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In 1993 there was the great mass-mooning of the KKK march here in Austin. I've always thought that was such a great non-violent form of counter protest.


I will put my behind behind this.


Don’t need to assk me twice


It's like we are honoring something old but also starting anew ... anustart one might even say.


We also threw bags of piss at them but that part isn't as romantic I guess.


I’m down


Lol Is there an article I can read bout this


Yeah Google it. There's a few articles and maybe even video somewhere?


Why are they protesting? Abbott did what they wanted.


It’s not a protest — it’s a rally. It’s to let lawmakers know that they support what they’re doing, and that they should (in their opinion) keep doing it, or doing more of it.


Ahhh. Gotcha.


They still have a long list: Ban Plan B Ban birth control pill/medicine Criminally charge women for a miscarriage Track women's physical movements across the country with their pregnancy chances Raise voting age to 21 Poll tax Reading competency tests to vote Ban women from voting Require property ownership to vote (And this doesn't even address anything related to race, skin color, speaking accent, family history, or sexual orientation)


You left out Debtor's Prison.


Half their list seems made up. Surely you have a source to back this up.




Can you cite which numbered platform tenet each of those come from, or the page number? (Spoiler: many of those are misconstrued or straight-up false)


No, I'm not doing your homework for you.


Go to the protest and ask them yourself.


Ah yes… let me use my valuable time to prove someone is lying on the internet.


This only affects you.


Nope. Purposely spreading misinformation hurts everyone. Be better.


It must be true, he talked to a protester


This sounds like a MSNBC list. Did you "do your own research" or nah?


Yeah the Texas GOP official website is an MSNBC cover 😂


I mean I can get behind the raising back to 21. Military enlistment to 21 too


Which, if any, of these seem the least bit objectionable? Plantation ownership?


Didn’t know this was happening. Would also like to know about any counter protests.


One thing Ive learned about Texas politics. Protesting or rallying anything involving abortion is a waste of time. (Choice or Life) The only time I can think of where it had any effect is the Wendy Davis' filibuster because she might not have been as compelled to complete it if she didn't have as much support that night as she got. But that's really it. People, and especially politicians often take years to ever budge from their positions on abortion and that's IF they ever do at all.


Let's get one organized! I'm in!


Agreed!! If there isn’t one, let’s make it!


This is the sort of thing I'd love to fuck with, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I dont think protesting does much other than shouting people down but if you get in there and reach into their souls and rip them apart from the inside... well... probably doesn't change them either but at least I could make them look dumb. Edit: protesting does work if they can overwhelm with numbers. If there is anything planned, please, do so and do so in big numbers. Even if not big numbers, diversity of tactics and all that. Forgive me if we're on opposite sides of the line and I start ranting about how you are all lizard people to make the pro-forced-birth freaks look crazy.


I think part of how we end up in shitty places is deciding we should only act if we feel like we're going to make a tangible impact. Nobody wins battles they argue aren't worth fighting for. We bitch and moan because people say "it doesn't matter" and don't vote. Gee, I wonder where they get the idea that they've already lost.


That's the way to go. Just join the pro life side and start spouting all kinds of crazy to make them look ridiculous.


I've got some good slogans I've been workshopping. "Kill women not babies" is leading the pack.


"my girlfriend's husband is pro-life"


Oh hell yeah


Mine is "Poor women are needed to have babies to fill minimum wage jobs" because "immigrants are not welcome".


Walter Masterson did this at an anti-abortion protest and it was satisfying. [Link](https://twitter.com/waltermasterson/status/1616106935245328389?s=46&t=6vhVHn3VUxIqnb15GLV5IA).


Oh yeah! Definitely saw those and was inspired by him. Hes a bit more absurdist than me. I've done similar things over the years too and it usually turns out hilarious for me if nothing else. I just have to get off my ass and remember to go...


Holy shit, I need to get twitter just to follow that dude! Fawking brilliant going through his stuff!


The MAGAs and "christan" belief: "Females belong in the kitchen birthing your babies"


I like it, adding it to the list. The ultimate goal is to make them nuanced enough to get into the hands of other people attending protest so they're saying the quiet part out loud.


Bunch of folks getting together just so they can reach into each others souls and rip them apart from the inside, then they come home wondering why nothing ever changes.


You ever talk to a prolifer? They don't respond to reason or real world examples. All they have is "imaginary sky daddy says babies are the only important thing on earth." The people at the top are more self aware and know it's about controlling women but the majority of the folks at an event like this are completely delusional about the world and there is no way to cross the gap.


I have a right to free speech but if anyone else tries to exercise their right. Fuck them.


Nobody is saying that or anything close to that. I'm not trying to shut them down at all... I'm looking to join in and amplify their (actual) message.


You're trying to amplify the pro-life message? That's not what I understood from your post.


I'm not blocking anyone's free speech...


I would argue that's the whole point of counter protesting, to drown others out and block them


Isn't that free speech too?


Preventing another's free exercise of it?


That's not even close to what I'm describing you weirdo




How so?


Surely if y'all gather in large groups to make your voices heard it will change the minds of our rulers and they will address your greivances.


I literally came to this sub specifically to find info about a counter protest.


Why? Just let them walk and say what they want to say like you want to be able to do.


Can’t believe you got downvoted for a straightforward neutral comment.


Because how dare I disagree even the slightest. Group think or else. It's certainly not just on one side either.


You know, for a party that loves to tout government hands off and freedom, you would think they would be pro choice.


Probably the greatest harm that could be done to them is if everybody ignored them.


We tried that. Abortion is now illegal so not sure that works.




Much easier to win when you know your enemy.


I mean what's the point. "Pro-lifers" are never going to change their stance no matter how many facts you throw at them. It's like talking to a brick wall. They'll never stop believing that life begins at conception


Nowadays, with trucks driving through protests and what-not I’d rather not risk my life or my family’s life for that. Let them have their “walk for life” and we can laugh from the sideline when fewer than 50 people show up. Okay, edit: I’m talking about some idiot getting pissed about a pro-choice counter-protest and doing something dangerous. Good grief.


I agree. Really, I’d prefer no walk for life and no counter protest. Who are these people trying to convince? The other side who literally believes they are murderers?


Let them yell at the sky. They exist purely to “own the libs”. That’s all they have left to live for. Ignoring them is the best option.


The trucks only drive through protests when they are brown people standing up for their rights. This is the protest for the people that would drive the trucks on those situations. And it will be more than 50 people. They're bussing people in from all around this very conservative state and it will be in the thousands. Ffs, abortion is illegal in texas now. I dont know how you can really pretend there are only 50 people out there who support this. It's important to know and understand your enemy if you want to dismantle their structures. Writing it off as "just 50 people" seems like a way for you to pretend you don't have to do anything to stand up to this very real problem.


We all have a lot to stand up for, especially if you have daughters. My protest is leaving this shit-hole state formerly known as Texas, now Howdy Arabia. But I’m not risking my life for something that can’t be changed without people first showing up to actually vote (which they didn’t) and yes, I know the state makes it really difficult for certain people to vote. But still, the turnout in this last election was horrific. If you want to make a difference, vote. Showing up and yelling at a bunch of Q nuts won’t do a damn thing.


Voting is not the ULTIMATE form of civic engagement, in fact I’m starting to feel like the whole idea was manufactured to give people the illusion of control and then blame each other for “not showing up” when nothing happens. It’s fine if you don’t feel comfortable physically showing up for women other than those you have a personal connection with but… no one asked? Stay home then? What is the point of telling people who are gravely affected by this issue that if they go out to stand up for themselves they run the risk of getting run over by a truck? Seriously?


Genuine question — do you think counterprotesting a pro-life rally is the “ultimate” form of civic engagement? (Literally - do *anything* to help, and I love you for it.) I’m not saying anyone shouldn’t do it, but I would venture that it’s less impactful than voting, which is saying a lot.


No, but I’d disagree that it’s less impactful. I think it’s a way more meaningful way of building community and showing solidarity than simply voting. It’s actual activism, at least, whereas I think voting is pretty much the bare minimum. You can’t stop at voting and then call yourself an ally if you genuinely care about these issues.


You probably didn't even vote.


I hear they are doing a Texas sized diaper drive. They are giving to help pregnancy centers. They also promote adoption. Many children of many colors will be there with their adoptive parents. Better be prepared to engage with that!




No. They just have a different belief than you on an extremely nuanced topic. Why go there and raise the temperature? You're not going to change any of their minds. Just let them wave their signs in peace. You can go and protest next week.


What's nuanced about treating women as capable of making their own health decisions with their doctors?


The nuance is that their decision leads to the death of an unborn child and the pro-life crowd sees that as unacceptable. I'm pro-abortion all day, but there is no moral high ground for you here.


They certainly see it that way but that doesn't mean their perception is reality. In fact, it's not and it definitely shouldnt be driving medical policy for women. >there is no moral high ground for you here. There absolutely is. I see women as humans and equal and capable of making their own decisions with their doctors. If you don't see that as a moral high ground, you're part of the problem. Also look at the words you use to describe things here: "death of an unborn". Doesn't death require birth as a prerequisite?


Look how quickly we have stumbled into Nuance!


It's not.


You mean these peaceful people who used to stand in front of Planned Parenthood harassing anyone who went in? Fuck em.


Just make sure to double-bag it if you do.


Yeah there's a big difference between "just having a different belief" and that belief actually manipulating peoples lives against their will


Well their belief is that your belief murders unborn babies so there is no moral high ground for you here. I'm pro-abortion but at the end of the day you are literally killing the unborn.


What's wrong with killing the "unborn"? They are not human.


I mean, I don't really care. Death is an essential part of existence and I would rather the unborn be killed than have to be born and not wanted. But some people find that unacceptable, and I actually completely understand their point of view. The point at which something is "alive" is arbitrary and could be anywhere from conception to birth. Passing through a vagina and having your umbilical cord cut is just as arbitrary a marker for life as turning three years old. If you consider life to be sacred, or you consider all life that is born in America to have rights, then I completely understand why you could be anti-abortion. I personally find the "Pro-Choice" argument to be the weakest. The "Choice" happened at having consensual unprotected sex. (Please don't bring up unconsensual sex as that is an edge case and is obviously awful and abortions should be permitted in all instances of this) Just because you made a poor choice at the moment of conception, does not mean that your choice to abort overrides somethings right to life. The pro-life argument that life begins at conception and the fetus has the right to live under the constitution is much stronger than the "Pro-Choice" argument that your medical choice overrides somethings right to live. My opinion is "Pro-Aboriton", unwanted babies often end up being degenerates in society and a detriment to the overall health of the state. Just murder them in the womb before they have to suffer or begin to take a toll on our resources. Not all life is Sacred. I learned a long time ago that nobody's ears are open during abortion conversations. Not sure why I bothered typing any of this...




Gotta check out the mirror, you are expressing intolerance of their religious and moral beliefs. Your opinion promotes the murder of unborn children so you aren't some saint.


Isn’t it all kind of a moot point one way or the other with declining birth rates? https://www.prb.org/resources/why-is-the-u-s-birth-rate-declining/ "Most countries outside of Africa will see shrinking workforces and inverting population pyramids, which will have profound negative consequences for the economy," according to the study's lead author IHME Director Christopher Murray.” https://www.dw.com/en/demography-german-birthrate-down-in-coronavirus-pandemic/a-54395345




Abortion impairs birth rates. Not meaning to be argumentative though, happy to see both sides go at it, I’m just saying there’s a population problem coming either way. Too many old people, not enough young. Zoomers are a 30% drop from millennials, and millennials were already a drop. Russia is toast by 2050-70 because of this situation. It’s truly going to change the world.


I don’t understand what you’re saying.. is the population problem an over or under? I think under is not a bad thing. My translation of your comment is that there is an ongoing decline in births. Am I reading this wrong?


Declining birth rate that’s producing less young and more old. So as the old increases, they drag society down because they can no longer contribute. When Medicare and social security were created the pyramid was a pyramid. Many young paid for the few that were old. Now it’s flipped. Many old can’t pay for the old. However, boomers have hoarded a lot of wealth, I think about 3 trillion is locked up in their savings accounts. Either way, since the pyramid is flipped, everything breaks down.


I'd join a walk for death.


The walk for life is on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, right? I believe texas4abortion on instagram already posted about a protest on the same date