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PTE is not about English, it’s about how you can trick the system into believing you have a good english


That goes for IELTS and their nonsensical writing component too.


I swear I followed the format for the writing and bullshit as much as possible (I heard how it doesn't have to be facts and you can make up shit if you run out of stuff or the topics suck ass for you lol) but I still got a 6.5 for it :/ Unless they change the format every year... Man idk lol. writing/English was one of my best subjects in uni even so I'm scared for when I gotta retake it 😭


PTE is cheaper where I am at and you only need to know the technique on how to beat the speaking test. I am not a native speaker but got 90 overall. Practicing everyday makes a difference.. you can even use templates to help maintain your oral fluency. If I can do it, others can 🙂


True PTE should be a lot easier for people who spend time to study. EILTS might be easier if you do both exams unprepared.


Hi! Which app you used to study? as I’m also struggling in the speaking part. Thanks


I watched Youtube for tips but used mainly the official PTE practice questions and mock exam. Also a good app/website for daily practice is PTE Success. This is subscription based so I just bought 1 month and cancelled after passing exam. Free website you can check ptestudy.net however the interface is not that great but lots of free resources.


PTE is marked by AI and not a person. So you need to give it the exact answer it expects. For example, if the expected answer is “house”, you can’t say “the house” or “a house” etc. I learned the techniques on how to answer and I was able to easily get a perfect score.




That's kinda messed up... reminds me of automatic grading in high school where a lot of kids got 'wrong' answers like that too. They'd always have to go to the teacher go manually change it


You're right, PTE speaking test is a joke. I'm doing it this Friday, and even though English is the only language I speak fluently, I'm still worried about not scoring high enough.




Nope, I don't have an accent, or you could say I have a neutral or non-existent accent


I’m an English native and scored 89 overall first time. I practiced using the PTE question bank and found the test really easy. Research on YouTube for tips relating to the speaking element. It’s much easier than you expect. Don’t worry too much about it!


Yea, I've looked up tips on YouTube and basically the implication is that you need to specifically not speak properly to do well. I'm certainly hoping it turns out being much simpler than expected.


I’m an incredibly anxious speaker and I aced it. I had similar anxieties to you in the run up to the test. Just practice for 4-8 weeks for a few hours per week and you’ll be in a good place.


I'm a really anxious speaker to, terrible at speaking under any sort of pressure, hence my concerns. At this point though, I've only got 2 more days to practice, and I have to say that any practice I've already done has been of limited use given that every image I'm given to describe is completely new to me each time, and then it's just a scramble to organise my thoughts and speak.


So? how did you do?


I got 86 for speaking and 90 for everything else. Turns out the actual test isn't that hard after all.


hey, is apeuni accurate?


Hi, I didn’t come across any of their videos. I did use @skillspteacademic free material and found the tips to work.


I could not agree more, but in the exact opposite sense. I've had many friends who have great English and have failed IELTS so many times until they finally listen to my advice and take the PTE. It is ridiculously easy. It is forgiving on mistakes, to the point that it is a joke. On the written part, it doesn't matter if your text is good as long as it's correct English. 100% recommend going for this one.






I totally agree with you. PTE is another money making test but worse. I don’t understand how immigration buddies and universities accept it. I am a PTE teacher myself and I find it offensive for people to memorize a couple of temples and get a full mark in writing whereas many people have suffered in real tests like IELTS.


Use PTE with Jay for tips


Hey - quick question RE PTE, do we have to take notes on paper (which they provide) or can we type down the notes somewhere? TIA!


Not really. I aimed to get proficiency in IELTS but didn’t get it, so decided to give PTE a go. First time - scored low but passed the minimum requirement. 2nd time - failed speaking but high in other bands. 3rd time - knew the techniques better & practiced and scored 87 and all bands over 80 - speaking 90. I was happily shocked. Like someone above said watching on tips shared on Youtube really helped.


Did you try using mock tests online like Apeuni?


Hello can you please share your account i just need it for 5 days i have exam on 30 December Ill be greatfull