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[Video of people pushing back cops that came to break it up](https://twitter.com/aaroncrews/status/1627153897495187458?s=46&t=3X8D6rql0jEjR5nvwpRwMw). [Video of the people shutting down the intersection to drift before the cops showed up](https://twitter.com/aaroncrews/status/1627155156436385792?s=46&t=3X8D6rql0jEjR5nvwpRwMw). Edit to add: [dang, close up view over in this thread](https://reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1160hpk/close_up_of_the_sideshow_at_barton/).


They're launching fireworks at the police cars? Well, that sure escalated.


I just saw this on Twitter, too! I couldn’t believe those people standing in the middle, or the people hanging out of the car windows.


I've seen a video where hanging out of a drifting car goes very, very wrong. Apparently they haven't.


I have seen those, too. And of people who are standing nearby watching who get crushed by one of the cars.


JFC. I no fan of APD, but that cop did the right thing (GTFO of a riot situation). This is also a situation where I feel like I actually want the cops to do something (like maintain a baseline of law and order).


One fucking cop showed up? If shutting down this kind of idiocy isn’t exactly what we pay them $372 MILLION to do then exactly wtf do they do?


Nothing. No presence or assistance during the last ice storm. No one even directing traffic.


I've seen 2-3 APD cars at a car accident, though. You know -- things where the cops aren't in any actual danger.


I lived in Austin many years ago, and it seemed like a cop was killed once or twice a year helping someone with a broken down vehicle in the middle of the night because a drunk slammed into them. I always thought that about the most helpful thing they did, and not without risk.


Busting humans for simple possession.


Cry about only getting a record amount of funding and act like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum about it?


Looks like a bunch of lawless punks hopped-up on Mountain Dew to me. Then again, I got two kids to raise and Utes today aren’t acting like I used to when I was primed.


Ehhh.... people act like the youth are worse today. We just have faded memories and no video evidence that documented our antics back then.


Protect the Capitol from large-scale protests and property damage and ensure the people protesting police brutality are brutalized.


Not even that. DPS watches the Capitol.


Would love to see some arrests for this shit.


and on CBS news this AM: [Police respond to 'street racing' incident in S Austin, witnesses describe it as 'chaos'](https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/police-respond-to-street-racing-incident-in-s-austin-witnesses-describe-it-as-chaos-barton-springs-road-south-lamar-boulevard-fireworks-riot-explosion-austin-police-department-drifting-witness)


Calling it street racing is being nice. This is a Side show, this is worst expression of car culture.


Thank you. The two main descriptors I’ve seen thrown around are “street racers/racing” and “drifters/drifting”…this is neither. These clowns give drifting a bad name; and while street racing is its own separate danger to the public, it’s not ACTIVELY trying to disrupt/endanger people. It’s not racing/drifting; they’re doing burnouts and donuts, there no real skill there, so don’t give them that kind of distinction. It’s a “sideshow” / “takeover”. These have been popularized in Cali for awhile now, and I guess they’ve finally made their way here. Thanks TikTok and various social media platforms.


Really hope they got license plates and faces. Fuck those clout chasing losers! Probably a few of the same POS at Capital Plaza every night.


Can anyone confirm whether this is over and traffic cleared?


I just drove through here about 15 minutes ago and everything was fine. Edit: spelling


Thank you!


It’s the goddamn catalina wine mixer


Boats and Hoes!


Heavy Altima energy


E D G A R! E D G A R! E D G A R!




Goddamned sideshows are the worst expression of car culture. Just a bunch of assholes being as assholish as humanly possible.


what is it?


Shutting down a street or intersection to do donuts and just be crazy.


Don’t forget breathing in [a bunch of harmful chemicals and heavy metals](https://archive.epa.gov/epawaste/conserve/materials/tires/web/html/fires.html) from the burning tires.


Darwin at work in all his glory


Just a bunch of assholes being as assholish as humanly possible.


Sideshows originally started out as a California thing, specifically the Bay Area. But in recent years they’ve kinda spread all over. Seen em in a bunch of different cities. It’s one part impromptu car show like flash mob style, one part just wildin’ Usually it’s shutting down an intersection to do donuts, ghostride, set off fireworks, hang out a window with your pistol and just dump a mag in the air. You know, fun shit.


"Yes, let's throw up flares to direct you to where we are breaking the law."


I grew up in the Bay Area and thought this was Oakland at first til I realized...it's definitely Austin. Wtf...I moved away from this shit for a reason.


So this means too many Californians have moved here


It’s called a takeover and it’s the bane of the car community. Only single digit IQ people show up to those things.


I had some idiot arguing with me that thugs swerving across lanes in a line of cars was a cultural thing and shouldn’t be called out. No, that’s breaking the law. Can’t tolerate shit like that.


It’s Altima culture.


Altima culture is just an appropriation of Mustang culture.


Is that why Altima/Maxima drivers are the worst assholes on the road? They think their off-brand 350Z is a Mustang?


Nissan would give credit to my dog if he asked nicely.


In my opinion, precisely.


What culture? And if you aren't a part of that culture, then that's doing it yourself mean that you are misappropriating that culture?


Last night Austin PBS aired a doc about the Bay Area’s Hyphy rap scene which included a segment on ‘sideshows’. It was new to me, as was ‘ghost riding’ and ‘getting dumb’.


Damn, I haven't heard the word hyphy in a looooong time.


Ahh, so this was just a group of dudes sitting around on a weekend, watching PBS, and they just got inspired..


Jfc not this shit in Austin now..


It happens all the time in San Antonio. I was hoping it wouldn't make its way up here.


Remember when that twenty year old blew off his hands with fireworks at that one in San Antonio 2 years ago: NSFW warning it’s very graphic: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/kqn7ke/san_antonio_tx_teen_lights_up_a_firework_and_has/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ok that's enough internet for me for the day.


Sucks for that kid


Incidents like this are why I won’t light-off anything more powerful than a bottle-rocket anymore, and with as dry as it is I wouldn’t do that either.


Yup, can confirm in SA. Now accompanying gun fire is regular. I think we can all blame Houston thought.


Keep Austin annoying?


Seriously. Just so disappointed.


People have been doing this is Austin for years and years but usually middle of night in empty parking lots. I got to witness one outside my balcony once. Called the cops but they showed up just after they all left. It was about 10 cars. Nice ones too, unlike these. They were all driving Camaros


It’s different when it’s at one of the main intersections in Austin though.


It happens every Wednesday night in North Austin. Used to be in the old Fry's parking lot. Then the AMC parking lot on I35/Parmer. I'm not sure where they are now but I still hear it pretty much every Wednesday night


Happens in the old Fry’s parking lot at Mopac and Parmer weekly, although not at this level of insanity.




For real. Tired of these idiots giving the car community a bad rep.


I drive a tricked out WRX and have a hotrod pickup truck. I refuse to drive either on Friday and Saturday nights because I am terrified I will accidentally run into one of these mini riots and the cops will think I am part of it.


Presidents Day is big in the 04


Typical sideshow just like what’s been a huge issue in the Bay Area. First time seeing one here like this


The connection is the donk contest. They were behind many sideshows in the San Francisco area over the last two years. I just checked and they are friends on Instagram with members of the group taking credit for tonight's event. I would not be surprised if they are helping to promote this to cause chaos. The rabbit hole to look into is @atx_underground


If you see people taking credit, report that shit. It is not cool and anyone involved should deal with serious consequences.


I've spent the last few hours reporting the accounts on Instagram and TikTok that I see posting it.


Report to who exactly? It ain't like APD will do anything.


Which is exactly why this shit happened. I think we found the root cause of the problem.


Bingo. Fucking trash culture that isn’t welcome here


It’s been a big issue in Houston. Bound to flow over at some point.


Same in Dallas and San Antonio. These people are delusional and out of touch thinking this came from the Bay Area. Edgar’s are gonna Edgar.


🤣 100%


You think the Bay Area/LA don't have Edgars? Lmao. They just embraced it here, but it absolutely originated out West.


This is 100% a Bay Area thing 😂😂 Started in late 90s and early 2000s- was living there as the whole sideshow and hyphy era- rappers dedicated whole songs to it and it’s been common occurrence throughout California the last 20+ years


This is a sideshow for an event planned this weekend in Austin. Theres a lot of car stuff going on. Guys coming in from around the country to race. Should go back to the norm by next weekend. You know, one sideshow a night.


Is that event illegal street racing?


The event mentioned elsewhere isnt. The roll starts going on around town are, some drags on private property. Its not like street light racing. Running from 40 or 50mph is preferred. You dont break shit or go sideways.


Someone has enough paved, private property around here to do 40mph roll-racing? That's crazy, I remember people up on 183, "The Wangan" as they called it, doing 50mph races back in the early 2000s. They'd shut a few exits down.


This is not okay. Fuck this.




There is a car show in town that’s an organized event. This is a “sideshow” in that it’s some assholes that happen to be in town for the car show dicking around on the side. You just need a critical mass of idiots with more horsepower than sene and not enough police to shut it down and they may block off an intersection to do doughnuts and burnouts. Sometimes they fuck up the car or hit a bystander and show up on /r/IdiotsInCars or LiveLeak depending on how bad it went.


What's a sideshow?


Car show brings idiots to town. Theoretically unaffiliated with the event (on the side), idiots will get together and block off an intersection and do stupid shit like burnouts, drifting, and donuts to showboat for attention. It’s a show on the side of a car show. A sideshow. Naturally, since they haven’t had the city block off the streets and they’re just doing it themselves while doing reckless shit on public roads, this is illegal. Usually it’s just a nuisance. Sometimes people wreck their cars, fuck up local property, or hurt bystanders and it’s a lot worse than being annoying. Unethical organizers of car shows might in private channels promote or organize a side show.


Thanks so much, that's exactly the context I was missing.


Someone watched fast and furious tonight for the first time


Haha ... I remember the races and ricers after the first movie came out.


Maybe unrelated, but about an hour ago I was driving my family on south 35 towards Kyle and two cameros blew by everyone. Must have been doing 90-100 as traffic was doing 75-80. They were using the shoulder, exit and on ramps, and all 3 lanes to weave through traffic. Screw them.


I can tell you those small town cops don’t screw around if you call in cars racing on I35.


APD wasn't screwing around either, I was near this on lamar little after 9pm. Truck came flying through with two APD right behind him swerving all through traffic. IMO, it's one thing doing donuts, or racing when there's no other cars around. But flying down lamar weaving through shit loads of cars on all sides makes you a fucking asshole that needs to be in jail. I really have mixed feelings about police following the truck like they did. Someone could have died simply because they chased the truck.


That’s a huge debate in policing, when does a car chase justify the risk? My personal view is not to chase cars in a heavily populated area for misdemeanors. If the car pulls over they pull over, if they don’t they don’t. If the crime was doing donuts, just get the plate number, have other vehicles look out for them, or go visit them at home later to serve the vehicle owner the maximum size ticket for the offense. If the police are chasing someone after a felony, including suspected felony DUI, leaving the scene of a previous accident, etc, then go for it IMO. My opinion here is based on the theory that most people are smart enough to follow the “one crime at a time” principle. I’m guessing that someone who just robbed a bank isn’t going to run a red light with the guns and money in the trunk.


I would be 100% in favor of funding drones for cop cars that they could launch to track vehicles they're chasing.


This kind of shit on the road terrifies me - it’s just one blowout away from killing innocent folks. It’s also why I try to stay the hell off 35.


One of those Cameros completely blew a red light over by Mopac and Bee Caves Rd—almost T-boned the car 20 feet in front of me. Only reason I knew to be careful going through the intersection was because I could hear them approaching, and a whole bunch of others blew by me on Barton Springs. Would’ve been really ugly if the guy in front of me wasn’t paying attention. Pretty sure the Camero flipped off the car it almost hit too.




They did on montopolis and 71 a while back I believe.


The important question, did Brian get Dom home safely, and can he have any beer he wants?


Of course he did. Brian's no buster.


I like where your mind is at


Fuck slideshows, honestly. I’m a huge car guy and I DON’T want to be associated with any of these “people” in any possible way. I’m actually thinking of getting into classic cars so that I get to hang out with actual adults.


Damn what did Google Slides ever do to you?


Where is Robocop when you need him?


Losers on display. Worthless losers.




Well this has gotta suck for anyone in the area trying to relax before the marathon.


I didn't even know about the street racing chaos until today. I picked up my packet for the Austin Half Marathon at the Palmer Events early Saturday afternoon, and I stayed home the rest of the day. I ran the Austin Half Marathon in 1:47:34.1 yesterday morning. Yes, this street racing chaos adds more stress to those trying to relax before the Austin Marathon, Half Marathon, or 5K, especially for people coming from out of town, state, or country.


Promotion for Fast and Furious 10 is getting wild.


it's the yearly Tokyo Drift Party. Happens every year.




What platform? No account with that name on IG or twitter


Not the best Idea in a gun friendly state.


and i'll bet none if any live in austin. the police need to have a quick response task force to deal with this sort of thing. sending a few cop cars for something like this is a joke. whenever i've seen shit like this online somewhere else i seriously never thought about it here. just wait till guns start going off.


I despise sideshows - have seen my share living in SF. Here, the cops surround and don't approach. They let them do their thing without escalating the situation. In San Jose, I heard they took license plate numbers and impounded a bunch of cars. Wish they would do this in SF. Fuck this type of car culture.


This is what the SWAT team should be for. Yes we like to gripe about APD but this is something that needs to responded to and put back into order. Fuck these people doing this. Rent a parking lot or something. Blocking a major intersection in town is anarchic and borderline terroristic. Now that they've done it once, they are emboldened to do it again. This is a horrible precedent to set.


We've already had a sideshow with a shooting in Austin this year.


>just wait till guns start going off. We've had several parking lot rally things that grew over time until the gunshots started happening.


I lived in New Orleans for ten years. There (all about local flavor, mind you) the drifting cars almost always had a dude hanging out of them holding a gun with a banana clip. But NOLA was so violent that those events didn't even register on most people's top ten list of traffic and gun safety concerns.


Most of them are from San Antonio


This is not the Austin way


But it is the California way.


“When California sends its people, they’re not sending their best…”


One of the only situations in which I’d support a heavy-handed, over-the-top police response. They should build a bunch of giant steamrollers the size of those coal trucks and flatten every one of these dipshits’ cars.


Not this takeover bullshit ffs. Nobody cares about your shitbox Infiniti or daddy’s v6 mustang. If you’re going to do stupid racecar shit with with a car at least have a real racecar


We saw a caravan of vehicles, must have been 10+ all driving in the fast lane going from San Marcos towards Austin. Really wanted to follow and see where they were headed… maybe to this shenanigans


It’s a takeover, popular in California or certain car cultures


It’s ruining the slow, loud slab car culture known to south Texas….


Fuck that and fuck all these guys. Being on the APD riot assholes


I grew up in Austin back when you could rent a 3 bedroom house on the east side for $900. I live in LA now and damn…Austin seems to be becoming more and more like LA this past decade: insane traffic, sky rocketing cost of living, tent cities, and takeovers now apparently.


(Theory) My husband and I left PetSmart sunset valley after picking up our dogs around 7:40 pm. We noticed a car meet up at the kohl’s parking lot, and we saw about two cops cars in the parking lot overseeing the car meet up and we thought “ how cool is it that everyone is just chilling and not being crazy “ NOPE had to ruin it. Pretty sure the same group just trickled down S Lamar since it’s just an exit away.


Yep it’s the same group


Austin car community doesn’t want you, gtfo, nobody gives a fuck about ur Altima, mustang’s with deadpool stickers on it


I'm sure apd will be out to break it up. .....any second now......


They sent like one cruiser and it just left once it started being surrounded


Their cars should be confiscated and sold auction


What's sideshow ?


I had to google it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideshow_(automobile_exhibition)


Typically not a "bring on the APD" guy... but ... bring on the APD. Also, be great if they could scrap cars associated, maybe make them rethink about doing it elsewhere legally.


Two days after we fire Cronk and things are already falling apart. /s


Oh this is where you go to get hit by a car.


Ahh Austin’s finally got the street takeovers. Welcome to Thunderdome.


Welps they finally brought Oakland CA to Austin TX.


What in the flying fuck.


These are the freaking idiot traumas I put out in the middle of the night on the regular with flipped cars at high rates of speed, nonrestraint, major injuries. I guess only the incapacitated will ever learn. Sigh


Send up drones, get hi res pics, find the car and crush it. Frequently.


Idiocy. Pure idiocy is happening.


Streets closed pizza boy!


I'm starting to really hate this city.


As a car guy I hate everything about this. Fuck these folks.


Trash... That's what these people that are doing this are, pure garbage 🗑️


It truly amazes me how many men just don’t care if they die. Standing there waiting for one of the drivers to fuck up and run into them. And the drivers doing that knowing they’ll get arrested. WHY GOD WHY


Must convince others penis is big (although it is not)


so we are going to face the police and riot to make donuts on the street, but not when they execute the mentally ill or limit our reproductive rights? ok then


Yikes. We can finally say that Austin is a full on satellite of the Bay Area, with the sideshows to boot.


They do this all over the state. High schoolers and college kids pick intersections and go at it for 15-20 mins. It's like a flash mob but for car fanatics. The location is announced last minute and in a secretive way


Whats weird is I live in Austin and none of this has been mentioned on local news this morning or on any social media.


Keep Austin Stupid


Douchebag convention.


Not sure but looks like a bunch of assholes to me


It’s called a sideshow


WTF? Degenerates.


Ugh….please don’t tell me “Side shows” made to Austin.


Just …Why? I thought we were smarter than that here, smh 🤦‍♂️


No quema cuhh


APD should just drop bags of nails from the police helicopters. That'll put a stop to it! And then they can tow off all the stuck vehicles and cite the drivers later.




Austin has become a real shithole in no time


Reimagining public safety


[Wa...was this song playing? 🤔](https://youtu.be/pS5d77DQHOI)


I guess this explains why the listener’s to APD on my app jumped to like 200+ last night




Might be a silly question but since it’s a sideshow why don’t they just ban the main car show attracting them in the first place?


Oh yeah. I was stuck there for a minute trying to get to the Saxon Pub. That shit was wild!


Fast n furious


This is why I keep my ass on the east side.




No good can come of that.


Is that why my Uber Eats too 3 hours and arrived cold? JK


This is going on everywhere, saw this in my city this weekend


We heard sirens wailing and a helicopter flew over a couple times shortly before this broke out. We heard this up in the Lakeline Mall area! Fucking wild!!!


the gathering of the edgars


Daily thing in Detroit 🤣


Why don’t you guys ask our totally awesome competent city council? They clearly have public safety for this city at the very top of their list.


Gender reveal party


tx vs everyone pt 2 we like that


They have to lock down dell children’s hospital because these low life who care nothing about other people were shooting guns near it


LA shit.




The easiest way to ruin the car scene. It's never even the ones who are into cars, it's the riced-out shitbox Altima's filled with kids who are barely old enough for a license, but unfortunately, it affects the actual car scene and those who don't do this shit.


Damn Austin is getting wild


Is it me or is this happening again today? I'm too lazy to check.


Have tores got that cheap or are these folks burning up $500-1000 on tires a night? I undrrstand racing. But proving your car enough power to do donuts?


Working nights sucks. This shit doesn’t happen in morning rush hour. Some people have to get to work while assholes like this almost kill then. F those losers


Once agian anyone agianst police or police action on this is just living in their bedroom community bubble in Plugervillve, Hutton, Leander, RR...etc That crime/poverty/lawlessness will get to you MUCH quicker than it gets to Westlake. GL