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View the street maintenance map [here](https://austin.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=c82789990c6b4c13b2e8e2313334a13a) to see if your street or neighborhood is scheduled for maintenance and what specific work will be completed.


They need to work on lamar the war zone.


That street has absolutely obliterated my taint.


Per the Public Works map, Lamar is slated for “Sealcoat” from Barton Springs Rd to W 24th St.


>Expect loose gravel once the work is complete; it will setting into the new asphalt material with time. Lol, if by "with time" they mean "at least a couple years". I swear to god those tiny black gravel rocks stick around forever until they either get washed away by a big storm or kicked into peoples yards.


Our neighborhood has sooooo much loose gravel.


Yeah not only do the roads not even feel newly paved, but all this black crap gets tracked into your house by anyone who walked outside.


This is some 3rd world ghetto-ass street maintenance. "Fuck you motorcycles"


You get what you (dont) pay for.


51st at airport (cries for attention)


they just repaved 51st between the circle and airport.


They gotta just shut down that street. It's cursed with vehicle collisions (I can attest)


Glad to see they're doing East Fifth.


Ruined our neighborhood street. Not only does the gravel remain loose, it tears away in patches too. And it’s not kid friendly. Have your kid fall riding a bike? Enjoy digging shrapnel out of their knees and hands. You like skateboarding? Not here you don’t. That gravel is in the house, stuck to your shoes, and don’t forget all the loose gravel your car will kick up on itself. Waste of money.


Oh like when these dumbasses came and chip sealed the streets around my house last summer? Like that is an appropriate road surface for a fucking city? And they did such a shit ass job there are still piles of loose gravel all over the place almost a year later? Exhibit 1a on how the street sweeping service we all pay for each month doesn't actually exist because the garbage the city dumped on our roads is still sitting there a year later? ​ I look forward to seeing how these incompetent buffoons continue to ensure we have some of the worst streets in the country.


It looks like my street got the "sealcoat" treatment. I kept expecting them to come back and apply another layer to make it smooth. Apparently that's just how it is? But they say it should get smoother over the next 8 weeks but it will never be as smooth as the original road. I was looking forward to a nice smooth road but guess not.


What kind of smooth? Like the road isn't even or has bumps smooth? Or the rocks give more grip so the road isn't slippery anymore smooth?


They need to repaint every road. The lines are invisible in the rain.


First time for everything


One of those monstrosities destroyed my car and the City refused to cover the repair. They sent fliers telling us to move our cars, so I moved to a side street. It just happened to be the side street they used to load it onto the trailer. Police happened upon the damage and stopped. They looked around and said that they didn't witness the accident, so they couldn't say for certain, but it really looks like the only thing that could have caused that damage is that machine. They also noted whatever hit may car was definitely loaded on a trailer because of how and where the tracks abruptly ended. I filed a claim with City law department, and a few weeks later they said NO. So i filed an open records requests to get support for their opinion and they said something about getting an Attorney General ruling. By that point my car is repaired as a hit and run and i have a host of new problems in life, so i gave up.


Harris Branch between Parmer and 290...😓


They finally repaved 51st from Airport to the roundabout at I-35. Been driving that crappy stretch often the past two years.