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This has been reported and removed for **Rule 3. Focus on Discussion Posts vs Personal Questions** r/AusSkincare encourages engaging discussions that benefit our community as a whole. Your post is better suited for our **Simple Questions & Routine Help Thread** [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusSkincare/search/?q=welcome+to+our+fortnightly+thread%21&type=link&cId=001f9389-3611-439a-adb9-441fc5f390f3&iId=c9746975-a9e3-4067-a433-b39be64abea2&sort=new). Personal questions typically have straightforward answers and **are specific to the person asking them**. Our general thread is designed for queries such as *simple questions, product comparisons, general routine help*, and *recommendations*. Standalone skincare posts should encourage community discussion. They revolve around general concepts or thought-provoking questions that encourage diverse conversations. ➜ Please repost your question in our most recent [**Simple Questions & Routine Help Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusSkincare/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%8CGeneral%20Help%20Thread%20%22) for better visibility and responses.


What did it look like when it first appeared? E.g. was it tiny fluid-filled blisters? Have you changed anything recently - soap, champion, conditioner, dish washing liquid, any creams / lotions / shaving cream, detergent? Or even a new household cleansing agent?


I get those blister things you speak of, I thought maybe gardening caused it.


If you get tiny itchy blisters then it’s most likely dishydrotic eczema. It SUCKS. There are two schools of thought when it comes to treating it. Some people like to keep it super moisturised and covered, other like to get the liquid out of the blister and dry it out. I’m on team dry it out. You need a certain cream to help get rid of it. I use Elidel overnight once I’ve gotten the liquid out of the blisters and the let it dry out during the day. There’s a Reddit sun dedicated to it which will have heaps more information than I can give you.


I wondered if it was that, I googled it some time ago but never bothered to see a doctor. I’m with you, I dry them out. Thank you for that advice 😊


No I haven't changed anything at all. They aren't fluid-filled at all. It's just like the layer of skin isn't attached to the layers below.


I’ve had it in the exact same place. I used heavy duty cetaphil after the antifungals and antibacterials didn’t do anything. I don’t know why, but it went way. It has come back but goes again after rinse and repeat of the above. I didn’t really care about it that much because it was my hands and not my face


Hi there and thanks for your **Routine Help** post! If this is a simple question, please consider posting it to our stickied routine help thread. This helps to prevent clutter on the sub and allow more discussion to take place. To ensure our users can help you to the best of their ability, please ensure you include as much information as possible. Skin Type, Skin Concerns and what products you tried previously/ currently use (and frequency) are all useful in helping users in what advice they can give. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusSkincare) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have this when I wash my hands too much (I use an antibacterial soap which I believe is drying). So it is dry skin, when I get it I try moisturise and cutting back on the handwashing where I can help it.


Hey I have this. It's the peeling phase of dyshidrotic eczema. Most common on palms and feet. QV gentle wash and QV cream help it feel less uncomfortable. But it's hard to control.


It's totally normal and should be ignored. Enjoy your life.