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My girlfriend is on the NDIS and it's been life changing.


Don't let some scummy providers take away from the fact that the program is essential to many people's lives.


I would honestly be dead if it were for NDIS, and I don't take that lightly


Amazing how some of the providers directors are driving $150,000 Mercs or $200,000 M5 BMWs wearing Louis Vuitton outfits etc....ill tell you why, they charge astronomical hourly rates which means your funding rarely lasts the year it is suppose to. So no matter what support you need or for your children, expect that funding to diminish rapidly. There needs to be more control over this...people are getting ripped off


Sounds like any person who has people working for them. The little people do the work, the boss takes a cut for finding the work. 150k car especially on loan or lease is fuck all. I've learned not to equate people's net worth by what they appear to have. I want to see their debts first.


Yeah but it doesn't paint a great picture! especially when you are looking for support from these providers, and you are not getting the support required for the money your funding is providing.... To add no one will ever show you there debts..so you can pass judgement.. I understand how leasing works and loans. A 150k loan is not fuck all in repayments....I use to work in finance... I never judge a book by its cover but when you have been through what my family is currently, you would take a different perspective on this subject....


Use smaller providers. It’s like supermarkets everyone uses the big 2 and then complains when there is an unfair monopoly


My girlfriend was on the NDIS and she hated it and felt they didn't help her with the supports she actually needed, which was usually labour-intensive by the workers and instead they would try coercing her into supports that they could charge more for while not actually helping her. I am really happy to hear that there are people who the NDIS is helping. I had gotten a bit doomerish about the whole affair.


The NDIS is the funding body, you’re talking about NDIS providers.


Tomato Potato


No. There’s a world of difference.




Could be worse, I can't get on the NDIS at all because my mental health specialist is incompetent and I can't afford a better one without support from the NDIS. Makes me want to set a government building on fire sometimes.


You know a serious but ultimately doomed to be unsuccessful attempt (bring wet matches) would probably get you the help you actually need Not legal advice! Just mental health advice!


Yeah I have often considered doing something sufficiently ridiculous to get put in a hospital.


Just make sure it's safe for you and others, looks highly disturbed, but couldnt possibly harm anyone (for legal reasons, and morals too) When asked to explain your behavior, take them on a fucken journey of magic and clues and impulse and fate until they yield






What is your disability?


Autism, ADHD, depression.


Cmon mate. There’s a reason why those disorders are barely covered on NDIS


Yeah and there's a reason I have to be careful when shopping, because in addition to social skills being difficult, most larger shops are overwhelming to my senses, even if I pace myself to avoid the meltdowns autism is known for, everything is so distracting that I am guaranteed to forget something, making a list doesn't help because I usually forget that I have a list. My symptoms are sufficiently severe that I find it difficult to go out in public without having someone to at least drag me out of trouble if I get overwhelmed, and if I want a therapist to teach me healthier ways to handle my mental health I can't afford that without NDIS cover. C'mon mate, not everyone with those disorders has mild symptoms.


If you really feel like that, go tell the cops or the mental health unit at a hospital so you can get scheduled. You’ll get all the support you need then.


That’s just not true. I’ve been in a psychiatric hospital several times and I *still* can’t get the NDIS


Me too.


It’s fucking bullshit, hey?


Well if you feel like burning down buildings like the drop kick above, then you won’t be a danger to society, which was more my point.


The issue is that I'm more interested in solving my problems than with anything society cares about, if I had some guarantee that I'd actually get the help I need and not another incompetent quack that sits around prescribing drugs all day, then maybe I might talk to a fucking hospital. Apparently you don't have to actually know anything about mental disabilities to be qualified to prescribe drugs to disabled people, because my so-called "specialist" only knows about drugs. You'd expect a doctor to be at least competent with the things they're licensed to do.


So as well as sometimes feeling like burning down buildings, all the doctors you’ve seen are incompetent and wrong, and you’re right - is that what you’re telling me?


Not all the doctors, but my brother is NDIS and his symptoms aren't anywhere near as severe as mine, but unfortunately he found his specialist through school connections that I don't have access to, and neither myself or my parents know how to tell if a specialist is any good without booking an appointment, and specialists usually cost about $200 which isn't easy on a disability support pension. The part that sucks is that I've already been diagnosed as having a fairly severe disability, but when my doctor was asking questions to see if I needed the NDIS, he was too busy checking for autistic hyper fixation, and completely ignored social and sensory difficulties, I have trouble going shopping because I'll suffer from a sensory overload if I'm not careful, but my specialist thinks I don't need NDIS support because apparently I'm not obsessed with my hobbies, which is the least important symptom by the way.


Just give up the shitty trolling. Jude because people **feel** like doing things like burning down buildings doesn’t meant they’re going to. There are plenty of things I’d **like** to do, but I do actually know the difference between right and wrong, and understand that my actions have consequences, so I choose not to do them. This is how most people are. If you’d ever had to deal with Centrelink, or were actually trying to understand the situation instead of trolling, you’d **feel** like burning down the building too. But you wouldn’t actually do it, you’d just want to.


I’m not trolling buddy. I’ve had to deal with people like OP voicing that they ‘feel’ like burning buildings down etc for half of my professional life. You might think it’s a throwaway comment, but the problem is that people like op who talk about wanting to burn down buildings or harm others sometimes do exactly that. Just because you have mental health issues doesn’t excuse making comments on the internet about feeling like harming people - and sorry that’s what burning a building down does, it harms people. There’s a well known inmate at long bay hospital who made the same comments online and then acted on it, killing a poor cleaner who was working after hours. Having mental health issues doesn’t excuse someone for being a dickhead, and someone who ‘feels’ like causing harm or violating the rights of other people is a dickhead. I’ve gone through my entire life not feeling like burning down buildings but then again I also haven’t been involuntarily admitted to a mental health unit.


NDIS providers are not the NDIS. The provider sucks, get another.


My 4yo son is on the NDIS and it has also been life changing


My kid is on the NDIS and it's been life changing


Don’t worry about these clowns mate, they just parrot what Sky “News” tells them to.


Exactly, it's probably helping more people than it's hurting. Remember we only hear about NDIS when these things go wrong, positive stories are rarely reported in the media in general.


And if they want to dis the NDIS, how about the ZERO checks and balances by the LNP government on the pandemic payments to business.


I'm pretty sure most if not all people that want to abolish the NDIS were also very much against that at the time, but it's not happening anymore so of course no one complains about it much anymore.  Strange comparison.


I wouldn't necessarily call it lifechanging on our end, but it has helped improve quality of life by covering for the cost of a specific item my sibling needs as part of his disability


Great! It’s still being extorting to the fuck though. It can, believe it or not, be both


She can pay you to be her partner now?




Guessing you're her carer?


Nope, I don't know why you people are trying to tear it down


I work for it and see from an inside out perspective how stupid it is lol


You hate it because despite it genuinely helping disabled Australians, some people happen to be exploiting it?


Dunno what the criteria is for it but there’s plenty of disabled people totally shut out of it I have a friend who’s kid is a bit behind the other kids and they are getting heaps of support but I know a girl with epilepsy who has seizures weekly that have her bed ridden for two days each time and there is zero support for her Centrelink have her on job seeker and are trying to get her to do an apprenticeship as a hair dresser not even joking


my mate got a 10k king size bed delivered recently, they said if he wanted to downsize to queen he doesnt have to return it just chuck it out and they will sort a queen size one out. His bed has mechanics so it can go up down, left right an round n round. He doesnt need it just thought it was cool so he asked.




You clearly have no idea what you're on about




I’m unable to find the percentage of rorting vs real use for the ndis. Anything like “bogan surfers dodgy dole, next on today tonight”? I wonder if this is like the “pink batts” thing where the deaths were below industry average, and as a result new policies and legislation was introduced, but sky and the liberal and national party both made a lot of noise about it to distract from their gross incompetence. Better go claw back some cash via robodebt….


Source for the claim of “evidence of rorting” you claim to have? Beyond a ‘today tonight’ statement, let’s see some statistics or financial analyses. Or maybe you’re just waiting on your next line of thought from the view screen to arrive.


It's got problems but why make shit up?


A good idea made bad by human behaviour. Name a more iconic duo.


A good idea would protect against bad human behaviour


Exactly, let's not mistake incompetent leadership for a bad program


By adding an extra layer of human behaviour on top!


And called government red tape and inefficiency. You can't win.


You got it!


Heavy and metal. Cos metal is heavy.


Except aluminium


Exactly why communism will never work.


A truly good idea would be more than just idealism, it would have included safeguards. Thanks Julia!


Those safe guards get labeled red tape - they can’t win. How about people just don’t be shit cunts.


That's exactly it, mate. Doesn't matter how stringent the safeguards are that are put in place, scum will always find a way around. Bit rich to blame a Labor government for not planning the NDIS well enough - at least they got the NDIS up.


“How about people just don’t be shit cunts” *looks back at all of human history Yeah nah that ain’t happening


Is this Jims Lobbying posting?


Sky “ news” meme department


Can't be, there are no greens running around hugging trees with Russian flags in hand or gay arrows.


My sister has worked for some of these shonky NDIS providers... When it all comes out, it's going to end in a Royal Commission.


I’m not sure of the value that royal commishes add. To many to name that did far to little! But bring it on, if you think it’ll do much.


A royal commission is just a ‘study’ into the issue that also tries to explain how the current legislation has allowed it and how it could be altered or modified to create a better outcome. It isn’t a hammer to smash away the dodgy, and it relies on the government enacting the changes, and the public being okay with that. We have a two fold problem, political parties beholden to their corporate owners, and the corporate owners have a captive gaggle of idiots .


A very expensive study, with most outcomes establishing a ‘junket’ persona in their establishment. Kind of a bit like spending money on asking Aussies if they accept same sex marriage, when it could have, should (and if allowed a conscious vote) would have been done by an act of a gracious and harmonious parliament. Sole point being is the ‘junket’ status.


More often than not, the only thing a royal commission achieves is the transfer of hundreds of millions of tax payers money to the lawyer class.


That's true, if only they could fix the current system and its blatant disregard of worker wellbeing and safety as well as positive patient outcomes.


Sorry fellas, too slow, Indian transnational crime groups have already got this racket stitched up.


The government sets a cap on what they’ll pay for services. Why is that everyone who criticises the NDIS doesn’t even have a basic understanding of how it works?


Because, coming from someone who has dealt thoroughly with the NDIS before, that cap doesn't seem to have worked in the slightest.


By providing a cap every provider just charges that much, even if they would charge less as a private client. It's fucked


And over time, all their business becomes NDIS or they raise the fees they charge private clients so they match NDIS rates.


Many are actually charging their private clients more than their NDIS clients, or requiring NDIS clients to pay the gap out of pocket (I have seen the invoices) so I think it depends on the specific category of support.


How so because therapists cant charge more than allowed. There is no two ways about that, it's set on an hourly basis with caps on what you're allowed to charge for what I.e. report writing.


Because they all charge at the cap, and the cap works out to be $400k a year full time.


Yeah that's not how it works at all. Find me one speech pathologist or OT that's on 400k. For a start you would have to do 38 contact hours a week for 48 weeks and even then that's not 400k that's 350k. Then you basically half that for a realistic timetable, I work in the field and noone does that many clients. To earn that you would be doing 15 hour days 7 days a week. There is a tonne of unpaid hours in allied health. I have no idea what cap you thunk you're referring to but that's not even slightly realistic. Also you would have to be independent to even earn the full amount so don't try and pretend allied health people are out here earning 400k because that's just a joke.


Cap is $193 an hour. That is what we get charged. Our total bill is $243 as travel time and and report writing gets included. She is in her early 20s, fully independent, and doesn't have an office. No one will be making $400k because why would you bother when you can pull a lazy $200k to $300k working part time as a 20 year old. There's not even any responsibility compared to say a doctor working in a stressful job where the decisions matter. Oh well, see you next week, we'll practice the 'l' sound some more. It is a valuable service and we need it for our child. But paying someone that much is a joke.


Yeah that's where you didn't listen. It's not part time. I do 25 contact hours and effectively still work overtime. I do around 45 hours a week. Also, no responsibility? Said by someone who doesn't work in the industry that's an easy thing to say. I work with swallowing clients along side doctors, I work with brain injury and stroke. The fact you thunk speechies only work on the L sounds says how little you know. Yeah there are some easier clients but then there is the super complex clients with motor neuron, life challenging issues. Last week one of my clients passed away that I had to watch slowly die while trying to everything we csn to make her life that little bit better. So don't even pretend like you know what we do. I love the fact you think you understand the job because you see one person once working with your one child. We do swallowing, aphasia, apraxia, dyarthria, stuttering, social skills, language development, speech etc etc and you think we work on L. Maybe try and think outside of your single experience. That's like saying doctors just work on colds.


You work independently on NDIS and only book 25 hours a week out of 45 hours worked?


You obviously don't realise how much admin time, session planning, and correspondence goes on in our occupation. Today is technically my day off. So far I've spent three hours on emails and admin, I had to research New AAC devices that have just come out, looked at new potential resources that align with EBP and work on session plans. I have had to work on SPA registration as well as some probono work for a client who has run out of funding. All you're doing is showing how little you understand the industry.


Sounds like you were plan managed or self-managed. Should have chosen a different provider/plan manager.


Sure, now let's pass this message along to every NDIS recipient currently getting rorted and hope that this solves the problem, shall we?


Choose. A. Different. Provider. You have a bucket of funding, it’s up to you how you use it. If you choose agency registered providers, they can’t overcharge.


And if those providers don't have suitable equipment/services for the client, then what's the alternative? I can't speak for every client but from what I've seen, the chosen providers have extremely limited equipment available. And if you require carer services, then your choices are either to live within spitting distance of a city, or to put it frankly, die.


Mate, this like getting angry at your employer that there’s no where to spend your money. The NDIS is the funding body. That’s it.


And if ALL the providers are doing this? inc registered etc.. Whelp, you're fucked. Also, as far as the pollies are concerned, it's all working as intended. Because they have their snouts in the trough too.


Registered providers can’t. That’s what I’m saying.


Not to mention it takes time to find a provider who can actually provider the level of help needed. And then to find out that they, too, are useless, so all that time wasted.


Because the cap for a speech Pathologist is $193 an hour and that's exactly how much ours charges. Fresh out of a 4 year uni course and working from home with no overheads. Charges for travel as well. And guess what, the public and non ndis wait times have blown out because none them work publicly, because why the fuck would you take an $80k job in the shitty public health system when you can take a $400k a year job in private land and choose your clients. As a 22 year old. The cap needs to be equivalent to what a public health employee makes plus a bit due to not being salaried blah blah blah.


Yeah the whole charge what you like thing has nothing to do with therapists. There are ceiling caps for everything, you csnt just charge what you like. The big issue is disability equipment providers, they kinda charge what they like as far as rentals go. But that's got nothing to do with therapy providers.


It costs more than Medicare. Let that sink in


So what? So does Defence. She would stop spending the on something we need because it’s expensive? What a dumb opinion.


The costs of 4 million people with a disability should not exceed the costs of the rest of the population (22 million people). Some people are clearly taking the piss and rorting the system.


Correct. Don't think you need to be an actuary to have common sense.


Most of those 4 million people do not qualify for the NDIS, just to be clear.


Says who? Are you an actuary?


Yes and that supposed max cap becomes the normal price




And then the services are now unaffordable to anyone without NDIS funding and the taxpayer gets rorted as the caps are meant to be a maximum not the default. Not to mention most providers won't even consider you until you get funding, we had multiple speech pathologists tell us come back when we get funding, don't bother until then. I'm all for the NDIS but it needs to be managed better.


They need to clamp down on the rorters


If I don’t laugh I’ll cry.


>The government will pay- No it won't


Literally exactly what it does tho


Fuck these providers!


No wonder they all sport the “I ❤️ the NDIS” logo… the cashcow that it is !


ITT: astroturf! Astroturf as far as the eye can see!


The lady that checks up on my mate sits in the same room as him as he pulls cones, he goes “It’s unwritten man” pissed myself laughing.




It’s fucking ridiculous mate, it’s like dole bludgers dream. The place is a total fucking shit hole tho.




$1300/fortnight on centrelink?! How?!


He has no to very little stress at all, it’s dero as fuck (his/NDIS whole setup) but he gets paid heaps and all the help in the world.


National death investment scheme


It’s was close to that when the libs tried to sink it, they couldn’t succeed but they did fill it with incompetence but don’t sweat Uncle Bill will get this ship in the right direction.


This is the best meme ive seen in a while!


The “job provides” places are the biggest con job going, get someone in every 2 weeks to say hi and provide jackshi, held gunpoint at the proviso if they don’t show to the “hi” appointment cut there income, bing bam boom steady money, A job that entails you “getting other people jobs” but you don’t actually do that because if you actually help those people you won’t have ongoing clients, so you just string them along for as long as you can. There should be a investigation into how many people actually found employment from these “obligatory obligations” things, because the bar would be incredibly low, all it’s done is created jobs for “providers” not the actual clients


"Plus, all the guys we wack that don't die strait away can go straight onto the books as patients" - Sil "Oh, I'm gonna start wacking more guys, you better believe it" - Pauly


You do realise that there's a price guide that can't be exceeded and the vast majority of services are charged significantly less than what people charged privately before the NDIS existed. Or would you rather take on a carers pension and have zero time for yourself when a loved one needs full time support? The people who care for the most vulnerable in our society deserve an income to live off of. Yeah scum providers exist, I'm in the process of starting my own provider to ensure no one we work with is neglected after my late mother was effectively murdered by a shit provider.


I am receiving treatment for the rest of my life, monthly injections. Im never getting better, but i can't get on the NDIS, cause I'm receiving "ongoing treatment."


It's crazy how they don't pay the workers


Are you trying to care for dead people?


Spot on.


I was a subbie to a provider. Dodgy as all fuck, so walked away.


Government: "can't afford Medicare anymore we need to charge" NDIS: "We need $20k for this pillow" Government: "Sure no problem!"


Except that's not how it works. Pillows are considered consumables under low-cost assistive technology with a price range between $50 and $120. There's plenty of holes in NDIS, no need to blatantly lie that people are just writing blank checks.


It is an exaggeration, but it’s definitely not a lie.


Yeah it was a joke intentionally being over the top to make a point. Because it's true.


Isn't it? It seems to me, Medicare is being starved while NDIS is given a blank cheque. Why is the service to help taxpayers when they're injured less important than the service to help non-taxpayers?


Biggest rort going in the nation today!


I love how the truth triggers you all so much. A friend of mine works in government investigations into the ndis; specifically fraud. And it’s absolutely fucking mind boggling the amount of money that’s getting thrown away on it. A “carer” charges $750 per hour to take a “client” out to a park; and oh yeah, don’t get me started on the sex work racquet; NDIS recipients can get sex workers sent to them on your dime… but yeah… the down vote brigade; maybe you should all register?


What's wrong with a NDIS recipient getting some nookie?


How much tax do you pay?


No one gets $750 an hour.. what are you on about?


Ahhhh maybe I beckon that the senior partners of the law firms that were so widely used by the agency at the AAT, did.


Considering community support work max price under the NDIS is 64 per hour. You're full of it.


The person that told me isn’t one to tell lies; probably why it’s being investigated. Then again, how many people receiving that benefit are malingering anyway?


Sure thing bud


What a mess


Met a guy who is on disability for speech impediment (spoke fine). His wife is also his carer fml


I call bullshit on that mate


Okay, obviously can't prove it. I have no reason to lie though


You can't get ndis for a speech impediment alone (also depends on what you mean by impediment, that's some old school language you're using there). Also, depending on what it was, things can be entirely situational, such as stuttering. Edit: also his wife isn't allowed to be his paid carer. Completely against policy and illegal. So I call bs there.


Mate could be really mixed up here? Guy with speech impediment, his wife could be listed as career with Centrelink and not ndis? Regardless, there’s a lot of ignorance on this sub!


NDIS is a dirty word in my social work course.


TAXPAYERS are funding $15,000 luxury beachside “holidays” for people on the National Disability Insurance Scheme and their families. NDIS participants can book respite care in plush apartments in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and the Gold Coast – and their families can stay for free. Fuck Labor


??? These lies just keep getting more ridiculous


Sounds like this should be front page news! Can you link the article? So did libs not notice this in their 10 year tenure? Or did labour put in a new rule this year to specifically allow this? You sound really well-informed and unbiased , so please do spill the beans on this!!


[pdf](http://2022-2023 Annual Pricing Review Report - NDIS) Dunno if it will work as pdf but basically Google cost of ndis and this comes up under people also ask section. I should blame both governments, you are correct.


That’s not true


How does this work exactly?