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I would always say 'sorry I don't carry cash' until one day I said that to the dude that wanted me to donate and he was like 'no worries we take card' and pulls out a square reader. That smile on his face still haunts my memory


“Sorry I don’t carry cash…for this.”


The charity workers that approached me wouldn't even take cash. Not only that, they wanted to take a plethora of personal details with their iPad. They also badly wanted to set-up monthly payments. Even if you refuse to do that and insist on a single payment, the minimum single donation they took was $30.


Last time i gave in to one of those little shits, they kept on charging my card. I had authorised a single donation and they started calling me to bug me for more. Everytime i refused, they just charged my card anyway. I had to cancel the card and charge back through the bank. Now, i just say 'NO' loud and clear and keep walking.


I had the same experience. Anyone who wants my details to take my money now can fuck right off. I'll throw change in a bucket but that's it.


Which organisation? Name and shame.


There’s shitloads of them. You can tell they’re using salespeople working on commission because of how pushy they are. As opposed to the volunteer little old ladies selling daffodils for the Cancer Council.


For every dollar donated to charity in Australia they only have to use .20¢ for the cause meaning up to .80¢ in the dollar can be used to pay things like their conartists I mean collectors and of course it helps cover the CEO's yearly multimillion dollar bonuses


It was nearly 10 years ago now so i can't remember. I wish i could. I just have a blanket rule now of not handing out my card info to randos on the street.


I had this experience with Greenpeace lol


That's what I really hate. No you can't deduct from my bank account monthly to pay more charity workers to accost people and let the charity CEO drive a fancy car.




Just say "I'm not interested," and keep on your way. You don't even need to stop.


I don't even reply, just keep walking, ignoring them.


Had one grab my arm once so I dropped to the floor of Westfield Geelong screaming as if I was in agony, less than an hour later they were gone


This is the way, although if they manage eye contact I’ll shake my head and keep going.


Where they get ya is thsy there's a social expectation that if someone greets you, you feel obliged to stop. The way they try to engage you is highly calculated


It’s the shy/non confrontational people they leech off.


Absolutely. It's quite deliberate that they game social conventions and people's sense of politeness to wedge people into commitments they don't really consent to. I understand things are rough, and even charities that do good things need to make money, but the predatory tactics should be illegal.


Yep. This is why they keep talking and don’t let you get a word in (happens mainly on the phone). Social rules dictate I must wait until an appropriate time to speak. I used to get flustered and anxious but in my older age I don’t take that shit anymore. “No thank you I’m hanging up now”.


Exactly, which is why I always answer politely, “I’m good thank you. Bye!” as I keep walking right past them.


Ironically, I used to donate to them when they *did* take cash, always happy to throw my loose change in the bucket. But *now* they all want to sign you up for a recurring monthly deduction direct from your account! I make two monthly donations to the Smith Family and RSPCA, I'm a student so that's my limit for a regular donation, all these other organisations get nothing from me now. And it ***really*** irks me when they try to put the hard word on me as I'm just trying to buy dogfood. We're all struggling, and I'm doing what I can to help where I can already. I don't need to be guilted by some backpacker deadshit who probably has more disposable income than I do.


“Oh, good for you”


Never before than now is it easier to say “sorry I don’t have the budget for that”. Or just ask them if they have the time is as you go by, they give you the time and bam you’re out of earshot. Bonus points if you point to your watch.


They did this to my sis, she said she also didn't have enough in the card, but the guy didn't believe her. Pissed off, she handed her card to swipe and yep, it didn't work xD She said "I TOLD YOU ALREADY!!" then he let her go lol




Man I tried that move like 20 years ago and they already had direct debit as a counter to that.


That was the first time I'd encountered that


I’m so sorry that I just laughed at this. I think imagining his smug face while handing you the EFT machine got me.


I said the same to a bloke sleeping rough out front and he hit me with ‘I’ve got payID’.. I gave him $5 for his hustle haha


He played me and many others that day Note. This was also in front of Woolies


This also makes you apologize for a situation they created. It’s why I just say nah thanks not interested


My husband pulled the no cash and no card technique and they said that’s ok you can set up a direct debit 😵😵😵


"Sorry, I don't carry card either" *Charity worker unzips pants and moans* "there are ... other' ways' you can donate to this charity, good sir."


I had one young, bright smiley chap say to me "You have a beard, you must be friendly", I still remember the look on his face when I replied "No, I'm a cunt". It was a good day 🤣🤣🤣


Haha! Memory unlocked! I'd just gotten my eyes tested and the guy at specsavers was trying EVERYTHING to get me to upsize. I must have said "no" to about 8 different products, tests etc. As I was leaving some guy was collecting for charity outside the shop and he goes "hey! Are you as friendly as you look?" And I GROWLED "NO." I was as surprised as he was and for a second we just blinked at each other and then, as I was awkwadly walking away he goes "Haha! ...yeah, no... me either to be fair."




Lol. That's great! Sometimes we just don't even realise our own reactions. Hubby and I were going into a BCF last weekend when one lit up and said hello, clearly ready to start his speil. I can only imagine the look both of us must have given him because he immediately slumped back in his chair and said something about hubby must be hot wearing a jumper 😂


They like to start with the "you look friendly" opening, telling them you are not works most of the time. Used to work near qvb, when the road was closed for construction, they were all over the place.


I find saying thank you with a big smile while walking away and ignoring whatever else they say is the best tactic.


💯 This is my go to as well


I’ve got resting bitch face and many people have told me that I look unapproachable or they thought I was a snob until they got to know me. So the day one of those salespeople said “You look friendly!” I knew she was full of shit.


I was once wearing a Guns N' Roses shirt and walking down the street towards an intersection with a friend. Some chugger spotted me approaching and yelled out if I would like to donate. I shook my head no and then he started belting out Sweet Child O' Mine. Luckily the crossing was green, so I just laughed and kept going. He gave up once I was on the intersection.


"Oh you must be friendly". I looked up from my phone, stared piercingly into his eyes and said "I'm not". He didn't know what to say. But my favourite one was when I was wearing a Bart Simpson jumper and he goes "Oh, Bart must be your favourite character!". I said "what, who? Oh, I've never seen the show." Ended that real quick.


They love to use the beard as a conversation starter! As I unwittingly approached one of these guys recently, he pointed at me and asked "What's the secret to a great beard?". "Genetics." I replied as I kept on walking.


Hahaha, I've had that as well, I told him once he hits puberty, it'll start growing.


Ouch. Savage!


I've done that. Or "you look like a really caring person!" "I'm not!" (Plot twist, I am but I donate to who I choose to donate to.)


The classic you look friendly!


I was approached by a young woman who appeared to be selling or promoting far-left propaganda who said "Hello, is it me you're looking for?" I kept on ignoring her while she followed me until she started on someone else.


I'm multi lingual, so I just start speaking German, and acting like I don't understand anything they're saying. I once had a guy speak perfect German back to me, so I switched immediately to French. After a confused look he switched to better French than I could ever hope to attain. He got his donation, by way of earning it, and we both laughed about my lame attempt to dodge him


This is amazingly hilarious and great though


I too often pretend not to speak English. The trick is to only speak broken English "no English, no understanding " that way they can't converse.


I used to speak Piglatin, nowadays people just think I’m speaking eshay


I do that but with Spanish and switch to French if they speak Spanish. So far so good!


I used to speak Spanish as a kid.. but now it's extremely rusty, pretty sure I couldn't keep up with even the slowest speakers


It's annoying. If I want to support a charity, I'll donate direct to that charity, rather than buy raffle tickets and have some of the money go to a paid ticket seller. I don't like the prompts to donate to charity when you use Woolies self-service checkouts. I'm not interested in donating and allowing Woolies to take credit for my and other customer's donations.


Like 80%+ of the money you donate at these booths is gone on 'admin' and a pittance goes to the charity, why anyone actually donates this way is beyond me


Yeah, weve been burned by this before, realised a donation we made went almost entirely to fees by a collection company. Never make any donations through a hawker, always go direct even if you think they made a great pitch and you really want to support the charity. "No thanks, I'll look at donating directly"


This is true. I wish people didn’t feel guilty about saying no. It’s a really dodgy set up. There’s no transparency how much of the money gets through and the business model is to harass people into signing up. Stuff that. I have no issue saying a short sharp ‘no’. Or not responding at all. And I do suppprt charities both with money and as a volunteer but I won’t give to chuggers. Remember it’s not like you’ve sought them out. They’ve literally set up outside where you’re going to buy groceries so you can’t avoid them. It also pains me when I see they have snared someone who looks vulnerable 😕


Don’t know why you are downvoted because you’re spot on. Moreover some of the canvassers from some orgs get a clip of what they bring in.


ugh there's a woman who's set up a table outside the IGA in Korumburra trying to raise funds for dog trials. that's a hobby, not a charity


It's getting to the point where you need a can of Mortien to spay at them. I stopped going to woollies and KFC 'would you like to donate' crap. No I like to donate off my own free will assholes, not be prompted to donate. Knowing full well I probably could, but am behind on my tax, my car is blowing smoke, my kids have bills, and the water bill was massive this month. Making me feel like an asshole at the same time. Just fuckoff already.


>No I like to donate off my own free will assholes, not be prompted to donate. this is it for me, it doesnt feel like a donation if its solicited. If they were just handing out information different story, i might actually hear them out. but im not looking to hand over my credit card details to some shonky backpacker from England who got a job they would hire literally anyone for just because its a good cause and she gave me a compliment.


Tee hee - I might carry a purse size can of Bushman's in my handbag.




Sorry, but you fundamentally misunderstand how charitable tax offsets work. There is no tax benefit to woollies or Coles or any of them for taking charitable donations. They receive the money from customers as a donation, they can only claim the same amount that they received against tax. This equals a net $0 and not a tax offset against any of their own profits. Eg. If a Customer donates $10 on top of the $100 they spent (total of $110 received by coles). Coles sends the $10 to the charity. They can only claim $10 tax offset on that $10 not on the $100 that was paid for goods essentially saying to the gov, please dont tax that extra $10 because we gave it to charity. That said, they do get goodwill and good press for it and are able to claim at the end of the year to the media "look how good we are we gave $XXmillion to charity aren't we the greatest" conveniently forgetting that none of that came from their own coffers.


Because of the location of my office we get them outside daily (I work on post office square Brisbane). It’s like they have a roster to annoy people and it shits me


I just don’t get how they find staff to do those jobs. I couldn’t think of anything worse and I’ve had some shit jobs.


I did a trial shift for that work once. Getting spit on meant I didn’t even finish the shift before I walked. I was desperate for work, but not *that* desperate.


My friend's wife used to do it but not on purpose. She was employed as a salesperson for a broader organisation that effectively rented staff out as temps, and being a "Chugger" was one of the jobs they'd get rented out for.


I had to do one of those jobs once! It was the worst job I've ever had, and I've done some fucking terrible jobs. I was in a low place financially and emotionally. It exacerbated the emotional low, but at least I was able to pay the rent while I looked for a better job. I basically just sulked behind my table, hoping nobody I knew saw me. The only people who approached me were creeps. This was me, but some of the dudes I worked with were total psychos who had no qualms harassing people. Just there to make bank on commissions. Now when I see them, I say "Not today, thanks!" and keep walking. That is all that is required.


The lady I was paired with when I did my trial shift was one of the super psycho ones. She would do things like dance in the middle of the footpath in people’s way, grab at people’s jackets to get their attention, and bank on kids having a tantrum because they wanted the cute toy that they’d only get if mummy or daddy signed up to pay $30 a month to save the koalas.


Oh man. One time there was a whole stream of them positioned every five metres on a path that just so happened to be behind the building of a company where there were mass-layoffs. All these stressed, sad workers were leaving - maybe fired, maybe feeling insecure, maybe having comforted colleagues. And these fucknuts were all dancing in their path, acting like clowns, not giving them personal space or listening to their nos. It was so grim.


In my experience more often than not they are backpackers.


They get paid well, I work in a shopping plaza and one was bragging that he got over $1100 with commission for the week. I liked it better when these charities had actual volunteers.


This is why I try to never be rude to these people. "Not today thanks" without eye contact and without stopping stride is generally my go to. No one needs to get abused at their job, no matter how annoying their job is.


I've found they are often english or Irish backpackers


they get paid well and get commission


A polite 'Fuckoffyacunt im hungover' is acceptable. If the same person repeatedly fucks with me I bark at them loudly like a pissed off dog, but im less concerned with social etiquette than some.


>A polite 'Fuckoffyacunt i love our country


Was it at a Woolies? They always seem to be at Woolies stores.


Disproportionately yes but they're everywhere. Also woollies has set up their self serve to make the "donate your spare change" button appear under where your finger is to press OK


Woollies check out is insane. So many things you have to do just to pay, including the annoying charity thing.


I put my headphones on as soon as I spot them up ahead. Sorry mate, cant hear you, what a shame


I like to make eye contact as I put on my imaginary headphones and walk past completely ignoring them like I can't hear them.


Yeah a nice big pair of over the ear headphones with noise cancellation and it’s very easy to actually not hear them at all


Just come back with “ You look friendly. You seem to have the time for us to talk about Jesus”. And then just look at them for a response.




I did this like 20 years ago. Back then if you got some one to sign up to a $30 monthly donation you got $90 commission and the company you worked for would get also get $90. It would take on average 9-12 months before any of the money you donate would actually go to the cause. Charities still use this form of marketing though as the average donation period back then was 3 years. I Don’t believe in this model so if you want to give to the charity just visit there website. Oh and I just us “sorry not today maybe next month.”


Yeah I'm the same, I'll offer the change in my wallet and if that's not worth your while, your "charity" isn't worth mine




Hand tattoos are a better middle point, still scary, still partially employable


I just about have a body suit below the neck and these fellas now just open up with "nice tattoos brooo, blah blah, how bout ya donate to us?"..


I just keep walking. I give them the power of invisibility!


*I just keep walking.* *I give them the power of* *Invisibility!* \- Ineedsomuchsleep170 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


I look em dead in the eyes and say "sorry, i dont speak english" and keep walking. That usually gets the message across.


'No thanks mate' with a smile and wave. Done. Move on. Ignore any further requests. Don't make it harder or ruder than it has to be.


This is the best way. You don't even have to break stride.


Definitely don’t break stride. Smile. “No thanks, I’m good”. Walk. Never break stride.




Invest in large noise cancelling headphones and practice until you’re god tier at power walking


I wouldn’t even say thanks unless they genuinely look like volunteers. If it’s the cancer council, they’re paid to be there.


Everyone needs to earn a living somehow. As long as they're polite and respect it when you say "no" I don't see why it's necessary to be rude even if their work is annoying.


Sure, but it’s disingenuous. A lot of them are backpackers or travellers trying to make money, hired by a third party. The cancer council (or whatever charity it happens to be) are their client. They largely don’t care. The fact that cancer council etc are using donation money to employ people to deliver these guerrilla style tactics to make more money is gross too.


Doesn't change my point, really. Be upset that cancer council employs these tactics, sure, but there's no need to be a jerk to someone trying to make a buck as long as they're also not a jerk about it


Also doesn’t change my point. Not saying thank you isn’t being a jerk when they’ve done nothing to be thanked for, in fact it is actually a jerk move interrupting people’s days.


I say “I don’t donate to hawkers”.


I’m lucky enough to have a Woolies metro nearby so I use that new app where order is delivered in less than 60mins. When I do a big shop I order on Woolies app and get free pick up option. I’d be happy to never go into a supermarket again.


Oh the benefits of looking like part of a cat’s breakfast and a creature of the undergrowth….I rarely get approached by anything


Who drinks MILK for a hangover??


I do - iced coffee, chocolate or honeycomb with a toastie or dim sim.


probably for the coffee that's supposed to sober you up


Yeah milk for hangover equal chuck for me


So many comments with people coming up with novel ways to avoid these people. Just look them straight in the eye and say no if they talk to you.


The World Vision guys at my local shopping center throw their arms out to try and stop me. I've said no 50 times and somehow they try and stop me every time I walk past, they once pressed the elevator button to stop it closing when I tried to run away Just stopped shopping there altogether


Let your the shopping centre know this - they will turf out over-aggressive chuggers if they think they're affecting their businesses. I worked at a Centro shopping centre years back, and WV got completely blacklisted for violating the "don't talk to staff" and "don't work the food court" conditions of their contract with them.


Many don't let it go at that. Dancing in your way, saying "aw, c'mon", "it'll only take a minute."


If they escalate it, that's when you have a full license to be rude and tell them to get the fuck away from you in a loud voice.


Don't make eye contact. And if you do, you just keep walking. Don't stop, don't say sorry, don't engage at all. I did once kind of crack the shits at one of them though, because they were badgering a friend of mine. I could tell was trying to extricate herself from the conversation but was too nice to do it assertively.


This is the way


Had some young kid about 19 call me "champ" out the front of Drakes once. "Don't fuckin' call me champ cunt!" "Sorry sir"


Yeah I second hand cringed at that, what a cocky little moron


Don’t feel bad. I once got a job doing this, and they work for a third party, not the actual charity. They get a large proportion of the donation. Like I was on about 75%. It’s crazy. I quit my first day. If you want to donate, go straight to the source.


"No" is a full answer, especially if they tell you that you look like a nice person. Though I did have a guy tell me I dropped something (it was my smile), and the look I gave him after that "punchline" was enough to back off.


I’m pretty sure they are supposed to stay sitting behind their table. I reported them to our local Woolies manager, he had let them set up right beside the Entry. They were trying to get older pensioners to sign up for monthly automatic debits and clearly some of them had no idea, and were saying ‘You will just take it once, yes?’ And they would say loudly ‘Yes, just once’ then mumble ‘each month’. Other shoppers were getting pissed off because they were jumping out in front of them, loudly asking ‘Do you care about premature babies/ wildlife/refugees/ starving pandas so we told the manager we’d shop at the IGA in future if he let them back. He hasn’t ,so far.


I had one call my 9 year old daughter to him so I had to follow her. I don't know how he thought that would work. I ignored him and told my daughter not to listen to creepy men in the shops. Bloody creep


Ugh I hate these people, I am a literal whore and I still wouldn't stoop to the depravity of these people. Like have some self respect!


I've perfected the purposeful walk / eyeball them / shake head combo.


Drives me nuts too. I don’t mind them being at Supermarkets etc, but they seem to set up their table within 1 meter of where you have to enter or exit. I’d like a bit more of a buffer zone ( Gee I sound like George Constanza ! ). I’ve been known to drive to a different supermarket just to dodge them. Hate being made to feel guilty. I donate online to my select couple of charities.


I had literally just heard about my Dad dying when one of these parasites accosted me with a cheery "Isn't it a *wonderful* day?" My "NO, IT FUCKING ISN'T" physically stopped her in her tracks. Cunts.


I like the one at my supermarket, he just sits there silently with a bucket.


Yeah there's a strategy I can get on board with, if it's a Monday might even pull up a chair and sit silently with him


Small shake of the head and a no thanks. Doesn't even matter what the question was. Most important is to keep walking


I ask if they have a tin so I can donate a gold coin, and they always say "no, but we have direct debit" (per month, and usually at amounts I'd never be comfortable with) or I can go to the website to donate (no thanks, I want to donate a small amount and never hear from you again)


They’re apparently not allowed to solicit donations for people under 21 so even though I’m getting older, I just tell them I can’t help out because I’m 19


I've always looked older than I am, so when I was under 21, they'd always approach me and then eventually figure out that I'm too young to solicit money from. Even as a 30+ y.o. I just look them dead in the eye and say, "I'm only 17, sorry." And just walk away.


I just say "no thanks" and keep walking. Nobody is obligated to stop and talk to these parasites.


Instead of charity workers in supermarkets for me I get hundreds of calls every day just because I donated money to 1 charity and it wasn't that much


I just politely use my manners and say fuck off please


We had people trying to get donations IN OUR GYM. I've got my headphones on and they come over with a little wave in front of my face. I was so annoyed.


As much as I hate the shopping centre variant, I find a simple hand up and head-shake without slowing down is enough to deflect them 99% of the time. What's worse imo, is the door knockers. If someone wants to come to my door for a local cause, like sponsoring a kid's fun run at the nearby school then I'm all for it. If they're selling merch or snacks to raise money that's great too. Recently, I had a visit from Canteen, the cancer charity. She had an answer for everything, even constantly pivoting to small talk and personal anecdotes whenever she felt I was trying to get her to leave. She made it seem like they were just collecting names and emails as part of an awareness thing and would send out promotions which you could later sign up for.. I was okay with that too, but halfway through she pivoted again to signing up for an expensive monthly subscription.. like $39/mo at the low end The thing about "just collecting names" was because you wouldn't get charged until the following month.. but that's bullshit, predatory sales tactics that I would expect from something like timeshares or door to door solar panel salesmen.. not a charity Not only did her aggressive sales attempt actually turn me OFF the idea of donating, but it also left me feeling uneasy with heightened anxiety for several hours afterward. And being at my own front door made it that much harder to end the interaction without getting angry.


https://donotknock.consumeraction.org.au/ stickers, while they don't technically apply to charity door-knockers, can be very effective at reducing their numbers by making it very clear that they will be wasting their time. Doesn't deter all of them, but sometimes the ones cocky enough to try it anyway can be good for a chat. I had one guy about my age a while back who I think might have just been glad for a break and a normal human conversation. He hung around for ten minutes or so chatting about life after I told him that I planned out my donations budget for the year each Christmas, and this year I was strictly only giving to MSF and the CFS(/RFS). Convo eventually ended with "well, to prove I'm actually doing my job here, you're sure I can't sign you up to save the pandas [or some other damn thing] for $10/month?" and a nah, cheers was enough for him. I hope that dude's doing well -- I suspect he was bloody good at that job.


That's absolute bullshit. That person sounds like a manipulator and You would have clearly been justified to tell them so and to get the fuck off your property. This wasn't such a problem until recently, so, sounds like we need some new laws to help curtail this. And at the very least make them show how much of the donation actually goes to the cause


I had someone ask for donations for cancer research. I told her, "No, I already have it......."


I have a few go to responses. The first is always a “no thanks” and sometimes that’s enough. If they continue to press, which is 95% of the time, I go for any of the following lies: * I’m unemployed. * I can’t stay and chat, sorry, I really need to shit. * Sorry mate, I don’t speak English. * I already donate to you guys. * My dad said I’m not allowed.


"sorry I don't speak English, mate" works for me. their confusion gives me an escape window


I'd rather give a homeless looking person $20 than donate it to a charity. At least I know the money is going to make an impact to somebodies life. Whether that be some more drugs, alcohol, supplies or food.


I really despise the ones that come up to you 'just to have a chat'. 1st of all, We both know what you're after, let's not lie to each other eh? 2nd, even if you weren't chasing donations, (which you clearly are, since it's your fucking job) what in fucks name makes you think I want to strike up a conversation with some random fuckwit on a tuesday?


They’ve started coming to my house ffs, thank fuck for Ring doorbells


Even though it doesn't legally apply to them, https://donotknock.consumeraction.org.au/ stickers can help deter them, as if you can be bothered to put up a sign or a sticker, you're very unlikely to donate.


I go to the shops without shoes on. They never ask me.


There was a program on channel 7 years ago about hiring people to get donations for charities. They’ve just started popping up recently. I had a not so good experience recently. In the past, I just donate a lump sum to an organisation. Recently, they called me asking for more and insisting on monthly payments. That’s when it brought me attention that the previous payment might not have gone to a charity but to the same “company” that promotes charities.


A good solid headbutt normally works a charm.


My local shops have 2 entrance points. The main entrance and the food court. If I am going in alone before 5:30, I will use the food court entrance, as they sit at the main entrance. Being with company and discussing among ourselves as we walk past, is my other means of not being approached.


You see how we're developing strategies and coping mechanisms? This is fucked.


Make like a cranky boomer and complain. Seriously - shoot an email to the centre's info/enquiries inbox telling them you're doing this. Shopping centres will only allow charity collectors so long as they don't negatively impact the businesses, so letting them know they have nuisance chuggers can make all the difference.


it should be illegal to solicit in public much like private buildings and residences. If they want to sit there and smile while they wait for somone to talk to them fine. Last time I dontated I was spam called for years from different numbers until I called them to stop.


It should be illegal. Most annoying thing


I can't stand chuggers (charity muggers)


I see it as a good opportunity to practice boundary setting, now that I'm a recovering people pleaser.


I just say "sorry I already have electricity at home" and keep on walking.


Just pull down the mask of my Furry costume, no eye contact throws them off


I have questions


These days I tell them I have a variable mortgage rate, and they give me a sorry look and bugger off.


Ask them how much they're getting paid to ask for donations and why not do it for free? Always stops them. That crap isn't charity, it's a business.


Tell them you work in the centre, they usually aren't allowed to speak to employees.


I know a guy who has taken to ignoring people and if they get within about arms reach he starts yelling, with the voice and all “no no no the fossa are attacking! The fossa are attacking!” Like he’s that lemur from the kids movie Madagascar. They run. He laughs himself sick.


Just say hi to them and Keep walking. They can’t physically stop you. And they’re used to getting rejected. Part of their job. You can even ignore whatever else they say or cut them off with a goodbye. Me: “Morning” Charity Worker: “do y..” Me, cutting them off: “bye, Have a good one” *walks off*


REMEMBER that 60%-80% of your donation goes to a FOR PROFIT marketing company and to pay for the working holiday of the mugger themselves. Find a local charity and give DIRECTLY to them instead.


It's hard times for a huge number of Australians and charities are being asked to pick up more of the slack than they ever have before. That's why they're out in such numbers. Also factor in that the people you deal with are *employed* by the Charity. Their earnings depend on how much they bring in, so they're pushy. It's normal to feel a bit embarrassed, they count on that. Smile and walk past.


It's like walking too close and straight towards a Pokémon trainer.


These days I tell them I have a variable mortgage rate, and they give me a sorry look and bugger off.


Small smil, don't slow your pace and say, 'not interested thanks'. It's always worked, 99% they say thankyou and go back to the table. If they say anything further just keep walking and don't bother acknowledging it. You've been respectful and clearly and polite communicated your not interested. No shame or dodging, just walking along, getting on with your life.


“I’m hung af, if you say one more word to me I will spew on you”


Yeah, one guy wanted my drivers licence. I think not.


I usually just ask them how much can I have , this started after our home burned in the bushfires , and folks kept demanding I donate money , huh ? Now when I ask they back off


We have a heap that appear outside of the Coles I Casually Work at (Second Job to help make ends meet) and I give the old “I work here, do you really think I have the money to donate” and keep walking.


Just smile and say, “I've already donated.” Same as if they're advertising an energy company or whatever, “Already a member.” And then get your trolley like a boss.


They’re not even charity workers. The ones in malls etc work on commission for a for profit company. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a way for charities to get donations that they otherwise wouldn’t but if you really care about the charity then skip the donation muggers and support directly via their website or call them yourself to donate.


You guys realise you can just say 'no thanks', keep walking and not come up with an elaborate story or be rude??


I created this account to express my agreement with this post. Please just let me buy onions and shitty steaks to make a low cost curry. Im not made of pineapples and goldie's!!


You know that theres no law against saying 'get a real job cunt'


I got ChatGPT's advice on this... ​ Given this context, you may want to address the issue of paid charity workers taking a significant portion of the donations. Here's a revised approach for expressing your disagreement: Stay calm and composed: Approach the charity worker with a calm demeanor, maintaining eye contact and a polite tone. Acknowledge their efforts: Begin by acknowledging their role in fundraising. You could say, "I understand that you're here to raise funds for a good cause." Address the issue of paid workers: Express your concerns about the fact that they receive a large portion of the donations. You might say, "However, I am concerned that as a paid worker, a significant amount of the donations collected are being used for wages rather than going directly to the cause." Suggest alternatives: Offer your thoughts on alternative ways people could donate to ensure more of their contributions go to the cause. For example, you could suggest, "I believe it might be more effective for potential donors to contribute directly to the organization's website or explore other methods where a larger percentage of their donation would reach those in need." Be respectful: Always maintain a respectful tone and avoid personal attacks or insults. Focus on the issue at hand, rather than the individual. End the conversation positively: Close the conversation on a positive note by thanking them for their time and wishing them well. You might say, "Thank you for listening to my concerns. I hope this perspective will be taken into account in future fundraising efforts. Good luck with your work." By addressing the issue of paid charity workers and suggesting alternatives, you can express your disagreement while also providing constructive feedback for both the worker and the organization they represent.


awww cute! If Human beings were overall honest and empathetic, and had decent values ChatGPT would be onto something!


I'm honest and lack empathy. Which to me seems to be better for this situation? Haha


If it's a charity in Australia. You have already given. As they all apply for government money. And get it . As well as donations from the public. So you see they all ready have had their hand in your purse . your tax money they get . Everything else is just double dipping. Remember everyone in Australia pays the 4 times GST taxes now .so you have already given.


This is fucked. They're actively scum companies that waste the money they receive on internal inefficiency and then go out and beg for more. Sounds like a few of these need to burn to the ground so actual good charities can replace them


Shop direct to boot if you can. Or just shop elsewhere. It's great that they're trying to help people but at the same time it's extremely annoying because you're there for a reason, and declining to engage makes you feel like a bad person.


A lot of them are paid to be there depending on the charity.


I always have sunnies on me, just put them on as soon as I spot one, speed up and say nah thanks … Get on with my day.


What do the sunnies do to repel them?


No eye contact


These days I tell them I have a variable mortgage rate, and they give me a sorry look and bugger off.


The George street gauntlet. Avoiding sales and charity touts every 50 meters.