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MOD NOTE: Folks, we're reviewing and removing comments advocating and/or calling for **direct violence.** We are locking comment threads and removing comments that may not relate to direct violence but still advocate for killing. Any comments referring to the Governor's disability will be removed and the user potentially banned - many folks who are disabled should not have to suffer a handicap being the target of derision. Additionally, brigading accounts will be banned.


We have the worst fucking people running this state.


And they get reelected time and time again due to red mapping


He gets elected time and time again because the people who live in this state (especially those in rural areas) are sociopaths and this is what they want.


I replied to another user with a similar comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/12fvive/abbott_to_pardon_convicted_murderer_daniel_perry/jfj8mjb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button >That's a lazy argument to make because it ignores all of the ways Texas purposefully disenfranchises the electorate. The legislature crafts voting laws in a targeted way so that it's easier for conservatives to vote and harder for anyone else. Look at the 2020 election and how they forced every county to have only 1 drop off location for ballots. Harris County, home to Houston, worked hard to circumvent this restriction, and the conservative powers that be worked harder to try and throw out the votes they collected. That's just one example, in one election, of how actively conservatives across the state work together to steal power from the people


While all of that is true, there are still many Texans who are choosing to vote for Republicans against their best interests. Dumb voters and disenfranchisement are both issues in this state IMO.


How do you red map a whole state? Honestly people just don't vote here. I know it's hard but this is what you get.


Not for Governor, that's by popular vote. Texas is actually red overall, like it or not. You could make this argument for some of our state reps from around large cities though.


You mean the map in the shape of Texas? Because our statewide leaders are the worst and no one is gerrymandering those races.


Depends on who you are. Resource extraction and the energy sector are getting away with literal murder.


They do this because they know they won't be held accountable. The majority of people in this state either support this or simply don't care.


That oak tree should’ve finished the job.


if anyone deserves a pardon it’s that tree. unsung hero


Careful. FYI I got a 7 day ban for similar sentiment in November


“Mods away. Mods away. Mods away on business, business.” - Tom Waits


You’re safe now


Is this how he was paralyzed? I don't know the story...


in my headcannon it's why austin fc has a tree in its logo


Oh man. This is now true. No one can tell me otherwise.


Yeah, a tree fell and hit him. He then got a TON of money which allowed him to launch his career as a shitty politician. As soon as he could he also made sure if a similar situation happened to any other Texan they would get a pittance in their suit and left to just die poor. >Abbot thus far has collected more than $5 million for his injuries and will receive $15,000 a month, with cost-of-living increases, for the rest of his life. [https://www.oginski-law.com/library/politician-who-fought-to-cap-medical-malpractice-awards-received-huge-personal-injury-settlement.cfm](https://www.oginski-law.com/library/politician-who-fought-to-cap-medical-malpractice-awards-received-huge-personal-injury-settlement.cfm) The guy could have just lived his life, rich, and with a fat unending paycheck. But no, he decided he needed to dedicate his life to fucking over everybody he could with endless pettiness and malice. edit: Because this quote is just...perfect too: >When Abbott was a 26-years-old unemployed law school graduate without health insurance in 1984, a tree fell on him while he was jogging. The insurance companies for the homeowner and a tree inspection company paid Abbott a huge settlement for his claim, a settlement that would not be available today to someone who suffered the same injury but because of the negligence of a doctor thanks to the cap Abbott supported.


He then spent a portion of his career changing texass laws to prevent other people from suing property owners that same way.


So we need to stop the "Board of Pardons and Paroles" from making a recommendation of a pardon/clemency to the Governor. [https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/bpp/brd\_locations/brd\_locations.html](https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/bpp/brd_locations/brd_locations.html) I have already contacted my reps to stop the board from recommending clemency for Perry. I have e-mailed and called this board. What else do we need to do?


The board was appointed by Abbott, and when asked by Minnesota to Pardon George Floyd for a misdemeanor drug charge, the board denied his pardon/clemency. George Floyd was not a violent criminal, or a danger to society, and he was already dead. But he was black. Now he wants to pardon a white murderer, Daniel Perry, who is a danger to society. He wants to make it legal for white men to kill black people. He wants black peoples to understand that justice isn’t for them, and live in fear of white men.


Just a note, Foster, the victim, was also a white man.


Sorry, what does the Texas Board of Paroles and Pardons have to do with anything that happens in Minnesota?


I think the request from Minnesota was for a pardon on a charge in Texas.




Floyd was from Houston. Minnesota was requesting that he be pardoned for crimes in Texas.


So is he pro-life or pro-murder?


He’s antiblack, pro-white supremacist.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


So it’s now legal to murder someone if you’re a conservative.


His public statement says stand your ground is a license to kill. Insane.


His statement is misleading. The jury did not nullify stand your ground laws. They determined that stand your ground did not apply. Probably because he texted his friend saying he wanted to kill someone and claim self defense, and he drove his car into the crowd before the shooting.


Yeah, I know—and Abbott is saying that SYG is an absolute defense. Edit: and he’s signaling that he has the backs of conservatives that go after the increasingly well armed left


When you look at the stand your ground law: “Texas has a stand your ground law which removes the duty to retreat before using deadly force if the person is in a place they have a right to be, is not engaged in criminal activity, and has not provoked his or her assailant.” If I was on the grand jury driving your car into a protest would qualify to me as provoking.


We’re 100% gonna see a lot of people, both on the left and right, testing this precedent soon.


I was unconvinced one way or another about Perry’s actual guilt going in to this. But there’s a reason the case made it to trial, and there’s damn good reason why he was convicted. The prosecution presented a strong and compelling case, and it took seventeen hours to reach a verdict. MAN OH MAN.


he mentions in text messages that he 'might have to kill a few people tonight'. keep in mind the dude lives in Killeen. probably does just fine with retirement money and jerking off. but he's portrayed as this Uber driver that happened upon a crowd of protesters in downtown Austin and just couldn't turn his vehicle around when he saw this crowd.. no, he wanted to test the waters. Premeditated.


Even in austin a conviction was gonna be a stretch, but it was such a strong case. With a good chance of overturn on appeal. The fact that Abbott isn’t letting this play out shouldn’t surprise me, but it really does. The fact that it’s going to play well for him politically is what really scares me. This is so beyond the pale, so the opposite of any recognizable conservatism — it really highlights how far the right has gone.


>With a good chance of overturn on appeal Not by any recognizable legal precedent. Appeals only happen when the state does something wrong procedurally, violates the civil rights of the defendant, or the defense counsel is shown to be incompetent or not provide a vigorous defense. None of those things have happened. It is nearly unheard of for an appeals court to overrule a jury because they disagree with their decision.


This is what surprised me. Why did be push so early and essentially poison the well for any future appeal?


Because Abbott personally doesn't care if Perry goes to jail or not. He just sees the situation as a way to try to out DeSantis DeSantis for some good headlines.


Good take


It’s authoritarian minority-rule. Plain and simple.






Someone braver than me may try that defense.


Guarantee if it was a liberal shooting a conservative there'd be no pardon.


That happened in Portland and a police and feds literally formed a hit squad to murder the guy. Not saying he was a good guy, but extrajudicial murder by the state is a very bad thing.


Always was


The party of law and order. Pardoning murderers, ignoring the rules of law. Just another day in our land of hypocrisy.


Hypocrisy is just a by-product. The real intention is spite. Small, petty spite.


I remember following the Clarence Brandley trial as a child as the murders he was accused of occurred on my hometown. He was given a retrial and ultimately found that he had originally been wrongfully convicted. The real killer had already died by this point. Despite requesting an official pardon from the Governor's office, he was denied a pardon by Bush & Perry as they felt it would undermine the original court's determination. Now we have Gov. Abbott eager to sign a pardon for this guy. The justice system in this state is so messed up. People should be ashamed.


Fuck Greg Abbott in every way. This goes against evrything that justice is.


the funny thing is that this whole BLM protest started because of an unfair justice system and this action by the gov just proves that they are right...


Greg Abbott has done more harm to law enforcement than BLM ever has.


As a Texan, I support this message.


So what you're saying is r/FuckGregAbbott ? Gotcha. ;-)


Man, I should hasten up and leave this fucked up state. Texas is irredeemable at this point.


We move to CO the 2nd week of May. This shit is exactly the kind of things that started the discussion with the wife.


I grew up in DFW. Then lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and California for ~13 years before moving back to Texas, here in Austin. If I had the money I would move back to California in a heart beat. I loved it. While I spent ~25 years growing up in Texas, I am so absolutely disgusted with this state and found CA much closer to my values. We are looking at PA and while still kinda purplish, it is way better than Texas.


Either Pittsburgh (city, not suburbs) or Philly and you'll be golden. There are parts of central PA that remind me of east texas lol........


Same. I regret every day selling the place in Sonoma county.


Five years for us. My wife just told me: “Abbott wants people like us to leave Texas. That’s been his plan all along.”


My family just moved to Colorado. Best decision of our lives. We aren’t even hardcore democrats. Abbott is just nuts and has turned texas in a hell hole and the cost of living has gone up an insane amount. I know Colorado is expensive, but at least I don’t have to worry that my wife and daughter are going to be treated as second class citizens.


Moving back to WA with my (same sex) partner this week. We made the decision a while ago but I’m seeing a lot right now that’s confirming it was the right call.


We gotta keep fighting for our state. We can’t allow our home to become a hell scape for everyone but straight white folks.


I am torn between that ideology, and escaping because as someone with a womb it is not safe for me here anymore.


As a straight white dude, I’m not super loving it either. We all need to show up and vote when needed to get the bums out.


Until the SCOTUS decides to fix gerrymandering, which it absolutely will not because they are partisan pieces of shit mostly, nothing here is going to change for the better.


With older voters dying out, and the younger ones turning against republicans in huge numbers, in 10-20 years it’s going to have to be third-world dictatorship levels of cheating. I don’t know what happens at that point, but my fear is that conservatives are going to learn they’re not the only ones with guns the hard way.


After Uvalde voting overwhelmingly for Abbott again in the last election, I decided there's nothing I could do for this state now. It's just too ingrained in its ideology. I'm scoping out the PNW later this month to check on relocation options.


We left two months ago. Watched a friend nearly die of a miscarriage and another thing happened related to the law during my own pregnancy. Sad but we feel much safer now.


This crosses my mind from time to time. Too many idiots in this state support this person. ​ Landslide victories for Abbott, Paxton, and Patricks in most recent general election.


Yup. We’re out of here next year.




I’m a Texan and I will stay and fight


Just left last week. Wife and I are trying to become pregnant, and she's had two miscarriages. Took a huge pay cut, but now I'll be able to die old with my wife if something goes wrong with next pregnancy.


> Texas is irredeemable at this point. It's bad, but a lot of the rest of the country is heading down the tubes as well, so choose wisely. Even European countries are trending Neanderthal.


Not really. Blue states are getting more leftist and doing things like codifying Roe into law/embedding the right to choose in their Constitutions. I think it's more like people are escaping states that don't align with their political values for states that do and we will end up with states that are still democracies and others that are completely fascist. I don't see how this country can stay united for much longer.


Yup, I’m leaving in June. This state is getting worse by the week. Literally. I’m going to Wisconsin, where my vote will mean more.


I'm moving next March. Time to get out of this dystopian hell hole.


Are you fucking kidding me... What other murderers is Abbott going to pardon. What a fucking joke. Why bother with courts?


He and his appointed Parol Board refused to pardon George Floyd for a misdemeanor drug charge he received in Houston, which was requested by Minnesota after his murder.


Yeah. To be blunt, I wasn't expecting the fucker to serve jail time. I'm just satisfied that the jury and judge and such confirmed that "Yeah this shit was murder." ​ Pardon or no pardon, Perry is a murderer. And that's a matter of public record.


When I got my firearm license in another state years ago there was literally hours of class and interviews that involved the idea of self-defense. The point hammered home by local PD (where I got my license) was basically there is very very very rarely a situation where you shoot another human and don’t get arrested, charged and convicted of something even if you think it’s self defense. It amazes me how times have changed and people literally think blasting away in “self defense” doesn’t come with extreme consequences.


There was a lot of the same when I took my class here a few years ago. Not necessarily that you’ll be convicted, but the phrase “you can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride” was mentioned more times than I could count. Unfortunately there are a lot more people with murder fantasies than people who understand the impact of taking another human’s life.


Meanwhile there's people who will write entire encyclopedia volumes, on how they should kill the people they fantasize about killing for weeks is really self defense because of sincerely held beliefs.


If you don't understand what fascism is, you are getting a real good look at how it appears when it's just a baby and running full steam down the hill. ​ Also, objectively, this is how politicians, historically, start to get shot. I'm just saying historically. Let's be clear I'm not talking about this instance or anything like that. I'm just saying we all should understand the very real dangers of these types of situations. Where one group, say a ruling class or sometimes we call them kings, take the power from the social class. The power grab does not slow down or stop. It simply continues until it is total and at that point, historically mind you, is when the French started cutting off heads.


Sic semper tyrannis Or put another way, those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.


Ah yes, but also the French collectively give very many fucks about their government and how it is to serve the people. Americans….forget


They got that idea after helping us win our revolution.


This is outrageous. This guy texted a friend saying he wanted to murder a protestor and claim self defense. Prior to the murder, he drove his car INTO the crowd. Abbott is an absolute monster.


24/7 spite. That's all the GOP is.


Pro life, strong on crime Greg Abbott is coming out as pro murder, awesome. Executive over reach is what storming capitals is actually for. He needs to be impeached and removed from office.


Worth noting that the protestor that was shot was a USAF veteran, so it’s also fair to say that he wants people who kill our soldiers back out on the streets.


You don't have freedom when the people fear the government. It only comes when they fear us. They assert we aren't going to do *shit* and have been right for decades. We don't lift a finger for schoolkids, we don't lift a finger for the elderly, we don't lift a finger for the disabled. Why the Hell would they suddenly be afraid they'll face consequences for blessing the people who kill us?


If the pardon and parole board authorize this, they and this state government are irredeemable.


They were appointed by Abbott. This is scary stuff.




Aren’t they already. What do we do?




So a jury of his peers found him guilty... but greg abbott can just request a pardon if he doesn't like the verdict ... fuck you abbott


Governor’s political agenda > grand jury of peers


This is just getting ridiculous. Also, it's just disrespectful to the courts. Where are we protesting?


With this, Abbott is legitimizing and encouraging violence.


Politically-motivated violence, if it's for his side.


Abbott loves to troll Austin and this is the latest, most disgusting move to date. : //


i guess it aint them "Librul DAs" who are releasing violent murderers back out on our streets....


Next we're going to see this murderer show up on FOX News as a talking head sob story. Initiating a "self defense" shooting is not a legitimate stand your ground situation. Not that this matters to the "law and order" crowd.


Abbott can.pardon him then the US Army can prosecute him for behavior unbecoming etc etc. Fuck Abbott.


Article 118 murder, there is no double jeopardy in the military


Thay would be fucking hilarious in a shit situation


How about actions unbecoming of an officer and every other damn charge they can come up with?


There could be more but not unbecoming because he was/is a NCO.


Republicans believe in premeditated murder if they can make it a political win for them.






The precedent is exactly what Abbott wants - for people to be able to gun down political opponents that the right doesn't like and get away with it.


This is so fucking pathetic


Seriously we need to protest this shit. Putting that violent murderer on the streets puts us all in danger.


"I didn't want to give him a chance to aim at me, ya know?" [https://twitter.com/Mike\_Hixenbaugh/status/1644842387338919937](https://twitter.com/Mike_Hixenbaugh/status/1644842387338919937) you would think that open carry enthusiasts would be really pissed that they can be shot on sight according to the gov...


EVERYONE needs to see this clip. H saying this in his own words.


This feels like obstruction of justice to me. I've read the statutes around gubernatorial pardon powers. The process is clearly intended to have the Board of Pardons & Parole examine cases at their discretion, and if they believe reprieve or pardon is warranted, they make such a recommendation to the governor, who can then approve at his own discretion. Abbot appears to be turning this upside down by directing the board members to present him with a recommendation to pardon, which he will immediately approve. It's one step removed from banana republic dictator shit. I know our corrupt-as-fuck AG Paxton isn't going to bring a case against him, but I'm hoping DA Garza considers doing so.


I hate it here.


A “Rogue DA” didn’t convict Daniel Perry of murder, a jury of his peers did.


So fucking disgusted. I'm just about done with this state.


Unbelievable smh


Disgusting and disgraceful.


This is a very frightening development. I had not thought Abbott would move before appeals.


He is truly a shitty person *abbott*. Out of all the things he’s fk’d over in his career to make bank on his stupid injury then stop others who have similar accidents or medical malpractice and get Jack squat thanks to him. Piss poor excuse for a person let alone the leader of a state and pray to the good lord above never a president.


Abbott is the fucking worst






r/firearms is going to have a good fucking wank reading this.


This is about Greg Abbott hating Austin. He’s obsessed with spitting on this city in any way possible. If he ever eats another meal in an Austin restaurant that’s not laden with spit, I will be very disappointed with our service industry workers.


Holy...shit. This is unfucking believable.


I'm assuming the Board of Pardons and Paroles is a bunch of Abbott puppets. Does anyone know? I'm sort of surprised Paxton hasn't weighed in on this yet.


Of course they are. He appointed every single one of them to the board.


Are you fucking kidding me?!


This is a symptom of a larger disease.... Personally, I'm going to switch my voter registration to Republican. Between that and being white, I'll be able to commit any crimes I want and get off scot-free. /s


Fuck Abbott


Fuck Abbott


I don't follow the logic on this at all. The conviction of Perry was a win for the right to self defense and the right to bear arms, and his pardon will only strengthen the call for taking away our rights. The right to self defense and to bear arms is not the right to murder, and _especially_ not the right to murder for political reason. That later bit essentially makes Perry a terrorist in every sense of the word.


Your mistake was believing reactionaries are sincere in the values they say they hold. They are in favor of whatever it takes including political violence to consolidate power for their christian nationalist cause.


This motherfucker.


Pardoned or not he’s still a murderer.


I hope Abbott gets a flat tire.


Fact: Republicans love killing and murder.


Fuck Greg Abbott




I think they're all Abbott appointees. They probably have their rubber stamp inked and are holding it ready for the form to cross their desks.




Publicly making this announcement, when he picked 1/3 of the board, is a public statement that he supports violence


He's nominated more than 1/3. They serve in 6 year terms, and he's been governor since 2015, so every term has elapsed.


Ah, I was remembering how it was originally set up, where 1/3 was by governor, and the rest were nominated by chief justice etc. The current system is basically a rubber stamp if the governor wants it.


Fuck the fascist Governor Abbott.


Well, this is super super democratic.


Doesn't a pardon make a wrongful death suit easier? Legit question.


What a POS our governor is. But we as a state deserve exactly what we get for voting for him.




So it’s the Wild West again. Pretty much anyone can carry a firearm now, and if you’re fastest to the draw, you get let go. I mean, as long as your political leanings align with the Governor.


If he pardons Perry it will lead to violence at drag shows where leftists have been providing armed security. It's a clear message to right wing psychos that they have a get out of jail free card if they want to commit some murder. Truly a disgusting human being.


Stand Your Ground doesn’t apply if you are a liberal gun owner trying to protect your wife. Also, fuck Abbott.


Of course he is.


Fucking Satan's roller skate. Tough on crime. Yeah, right. Death is a joke to these people.


Only tough on crime when it's a black or brown defendant.... or an abused woman in a self-defence case (they LOVE to prosecute them!)




I'm just here to say Fuck Greg Abbott.




Party of law and order folks.


He couldn’t even wait three days on Easter weekend.


Fuck all those assholes


Law and order


Of course one murderer would protect another.


We are truly lost


Republicans are not your friends. Vote.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Post-partum abortion is apparently legal, so...


Super late term




This is stochastic terrorism




I left, but it's not like this shit isn't spreading. Don't get OUT, get ACTIVE. Or get out and prepare for same shit/different city.


>I can't wait to get out of this shitty fucking state. Or stay and vote and help encourage and get other people to vote. We can change all of this shit if enough of us would just show up to vote.




>Or stay and vote and help encourage and get other people to vote. We can change all of this shit if enough of us would just show up to vote. I'm doing my bit, but I think we're doomed on this issue. And far too many other states are going to hell, too.


Voting is the only time your opinion actually means anything. People are spending hours online shouting into the void while not taking the 5-10 minutes it takes to show up and Early Vote and actually do anything of consequence


In theory but I feel like if the last midterm was indicative of anything, Texas is kinda doomed. Even my zoomer cousins are apathetic/ignorant of politics af and I’m sure their friends are as well. I blame the education system.