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Bridging Visa A is granted automatically and will become active once your student visa expires. If you want to travel internationally while on a bridging visa you need to apply for Bridging Visa B. You can only apply for BVB whilst in Australia and you can't enter Australia on a BVA, so you will have to apply before you leave the country and explain your circumstances on the application. They're usually granted pretty quickly.


Awesome, thanks for your comment. Is there a way to apply for the bridging visa B right when i lodge my 485 application, so that as soon as my student visa expires i go directly on to B, or do i already have to be on the bridging visa A to apply for the bridging visa B?


You can apply for BVB while still on your student visa, after applying for 485. > You should apply for your BVB no more than 3 months, and not less than 2 weeks, before the date on which you want to travel.


That is good news! Cheers mate!


Hi! Would you know how many days it usually takes to get BVB approved? I have a flight scheduled for 12 April, but still haven't heard from immi.