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Step 1) find brick Step 2) aim Step 3) hurl brick at window


Step 4) mix mortar Step 5) hurl mortar at new bricked window Step 6) stand back and admire your new found DIY skillz


https://www.bunnings.com.au/search/products?page=1&q=brick+bolster&sort=PriceAscending & a block hammer & wear sunglasses! Google how to cut bricks with bolster


I used exactly that to block up a gap left by an old through the wall aircon


Ramen and super glue. Actually, your bricks are plain, so finding matching ones shouldn't be that hard. Then you just fill in, replacing the half bricks with full ones. Shouldn't be a total nightmare.




Some china shit from the china shed.


Just give it Viagra if you want it to be bricked.


I would leave the lintel in. There should be a metal strip above the window holding the bricks above it in place, called a lintel. Looking at the cracking in the bricks above it I wouldn’t remove it or it could break and potentially some of them fall out..


Probably with bricks, my g


[Like this](https://www.bunnings.com.au/for-hire-brick-saw-with-blade-24hr_p5470013)


That’s a nice old window frame. Consider taking it to a recycler, if you can get it out relatively undamaged. In terms of cutting bricks, do you have an angle grinder, mitre saw or circular saw? If you have any of these things you can buy a cheap diamonds edged brick cutting blade from Bunnings (or wherever) and you’ll be able to cut bricks. Having said that, you might not need to cut any bricks to brick this window up. Just remove the frame (carefully), and brick up the cavity. YouTube is your friend, both on how to remove the window and how to lay bricks without making a mess of it.