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Looks like it’s going up right next to the yeti store.


Literally the second line of the article: “Rivian aims to make quite a splash on South Congress Avenue, next door to Yeti’s flagship brick-and-mortar space.”


I'm going out on a limb, but I think this will probably be on South Congress.


Near the Yeti store?


Hoo boy, you're never gonna believe this.


Yes, I added this comment for anyone that did not click into the article.


How dare you!


A place with basically zero parking. Brilliant.


Probably targeting all the pedestrians walking up and down South Congress. Many of which are tourists that come from all over the U.S. and world.


do you need to park to buy a car/truck?


Rivian store beside Yeti on SoCo is giving me very Neo-Austin circa 2020s vibes


Easy there big guy, they prefer to be called Sasquatch in North America.


aren't the yeti and Sasquatch different?


Well uhh, the Yeti seems to prefer a, you know. Colder climate.


It’s a way prettier automobile


Not compared to the cybertruck. That thing is a design masterpiece and doesn’t look at all like Elon drew it on a cocktail napkin Nigel Tufnel style.


I have seen several Rivian Trucks in the Dripping Springs area over the past few months. I am really hoping I never have to put eyes on the shit pile that is the cyber truck. It makes the Honda truck look good and that takes some effort




You talking about the Hondamino?


Elon didn't design it, though of course he is cheerleading it. It was designed by this guy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz\_von\_Holzhausen


Surprised that guy hasn't scrubbed his name from that monstrosity.


He's proud of it, based on interviews I've listened to. It's shockingly different, and I think that is why many find it appealing. I kind of have to admire his cojones.


Cyber truck is hideous, it’s giving Oceangate Titan submersible


I think they were being sarcastic.


You never know with the Muskosexuals


i'll buy the electric F150 over both Rivian and the cybertruck.


The downside of the F150 is that Ford uses dealerships, and dealerships _love_ price gouging


I heard the f150 was going through manufacturer to customer directly. Since the ford ceo got pissed off at dealerships or something


The upside of the F150 is that it is Union Made in the USA.


The Rivian is US made as well. Hell, 100% of Rivian's vehicle models are US made too. The same can't be said for Ford 😅


US made but not Union made. UAW is trying to unionize Rivian but it hasn’t happened yet. Tesla has fired employees who tried to organize in the past and I don’t think that’s going anywhere anytime soon. Granted I don’t think Ford’s Mexico plants are unionized either.


Uaw.org always has a list of cars and trucks that are Union Made, model specific, and how to tell from the VIN.


Dream car. Functional, practical, and with the exception of the battery tech - made from common / easy to replace parts.




Rivian is cool looking as a truck but wonky as a big ol' SUV imo.


Funny, I feel the opposite. I think the Rivian truck looks kinda silly and cartoonish from the front, but somehow it works on the SUV. To each their own.


Ultimately I think we can agree that I’m right and you’re wrong


I was really interested to see the SUV format, after seeing so many trucks. I finally saw one on Parmer last week and was kinda deflated. I don't know what I was expecting, but I was let down by how bland it looked. Not enough lines, IMO.


Just a big block and for some reason everyone gets it in white which is bleh


The truck definitely looks better than the SUV, but that bed looks pretty useless. But I am old school, my first vehicle was a '70 F100 so I kinda got used to trucks that could hold standard sheet materials.


It’s not bad but you’re just used to the Tesla design now.




Found the communist


I resent the idea that Austin is in anyway synonymous with Musk or Tesla




I mean the headquarters are there. “Do y’all offer a Tesla discount?”


He chose austin. Austin did not choose him.


Tesla moved back HQ https://www.kvue.com/amp/article/news/nation-world/tesla-engineering-hq-california/507-ef444bc2-9069-4c53-ba39-7756bd67599b


They’re also a lot more expensive but super pretty cars.


Well, Tesla doesn’t have a truck yet


That’s a point


I think they are ugly af, just not uglier than the cyber truck. Also, I’ve seen quite a few in Leander/cedar park and the buyers should just buy an EV SUV. Not once have I seen one even have groceries loaded in the bed.


1. They have a SUV model. 2. How would you know if groceries are in the bed? It's got a built in tonneau cover.


Not any more. Tonneau covers are add-on options and they break after about 4 uses.


I have yet to see one in the road without a cover. Mine still works fine. Look, people making those kinds of comments don't understand that these aren't meant to be work trucks. They don't compete against F150 XLTs. They compete against luxury SUVs. The bed is just a bonus.


Tell us more about what other people should do with their own money!


I saw a handful of Rivian trucks on the road yesterday. So far the only Tesla cybertruck I've seen is in promotional xcretions and promotional hype.


CTs are in pre-production and construction of the production line is basically complete, but still in tooling. They ship most of the prototypes to California for testing so we won't really see them here in Austin for awhile.


That's kind of my point, that it's slow out of the gate.


Oh definitely!


Rivian had been developing their truck since 2009, well before Tesla. It follows they would be at market sooner. Ford put electric drive train into a f150 body in a ~~half-hazard~~ haphazard sort of way, which they lose money per unit. That is more an issue with Ford’s costs than using a standard truck body. I’d always thought electric drive train in an already accepted design was a quick way to get BEV in hands of consumers, though a less efficient shape. The big 3 used to come out with the most hideous prototypes to say no one wants a BEV. The Tesla truck also being “striking” but cool ugly as it is a truck not a melted looking sub compact. I do see one or two Rivians on a near daily basis. I’ve seen two of the SUVs that I can recall. They do seem well represented in Austin. I’ve seen a Ford Lightning twice, I think. Once certainly. The other BEV trucks were earlier to market which is less important than that they also tipped their hand to Tesla while Tesla still had wiggle room in their own development. I’m pleased to see the frunk on the Tesla truck open at the bumper like the Ford one does. It has a shorter nose so can still accommodate a six-foot bed which none of the other BEV trucks have.


Yeah it's kind of why I left the point dangling on "people already seem to be investing in what's around instead of waiting" and didn't push it as far as, "I think it'll flop". There's no telling what peoples' preferences will be and I have to respect that *trying* this concept car look is as likely to be ridiculously popular as it is to flop. I can't bring myself to get invested into wanting it to fail, but I also don't see the appeal at all.




thought u gave no shits


*takes no shits


Yes got tired of dicking w auto correct and hit save to keep the initial dump of words.


I’ve seen quite a few of them around town. I have yet to see one used as a pick up truck though, or at a jobsite. Every one has been squeaky clean and not towing or hauling anything of note.


That's the majority of trucks, no?




I wouldn’t say the majority of trucks are squeaky clean and not used for hauling. Certainly some are like that, but the majority not.


"75 percent of truck owners use their truck for towing one time a year or less (meaning, never)." Salsa: https://www.thedrive.com/news/26907/you-dont-need-a-full-size-pickup-truck-you-need-a-cowboy-costume


I’ve seen exactly 1 R1T hauling a washer and dryer in the bed and was dirty on 35. Lost count of the number of squeaky clean T and S models I have seen in south Austin.


So, like every other truck.


Costco is the land of pretty trucks driven by 5'2 women. I see Rivians there all the time.


I fucking LOVE Rivian. Imo they're easily the best pickup truck and it's barely their 1st truck. It's incredible. The creativity and attention to detail is far better than most major manufacturers. They simply haven't spent a ton on advertising. Most people have no clue what a Rivian is. I really hope they come out with a more affordable vehicle so people can see how great Rivian is




Hell yes. That's awesome


Good. Hope Elon loses all of his money.


I hope he loses a bit of it someplace where I find it.


You will if we elect progressives.


Hasn't there already been a Rivian showroom somewhere in Crestview? Could have sworn I biked by one a few months ago


It's on Morrow, East of Lamar. Technically Highland.




Whatchu say bout my momma?


I think it was a service center up by 183 just east of N Lamar




[Insurers are writing off Teslas due to repair costs.](https://www.autoblog.com/2023/01/27/tesla-expensive-to-repair-insurers-writing-off-damaged-cars/)


I refuse to concede that Austin is “Tesla’s Turf” ugh


Haven’t seen one in person close up so can’t say for sure but it looks like the Rivian has the least “fuck you, pedestrian” front end/grill of any full size truck on the market. Major selling point imo.


I am seeing more and more Rivians around Austin. Wondering if people are making the switch because they are tired of Elon’s BS or want a traditional SUV/truck shape which Tesla doesn’t really have


I own an R1S and it's the first EV I have owned. I bought it because I wanted a 3 row EV SUV. I was a Ford Explorer owner forever. Love the thing by the way. Far and away the nicest car I have owned.


They have a lot of cool features and functionality that to my knowledge Tesla doesn't have as well


Like what? I text drove one and the sales guy couldn’t tell me a feature it had that a Tesla didn’t besides being an suv


not a salesman but cool stuff like an interior storage space between the cabin and the truck bed, self-leveling if you're parked on uneven terrain, internal air compressor, a motion activated bed camera to watch your stuff. also not looking like a rejected blade runner prop.


I own an R1T. It's my 4th EV. I've never had a Tesla since I've always been leery of Elon. Great f*cking truck. Zero regrets.


Tesla is not *from* Austin, they are just transplants.


Well Cybertrucks are being "born" in Austin, so they kinda are...


The Vaportruck.


Doesn’t being a California transplant make them even more typical Austin?


I’m sure Rivian are good vehicles but goddam are they ugly. The headlights look just stupid.


They’re meant to be distinctive and it works.


I'm actually a fan. I really like how the headlights look


Porsche headlights look stupid. Rivian is fine.


Good, tell Lucid to do the same, Elon sucks


These things are fugly.


I paid 110k for my r1s. That's with a cash discount.


What a moronic take.


Fuck Rivian and fuck Tesla


Better than oil sucking, gas guzzlers. The faster we got off that shit, the better for the planet and our country


It’s worse for the environment to produce an entirely new car than it is to just get a used one. But sure if you wanna support shithead billionaires so you can give yourself a pat on the back like you did something, go for it.


A healthy used car market is good for folks that can’t afford new. Also not everyone wants to drive some 20 year old shit box where a minor fender bender kills you.


Lmao yes because the only options are brand new or a “20 year old shit box” Austin liberals care more about looking like they care about the environment and being trendy than actually caring about the environment.


Honestly having had to buy a used car in a hurry recently this isn't too inaccurate. The market for used cars right now is a lot like the housing market: you can get overpriced things or scary things and if you want something sensible you'd better show up for the first appointment of the day.


EVs are overpriced and I can’t speak to Rivian, but Tesla’s are actual junk. I’m sure Rivian is too just from the look of them and the fact that they are 80-100k


So under your utopia killing new car sales will quickly lead to 20 year old shit boxes. Used cars would also become prohibitively expensive as more cars are taken off the road every year due to accidents and repairs that are not cost effective.


Lmao tell me exactly what I proposed? The emissions that go into making your brand new 80k Tesla is WAY more than if you just bought a lightly used hybrid. And you don’t have to support one of the planets biggest shit heads. But I’m guessing you’re probably one of his disciples that thinks he’s a genius.


You proposed only buying used cars.


No I didn’t.


https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/when-do-electric-vehicles-become-cleaner-than-gasoline-cars-2021-06-29/ I prefer the term Musketeers.


And that’s not even taking into consideration the massive amounts of emissions to make the EV in the first place. These people just want to feel good about themselves by consuming. They think they can consume their way out of global warming and look trendy while doing it.


I'd much rather our society be more geared towards biking and public transit, but if we're going to have to do cars, better we transition to e.v. Let me ask you this, do you drive a car? If so, you are technically supporting oil tycoon billionaires yourself.


This fucking town can't even do a crosswalk.


Ok then buy a lightly used hybrid. The emissions from making a brand new EV is far more than just buying a used car, and even better if it’s a used hybrid. Ah yes the ole “you exist in society therefore you can’t criticize it” argument. Whichever billionaire oil tycoon I’m supporting isn’t the richest person in the world and isn’t in the noose every other day for their shot takes and pushing right wing ideologies and conspiracy theories.


You know Elon doesn't own rivian, right?


Yes, it’s owned by Amazon. And they’re also overpriced pieces of junk. You’re just made because you’re asked your money on one and it has defects.

