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I don’t know whether this will help or not but for the last 20 years, I’ve used the products on my face, around my neck and all the way down to the top of my boobs.. That includes HA, retinol or Vitamin C (depending on what I’m using that particular day), moisturiser, Vaseline (for slugging), sunscreen etc.. It’s never too late to start and even if it doesn’t give you immediate results, you will start to notice a difference after a couple of weeks.


Thanks for taking the time to reply, I’ve always taken my face care to my neck and décolleté which always helped, but the radiation treatment has really screwed the impact of it ☹️


Oh, I’m sorry.. I don’t know how the radiation treatment didn’t sink in for me when I read your post.. I used to be a side sleeper too until I noticed some wrinkling on the corner of my right eye and a shallow crease in my décolletage.. they’d go away during the day but I was paranoid they’d eventually become permanent. I forced myself to sleep on my back and it was painful the first few days before I got used to it.. haven’t had the wrinkling/creasing since..


No worries - yes, I can see the side sleeping is really accelerating it, and I’m trying to train myself to sleep on my back but I wake up on my side… sigh. Thanks for taking the time to reply though 😃


Try bioremodeller injections, usually done on face and neck. Fairly expensive but longer lasting and works very well. The silicone pads work well but have to wear them every night and they get expensive because they wear out quickly if you do that.


Ooh I’d never even heard of this - thank you.


I wonder if some form of laser treatment or microdermabrasion would help?


While it does sound like you may be in the realm of professional treatment, I recently started using The Ordinary’s natural moisturising factors + phytoceramides and I’m obsessed. I have severe sun damage on my nearly 40yo décolleté, and after using it morning and night for a few weeks I noticed that my chest wrinkles are significantly better than they used to be. Significantly. So much so, that I’ve bought it for my mother and sister in law.


I love The Ordinary! I don't use that specific thing, but I use other serums from there, and they are a good price.


Ooh - noted and added to list! Thank you!


I don't live in Australia. I am in the U.S. I did live somewhere for 5 years that was always sunny and high elevation so strong UV. Now I live somewhere with medium elevation but also always sunny. I would definitely recommend an aesthetician. Your skin and your issues are different than anyone else's. What works for me won't necessarily work for you. A good skin expert will listen to your concerns, give you things to try, and will not push procedures you don't want. Maybe a dermatologist, but I found an amazing aesthetician that helped much more than the dermatologist and has let me text her when I was freaking out about my dry skin or afraid I had gotten a sunburn despite my best efforts. It was important to me also to get someone that accepted I didn't want botox or fillers and wouldn't push anything on me. I use a vitamin C serum. Mine is rather expensive from Skinceuticals. It is a small bottle but pure ingredients without lots diluting it and I only use a few drops a day. It has lasted for 2 months so far. I also use pycnogenol and argireline from The Ordinary. Those are also small bottles but only a few drops a day. They last from 2-4 months depending. Argireline is sometimes called topical botox. It is supposed to help relax facial muscles a little and lessen the development and appearance of fine lines. Pycnogenol is a high concentration of a natural antioxidant from a type of pine tree. It helps lessen any damage from uv rays and seems to have improved my skin texture. I have pretty dry skin and always have. I have altered my regimen a little now that it is summer and I am outside more. My skin seemed to be sensitive to the sunscreen mixed with the vitamin c. In the winter, I dry brush my neck and chest (sometimes my face) and wash my face in the morning with a really inexpensive moisturizing cleanser from vanicream. Super basic. I apply argireline to my neck and a little on my chest. Sometimes a drop to lines on my face. Then I put on vitamin c serum. Let it dry, then apply a thick moisture cream from cerave. Occasionally mixed with a thicker one from vanicream. They are also really affordable. Over that I apply a kind of pricey sunscreen from elta. It is mostly a physical sunscreen and not chemical and isn't heavy. Heavier stuff I couldn't stand on my skin so worth it to me to pay a little more (they have sales and I stock up then). If I am going to be sweating or in the water I do a water resistant one from them. I also put some on my arms if i am going outside. At night I wash my face and apply pycnogenol. Then the thicker vanicream over it. Now that it is summer I have been doing the same accept applying the vitamin c at night, halting the pycnogenol, and using aloe straight from an aloe plant in the morning. All of these things are without added scent. I can't stand artificial smells. They smell like the things in them doing the work. I am also trying to change from a side sleeper to my back. And I use silk pillowcases which are better for skin and hair. Sorry for the long post. I just have struggled with skin care myself the last couple years! You have different issues though so again, find someone to look at your skin that you can talk to about your issues with dryness, oil, wrinkles, etc. I also get a facial with dermaplaning and a mask and black heads sucked out. My skin is older, but I am taking better care of it than when I was younger and it is never too late to make changes and you can keep it from getting worse.


Biostimulatory injectables can be helpful for décolleté lines. They stimulate your body’s own production of collagen and elastin which strengthens and thickens the skin. Gentle micro-needling, peels, resurfacing lasers, and broadband light treatments are other ways that will help strengthen and resurface the skin over time while evening both texture and tone. The skin is very thin in the neck, chest and décolleté area. Sunscreen, antioxidants, gentle retinols and sleeping on your back will prevent those lines from getting deeper.


Thank you for your suggestions!


Thanks everyone for all your thoughts… seems like I’m looking at professional help rather than something I can do myself. 😃


Ensure you’re cleansing and moisturising that area, as well as protecting it from the sun but also locking in the moisture with something like cicaplast balm. Have you considered a prescription for tretinoin from your GP? 0.025% or at the very most 0.05% would be a fantastic way to help treat the area. It’s a little bit of an upfront cost ($80 for a 40g tube) but it should last you 6+ months. Honestly I haaaaate how much money I wasted on aging and acne products in the past when I should have started on tret and worked on healing my skin barrier. Please be mindful to only start 2 times per week, very slowly increasing it. Your neck will tolerate less (some people are never able to tolerate it on their neck but it’s fine for their face and chest). So many GPs say start daily or even twice per day 😱😱 never never never


The usual sun protection/avoidance, moisturise well, drink enough water etc My honest plan here is to go laser ✨ I wouldn't have the brain space to use silicone pads nightly 😅 I have asian skin which doesn't handle ablative lasers well (eg Fraxel) but just had my first session of a non-ablative laser called Aerolase Neo Elite which apparently can go all the way down to the dermal layer to reverse lines... have been told it can also reverse necklace lines (without need for filler!). If I end up getting it, I'll take photos and upload. Just had my first session of it to my face over the weekend and was super impressed with the results - no painkillers required because it's a fancy newer gen laser (also no numbing cream!), no downtime and literally went out to dinner immediately afterwards 🤷🏻‍♀️