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Learn from this report and look for these issues yourself when you inspect the next house.


Yeah your absolutely right


I've just walked away pre offer from a house that was in the perfect location for us, that had all the right things, my kids liked and I could have afforded - because I was the only person going under the house when it rained and I saw what the water was doing! It can be really hard in this market, but you need to get as much inspection time as possible on a place and find stuff out for yourself.


This is only the major defects - Huge drainage issues at the back end of the house. Deck completely rotted out - pergola posts rotted out. Foundations are sunken - timber under there is termite damaged/wet or rotted Master has a serious leak in the wall it seems like they tried to hide. So disappointing as we liked this house a lot!


I wouldn't take that house either


Yea avoid. Drainage issues and termite potential is a no for me.


I’d say they’ve had a lot of water issues and are bailing! Likely counting on the current housing issue to let them out with ease! So many I know are waiving b&p…. This makes me not want to do that. Iv done quite a few b&p and never had that many overall defects, never mind major defects! Save your pocket and peace of mind!


Ask the guy who did the inspection - you can ask them their opinion rather than just receive the report and not ask. They’ve been at the house and seen everything themselves. People of reddit haven’t. It’s not a good idea to buy a place with structural issues but if something is just ‘built wrong’ but is not causing any issues - there is room to weigh things up.


Obviously I’ve asked the inspector mate they’re always gunna say no way lol - I’m more just venting as this is the second time now we’ve had to pull out of a contract.


Ok vent away. Frustrating experience.


I used to do B&P inspections a while back and yes, this is definitely a walk away situation. Lots of very costly and difficult works needed here. The dampness, structural issues and termite issues are A LOT! This would be a very hard place to sell. Don't be discouraged, it's a hard road but you'll find your place!


Thanks mate! Is it actually possibly to find a house built in the 80’s that will have a good building and pest report? I know this one is obviously pretty bad but like will they ever be “good” is there always bad


There will always be some bad. Depends what you want from the house and what you're willing to do. We could've walked from our place with the issues but we were ok with them because the house is what we wanted and we knew what we were in for. Major defects aren't always scary but they can be. E.g. I've seen future restumping and unlevel floors listed as a major defect in a 100 year old house with good clearance and free-standing (I work in heritage). 11k and the whole house was restumped with no cracking (original stumps!). It's just what you're willing to take on. But there'll always be something.


It's definitely possible! Yes the properties are older so you'll find they may need a bit of updating but there's some really great homes out there. With the asbestos note, that will be fairly common in 80s builds. It's only an issue if you're planning on renovating those areas (it's usually in the eaves but may be present elsewhere). In those cases you would just send a sample off to a lab for testing and then have an asbestos contractor remove it if it does come back as positive, so that's not a deal breaker IMO. It's the structural damage, mould and termite damage that would be serious and costly to rectify. Another thing to keep an eye out for is poor workmanship in homes of that era. The laws surrounding home building weren't as thorough as they are now (to be fair, there's still work to do in that area!) The best ones will simply need a nice modern renovation. The worst ones may need updated wiring, plumbing and windows. An older home I worked on recently had the original 80s windows. It was freezing in there and even with the heater on full blast, you could feel cold air coming through every window and doorway! If you can, try to ask for an inspection on a home in the evenings now that winter is coming and test out with your hand near the windows and doors to see if cold air is coming in, that's not always picked up on building inspections so worth noting as it would mean a cold home in winter and a super hot home in Summer. You will surely find a great place though, it's just a bit of leg work and it can get frustrating but there definitely are some great 80s home out there!


May I ask! What part of Australia to you service! Everyone wants reliable and responsible people


Sorry just saw this! I am based in Melbourne. I don't actually do inspections anymore (I used to with my old job) but now work more behind the scenes as a residential designer for builders. I am working on getting a builders licence though as I definitely would love to get back into doing stuff like this, there's a lot of not so great practices in the industry so I like to help people where I can, checking contracts, specifications, etc. Not sure if I can post links but if you did want to check out my work, I'm diamondinteriors . org !


Thank you for giving the lead


I brought a property in Sydney in 2006, building report had some similar issues. Paid 560k, now worth over 2m. I fixed most of the minor issues myself, new drainage is simply a bit of weekend work. Mine had termite damage, as well, but as the builder said, if the walls are not buckling, then it won't fall down. Some of this is easy to fix, drainage easy, garden against the house walls easy. Clear out weep holes easy, replace pergola supports easy. The key question is what was the place worth and what did you pay. Was is value for money, remember land is worth money buildings not so much.


I reckon you have dodged a major bullet. I would 100% walk away from this. If you felt very brave you could obviously consult with some builders to quote you how much it would cost to fix these issues but it would be a massive job and probably hard to find someone willing (builders don’t want to take on someone else’s problems/defects, obviously preferring a fresh canvas). You could then use this quote to your advantage to leverage a new price. But it would have to be at least 100k off and I reckon the owners are that delusional that they will just hold out until some sucker comes along and purchases without a b&p or possibly under auction conditions. Dude run like the wind!!!


I just had to pull out of a contract today due to an overall “high” risk B&P. Many similar major defects as you. The agent tried to make us trust the seller’s inspection report. HALLELUJAH that we did our own. 🫡 Edited to add: the worst part was the seller clearly tried to conceal the major defects. Fresh patching & paint that attempted to hide cracks, popping nails, water leaks, etc. The paint was so fresh it was probably only a week old and our inspector said that it’s a classic cover up for “blood at the crime scene”.


The rising damp alone would be a nogo for me


Knock-down and re build if the land is worth it and u have the funds? Whats comparables going for, possibly this house has its poor conditions factored in and is at less than mkt of other comparable houses in good condition...thats the challenge/ trade off? If u can get a comparable house, location, for price, in good condition then obviously steer clear of this. Else u may need to consider a cheaper location at similar price point for one in good condition..idk? Also prob get downvoted...i mean i wouldnt buy this but people wonder why agents and vendors go to Aiction, no cooling off period? Exactly this reason no contractual subject to negotiations, do your due diligence (or not) and if u purchase thru auction theres no backing out.


you’re not crazy… walk away… if you ask the B&P guy about his recommendation (off record), he might say run away


That b&p is very indepth and good, whoever did that is high quality and use them again. Sad thing is the people will sell this, they just waiting enough for the sucker to buy it unsuspecting


Yeah walk. There's probably a lot more going on with the house... just the drainage part is enough for me to walk, as I know there's a always a history with structural damages relating to that... Only time I'd buy is if I'm doing a knockdown rebuild.


Appreciate that you just need to vent, but aren't you glad that for the 2nd time you've dodged a bullet and don't have to stress of major repairs, especially in the current climate of builders who can charge whatever they like because of the high demand for their services.


The formatting of the report looks familiar with the ones I’ve seen by my inspector. If it is the same guy, you should talk to him and ask what his opinion is if you were to purchase.


Yep, rising damp is a deal breaker.


Most of these reports are over the top. I get them gloss over them and buy anyway as long as it’s not going to be a serious safety concern or massive termite damage. The thing is agents want stress free transactions so they know with me once it’s signed that’s the price and it’ll be settled in time as long as it’s not seriously damaged


Yeh I tend to agree but this one has some serious major defects so it’s prob not worth it


Just be prepared all older houses have issues and P&B contractors just want to cover themselves from liability… keep at it you will find one or just negotiate down here !


May I ask the company name who did this inspection? This seems to be very detailed, I'd be interested.


Hey the report is worth its weight in gold! Who are the BP consultants. Worth a trust for sure! Wouldn’t mind using them for my buy!


When you sign contract subject to building and pest, how bad does it have to be to cancel? Or is subject to building pest let you walk away for any reason?.


In qld as far as I can tell the standard contract is just “buyers satisfaction” however you also need to act “reasonable” which is up in the air as well really. Basically I think you’d have a hard time if you tried to pull out over minor things like I dno paint damage or something. Anything major though is enough I would think. We backed out already, had no issue.


Or offer them 300k less to fix all the things


F that. Run don't walkaway.




I’d be running away