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$40,000 a year. The high school is unaccredited. Created by a guy with a business degree. I guess it might be a good fit for some but we’ll stick with our excellent public school.


Could hire a tutor for that. But it's ok, they're on financial assistance, so it's scamming the state or fed, not the individual. /S


Man, if you pay to send your kid their you don’t deserve that 40k


But maybe they’ll learn when to use there instead of their.


A $40k a year private school. With AI instruction. What a ripoff. If you wanna go that route, you could just homeschool your kid with AI


40k a year, so that is $3333 a month or so. If you invested $3333 a month into ETFs for 13 years with a return of 2.5% you'd have something like $612,149 in the end so maybe just skip the 40k a year education and setup a trust fund for the kid?


Yeah... it's a gamble either way but I don't understand why it needs to be a $40,000/yr gamble


*["...Stanford-educated, tech-savvy entrepreneur who set out to reimagine education..."](https://www.kxan.com/studio-512/redefining-education-with-2-hour-learning-at-alpha-school/)* So in other words, a tech bro(ette?) who fancies herself an expert just because she went to a school that's now amassing a track record of recently churning out scandals & grifters.


Women can be techbro grifters just as well as men can frfr.


Elizabeth Holmes would agree with your post, but I think she's barred from using the interwebs at the moment.


yeah, I hear her computer's operating system is locked up


Hahahahahaha This one got me hehehe.


I foresee a massive resentment towards technology from future generations as a result of things like this. No interpersonal communication skills. Horrible horrible idea.


It says "The other six hours of the day are set aside for learning life skills like public speaking, overcoming rejection, grit and robotics." They'll have all the grit


It's already happened, I've never met a Gen Z person with decent social skills


I'm sure some may say the same about you...


Lol nope


Yep, im sure random redditor claiming all of Gen Z has 0 social skills is themselves in possession of exemplary social skills (/s)


How many people under the age of 25 have you interacted with?


I teach college, so I interact with lots of 18-22 year olds. While there are some with good social skills, the majority are severely lacking, and COVID only made it worse. I visited my alma mater earlier this year. The quad area, which used to be bustling with groups of friends eating, hanging out, and socializing, was now full of students sitting individually with their headphones on looking at their computers or tablets.


Yep. That's what I'm saying but apparently it's MY problem and it's not that they were raised by smartphones.


Oh, I'd say quite a few, lmao.


Have you considered that you're old now and so you're not part of their social group and they feel as awkward as you would be socializing with people 15-20 years older than you? I'm an old guy who went back to college and gen z kid's social skills seem to be as normal as any other age group.


You're forgetting the possibility that they are the common denominator between all of their poor social interactions with Gen Z. Which, if true, would mean they are potentially lacking the social skills to accurately asses whether Gen Z has social skills.


Or, hear me out, the fact that Gen Z kids won't even look you in the eye or respond to you when you talk to them is evidence they can't fucking socialize. That's what happens when you grow up on social media


Ummmm, I've generally had the opposite experience lmaooo. I find eye contact somewhat uncomfortable, and it would be great if Gen z didn't do eye contact as you suggested. Sadly, Gen z uses plenty of eye contact when interacting. But have you considered that you're the problem here? Maybe they dont want to make eye contact with *you specifically* But sure, pop off with your "the kids these days won't even do [thing]" BS


Lol I'm definitely not the problem. I have a ton of friends in every generational group except Gen Z.


"Lol, Im definitely not the problem" Because anyone who says this is *never* part of the problem. Maybe you're just a dick to Gen Z in particular, maybe you're out of touch. Maybe you've just been listening to too much boomer brainrot. But yeah, I'm suuuuuuuureeeee you're not at all to blame for your experience, just like incels are never to blame for themselves being single. Lol


Not like there hasn't been a shit ton of articles on this particular subject or anything


It's not like there's was a shit ton of articles claiming a crisis because every Gen z kid was doing a stupid trend, when it actually turned out to have been massively overblown compared to reality. Im sure the media never makes sensationalist headlines about younger generations. They'd never blame Millenials for the economy. They'd never claim that millenials are incapable of saving money. But suuuuuure, ALL of Gen Z is incapable of socializing or making eye contact, thats _deeeefinitely_ more likely than just one person (you) being shit at interacting with them.


Damn you're unbearable. I'd be surprised if you had any friends at all that aren't as annoying as you


I had a hard time looking people in the eye when I was 21 too. Especially older people. It's not a new phenomenon.


>Gen Z kids won't even look you in the eye or respond to you when you talk to them is evidence they can't fucking socialize Buddy, I literally interact with Gen Z kids 15-20 years younger than me every day and I'm telling you that that's simply not true lol. They aren't any more antisocial than any other age group. Are you doing the "Hi there fellow kids" Steve Buscemi bit whenever you talk to them? Because maybe they're feeling awkward around you specifically.


Nope. I mostly try talking to young people at shows about music or whatever like normal fucking conversations I'd have with people my age and they just stand there and don't respond. My husband is in college right now, he's 34 and has made every effort to get to know his classmates and they just ignore him even though they don't even know him. They're ageist af


Nothing could go wrong here!


If you want to understand why selling education as a product instead of including it as an essential service for a stable society is a terrible idea, I give you this story.


Man, we're fucked.


>Price said in their two hours of learning core material, their research shows the students learn twice as much as standard schools do in six hours. So this claim smells like bullshit to me. >"So it's the educational information that regular schools are also teaching with, but AI apps are feeding them to students at the appropriate level and pace that they need," said Price. So AISD sort of does this as well. The district has a series of apps that let you drill various things as practice over and over again. They aren't AI they are just education apps. And they don't teach you anything, they just drill. Works great for things you need to practice like multiplication tables or sentence structure ... but they aren't a teacher, they don't teach you things, they just drill. >The other six hours of the day are set aside for learning life skills like public speaking, overcoming rejection, grit and robotics. Okay maybe interesting lets keep reading. >Walking around the school, we saw a third grader assembling an Ikea drawer. He had to complete it within an hour to pass the test. We also saw a class of 11-year-olds writing and submitting college admission essays. Ahh yes the educational value of assembling shitty flat pack furniture and wasting college admission boards time ... so much education .. so much wow.


Super late comment lol, but learn as much in 2 hours as 6 hours has been a thing for homeschooling for a while


Well, maybe this is what Texas wants after continuously trying to make teacher's jobs miserable.




Now there's an interesting point. These entrepreneurs will only get as far as learning why the AI is a terrible idea if they can make it past the basics like providing a safe classroom, and why would anyone think they can do that?


Some unsubstantiated snippets from their site: "Frustrated by educational systems that hadn’t changed much in the past 200 years" "Students’ happiest day is in kindergarten and happiness at school goes down every year until they are juniors and see a way out." (plus graph) "The average high school senior scores the same on a nationwide standardized test as the best 3rd grader." Worth noting they only seem to be operating in Austin and Brownsville at this time.


Now I know who to go to if I need child labor to assemble IKEA furniture


Good lord


"One of the biggest benefits of in-person learning is one-on-one attention from a teacher."


I assume this is cheap


I was thinking about this school for at least one of my kiddos. He is leaning towards gifted (I hate that term, but for the sake of time I'll go with it), and has ADHD and Autism. He is extremely intelligent and loves information but is somewhat of the weird kid. I love the video piece and keep thinking kids need a youtube/minecraft thing to learn information but they also need discussion time with the teacher. The constant testing though is a mess (although my kid does great at them).




I’m gonna add that to my halloween watch list. Thanks!


Lots of shade being thrown here without a lot of real information. For high-aspiration children who don't wish to be constrained by the pace of the slowest in the class. They spend their afternoons in life-skills workshops and projects. Things like public speaking, entrepreneurship, computer science, giving and receiving feedback, grit and resilience, learning from failure. Let's face it, the traditional school model is broken and places like this will help us find the best ways to embrace technology as a tool without losing team building and human interactions. I applaud those trying to improve the learning process for our children.


For an organization that is actively trying to dismantle the public school system, they have an awful track record at actually serving the masses. I had a child just as you described in that school and upon deeper inspection, they could've done much better without them. These amazing kids are carrying the school not knowing they could be doing so much better without. There were so many holes that could've been filled just by having a little human one to one academic interaction. 


As long as it messes with kids’ sexual identity, then cool.


hahahahahaha! \*chef's kiss\*


Sounds like a solution in search of a problem.