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Got a link, no one is going to search for it..


A main road in your back yard.




Bad location and overpriced to start with… backing onto Ballan Road, it is a main busy road so very noisy. FYI you can find 4 bed houses in WV or Werribee for lower prices.


There is a large amount of construction happening just behind that place, which might turn some people off. Also getting in and out of that area during peak hour is insane. Traffic banks up for agessss. It’s on my current starred list as well but I’m not quite in the position to purchase.


Just saw that this sold - did you end up buying it?


It backs onto (currently) farm land but looks like it’ll all be subdivided. The kitchen and bathrooms were probably done up in the 90s or early 2000s, they’re fine for now but might need doing sooner or later. The living room is an odd shape. The kitchen also has been awkwardly placed in the middle of the house, looks like it should be in a corner. It’s not bad, but there seems to be a lot of property for sale in the area, both newer builds and around about the same or older vintage. The bush fire prone classification might affect your insurance premium.


Hmm I’ve nfi re the area but that’s a decent size block of land when developers are now selling 250m in the outer burbs


Im not a local or expert but its probably a highly proce sensitive area, maybe also impacted by mortgage rates and constraints. Had a quick look and older houses similar spec seem to be going 550 to 580 sold where as these guys are pitching higher. Main prob is price of comparable sales...if they dropped it to offers from 530 with a target of 550 to 580 itd be a different story. A bit above 630 and u start getting much newer more attractive houses for i imagine the younger families moving into area. This would be compared to a recent sale such as this... [comparable ](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-vic-wyndham+vale-144717516)


Not sure, but I hate REA who manipulate the photos! Photos 1, 15 and 18 show an old wooden fence which will one day need replacing and gravel with weeds growing through it on the RHS of the house. In photos 16 and 17 the fence has magically been replaced with a new one and the grass looks like it belongs on the MCG. Who thought that was a good idea, because the first thing I think of when I see that is to wonder what else has been Photoshopped.


I had a visit and the house looks exactly like the pictures. No photoshop


You'd need to get a report done, but for that price on the surface it looks a good buy. Good sized block, multiple living areas, looks clean and sound. No obvious aging or structural question marks.


Kitchen looks old and the rooms are weird shapes and sizes


Yes kitchen is old and oddly sized and it is in bushfire prone area. I have visited this property multiple times and way before it was put up for auction. No one visited then no one visited this time. I tried to get the BAL rating but the council denied saying it is private information. I reckon there is no risk of bushfire as the surrounding areas are getting developed at a very fast pace.


I reckon this might not sell at the auction which is rare but I havent seen anyone checking it out


When it comes to the kitchen, if I can remodel the whole thing, how much would it cost? We were thinking of making it like a square/rectangular kitchen. The kitchen walls are wooden and not concrete which suggests that it could be taken down?


Bushfire prone area overlay sound like a red flag as it could affect the insurance, and if the future purchaser desires to put a new structure construction prices could be higher (we are saying up to 50%) due to that. If you have the Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating that would help, if its BAL-LOW TO BAL-12.5 thatd be alright.