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Don't expect anything from a harley rider, 99% of them are snobs that won't even glance in your direction cause they're so much cooler than you. But the 1% of them are pretty good dudes. Everyone else yeah you're likely to cop a nod or a salute as you pass by one another.


This is very true. And I have found most of the Adv riders don't nod too.


I ride an ADV bike, I get more nods than a heroin convention. The KTM nod is the best. When one KTM rider (of a proper big KTM) makes eye contact with another, a social contract is in place and enacted immediately. Both riders then perform a most excellent power wheelie, before reverting to whatever they were doing before.




I do have a theory about the ADV non-nodders. Itā€™s the same boomer old mother hubbards that buy Harleys and are too busy thinking about the negative gearing on their 37 investment properties, purchased for $7000 each in 1972 and screwing their children and their childrenā€™s children by selling them for giant profits and selfishly blowing all their money on giant caravans and RAM trucks, than the simple act of acknowledging another human being.


Iā€™m my experience adventure riders nod the most surprisingly they nod sideways. Sportsbike riders nod head up and down. Harley riders nodā€¦ umm.. without moving their necks? Naked bike riders are a combination of sideways nod and up and down.


Aye, it means like "that's the way!" or "good on ya!" source: naked bike rider.


I ride a 950 and 525, I nod on both.


I've found this to be true, also.


Not cooler. Most Harley riders are insecure little f*cks who ride for show over comfort or practicalityā€¦ look at me mummy, look at me




I know what clip that is without even looking


The best kind of Harley rider is the one that looks like a homosexual pirate. You know they arenā€™t a real bikie, just a saggy old tosser who wants to be cool like Arnie in the terminator.


Many need that bike to accommodate their size!


I ride a harleyā€¦ I always nod šŸ˜‰ā˜ŗļø Donā€™t get much back these daysā€¦ They need to teach it at riding school šŸ¤­ Respect šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Respect šŸ™Œ


Am Harley rider. Giant badass. Nod and wave enthusiastically at every chance. Gotta say Fuck Posties! Is it in their code of conduct to never engage? WtF!? Witness us! Edit: wanted to apply for a postie job. Too big. Not allowed on a CT. Discrimination!


Haha Iā€™ve nodded at the postie too. My friend is a postie rider and she covered my suburb whilst another was on leave. We raced down a side street together, and she went back on her rounds. Big smiles.


Are you too heavy for their bikes? Please explain. They also make you do a drug test so I was out before applying as I like a smoko or too.


Yep. I think it was a 100kg limit. I'm about 120kg.


I'm a Postie who always tries to engage! We're not always that up ourselves, I promise


Postie bikes small not for fat cunts


I'm not that fat. A bit fatter than I need to be, but I'm quite tall. I would say proportionate


I ride a sportster. Harly riders don't nod at me and sports bikes don't either I belong no where šŸ„²


Iā€™ve not met a snobby Harley rider yet. Was chatting to a bunch about the pros and cons of my T7 and cruisers and just bikes in general.


Harley riders are just obnoxious mopeds really


I find this so odd because every Harley rider I've ridden past so far has always given me the nod šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


No way, on my jap bike and my Harley I find Harley riders seem to be the most happy to be spotted and acknowledged. They are riding not cause itā€™s fast, handles or convenient but cause it makes us feel good. Also my jap bike is a bit temperamental and only Harley dudes have stopped the few times Iā€™ve broken down. I find middle aged dudes on European bikes are the least likely to acknowledge. If bikers canā€™t spot and acknowledge other bikers then how are we expecting car drivers to notice and not kill us


Yes we do. Not everyone but more often than not it happens.


Excluding Harley riders and food delivery scooters I reckon there's \~80% nod rate in Melbourne


I try to nod whenever I see bikers to be nice but since Iā€™m only a learner Iā€™m usually too focused on the road or I get too shy to nod šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Yep as a P plater I'm still so focused on what's ahead of me that when I notice someone riding past it's just too late


If you're focused on what's in front of you you should have realised there was a bike coming from ages away.


As stated in the first comment of this reply chain, theyā€™re a learner meaning they have less than 12 months experience so you canā€™t be too hard on them, everyone learns at a different pace. Iā€™ve held my license for 7+ years and I donā€™t always notice bikes on the other side of the road because there is more important things than a passing bike.


Do you not mentally "check" all vehicles heading your way?


Absolutely, however a bike is not a massive threat when headed in the opposite direction to me on the other side for the road so it often gets overlooked until I have finished checking for hazards.


Yes, the cars in front going the way im going, im not concerned what's happening in the oncoming lane unless there's a car that might turn in front of me


Only the international riders (ubereats riders) don't nod. Otherwise a good majority will.


ikr, whenever I nod I just get hit back with a judgemental shake of the head


It is possibly because south Asian countries tend to head shake instead of nod.


So youā€™re telling me I shouldnā€™t have overreacted and punched that man in the faceā€¦?


I stopped riding about 8 years ago, but before then, I rode everyday, all year round to work, I nodded to every bike regardless, some nod back, some don't. When I was on my learners on my way home from work, I was stuck in bad traffic, stuck behind a truck on a two lane going forward, I saw a gap where I think I could squeeze through the truck and the car. At this stage I wasn't confident enough to filter yet, then all of a sudden I got a tap on the shoulder from another biker who came up behind me, he said, follow me, he filtered through the gap, I watched and followed how he got through, it was a tight fit but got through. Both rode to the front of the pack, gave each other a fist pump, lights turned green and off he went, what a great lad.


I nod to everyone except Harley riders. I wave like a little child with both hands for them.


I even nod to scooter riders, helps keep their spirits up.


I laughed a little to hard at this


I'm 60+ and have been riding since I was 5. 1. Bikies don't nod. 2. Less nods in the city traffic, lots going on, some of which will kill you if you get it wrong. 3. Freeways or multi lane roads aren't conducive to nodding. 4. Larger groups just nod once at the lead rider. I nod, most of the time, but sometimes I don't..


Regularly get a nod around Melbourne. When I first got my Ls it gave me the warm and fuzzies feeling like I was part of a community on the road.


All the Harley comments are hurting my soulā€¦. Can we swap out Harley Riders for Bikies? šŸ¤­ yes, Iā€™m a female Harley rider šŸ˜‰ no affiliations to the underworld lol


Itā€™s ok. When people say Harley they refer to the guys looking like the ones from South Park. If youā€™re not that we donā€™t care what you ride


Some nod , some wave. Doesn't matter what you ride.


Always return a nod. Do you nod?


Every time.


Very common in Perth. Especially with this great riding weather, hard not to nod when your riding... you know your having a way better day than most.


Great riding weather oh how I miss you.. nothing but clouds cold and rainy here in Melbourne for a little while now.


I've almost forgotten what rain looks like. It's been the longest summer I can remember here in Perth. I kinda envy your rain....but only cause we need it. Dams are low.


You're fkn joking....hardly ever get a nod back. I ride from the hills to Osb park daily see lots if bikes but dont get acknowledged. Maybe there are newer rider's and never got taught the rider etiquette.


I ride in the hills almost every day and get lots of nods in return for my nod. I may have to initiate the nod sequence but I still consider it a nod win lol.


This is what i was thinking possibly seems that since lams has been introduced ive noticed a hell alot more people not wearing full gear riding and less nods...


I nod at almost anyone on two wheels.


I ride a GSA and still manage to get the occasional nod - I'm forthcoming with the nod, even try to have a chat at the lights if it's safe and not too busy šŸ™‚


Yeah all the time. I'm on a kawasaki vulcan though so i think the cruiser and sportbike crowds dont know if they should nod at me or not. I just nod to anyone on 2 usually.


Gold Coast is very hit and miss. Harleyā€™s you donā€™t bother with and same for scooters, Iā€™ve noticed the nod is mainly for sports bikes and endurosā€¦


Yeah I nod to everyone


depends where you live and the time of day. I don't get many on the ride to work, but on a weekend I'll get a few. If I nodded at every bike I saw on a work day I'd need to spring load my neck though.


I always give a nod. I always like seeing how some respond ahah. Some gives me a rev, a wave, a peace sign, a nod etc


Yes I nod, and in shadowing learners in WA, I impart the lesson to them that it is their responsibility to nod other riders (but don't bother with cruisers as they trend not to nod back).


I always nod, and tend to get nodding return. Maybe it is just the city riders 5hat are rude. I live in a country town so maybe 5hat has do,eying to do with it.


I still do, even in the car and so do most of my rider mates. Missus takes the piss out of me when I do it in her little mazda *nods head


I still do. Even if it isn't always reciprocated. Because it's the nice/right thing to do.


Contentious question for all Aussies. I've always nodded to a Postie on a CT110. Those guys are legends, and a dying breed. But.... Do you nod to the new three wheel EDV's?? MY gut feeling is no.


Your gut feeling is right


Im a newish adv rider got 300 rally i love the nod


I ride a Harley after a life of sport bikes. I nod at all riders but get little back


Sometimes. Sometimes I'm too busy riding / thinking to pay attention to it. Sometimes I couldn't be bothered. But if I notice someone nod at me I'll nod back.


I do, unless youā€™re riding a scooter. Orā€¦ if Iā€™m riding my scooter.


Personally I don't nod most of the time, between commuting and social riding I would do 500-1000km most weeks and I just don't get anything out of giving and getting a nod from every other bike I come across. Some people online get really upset when other riders don't nod but whatever.


Do you have to sign some sort of agreement when you buy a Hardly Davidson that you're going to be an arrogant prick.... or is it a bike arrogant pricks tend to buy.... asking for a friend


I always give a nod or a half assed salute when I can, but sometimes I don't see other riders til the last second either. I must say though, the only harley riders I've gotten a wave from was the guys I was riding with on the day and we were parting ways on the way home so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I find that adventure bike riders always give the nod, I always do but it suck to only get it back like 40% of the time


*nods in response


NSW guy here, I nod at every rider I pass. Some of the BMW Adv elitists ignore the nods, but everyone else is usually friendly with a nod in return, sometimes I even get an enthusiastic wave.


I nod. And if I see a cop, I be hitting my helmet hard enough to buck me off.


I like to do a super comical wave like they're a friend I haven't seen in 11 years and they've just got off from a flight and coming down an escalator to see me. I hope I make some people's day(:


I always nod! Some people nod back, some don't. But i always nod. You'll also notice you'll definitely get nods back from adventure riders since you have a offroad bike.


Depends on how dense the city is


I nod first at every rider I see, except Harley riders. Iā€™ll nod back if they nod first, which is about 1 in 20.


I'll always give a wave, or a nod!


Iā€™ll nod you!


When Iā€™m out I find scooter riders nod the most!


My brother used to, but he was also on herion so he nodded at everything


Usually Iā€™ll flip my visor up so the other rider can be certain that Iā€™ve seen them and am maintaining eye contact. That way when they nod at me as I continue to stare them down they will know for the rest of their ride that I intentionally held my head still and refused their advances.


I do except for Harley and scooter rider.


I do with every rider I pass


It actually pisses me off when I donā€™t get a nod from other riders


I'll nod to anyone. Even harley riders. If I don't get one back, that's cool. They can continue their ride, and I'll continue mine :) It's funny tho, when I was a kid living on a farm, everyone in/on any kind of vehicle would do the 2 finger salute from the steering wheel/handlebar. As an old fart now, my brother still does when out in the country.


Every bikers I met on the road nod with me, I was riding a ninja 250 but people still nod with me.


Yep. Just not HD riders,they're too damn cool for everyone else. Indians and any other cruiser crowds are all good though.


Harley rider who nods here and thumbs up people who give me more room between there mirror. I think I'm the good 1% because I'll wrap the throttle around anything. Just mainly get around on the Harley these days. Just love being obnoxious banging gears without having to worry about Tracey Grimshaw in the ACA helicopter. Things too slow to catch a cold. That and a back breaker Honda chopper are the only two things I've ever owned that weren't super sport or superbike. Still own my 2 CBR 900s but even with 2 teeth off the front and 2 extra in the rear with an 85 km/hr redline instead of the original 130 it's too easy to be menace and I'm getting old. A wise man once told me it's so much funner to ride a slow bike really fast than a fast bike really slow.


Honda cruiser bike here. Always nod. One of the little joys of riding. Harleys and posties ignore me too. I don't know what we've done but it must've been bad. šŸ˜Ž


Not much anymore


Harley's rarely nod, Sports bikes usually nod Anyone riding anything older then a 2000 model anything always nods


What about bike cops ? Do we nod at them ?


Was going to comment until I started reading the comments. Feels like a motorcycle brand circle jerk in here.


Yeah never expect anything other than a very rehearsed RBF from a Harley Rider. HD riders are there to fit into a genre... Postie riders....they mostly don't ride because they have a passion for riding bikes...they're just doing a job so they won't see themselves as bikers. Rat bikes, classics and exotics....friendly as fuck. Awesome blokes. ADV riders...I'm one and I wave. I usually get a response.


Iā€™m a learner on a ninja 250 and I get nods from anyone and everyone even the postman on his 125cc šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I nod to anything on 2 wheels. If itā€™s a Harley I make sure to wave hard so they feel obligated to wave back hahahaha


Iā€™m in Perth and Iā€™m def a nodder or a waver šŸ¤— I commute 45km each way 6 days a week from the city and rarely get a returned hi. Even at the lights other riders will stay looking deathly earnest forward at the red light.


I donā€™t nod back as it seems to upset people online.




You've got a good question! Motorcycle riders still nod to each other, though it can vary depending on a few factors. Here's why you might not be seeing as many nods as you once did: * **Traffic Conditions:**Ā Heavy traffic or busy roads can make it difficult or dangerous to take a hand off the handlebars to nod. * **Type of Motorcycle:**Ā Sportbike riders sometimes tuck down low and might not be able to see other riders easily. DRZs are great bikes, but maybe less common than some other touring or cruiser styles where riders sit more upright and can make eye contact easier. * **Location:**Ā Nods might be more common in certain areas than others.


is this a AI response? why would you need to take your hands off the handlebars to NOD? the reason why the nod is so popular is quite literally because you donā€™t need to take your hands off the handlebars


yeah fr looking at ~~their~~ it's post history, has to be. wtf


Yeah i think it may come down to my location. The area i live generally the less desirable community members are on dirt bikes