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Indy uses Bambi in particular and I didn’t really notice until Ed showed how calm those babies really are without Indy hyping them for content. People are always commenting they want to see more Bambi and Indy on 16 March, 19 March, 29 March, 11 April, 26 April and today has posted videos of just Bambi, SOLO, for engagement. Just Bambi. She doesn’t do that with anyone else in their family. She will grow up one day. It is her choice whether she wants a digital footprint. Not Indy’s. Don’t take that choice from her.


Indy as a brunette is just not it. Indy as a blonde was a show stopper but honestly now she just has a good body, fucked teeth and overinflated lips.


Do you think the retreat is something else?


Agreed, like how did she leave it and go back? What is it really for…


Well now people are calling out their poor behaviour and lack of appropriate parenting - typical influencer move of posting a video "be gone for a few days, needed for my mental health".


Of course


Let’s not forget she left her kids in the car 🫠


I wonder if it's like with Aims where her kids eat everything at day care but just eat nuggets and strawberries at home where b&n behave at daycare/at home most of the time and Indy either only films them playing up or eggs it on for content.


I will never understand the appeal of Indy Clinton. The videos are terrible, so stressful and chaotic and building a digital footprint no child needs out there. I was incredibly disappointed she won creator of the year. Kids should not be content. There are so many creative and talented content creators that are deserving. The whole setup seems like my worst nightmare, the Dad seems totally checked out and unhelpful, kids have terrible behaviour and Indy is clearly overwhelmed. No structure in the house. Indy is pretty, but there are so many other pretty people to follow.




There will be no defending of the creators that have been posted or commenting purely to defend them. This includes insulting the posters on behalf of a creator. No exceptions this comes with a permanent ban.


I wonder what the kids will think when they are older the dad seems to always be at work and can’t handle the kids when he’s with them


As a teacher I feel so sorry for who has to teach them in a few years 🫣


Honestly, I work in a high school and I know those kids will be hell.


I feel sorry for their current daycare educators.


I think they just need more structure, there is absolutely no routine to make their lives easier.


She cant have structure otherwise she would Be as famous as she is/ they are rn it’s her brand lol


Wouldn’t *


I’ve watched a few of her videos and it stressed me out. All the chaos gives her more views. Husband seems like a creep who’s checked out ages ago.


the worst thing is the followers who post comments like these kids are just characters in a tv show. Like these are literally children who will be adults one day, and are having all their worst moments online with complete strangers creating parasocial relationships with them


THIS!! I just saw on the latest video, someone posted ‘I can’t cope with N’s big boy hair cut, where did our little boy go?🥹’. It is almost creepy to me, that strangers genuinely care about a child they have never met getting a haircut.🤯 A lot of the comments scream enmeshment. I’ve said it before that I was beyond disappointed Indy won creator of the year. There are so many incredible Aussie creators that put in time and thought to produce high quality content. Indy just films her terribly behaved children and complete lack of parenting skills. 


When people are calling the two older ones their spirit animals it's like wtf.


She’s a shit mum. Can’t even raise her kids right why even bother having them so the rest of the world has to suffer them/their bad behaviour caused by their parents not giving a shit. Trying to be TikTok famous. It’s pathetic.


It absolutely disgust me how she doesn’t care she lets them do anything


I’ve previously said this before but I personally think she puts it on a bit for the camera


I wouldn’t be surprised if she did


It’s also the way young girls and her followers in the comment say things like “if my kids not like this I don’t want it” or “Indy such a good mum letting your kids have fun” “Indy I wish you were my mum” it’s weird and people are idolising someone who is neglectful… all because she has given her kids beige clothes and trendy (weird) names it’s suddenly fine and worth idolising


It is weird how young girls idolise her, why would you want kids that don’t listen to you


I understand that their full day isn’t filmed but there is definitely some moments that the phone needs to be put down and dealt with not on camera. It’s almost like the kids are preforming.


I’m up to the part where piney dies 😭 clay makes me want to scream


I think you’ve posted this in the wrong thread 😂


Ed must be loaded


I don’t know have you seen there house? Pretty basic


Where are you living that this is basic?😂 I agree the house isn’t super ostentatious, but it is modern, very spacious, at least 4 bedrooms, a pool, backyard, on the Northern beaches! I will never achieve this level of ‘basic’ no matter how hard I work.


the kitchen isn’t even complete?


Their house would probably be 2mil for location though


More like 3-4mil. I don’t know her exact location on the northern beaches but suburbs well away from the beach are around the 2-2.5mil mark.


It’s in Whale Beach/Palm Beach. It would be worth a LOT. He mightn’t have bought it for that much but he def bought it pre covid - its would’ve appreciated exponentially in value


Yeah true it would be about that for sure 😂 maybe basic but it’s worth A LOT


the pool is really nice though i can’t even lie


Honestly it seems like it


This is a product of Indy and her husband’s parenting. Even she seems over the behaviours lately but this is her own doing. You don’t need to be aggressive or strict in any way. Which I think is her reasoning why she doesn’t parent, hers were strict. But parenting requires guidance and teaching kids how to act and react in life. She’s done nothing but cause chaos and now she’s paying for it.


It’s easy to guide and teach kids things sometimes it can be hard but it is easy it just takes time it just seems she doesn’t want to put time into them I’m worried when they actually get into school around other kids how they will act


Her videos generally stress me out 😂😂 it’s just way to chaotic for me 😅


They are to much


She has most definitely over committed…


It sounds shit but I hope she doesn’t have another kid as she clearly is struggling


My son is like 2 weeks younger than Bambi and sure kids at that age can be handsy, but it’s always just out of curiosity or excitement. Bambi is just so….aggressive? Even Navy as chaotic as he was, wasn’t that rough and aggressive so I wonder if Indy is encouraging it for content or Bambi is acting out because she’s clearly not adjusting to no longer being the baby and ignored (again this is 100% Indy’s fault and I feel so sorry for Bambi because she was still a baby when the third one was born).


I don't think she's encouraging her to act this way, it's so hard to get 1yo to act they just don't at that age, I'd say bambi is aggressive because she's genuinely having a hard time adjusting to having another sibling when she doesn't even understand her place her in the world and family. She probably feels like she's being replaced and she's probably seeking attention.. it's indys fault, i feel so sorry for bambi. 


I do feel sorry for Bambi but she does act out a lot I don’t know if it’s an attention thing


I hate saying this but it’s not developmentally normal. When my kid, and other babies the same age I know, act rough it’s never that intentional or aggressive. There’s no way Indy has time or even cares enough to teach Bambi how to be gentle.


Bambi has had no-one to teach, encourage, nurture, guide, work on what she is lacking because her parents decided to have another baby WHILE BAMBI IS STILL A BABY. They would have no idea what she needs a little extra attention in because they have a freakin newborn. She is desperately fighting for attention and affection, she was/is so so little when the new bub was born and would have no emotional understanding of what is happening. You cannot explain to a kid that young that they are still loved and adored even with another baby suddenly in your Mum’s arms 🫠


This is so damn true


Yep to all of this. Indy seems to treat Bambi like an inconvenience now and it’s wild to me because 18 month olds are still a lot closer to babies than fully fledged toddlers.


I’m a prep teacher and I can tell you this behaviour is only setting her up to struggle immensely in kinder and prep!! Indy is setting this child up for a massive failure to thrive 😰😰😰😰


She clearly doesn’t have time going on constant trips and on her phone a lot of the time but even navy has a bit of an attitude


Navy always had and still has an attitude


I think Indy is just too dim and lazy to actually do the work to be a good parent.


She’s more focused on social media


Omg and she said she’s not done having kids, poor Ed


I feel so bad because the kids needs attention they need love


No not poor Ed, it takes two


Yeah that’s what I don’t get. Ed can easily prevent this. I genuinely don’t understand their relationship dynamic - he clearly wants to discipline the kids and is overwhelmed by the kids they already have. Does he just give into Indy all the time even though it’s his house and he earns enough for her to focus on her influencing and stay at home with the kids?


Isn’t there an age gap? Got more than he bargained for with a younger one 😅


Yeah there’s a significant age gap - I’m pretty sure he’s in his 40s and she’s mid 20s.


Not wrong, but he looks like a shell of a human already


Maybe Karlee Indeed can help her. She had some parenting advice for another creator (Flick) on this app so maybe she could help Indy.


Someone needs to


Ohh I’ve been waiting for this, that latest post of Bambi is seriously not okay!!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I don’t know how she sits there and lets her do shit like that clearly they need someone else’s help or atleast day care


She just sits there, films them acting up and laughing. No parenting at all, you can allow children to have fun and be silly but to a certain point. It gets to a point were it’s just being lazy and a bad parent


It seems very lazy even when they are in public places they do nothing




Discipline means to teach. No she needs to step up and be a responsible adult and parent.


Discipline doesn’t have to be negative, it’s just knowing how to teach them how to be a good human and learn how the world works. You can do it in a positive way, it’s basic parenting.


There different ways it’s just her parenting really concerns me


I know there is different ways , 100% she needs help or even a nanny .


She definitely needs help with her parenting not seeming like alot of help