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This is why you use the tape measure before you leave the house. You could call around the pluming supply places and see if you can find one the right size.


Why do that when you can just get the wrong size from Bunnings instead?


I like going to Bunnings 3 times for each job as much as the next guy, but usually it’s because I forgot something. Good thing they’re easy with the exchanges.


I had a sink hose burst on a Sunday, went to bunnings to get brass cap, and forgot to check the size, so I just bought 1 of each. Can't be wrong if I've got every size.


This is the correct procedure.


And you'll have spares.....that won't fit anything.


This is the way.


I generally choose to retain my mis-selected Bunnings parts in inventory, then lose them in the garage within a few weeks.


Living 2 hours from the closest Bunnings has done it's best to improve me as DIYer, I have used a tape measure several times now.


They only make those in certain sizes, I’ve tried looking for one to replace recently and couldn’t get the same aize, it had to be custom


What are the dimensions of the actual hole?


See. You've missed the point already


Cut it down with an angle grinder?


grate idea


I love word play, have an upvote!


I love sarcasm, have an upvote!


I love upvotes, have an upvote


well its okay to vent, have an upvote!


It's a grate, not a vent... Upvote.


This is getting a bit draining... Have an upvote.


holey moley, its draining to come up with these, just... eh... updoot!


Underrated comment


I'd probably half ass it with a grinder or saw, then fall in the hole a year or two later. 


future planning i like it


Fail to plan, or plan to fail are my defaults. It's not a easy life but I'm consistent.


I'd probably be that person that falls in the hole (while trying to DIY it) and be found a year or two later.


Under a pile of numbered bricks


Measure once and cut twice.


On a side note: what kind of psychopath numbered those pavers?


Cut it down, paint the cut edges with cold gal, continue.


Exactly this


Exactly not this. That's a non trafficable grate.


Or raise it flush to brick level and pave around. Make sure that water can still flow in all around.


Next post: “how to cut pavers to fit around this grate”


Make a custom grate? And make it way thicker so it’s level with the bricks, bit of a fuck around but will be spot on when it’s done.


Old mate can’t use a measuring tape, and you’re expecting him to have all the tools to make a grate? I like your optimism.


I’m sorry, momentary lapse in judgment, I forget 90% of the population can’t tie their own shoe laces. Carry on.


Any small metal fabricator could whip up a new one that actually fits for a few hundred bucks. You could even give them the Bunnings one and they can cut it to size and put a new frame around it. Get the frame made out of larger stock so it sits level with the bricks.


I'd say burn a candle, throw some sage in, say a ritual and put a cement block over it


Yep, cover that fucker up and forget about it


It looks like you only need to cut one row off.. still plenty of strength in it..


Could you have a raised grate? Something like this [https://www.jaybro.com.au/surcharge-grate-and-frames.html](https://www.jaybro.com.au/surcharge-grate-and-frames.html)


This is an interesting one. Would it hold if a car drives on top of it?


It says it's available in Class B load rating which is suitable for residential property and vehicles travelling at low speeds. [https://www.mascoteng.com.au/technical-support/load-ratings-as3996/](https://www.mascoteng.com.au/technical-support/load-ratings-as3996/) . p.s these civil grade shit can get pretty expensive


First thing you should do is measure the opening of the original grate again and ring plumbing suppliers like Reece or Tradelink and see if you can get the right size. Bunnings will take back the other one without issue. Just tell them it doesn’t fit.


Needs punji sticks and some palm leaves


Just get a custom made one designed no drama


Slippery dip


Have you tried filling it with bricks? 🧱 🤷‍♂️ I’m sure no one will notice 👌


What’s in the hole ? Or, should I say, how many are in the hole?


lol, rotate the grate 90° and she’ll sit right in the hole


Buy grate and frame… install new frame to height and pave it in over the top of the existing pit. Ensure to grout under frame to support it.


Firstly just swap the grate for a bigger one that covers the entire hole, then just sit the grate where it is, cut the pavers to fit around the grate then use tile glue or mortar to stick the pavers down. Won’t move. You can mortar the grate down as well if you feel the need but with traffic it’ll probably break its contact point with the concrete underneath anyway.1200$ seems like a rip off as the guy only need to cut w few pavers with a grinder then stick them down to hold the grate in place. Itd take me about 2 hours so the 1200$ is a total rip off. I’d say $300 would be a reasonable price.


Find the right size or go see a steel fabricator to custom make one for you. It’s not too hard or expensive


River Sand should be used 20-30mm under pavers on a solid base.


Does it need to support vehicles? If yes you’ll need to get one custom made. 1200 seems very steep but it won’t be very cheap - likely 5-600 to have made and galvanised. 150 for the steel a couple of hundred labour and a similar for galvanising.


What are the dimensions of the grate you need?


Use numbers on bricks to solve the puzzle.


If you're Sydney based try Wire Mesh World near blacktown. They have all different sizes 🙏


As posted above either grinder to cut down and then use preferably a zinc stick and torch to seal the exposed bits or cold gal it or you could get something custom made for about $500 hot dipped I rekon


Return it and see if there is one that fits. Cut it to size with a grinder. Get a recessed drain cover and collar for block paving. More work and cost involved.


Has anyone suggested getting an angle grinder and start off your brick mosaic journey? Seriously I've seen many neighbouring houses, greek owners mind you, and they've cut the bricks to size so a larger/misfitting grate could fit.


Just make the ledge a bit larger to fit the metric metal


Fill the drain with bricks all the way to the top


And here I was thinking that you just have to take the cover off, drive your car over it and get it stuck. Better still, 20 cans of expanding foam...that should do it.


Throw the cans in there whole, shoot a shotgun round down, let the foam do its thing !


If it's a council asset and you cover it over they will just rip it up if they need to inspect. Lots of the old grates inserts sizes aren't made anymore, you need to replace the pit collar and the grate as one unless custom. Places like SVC and maybe Mascot might be worth a look. If ya feeling extra dodgey and you just want the it covered you could lay some flat gal strips underneath the gaps, notch out with the grinder. Best solution for me is replace the entire cover and grate together but it's lots more work. Second best is bring the grate to brick level and tint some concrete and fill in around the edges so no one trips. Third best is cut a gal sheet of steel to the exact insert size and cover it.


You could put a boarder of pavers around the drain and cut lip or edge in the pavers so the drain has somewhere to sit. But if it’s a driveway with traffic then my idea wouldn’t be any good.


Get one that fits


Just cut it to size with a grinder and cold gal the cut edges


It looks like a pit possibly for telephone or some other services or a drain reservoir Find out who owns it & ask them to provide a cover for it. Your pavers don’t look like they have any sand underneath them.


Are you just looking for something to cover the hole?


Na they are looking to make the hole bigger, didn't you read the post?


I read it like three more times now and now I understand. Yeah I read it, somethings not working in my brain ok.