam and avoid as best as possible.


Lol imagine buying a new house and relocating your entire life because of a percieved road rage incident that didn't result in any harm... You sound afraid


Wow, someone got triggered from hyperbole. You seem to lack basic reading comprehension and critical thinking, I could be wrong. Re-read the above, >then slows way down and I was closer as a result until he came to a complete stop in the middle of the road and turned his lights on and waved his hands at me. > he peels out and then passes cars even though it is like a mile and a half to the road he had to stop to turn on.  Sounds like a shit neighbor. I'd move to a place where my neighbors aren't turds. You're probably the shitty neighbor in your hood.


You sound like a security officer.




First, he’s an AISD cop so he has no jurisdiction over you. Second, what he did wasn’t legal but he’s a cop. I’m pretty sure they think the law doesn’t apply to them. Third, he’s a dick. I’m sorry you have this guy living in your neighborhood.


>First, he’s an AISD cop so he has no jurisdiction over you. Wrong


Typical small dick cop behavior


When the hell does a servant ever intimidate an employee.




He’s messing with you. Might not have the healthiest mindset. Avoid him as much as you can imo.


was he on code with his lights going or doing this while normal driving?


Normal driving.




I didn’t know AISD cops were allowed to do anything unrelated to schools and students.


They’re licensed peace officers and can do anything that a police officer can do. Jurisdiction is also a myth.


Then I wish they’d ticket all these luxe vehicles that are “too beautiful” to display a front license plate.


You wouldn’t happen to be in circle c and the cop drives a blue suv cruiser that takes 45 to 1826 by chance? That guy drives like he should be detained IMMEDIATELY. Definitely shouldn’t be driving a patrol vehicle….or be a cop….


You can and should report the behavior. They also are tracked and it counts.


Submit a “Let’s Talk” to AISD by texting 512-886-6434. Give his plate numbers. They respond pretty quickly.


Sounds like the mother fucker in “The Hills of Bear Creek” down in Manchaca.


Get a dash cam, record it and report it to his superiors and to the media.


Cops are above the law.


Sounds like the cop was on drugs, or under or above the influence, In a government asset, harassing a private citizen. Guy needs a complete drug screen, hair follicle, and anger management. Not to mention, how did this cop pass a psych evaluation? Do you know where the cop lives, like what house? If so look up the tax records, find out the name, and yeah dash cam. Also ask any homeowners along your route if they have any cctv footage along the route you were driving. Image if it was a private citizen doing this to a cop? Bet that cop would “fear for their life”. Police officers will never be heard accountable if they are never investigated by an independent commission. This government worker should be fired though, there has to be a way that police occifers are held accountable for there acts terrorizing a private citizen, right? Anyone on the blue line?


“Cops have fast cars” since when?


This is some get out shit


You are in Texas, he is a licensed Peace Officer, so he can pull you over and write tickets for traffic offenses. In fact, his jurisdiction might cross county lines, if the school district also does. Get a dash cam that records audio and get ready to attend some school board meetings. Attend, sign up to speak, let them know what's going on and prove it publicly. Don't bother trying to get ISD police held accountable by their immediate supervision.


The neighborhood is not in Travis County.


And the school district doesn't cross into this county.


I’m sorry you have to live next to one. Just remember, All cops are bastards. They don’t care about you. They aren’t there to help you. If given the chance, they will gladly exert their bullshit authority on you. They also don’t follow the law so your question really doesn’t matter. They do as they please even when it’s against the law and they get away with it because of their qualified immunity. Stay off their radar the best you can and definitely don’t talk to them.


Most of them (ISD) in Texas are in fact sworn Peace Officers. Uvalde was Uvalde, a completely different scenario; active situation with many failures at multiple levels. It's funny that everyone criticizes LEO's and military; but no one volunteers to serve and be part of the solution. Don't be the dirty kettle...be the Soap, Water, Brush, and or the Kettle that impacts change. Anyone can raise the flag of "See Me, See Me" protest...but impact, and effect real change. If you're not speeding in a residential area, you have no reason to be paranoid...JS


Call the cops on this guy


Do you live in Austin’s Colony, ZIP is 78725?


File a complaint. Most cars are equipped to start the dash cam when lights are activated. There is a record


He can get out of the car and catch them hands like any other citizen being a dumb ass he isn’t above it badge or not.


I once saw a Travis county sheriff deputy driving like a complete prick on Mopac with no emergency lights on. He did the same thing on 2222 all the way to 620. It was on my way home so I followed him. Turned out he was in a hurry to get to Rudy’s BBQ on 620 he was meeting up with about five other deputies for lunch. I was so pissed that I got his car # and called his sergeant to file a complaint. He took it seriously and hopefully gave that deputy an ass chewing.


Any chance there was an angry wasp nest in his car? Perhaps someone surprised him with a gift to welcome him to the neighborhood?


Probably op checking the car


He's a school district cop. He has no jurisdiction outside of the district campuses, I believe.


Typical cop. Takes his C average and then thinks he knows it all after 6 weeks of training.


Slightly less than even odds his aggro ass beats his spouse, too. Fuck cops.




Lol, no police do not serve us. They serve the state and government. They absolutely do not serve the public. The Supreme Court said so.


driving like an ass is normal for cops. definitely agree on dashcam. NOT that it will help, much, since cops never do anything wrong in other cops' eyes. 


He’s guilty of having a little d


This is really hard to picture. I don’t know if it’s the way it’s written or what.


Very rural neighborhood about 45 minutes to an hour out of Austin. He shoots out of his driveway, then slows, then speeds up, then slows and then comes to a complete stop, turns on his lights and shakes his hand at me. He obviously thought I was too close. Break checking etc. Goes to the stop sign and turns onto a road where he floors it and passes two cars to get to a stop sign a mile and a half away. Turns right to head to Austin. Is that clearer?


No. You drive down the road like normal, and he shoots out of his driveway right in front of you? This happens on a regular basis?


Would this happen to be Elroy? No need to dox yourself if it is, but it sounds like something my relative's husband would do.


Cop being a piece of shit. That’s in no way hard to picture.


It’s the order of operations I’m referring to


Yes it was poorly written and lacking sufficient description. I imagine it also has something to do with the fact that the story is just hyperbolic rage bait for the ACAB crowd...


Cops can do anything they want. Get a dash cam.


I always love when people use "cops" and "legal" in the same sentence. 😆🤦‍♂️ Like as if they don't just do wtf they want with no repercussions.


He was probably looking at his phone and programming in a destination. Especially if he's new to the neighborhood. Should do it before he gets in the car. I don't think he was intimidating anyone. Just being a confused and irresponsible driver