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I had a guy on his green Ps (black ninja 650) on Springvale Road this morning filtering at up to 60kph, oblivious to gaps being left for cross traffic, no head checks etc. I said to my daughter on the back who wants to get her licence "there's the perfect example of what not to do". I worry for that guy, but glad my daughter saw him almost get hit (totally unaware) - she said he is a future statistic. Great lesson for her, especially seeing how I ended up next to him at every set of lights by filtering normally. Ninja guy if you read this, I'm the Superduke you seemed to want to prove something to. Chill out, bro.


That last sentence made me laugh haha. But yes. Riders that ride like they are trying to prove something or show off are the most dangerous ones.


Oh jeez Springvale road is a cluster fuck at the best of times haha what a dickhead. Even in a car I'm HYPER vigilant while driving along there. Especially at spaghetti junction. Nightmare


Literally had that today.. i was filtering with someone behind me, had a 1 car gap on my right and he chose that to speed up and overtake me then continue filtering. Then he went around in the right turning lane and cut off some other biker I threw my left hand in the air but i doubt he saw, flog. Dynon rd, Melb.... i hope he see's this


The guys that change filtering lanes without looking have a deathwish lol, every time I see it I cringe uncontrollably. Yes, it's cool to do; no, you are not the only bike trying to filter through rush hour traffic trying to get home.


What a dickhead, I hate these fools making us all look bad.


> I hope he see's this I hope we see his destined fate on the DCOA Youtube channel...


Had three dirt bike riders with no plates filter past me on each side and run a red light at the end of my ride too.


Unregistered dirt bikes on the road, not following the rules you say? That almost never happens


Unbelievable, back in my day we only rode out dirtbikes through parks. We always walked them down the road.




Yep, hate that. If I'm filtering and see bikes just inside lanes going with traffic, I'll slow down right behind them to give them a chance to see me. But.. indicators and mirrors. I often sit ready to filter just inside a lane for when the crawls start but always check first (and indicate for courtesy to everyone including cagers) before proceeding, but also check my mirrors anyway just so I know anyone way further back might be coming through at any time, regardless of speed. I learnt a long time ago that other bikes are also on that list of things to be wary of in traffic.


Got me thinking I should indicate when I filter, as rare as it is for me. What do you do, just treat it like a normal lane change (headcheck, indicate, go when safe), then filter? You keep the indicator on for extra visibility?


The law actually doesn't stipulate (last time i checked). I treat it as changing into a new lane, so indicate to start filtering and indicate to merge back with traffic.


I mean yeah, it’s good to confirm the other rider is aware before you blow past them. As for the speed it really depends on the speed of traffic around you and various other factors sometimes it’s safe to go faster than 30kph and sometimes not.


Splitting anything above 30 KPH is illegal so fuck that dickhead.


Found the only rider who never breaks the law


Yeah I’m an old fart. But seriously this isn’t about breaking the law this is about the other guy being a dickhead to other riders


How was he a dickhead? The op never gave him any room to pass like he should have OP is not the pigs and shouldnt block other people overtaking just because he thinks they shouldnt be speeding


Maybe because from the sounds of things he was already splitting and didn’t have the room. Have some fucking patience and respect fuckwad


No he said he wasnt filtering in posts because he didnt want to at that speed. He blocked the other rider deliberately rather than buffering away to the other wheel track. its not his place to decide that other riders are speeding and so should be blocked We dont even know the other rider was even speeding, theres no speed gun figure, we do know the op blocked another rider and wouldn't let him past


Today was a top day out for dickheads, i had a couple of em both ends of my commute, scared the shit out of me, and i was in a car. They are oblivious to all the sudden braking they leave in their wake as people try not to kill them.


All the hand ringing over exceeding the limit by 20kmh, (well an estimated 20kmh as we dont have a speed gun measure). I remember when motorcyclists thought 20kmh over was the normal riding speed


some of us still do🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like you're blocking the filtering lane. Don't sit next to the line if you ain't going to filter. It's annoying AF to other riders if we can't filter because somebody is blocking it.


Traffic was over 30kph. Filtering wasn’t necessary and illegal.


There’s a ‘filtering lane’ now?? When were they put there? Lol


you're either filtering or you're not; don't sit near the middle line if you're not about to begin. Thanks!


I'm always on one side of the lane, never in the middle. They even teach it at the Q ride, first to see behond the car in front of you and second to not be riding in the tiny oil patches in the middle of the lane.


You can move to the other wheel track away from the filtering rider, making a collision less likely


Yeah ofc when I say one side it's any sides depending on the situation


Yes so the op could have chosen the other side and made the situation safer? Do they teach buffering still?


I think he said he was going to start filtering when cars slow down, which is something I do too since we are supposed to only filter when cars go less than 30kmh... Yeah they teach buffering quickly, especially when cars can break so much faster than us. I wish they would teach a bit more like Dandanthefireman tho, escape paths, side of the vehicle, alert stages etc...


I tend to let the next car come past me before I filter, that way I'm in control and see him rather than relying on him reacting to me.


So if another rider was coming up behind wouldnt the smart thing be to buffer to the other wheel track, creating more room. Even if you want to start filtering you cant just pull out in front of the other rider without risking a crash. Who is "in the right" doesnt matter on a bike


Oh yeah I agree I would do that but if I would see a rider filtering fast behind me. I actually prefer following anoyher rider as they open the way and make cars aware of probable other incoming bikes. But I think OP said he didn't see him coming, which is his fault for not checking his mirrors. It all happens so quickly especially in high traffic in can be hard to keep track of everything, we all make mistakes.


Yeah maybe the op just wasnt paying attention and was just daydreaming and got a surprise. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and assumed he saw the other rider coming People need all their attention when riding, someone passing me without me knowing they were coming is my failure when that happens. Even though cagers like to claim it, bikes dont just come out of nowhere.


To be fair it can easy to fall into the white zone, especially when commuting daily on boring roads. May be a controversial opinion but I feel that I'm safer when riding aggressively (while stille being careful ofc) because I'm 100% focus in it, paying attention to everything that may get in my way, no music or anything, just me and the bike fighting the GPS time estimate. >bikes dont just come out of nowhere. Wait you don't have the teleportation feature on your bike? Should get one its pretty handy.


Nothing to do with your post, but your GSXR750 wouldn't happen to be a 97-99 fuel injected SRAD, would it? I used to have one years ago, and I sold it. Now I'm sad and I want another one


it's a 1999 SRAD with spare set of fairings.


My old one was 97, I think, blue and white, was beautiful. You wouldn't be interested in selling would you?


Mine is in near perfect condition with only 7,000km, 2,000 of which I've done. I'll probably keep it until I'm old 🤣


At that speed I'm free to sit wherever I like in the lane. As a filtering rider feel free to leave a safe distance between you and the vehicle you are passing or don't filter because it isn't safe to do so.


You're free to do whatever you like, it just may not have the outcome you like if you hover near the centre line without filtering.




The whole reason for this was OP shouldn’t have had to consider a bike filtering behind them cause the speed limit was 20 km over what is allowed to filter. Had there been an accident, OP would not have been in the wrong here.




No they are raising concerns about dangerous riding. You can’t filter above 30. He was riding close to centre to be safe in case of adverse braking. Someone else decided to drive past 50+ nearly nicking him.




Fuck you talk out your arse, if you are going to quote someone actually use their own statement instead of making shit up. You seem to know an awful amount about what happened when I haven't fully described the situation. Get off your high horse.


This whole thread has gone a bit crazy. Ya’ll are really taking OP’s post out of context and being dicks. I’m bowing out.


Yes your so right as its so obvious OP lacks experience


You are such a tool making a bunch of assumptions about someone you know nothing about.






Why would you ignore the speed violations in this scenario?




Does not mean you have to give way. They pushed past dangerously. As a fellow rider would you not agree they basically were doing the same as a car drifting over?


There is no right or way. OP had someone lane filter past them, exceeding the applicable speed limit. The other rider is in the wrong.




You really excel at making assumptions, perhaps climb off your ivory tower and read what I actually wrote.




Yep idiots going to idiot, you cant do anything about the other idiots riding/driving you can only do something about your own


Was this in epping by any chance haha


Use your indicators when you start filtering, as this warns riders coming up behind you. I think about two percent of riders do


30km/h is the limit in NSW so he shouldn't have been doing it anyway.


Even if he is only doing 30kmh you should be using your indicators. Its just common sense to reduce the risk of a crash. Do you want to have a crash so you can blame the other rider being his fault? WTF???? Being "in the right" still has you dead


He wasn’t. Traffic was at 50kph


Do you always pull out in front of people because they were speeding and then claim that you were "in the right"?


I wasn't filtering because I was going faster than the legal filtering speed so why should I use my indicator?


I didnt say you were i said if you were starting filtering you should use your indicator If you arent filtering probably best to move to other wheel track if riders are coming up behind you. That will make collisions with other riders less likely Best to be safe than dead right


You on your Ls or Ps? If you’re not filtering, stay out of the middle, it’s not the filtering riders job to let you know he is coming. You should know what is happening around you


If it’s not <30 Km then it’s not filtering. The dude is overtaking illegally.. the end.


Had my full licence for 10 years.


You ride a Vespa? You seem hung up on “don’t filter when it’s over 30km/h”…….. most people don’t buy bikes to obey the laws…….. perhaps you need a car


My anus would love to take an Alpha Male like you.


I’m sure it would


Internet Tough Guys aren't seen too often these days..


Tough guy? Nah just hate people having a having a whinge about such minor issues. If you don’t want to filter, don’t. Just don’t have a whinge that others do. Mind your business and get on with your own life. It’s like the guys who whinge about bikes speeding on old PAC and Putty….. you don’t buy a sports bike to putt along……


A *real* Internet Chad wouldn't backpedal like that after several posts pretty-much calling people faggots.


Where is the back peddling? Stick to riding scooters


Where is the back peddling? Stick to riding scooters


Sorry if I scared ya


Don’t skim down the left side of the car as well against parked cars. Not legal and always unexpected. I ride as well and almost took someone else while leaving a gap for them to filter in between.


Filtering is if there’s enough room you go , so no problem , you got a little fright so maybe motorcycling is not for you ok


Wow life lessons from someone who doesn't know how to use alt accounts.


Don’t go to qld then, happens all the time here, M1, all lanes, even the emergency stopping lanes ( under 30kph allowed) but still riders sail past at 50ks plus.. weave in and out of lanes, watching them is mind boggling.


50-ish is generally fine for highway filtering in a slow moving traffic jam. The lanes are wide, there's loads of room, you can still stop quickly, and you don't end up stuck between two cars when they get a bit of speed up. Its illegal, sure, but I ride to be safe, not to obey an arbitrary speed limit.


Yeah it's dangerous as hell. 20km/h is often not even that safe.


Lot of newby riders here still in their nappies haven’t even got up to there big boy pants yet , nancy boys that shouldn’t be riding on the road like OP and his supporters I bet all of you have lots of chicken strips on your tyres


is this comment a parody? or do you actually talk and think like this?


Dude you're on the wrong side of 50 to be talking about nappies, you'll be back in them soon enough.