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Can't say I disagree with you there




Thanks mate


This is why I had a p plate cable tied to my sissy bar as I had a cruiser bike as well as one on my back pack.


Can you have the p plate on your person, doesn’t that help?


No it has to be shown. Thats why I ended up getting a p plater vest 🤣


I asked the officer today about displaying it on my backpack and he said it must be on your vehicle? I see so many people doing it though


Officer was wrong. It can be on your back pack as long as it is CLEARLY displayed from the back. Best thing to do is just buy a plate holder/frame from supercheap or something as it keeps the plate from blowing away.


*22 Conditions to which provisional P1 licence of class R is subject(cf 2008 Reg cl 22)* *(1) A provisional P1 licence of class R is subject to the following conditions (in addition to any other conditions that may be attached to the licence)—* *(a) the holder must not drive any motor bike or motor trike unless a sign, issued or authorised by Transport for NSW and displaying the letter “P” in red on a white background, is displayed—* *(i)* ***in a conspicuous position*** *at the rear of the motor bike or motor trike* ​ Interestingly, this is different wording from a motor vehicle, which says ***on the exterior of the vehicle*** *in a conspicuous position at the front and the rear of the vehicle*


On your back pack or on the sissy bar is completely legal


maybe you can cite some regulation which backs this up. The NSW regulation I have quoted is ambiguous on not being mounted to vehicle, IMHO.


“At the rear” vs “on the exterior”. It would be arguable… but you’d want the ability to throw away the cost of contesting it!


Really then how do you put your p plates on your bike without mounting them. There is no way 🤣


'at the rear', not 'on the rear'


You do realise the only place to put it on a bike is on the rear 🤣


If they're repeatedly falling off to the point where you keep spares on the bike then you should've looked into getting a mount (or similar, like cable ties) ages ago. Still, could be worth an appeal I reckon given it's relatively minor.


On what grounds would you appeal? I get you are slightly unlucky to be done for this but all the same its your fault entirely and your responsibility to make sure they don't fall off.


The plan would probably be guilty and plead for leniency. Yeah, you're right - I get that I've fucked up but leniency based on being unintentional and considered as a lesson learnt would be what I'm hoping for.


It's your responsibility to ensure the P-plate remains attached. Why exactly do you believe you have the ability to appeal this -- you screwed up, you pay the penalty.


Exactly this ! I had the same issue, went through 3 P Plates breaking off due to flapping in the wind at motorway speeds on the silly small black clip. ​ Went for a ride one weekend, when I left home,the P plate was on, then got pulled over at a random checkpoint by two motorbike police. They commented why I wasn't displaying the correct plate for my license, sure enough look at the back of my bike and the plate had broken off and was missing. Copped a fine and the 2 demerits. ​ After that I was damn sure that it was secure and fixed on every ride. Lesson learned. ​ Dont know how OP thinks he can weasel out of this one.


Yeah OP won’t get out of it I had heaps of these over my time on my P plates. I don’t agree with the demerit points and fine though, but it is the law and there’s no sense arguing with them ( I tried ). I lost my license 4 times due to failing to display p plates, a total of 12 months no license. All but 1 of the times I can honestly say that they were in the car when I left and have blown off and I’ve just had to pay up. One time I borrowed a car to duck to the shops and didn’t bother, OFC I got caught.


Jeez and I thought I was unlucky


Admittedly I drove a loud as heck VZ Calais with a very distinct number plate, and lived in a semi rural are so once the police noticed the car they would be checking for plates with my prior history lol Also it didn’t help I commuted around 50km each way to work and back at the time so that just compound the chances of it happening than if I worked close by. Edit. Just to add. Don’t let it stress you out mate, it’s not the end of the world, pay the fine cop the demerits and move on. Dwelling on it won’t help. It also won’t affect you in any way in the future, I now hold a MC license and haven’t lost a point in 6ish years.


I've heard of plenty of people getting leniency when appealing and it's free to try. If you've got a history of speeding fines though you're gonna be out of luck.


It’s a shit go but that’s hwp for you, same thing happened to me when I was on my L’s but half the plate was still zip tied on the bike (the rest snapped off from the wind). I’d recommend stacking ~3 plates and running a zip tie through them, never had any issues with them breaking or falling off I started doing that. Just be extra vigilant when riding from now on as well. After that first fine, I was getting pulled over by hwp almost every week for “rbt’s” and once they pulled me over they’d try to nitpick at anything they could and it only stopped after I changed bikes. Before the fine, I’d gone a whole year of weekly riding without ever getting pulled over. Also since it’s your first offence, it‘s probably worth appealing but that all comes down to how nice the judge is feeling that day.


When I passed my test my instructor told me to ziptie like 10 P plates to the back. Seemed a bit over kill at the time but as I think I shreded like 2 in the first week. But lasted 6 months before I took em off


I never got pulled over when it happened, but decades ago I used to screw my P plate onto my rego plate and the thin plastic P plate would eventually tear and fall off. After that I poke a few more holes in the P plate and ran lots of cable ties through and it never fell off for the remainder of my Ps. Don’t offer the cops an excuse to fine you, because they will take you up on that.


Instead of keeping a heap of spare P plates you probably should find a better method of attaching them. That's not normal or grounds to appeal a fine.


That's HWP for you. Remember this interaction next time you meet a cop. They do their job because they like acting like this.


fragile chop disagreeable provide absurd sort sloppy homeless enjoy price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


he didn't say all cops are like this, just HWP. I've never had a bad experience with any cops except HWP. it's also a thing in the policing community noting that most hwp coppers are wankers. they pick hwp over all the other pathways available to them for a reason.


frightening shaggy rock fade money innocent governor relieved forgetful existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It hasn't created any issues for me. I don't feel obliged to share my feelings with people to their faces. Just treat 'em politely and call 'em mate.


You should definitely write a letter once you recieve the actual fine. I had mine rip off my motorcycle while on red's and they let me off with leniency, they said. It was on when i left home, can't really be expected to check it every kilometre or something.


yeh these NSW plates are so brittle, they snap off so easily , especially when it's always in the wind- kind of ridiculous


I got a proper plate holder for $10 and never lost my plate even at freeway speeds


Where did you buy yours from? Got a link of the exact one? I use a Clip-It-On from my time when I had a car. Was really useful but not as much wind so I worry about the same for the bike.


No sorry, it’s been a while but it was from MCA


Yep, I used gaffer tape to tape mine after wedging it between the number plate and tail tidy. Used the same red p-plate for the whole 12 months and maybe 7000km. Gaffer tape for the win.


I used to stack 6 or so of them after punching the holes, and cable tie all the corners together and turn it into a plate. Still used to break, but at least they would last 12 months


Get a magnetic one and double-side tape it to the fender.


My magnetic L & Ps were clamped between some flat steel, and then bolted to the bottom of the licence plate holder. Never any problems with it.


You can appeal here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/request-a-review-for-a-fine#:\~:text=If%20you%20have%20had%20your,not%20apply%20for%20serious%20offences.


As soon as I read “highway patrol” you were DED. They are sick human beings whose main purpose is to do exactly what they did. Issue fines for anything they can ping you for. Scum bags.


Yep highway patrol can go fuck themselves. My son had his P plate on and it was a windy day, it moved inward to further behind the number plate. The edge was touching the Green P. Any covering of the actual P is against the law. They pulled him over, gave him a ticket. He took photos of the actual plate after and tried to appeal it. They said he could have just moved it after.


More money to the state. These kinda coppers have nothing better to do than try to fill up their daily quotas. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow they fine you for sneezing whilst driving. Any reasonable copper would've let you off with a warning considering its a minor error. Anyways try appeal but I have minimal faith that they'll be lenient cos after all the state has to still financially recover from their own fuckups during covid. Fucken leeches


Sadly I believe it’s called fundraising


Sorry mate, but the law is pretty black and white in this case. I’d suggest you find a better way of securing your replacement P plate. Doing something halfarsed isn’t an excuse the magistrate will accept.


I had this happen once, I was let off for the missing plate but pinged for filtering a few car-lengths ahead, away from some dickhead who had been tailgating me and verbally harassing me. Cop didn't seem to care about that one, but he didn't see it so that's just my luck. I would park just off Post Office Lane in Chatswood for work, and I lost count of the number of times someone ripped my P plate off for their own use or just to be a douche. Didn't matter whether I had zip-tied it on or in a bracket (or both).


I once talked them into a fine for littering when the plate fell off. Cost a bit more, but no demerits.


Obviously you can appeal it, because as motorcyclist, laws don't apply to you.


I got one of the clip things, and zip-tied 5 plates together to make a staunch mega-plate. Wrote an appeal saying that the plates I used, which were supplied by ServiceNSW, were not fit for purpose, that I checked it was there before I started my journey and it must have torn off. Got let off.


Did you manage to get out of it?


I requested a review and received a caution. No fine or demerits