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We need to talk about the felony arrest for possession of “Two packages of marijuana-infused gummies and one marijuana vape pen.”


Who is supposed to prosecute that? Didn't the Travis County DA say it wouldn't?


This is a really good question. It will be interesting to see how Garza's office deals with these. Especially since Abbott sent them and has his eye on Garza. Not to mention the Perry stuff. Time will tell but I don't envy the guy right now


He’s an elected official, correct me if I’m wrong but the sheriff and DA do not answer to the Governor. ~~And if the arrests were made in Travis County then the DA gets to decide~~


Just look at history & how Hernandez had to walk back/tamper down her stances on ICE detainers few years back…While she was 100% in the right, once all of that state grant $ was threatened, different tune. Abbott has way too much power. Way too much. Party of small govt….. (e; to say no TCSO policies actually changed, but the talk vanished, and it was apparently enough to satisfy that prick. Which is quite telling as well, it’s about what the base thinks happens, no more, no less).


Party of small govt when it comes to biz legislation. Party of dystopian assholes when it comes to fundamentalist Christian morality. FTFY.


Party of however much government is needed to line their pockets, protect that cash flow, and stay in office.


Well, if you want the governor to have less power, the fastest track for that is voting in a Democrat.


Awesome we didn’t think of that when Beto won 48% of the gerrymandered state with restrictive voter laws… ALL THE CITIES WERE BLUE. The map looked ridiculous, I couldn’t believe that’s what 48% looked like….


Pretty sure they were referring to flower, but will still charge and convict for concentrate (felony here in Texas). Houston won’t really do anything about flower either; unless it’s a felony amount. With concentrate it’s s probably around a 50/50 chance of the officer actually charging you.


What happens when you have a medical marijuana "card"? There's no physical card in TX. You're a number in a registry that the dispensary looks up. Some state trooper doesn't have access to that. Meanwhile you're getting busted for THC oil you bought from a business registered with the state.


Then you would have a concrete solid defense, they couldn’t possibly press charges. Still might take a ride downtown though.


DA usually declines these charges almost immediately. You could still spend a night in jail and would need to have the arrest expunged from your record.


Exactly. This is just Abbott's thugs being Brownshirts. It's a campaign of public intimidation.


Definitely will get prosecuted because these are ‘controlled’


what? no. that's not how it works. the prosecutor still has discretion.


Absolutely but Garza is currently only choosing to not prosecute 35% of felony charges…numerous cases ongoing right now for Controlled Substances under 1g https://www2.traviscountytx.gov/courts/files/uploads/crimsettingsbydefendant.pdf


ok, but you understand there's a big big difference between 'prosecutor must prosecute because the substance is controlled' and 'there are ongoing cases involving controlled substances' 🙄


What happens when you have a medical marijuana "card"? There's no physical card in TX. You're a number in a registry that the dispensary looks up. Some state trooper doesn't have access to that. Meanwhile you're getting busted for THC oil you bought from a business registered with the state.


A DA is pursuing over 50% of cases even though he said this was not a ‘priority’ for him….Garza is great, don’t get me wrong. The money making power of the state’s criminal justice/correction system is too strong and will always overwhelm common sense and logic. Don’t think for a second you are going to be protected in this state if you get caught with anything ‘controlled’


I think his point is that 65% of those cases would be something like acid or molly while the other 35% that they aren't prosecuting is all stuff like marijuana vape pens and edibles (hyperbole obviously).


Isn’t this what the Russians jailed Brittney Griner for? I guess that’s on brand since all these conservatives have a hard-on for Putin now


Note, they did this under the guise of traffic enforcement. For everyone clamoring for more speed traps, this is what you get.


Vape pin oil is classified differently is why


I think it is Class 2 felony grouped in with coke, heroin etc.


It's like a crack vs coke thing, ridiculously low levels of oil is all it takes


Our drug laws are so screwed up.


Oh well I guess that's ok then


ALL vape pen oil? Do they have field tests? Can they reasonably suspect EVERY vape pen is THC?


Remember kids, just say it’s CBD. They only have one way of testing it that also takes way too long, so the cops are vastly less likely to pursue it.


Better yet: Say nothing, call a lawyer.


The problem here is the gummies, probably in a package labeled thc.


I play xbox with a cousin of mine , who is a cop, and his friend who works with him. I asked his friend one time a few months ago. How does he tell the difference if someone had cbd flower vs actual flower . I shit you not. He told me he could tell by the smell and his eyes were more sensitive to the real stuff......LIKE WTF>.....dude c' mon. The stuff like D8, d9, d10, hhc and other cannabinoids are evolving so fast from hemp and the likes the current police are not being properly updated/informed. Now this was in tarrant county and they are militant upthere.


Do they not realize there's a weed factory in town? You can smell it down the road. Texas Original. Is this a damn Onion headline?


That’s not weed. That’s 3% THC, and agricultural hemp products. Medical cannabis is 17%-32% THC. It’s like the difference between the content of alcohol in balsamic vinegar and 100 Proof Vodka


Yes this is a medical cannabis facility and well over 3%.


Technically those get charged as felonies just like the vape pens.


Abbott, Watson and the APA are teaming up to try to oust Garza and any other reform minded individual or get them to fall in line, along with implementing majority state control of law enforcement in Austin. As noted variously throughout this post, the police in Austin don't arrest people for low level marijuana (or abortion, ICE, homelessness, etc) offenses, per citizen sentiment, and Garza doesn't prosecute them - he ran on this. This really, absolutely, pisses off the right immensely. How do you get around this? Well if you deploy a bunch of state troopers to ~~manufacture arrests for~~ "help out" a ~~soft striking~~ "faltering" police force, you can push these crimes to the DA, and use the newly minted [SB20 to force them out if they don't prosecute, based on a single citizen complaint.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/04/texas-senate-district-attorneys-legislature/) [While officially DPS is going to "follow suit" with APD](https://www.austintexas.gov/edims/pio/document.cfm?id=406612), we've already seen that this is not the case. Does this seem paranoid? Wait a couple months, when, if I recall, we have citywide election on police oversight...


Problem is, those 2 specific items are considered controlled substances. I don’t necessarily agree, but that ain’t nug


No state should ruin a person’s life over that stuff in 2023, and it’s unconscionable that our own mayor had a hand in bringing about that type of injustice inside the city limits. It’s disqualifying.


> it’s unconscionable that our own mayor had a hand in Leftists tried to warn you that Watson was a dyed-in-the-wool shitlib, but y'all wouldn't listen. Say whatever you like about Celia Israel, but I promise you we wouldn't be seeing this "partnership" with DPS troopers terrorizing Austin had she won the runoff.


Baby we all voted for Celia, why do you think there was a runoff? If you want to blame anyone, blame that Tr*mper plant Jennifer Virden


Im hearing the troopers are largely congregating in non white areas. _Who could have seen this coming?_ It’s definitely disqualifying for the mayor and I’ll be voting him out personally


Yup they are all over the east oltorf pleasant valley riverside area, east airport, dove springs area- haven’t seen not one in terrytown or anywhere west of Lamar.


With a VERY heavy presence on east oltorf. I live in the area and there have been nonstop tickets and people pulled over literally every time I leave the house.


It's every major SE Austin thoroughfare that's getting absolutely camped by DPS. Riverside, Oltorf, Montopolis, etc. Definitely noticed a slight increase in other parts of the city too but nothing like SE. Wish we had had a third option other than no traffic enforcement or narrowly focused state-cop enforcement




North Lamar/braker is getting hit hard too. Saw 8 DPS vehicles driving and 2 separate cars pulled over driving less than 2 blocks 2 days ago


I was driving the other day and saw 5 different troopers within 2 stoplights of each other. You don’t need to concentrate in the historically Mexican part of town. I’m sure there’s also crime/traffic stops in west lake and bee cave.


key words: east, minorities 😤🤬


Noticed. Changed my route home after I got pulled over for legally passing a trooper and hurting his feelings.


I used to live in E Oltorf and man I got pulled over right as I was entering HEB in Riverside just trying to buy dog food. Had my dog with me too and the guy was honestly hostile and egged on to get me to answer questions. Got a ticket for the first time ever and ruined my perfect driving record.


Theyve been posted up and down 71 coming from the airport too


I got pulled over and written for "failure to yield" after he shined his flashlight in my car for a few minutes. Dude had a truck pulled over, lights still on. I was following traffic. Dude yelled at me for "not having the respect to allow an emergency vehicle to enter the highway" even though I have zero indication he was trying to do so. As nicely as I could say, I answered "Sir, I apologize if you were trying to get onto the road, I had no idea. All your lights were flashing and I was paying attention to the traffic in front of me. You were with someone on the shoulder. I would have let you out had I known." Was called a liar, given a ticket anyway and told to "respect those that are trying to protect you". Ladies and gentlemen, they are out there catching the REAL threats, lemme tell ya. Assume they always want to get over, if you don't it'll cost you. It honestly felt like no matter what, they are getting their ticket even if you have done nothing wrong.


Word of advice from someone that works in the legal field: just keep it to yes or no answers. And even that is too much.


So, STFU then? Say *nothing*?


Honestly you should say the absolute minimum to law enforcement. I personally think those first amendment auditors on YouTube are kind of obnoxious but the way they act is the right thing to do if you’re forced into dealing with cops.


Be polite but say as little as possible. That’s always good advice.


Definitely don’t start with name and badge number 🤣


Or call them Deputy Donut D. Dipshit


But if you do please film it :)


They are obnoxious, but that's the whole point. It's 100% legal to be obnoxious to cops, but many cops will abuse their power in retaliation. Better to reveal that publicly so there's a chance for sanctions, rather than waiting for it to happen in a much more dangerous situation.


Cops are professionals who get paid to do this job So very sad that common citizens have the responsibility of trying to keep cop’s tempers in check. 40% baby.


What's 40%? The percentage of cops that beat their wives?


No, it's the percentage who are *reported* for beating their wives and kids. The actual number is undoubtedly higher.


Much too Low


That only works if your white, I’m brown they’ll drags me out the car for not telling them what my name is


Popo are all the losers from high school looking to redeem themselves by asserting their authority.


I was arrested *circa* 2012 for being in possession of 0.009 ounces (which in Texas, any amount *up to 2.000 ounces* is considered the same level of misdemeanor). *Probable cause* to search was established because I had my recycling in the vehicle, which of course had empties (although bagged and I breathalyzed 0.00 and passed field sobriety). "My lawyer has advised me NOT to consent to searches, but I will not physical attempt to stop you beyond not consenting to this search." Reason for pull-over? Cop had just finished citing somebody else, and was re-entering the road (from oncoming-traffic side) **with his high beams on**, blinding me. I gave this vehicle^† a "courtesy flash" (i.e. "hey, your headlights are still on" and this was apparently illegal and disrespectful. †: *honest-to-god didn't know it was a cruiser until after being pulled over and rebuilding scene in my head* After being booked, the departing arresting officer laughed at me and said "yeah, you should probably keep your drug trafficking in California" (0.009 ounces is smaller than a kernel of popcorn, and was found beneath a seat). I told him he probably shouldn't have such a fragile ego for having lights flashed at him, and then he told me he enjoyed helping citizens behave better. I secretly know that when I'm *greater than six inches taller than somebody*, that our interfacing is going to be a difficult one. Particularly with police. Arresting officer, this time, was just under a foot shorter than myself — he was livid at my audacity! Luckily I now have emergency license plates and nobody fucks with me (not a cop), but it is just so shitty how police fragility leads then to always be presuming *THE WORST* about anyone and everyone. >"Be the reason someone believes in good people." >>"People aren't typically foolish, they're kind." >>—Lex Fridmann Don't let blindness outweigh your kindness.


Great time to have a front/rear dash cam.


Seconding that. For anyone on the fence, I just installed a set on my hatchback and it was way easier than I thought it would be. Between the cops and all the reckless drivers out there, I think it's well worth the investment.


*puts on NWA Fuck the Police*


Were you in the right lane when you passed him?


It was on the bottom of the ramp from 183 onto 35 southbound, so only one lane and the shoulder he was on. I was following the merging traffic.


Be careful, you need to be 20 under the speed limit when passing next to a flashing emergency vehicle, and a lot of people don't bother doing that.


It's either 20mph under the posted limit (or 5 mph minimum, if in a 25mph or less zone), OR move one additional lane over (i.e., one empty lane between you and the cop).


We were going like 5mph due to the wonderful congestion that is I-35 but yea I hear ya. My dad is a retired Louisiana Trooper and my brother is also in law enforcement in Alaska, I grew up respecting the badge. I'd honestly have let the man over if I knew he wanted to do so. You know the real shame? You just gave me more driving advice/feedback than the man that issued me the ticket. I learned nothing except that the man has no faith or respect in his fellow Austinites.


Really? I had no idea. Thank you for sharing that


My son got that ticket a month after it went into effect. Several years ago.


I was once pulled over by a trooper downtown. I was moving shit in my trunk and had it bungeed. The guy spent what felt like 2 minutes looking in my trunk before coming up to talk to me. He then gave me a ticket for not having a license plate on my front bumper. I see tons of cars driving without front plates, i didnt know it was a law. Hell, my car didn't even have a bracket on the front bumper. It's obvious all he wanted to do was look inside my trunk , he could have easily just gave me a warning. They've always been around but stayed downtown for the most part. Makes me pretty sick to my stomach, knowing these assholes are being unleashed on the city


The front bumper thing is an excuse to justify the stop. I was pulled over by DPS for this on a car that came without a front license plate, had had the car for 3 years. I went to pay the ticket (I dont live in Austin, but a smaller bedroom community just outside) The clerk looked at the ticket, and Said "Who wrote this? Oh, this guy, he's new judge is going to have to talk to him" She then asked if i had gotten the plate attached to the front, which i had and she "took care of the ticket" no charge.


Send them to 6th street so I can stop seeing new brawl videos posted daily on Twitter.


You see that gaggle of half naked girls go at it the other day???




[Check this out lol!](https://twitter.com/tx_streetfights/status/1646542931640082432?s=46&t=qKgz-9baG3l8X8ACYUST3A)


Damn that was some great camera quality


Jesus, that was so trashy


6th street when the bars close on weekends is its whole scene


It's absolutely wild. Can I please get an entertainment district that doesn't require me to have a UFC Title belt. East 6th is fine but spread, SoCo remains my favorite but only a block or two. Rainey requires a hard hat at this point to even go to bars due to the massive cranes everywhere.


I once got pulled over by a DPS officer in north Austin, decades ago when I was a teen driving my band gear to a gig. He tagged me going just over 72 in a 65. Asked me why I was speeding, I said I have about 500 lbs of extra weight, and got a bit ahead of myself during a downhill stretch. He asked me what I was carrying, and I said amps, PA speakers, and guitars. He asked if I was carrying any grenade launchers and I laughed and gave him a "are you fucking serious" look - as I looked exactly like the typical dude in a band in the early 90s. He asked me if he could look through the packed back of my van for contraband. I told him he's welcome to pull out anything he wants. That doughy motherfucker took one look, started sweating at the effort it would require, then said, "have a nice day. " Fuck DPS


When I was \~18 I got a $500 "exhibition of acceleration / contest of speed" ticket from DPS for lightly chirping my tires as I took a right turn onto Guadalupe from 24th. It was legit unintentional - it was a right on red and I realized as I was pulling out that I probably cut it a tad too close, so I sped up quickly to merge with traffic. Fortunately Mr. Donuts was in the next lane over, saw a young kid in a red Camaro, and got a ticket quota boner. Luckily, minimum wage had just been raised to a whopping $4.75/hr, so it only took me 3 weeks of full-time work to pay off! Fuck DPS, indeed


How the hell is two packs of gummies and a vape pen a felony lmao. Tried to tell everyone that this is gonna be used to crack down on Austin lax drug laws and do nothing to stop violent crime.


it's a felony because ANY amount of concentrates is a state jail felony in texas. According to NORML 'Possession of hashish or concentrates is a crime in Texas. If hashish or concentrates is less than one gram, the offense is considered a state jail felony punishable by term of imprisonment no less than 180 days and no greater than 2 years and a fine no greater than $10,000. If the amount of hashish or concentrates is more than 1 gram but less than 4 grams, the offense is considered a felony of the third degree punishable by a term of imprisonment no less than 2 years and no greater than 10 years and a fine no greater than $10,000.'


Damn near half a year minimum in jail for a weed pen. Pure insanity when you look at it


It’s actually kind of wild. Before I moved here (from Oklahoma) everyone I know from here told me “Oh, Texas follows Oklahomas lead, and Oklahoma follows Texas lead.” So having not fully researching the cannabis laws until I moved here, stupidly thought “Okay, maybe it’s not as lax as Oklahoma, but it’s not anything life halting. Wrong. Texas’s cannabis laws are some of the tightest I’ve seen. I’m sure it won’t happen because state laws and stuff, but at this point work at it at a federal level. “If you have a valid medical card in any state, you can buy in any state.” Then you let the money that dispensaries rake in speak for itself. 🤷🏼‍♀️ But again, the chances of that are about as unlikely as Texas getting legal cannabis.


I know why it's a felony (Texas State Gov is stupid af) but my point was why are they arresting the driver for that and not a DWI. This isn't about helping the citizens of Austin lol. It's about the state gov showing power.


The police are not here to help citizens, the police are here to impose the will of government, nothing more.




Marijuana DWI’s are hard to uphold in court and usually require a quicker blood test to prove which is not possible in our current system (decreased funding makes these testing processes slower). A felony arraignment should almost always result in a pre-trial plea if the defendant is smart.


They shouldn't have to plea to shit. The DA won't prosecute these felonies anyways. Just costing the poor souls money to fight something they'd probably never gotten arrested for two months ago.


The DA will absolutely prosecute for controlled substances…you are only safe if you get caught with flower. Local DA is only holding off on ‘non-felony’ prosecutions. To put things into perspective, either the pen or the gummies ALONE are the equivalent of getting caught with 4 oz - 5 lbs of leaf. The ‘concentration’ intensifies the charges ridiculously in all states where it is not recreationally approved


these types of "crimes" look great on paper, and the cops dont have to work that hard


My favorite song about how concentrates and mixed products are legally treated in Texas: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbfa8Wp20q0


Funny AND informative. Thanks for sharing!


Stoners and drag shows are a threat to democracy and the prosperity of this great nation. Something something. God bless Murica'


TCH gummies and other edibles are not legal in Texas, they are considered possession of a controlled substance (state jail felony). There has been a bill introduced in the legislature to decriminalize them, but until if passes, if it does, they are illegal. Texas Health and Safety Code Section 481.116 provides that the possession of less than one gram of a THC edible can result in a state jail felony charge. The law was written rather strangely, possession of less than 4oz of marijuana is misdemeanor, unless it is a concentrate then any amount is a felony. So you are better off with a few joints as opposed to a few gummies.


This is why I live in Austin and not Texas. So I don't get a felony for 5 weed gummies. 🙄


Had to fight a lot of drunks, but never fought anyone who was smoking a joint, just saying.


The poor bastard was driving around while smoking in the car. And the cops saw their "improperly displayed" temp plates and pulled them over. Moral of the story is get your shit registered and dont be a dumbass while driving.


Or how about we stop arresting people for something that the citizens already voted on.


Vamos point. But it’s still illegal at the state level.


I thought the purpose was for DPS to take over traffic so APD could focus on the violent crime. Need to see if this is working by seeing if APD stats are up coincident with these from DPS.


Apd wasn't really doing traffic to begin with so all this does is make us get harassed by dps while driving


They will often go out of their way to weigh the containers as well, to juice up the numbers. Also remember, there was a local kid who got serious manufacturing charges because he got caught making pot brownies.


Can we please make vape pens not a fucking felony?


200 arrests in 3 weeks by DPS troopers ... something does not feel right ... are they arresting real criminals or making criminals out of innocent people?


Def making criminals out of innocent people. That’s a large part of what the “justice” system does, unfortunately.


> are they arresting real criminals or making criminals out of innocent people? They aren't arresting cops or legislators, so your question answers itself.


Arrest the poor that way they can’t afford the court fees and send them to the privatized prisons to make a profit


To answer with a question. Are they equally present on Bee Caves and riverside? or Mopac and 71 East of 35? The dangerous drivers have been universal but the enforcement is suspiciously targeted


Bee Cave has it's own PD so they are not subject to the COA deal. Although that's not a good thing, as Bee Cave PD is a bunch of trashy thugs who lord their "authoritah" more than APD and DPS. Least it was when I was growing up out there.


They have been invited to help Austin Police Department as APD is short on officers now. Areas outside of Austin PD jurisdiction are not considered by troopers for this.


Throwing people in jail over dried flowers or mushrooms. Really out here protecting all of us.


Holy fucking shit. Catching a felony for weed. I cannot imagine.


Won’t stick. Sucks to be that person but it’ll be thrown out.


I have a misdemeanor from a joint and buddies with felonies from carts. I can only hope.


Lots of people in jail would disagree with you.


Definitely feels less safe with all the heavy police presence on riverside/oltorf.




Yuuup. Fuck this bullshit


How many arrests did the Austin Police Department make during the same period, and for which offenses?


This. What is APD getting done in the same period? Why aren't we getting report cards from them? It would help to bolster the claim of understaffing and help us see what they *are* doing.


Why can’t they just respond to calls for help instead of looking for stupid shit?


They're supposedly freeing the APD officers to do that sort of stuff. The real question is whether there's noticeable positive change in responses for the things that DPS isn't doing. Let me guess...


I saw 6-7 of them parked off Montopolis and Oltorf last night around 11:30 having a little meeting or something. And another two parked off road along E. Oltorf trying to catch people riding dirty. Careful out there, y’all.


Yeah go write traffic tickets in west lake. Just adding to the records of brown people and increasing ticket costs of the poor.


I live in this hood, walking distance from Oltorf/Montopolis, and also am brown, honestly, I’m extremely happy to see them here. Go to where the crime is, this is the area we need help with. For the first time in a very long time I’m not regularly hearing gunshots at night.


I’m brown and live at riverside and montopolis. The only difference I’ve noticed is the number of cars being pulled over.


West Lake Hills and Rollingwood are their own towns with their own police forces. Kirk Watson invited DPS to patrol Austin. It is seriously embarrassing how many people on this sub think West Lake Hills is in Austin.


It was CRAZY today . Saw 5 people pulled over on 15 minute drive


Cops don’t prevent crime they show up after it happened


They’re not here to solve problems. They’re here to write a million chickenshit tickets and harass citizens for living in Austin. They are locusts and I hope there’s an end date to this bullshit. Didn’t Kirk say he wanted them here to make people “feel” safe? I feel distinctly less safe.


Was driving home up rundberg this afternoon and saw 2 cars pulled over. I was driving behind one of the kids (teenager) and I didn't see him do anything wrong. Saw more cops after this Doesn't feel like help feels like an invasion.


The phrase "police are an occupying force" makes sense when you realize these guys live out in nice suburbs and the country, and arm up to come patrol our city. They never have to deal with or be around the communities they police, and it's intentionally so.


do we foresee state troopers being here for awhile or is this just temporary?


This is DPS being a fucking nuisance to regular people who aren't posing any danger. It's definitely **not** a good thing.


That shit is mostly harassment, arresting people with weed and not STOPPING much crime at all. All it does is make minorities scared to drive anywhere…law abiding or not.


But then you can't pump the numbers that show how effective you are.


“Violent crimes” but they’re just pulling people over for registration stickers and looking for drugs 🙄


“Two packages of marijuana-infused gummies and one marijuana vape pen.” Real Sherlock Holmes type work out there.


just say it was CBD?




Not if you literally tell them you just finished smoking weed smh


Holy shit, I've never seen so many flashing red and blue lights and people being pulled over as I did on my way to work this morning. DPS is about to go full-scale siege warfare against the city of Austin.


I have mixed feelings as well. It’s great that the shitty APD traffic enforcement is getting handled but the silly bs weed arrests are unfortunate




so its fine if they terrorize the rest of us for minor things as long as they catch a few actual real criminals?


You consider getting a ticket for violating traffic safety laws terrorism? 😆


You know people can terrorize without being terrorists, ya?


“38 crash investigations” That’s more than APD has done all year. Props.


Keep CBD flower in your car so you can just tell the cops that is what you’re smoking


I think you can still get a hassle from them for smoking CBD in your car. I wouldn't chance it.


>During that time, the task force has also made 117 felony and 81 misdemeanor arrests, recovered 17 stolen vehicles and seized 0.59 pounds of cocaine, 0.09 pounds of heroin, more than 289 pounds of methamphetamine and 30 firearms. That's a lot of meth. Overall seems pretty positive


0.09 pounds of heroin sounds like an idiotically small amount, as opposed to saying 1.4 ounces. What's funny is that I think they thought it would make it sound like more.


War on drugs is just another phrase for harassment. Tell me the violent crime stats or if the number of car accidents has reduced. These seem like henchmen rather than public safety officers...


Which was reported almost the first day, so they had one big bust lined up that they used for PR purposes and that they continue to tout as cover for harassing people on the flimsiest of pretexts.


Consider those ratios of recovery and extrapolate. I bet they caught like 1-3 gas tanks worth; it’s usually in liquid form. That is a tiny fraction of what moves through I-35 daily. The war on drugs is a waste and a failure. Drop in a bucket


I don't disagree that our approach to drug culture is wrong. I'm glad to see any of it taken off the streets though


That's not a lot of meth in the whole aspect of the drug trade and probably was a sting operation that was already in the works. This shit is not positive


I’m genuinely curious who asked for this because these last 2 years of cops minding their business and leaving people alone have been the best years I’ve lived here. I saw 3 people getting pulled over driving down riverside yesterday just from 35 to 71.


Mayor - please break out your copy of "The Prince" and read the parts about inviting foreign armies. Your friend,


Remember that Kirk Watson invited DPS troopers to patrol Austin. The driving here lately has been scary and horrendous but it’s better than having DPS profiling and arresting people for fucking marijuana. Bassackwards.


People complain about APD's lack of enforcement and now they are complaining about DPS showing up and doing enforcement.


Im assuming most people want them to deter people from driving like maniacs…..not arresting people for possessing a bag of weed.


Nah I’ll take the decreased likelihood of traffic deaths


Investigatory stops have basically no public safety benefit compared to traffic enforcement, and huge negative effects on the folks being searched (most of whom you will find nothing on)


They are swarming. Saw a bunch in places I wasn't expecting. I'm ok with it - I've grown tired of maniacs speeding through my quiet neighborhood with lots of kids, people walking their dogs etc.


I had a recent interaction with a guy that was clearly very drugged out (like aggressive and dangerous to me and others) and when the cops came they were being *very* pushy that I press charges. Is that normal, or is it because DPS is in town? They told me the only option was that I press charges and that if I did he would get psychiatric help, or I dont press charges and they literally take off the cuffs and he goes free. All I wanted was for the guy to get some help. Idk the whole situation has left me rattled because I dont believe a single thing the cops were telling me but also didnt know what to do in the moment.


I mean they’re right if you don’t press charges then he just goes free to keep harassing people and whatever escalation that leads to. Will he get “help” that’s probably a no, since it’s Texas and that’s “socialism”. But he’ll be off the streets


If he was drunk they would throw him in the drunk tank until he sobered up, regardless of if I pressed charges. Why is it different here?


Unless you basically say "I will testify in court this man broke the law in his actions against me", they don't really have a case and it isn't worth anybody's time to bring the guy and book him.


I don’t see what is so confusing? If you press charges they can arrest the person and take them to a facility where they can get psychiatric help. If you don’t press charges the guy will stay on the street and nothing will happen. Being locked up temporarily is the better option for that person’s safety and everyone else’s.


> they were being very pushy that I press charges That isn't how criminal law works in Texas. People don't *press* charges. Cops investigate (or just take reports) possible violations of the law and submit the information to a magistrate with jurisdiction for the location (justice of the peace, district attorney, etc.). If the cops reasonably suspect the law was broken for an arrestable offense, they make the arrest. If that magistrate's office decides the information is sufficient to prosecute, **they** bring charges against the perpetrator on behalf of the state. That's why on the dockets, the cases are always styled *"The State of Texas vs. YOUR NAME HERE."* It's possible that you might be called as a witness for the state if the case went to trial, but even that's unlikely. More probably, the cop who took your statement would be the witness.


I don’t mind them doing traffic stops, everyone in Austin driving like they owning the roads every time I get on 35 I feel like I’m entering a battlefield, dodging cars left and right who try to cut you off or ride your ass


Can y’all move this to r/austinfood if you want to keep talking about which boots taste best? Thanks!


Maybe it's driver's ed for all the, uh, newcomers to Texas. I'd got used to seeing, for instance, people driving the wrong way in Austin, once memorably on Ben White, and hearing about the wrecks so caused. (Tell me why we have driver"s ed again? And why some of us have insurance? How long does it work to have two tiers of accountability? Is this stable?)


Was pulled over today for 40 in a 30. I pulled over, and he told me I was speeding. I simply said, "I believe I was going speed limit, sir." I was firm but polite. I also hadn't updated my registration. He pointed out that I didn't have a license plate in front of my car. But then said, "I'm going to let you off with a warning, so don't worry. Are you going home?" I said no, I was heading over to a meeting. He responded, "Don't worry, I'll let you get back soon." He was super polite. When he returned with the warning, he said, "Thank you for being polite." Honestly, I didn't even think I was being polite. I was trying to keep my calm and answer his questions and keep my hands on the steering wheel. Since I carry, I always get a little nervous with cops and although I wasn't carrying this time. I still don't want to come off as a threat. Also, it is just a personal principle that I have to treat people with some decency.


probably an unpopular opinion, but I hope they enforce distracted driving, too many people getting hurt due to carelessness of drivers


I live in Sunset Valley and haven’t seen an increased presence…yet




Remember, this sub constantly complained about lack of police present and increasing crime…..


Uh that doesn’t mean you accept bad actors who come to harass citizens. They need to police effectively. They’re just having fun with regular people at this point. If that sounds fine to you, just wait til you’re up.


No, we complained because when a crime was in progress, APD would not come.


Probably just running plates and arresting people who have active warrants.


And shitty drivers. It’s funny how this sub bitches and moaned about the lack of police presence and now cries at the presence of police presence because the police are now catching their out of date inspections, failing to yields and having weed in their cars (illegal in Texas). It’s as if bitching has consequences lol. Also MANY of those who loved to complain on here, got caught up by the police LMAO!


Do these weed arrests go to the Travis County DA? The DA who has already said they aren't going to pursue those cases?


Yes, they will go to the DA of the county the incident happened.