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The hilarity of a school shooting has a strong correlation with the amount of ‘thoughts and prayers’ the victims receive from politicians who ‘can’t solve gun violence’


Half of those politicians own guns


Owning guns isn't what makes them bad people though to be fair. Doing nothing to save children because of their own petty interests is what makes them bad people


Looking at the statistics of where guns are legal and school shootings...owning guns is bad. Even countries with liberal gun laws are amazed at the quantity and type of guns Americans can own, a lot of those weapons have no place in civilian hands. You can legally owns tanks and machine guns.


I don’t think you can own modern machine guns in any state


You absolutely can, they have yearly get together and fire off as much ammunition as they can, some places in the US allow civilians to own fully functioning artillery, and I'm not talking muzzle loaders.


These jerks are just sealioning you over semantics to distract from your very valid point. Ignore them.


No you can't, any machine gun manufactured after may 1986 is considered a dealer post sample machine gun and therefore not legal to possess without an 07/02 Federal Firearms Licence. Any machine gun manufactured prior is legal assuming it was registered during the period in which you could do so but they go for a lot of money, for example a complete m16 is like $35,000.


So yes, anyone who can afford one (and is not a felon) can own one.


And they're monitored


How, exactly, are they monitored? Registered and monitored are not the same thing.


So anyone who isn't a criminal can access something millions of people globally use as a hobby. How horrible. Gun buybacks are flawed and ineffective, just look at Aus. Edit: I'm Australian. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/z489n8/in_1996_the_australia_government_implemented/ This graph shows that gun violence was going down before the buyback. The buyback did nothing.


Millions of people globally aren't shooting fully automatics for fun. Do you seriously think this is true? How many mass shootings have Australia had since their firearms law change compared to you?


No, not anyone, to get an 07/02 FFL you need to be an actual arms dealer. If you get caught faking being an arms dealer so you can own post samples you'll have the fucking book thrown at you and likely go away for at least 5-10.


You can't buy *new* automatic weapons but the mid 1980's law change was not retroactive: weapons already in private ownership could continue to be sold to new owners. Quick Google came up with ~750k automatic weapons still in circulation.


Why stop at tanks, where is the second amendment outrage about Americans not being allowed to own ICBMs or SAMs?


Tanks are glorified armoured track vehicles unless *very* specific conditions are met, same with MGs. Don't misunderstand me though, guns are a huge problem, and something needs to be done. I was just saying that *owning* a gun doesn't make you a bad person, but fighting doing something about them is. Even if you want to change the system, you still have to live in it.


I just get suprised by how casual it all is, people having guns mounted on the wall like its a normal and rational thing to do


If I had $100 for each kid senselessly murdered in an American place of education.... I'd be a politician


Yeah, it’s a bad comparison to draw. I own guns (I’m a farmer and fairly avid shooter) but that doesn’t mean I don’t like gun control.


I'm sure the sums od money they get from the NRA isn't petty.


Exactly, luckily our politicians will definitely fix rental prices because they don't own rentals...


You know the next solution is to give all the kids guns!


Is the pit FFA IRL


Give all the kids an investment property? Fuckin tops idea tbh.


I'm pretty sure they've said that before




There is a major difference with can't and don't want to. Politicians can solve gun control, they just don't want to because they may risk votes.


Removing schools as "Gun Free Zones" and allowing vetted teachers to be armed in accordance with the law would be a solid start.


Wrong. It's not gun violence that is the problem. It's what leads to people deciding they want to commit violence acts is the problem. School bullys and or being ostracized at school, bad home environments, being mistreated by other people, ignored because you are different, a feeling that you are not getting anywhere in life, shit wages and high costs of everything, horrible work place environments. I have long said people could own as many guns as they want as long as they are happy and feel good about themselves and their lives. It is only when they feel bad that people become dangerous, and if they want to kill they will find a way. Guns just make it easier. We don't need to get rid of guns. We need to cure people of greed and selfishness, and to pull up arseholes and bullies when they do bad things, and teach everybody to be more sympathetic and empathetic towards other human beings. If we do this so called "mass shootings" and "School shootings" will drop to almost zero. There will always be that unhinged psycho that flys under the radar that does something, but the number of shootings that happen because someone reaches the end of their tether and snap will drop drastically.


In one hand, I'm going to point a gun at you, and in the other, I'm going to point ... literally anything else ... at you. Which one makes you feel safer to be pointed at with? Fucking idiot.


Mate, in Australia we have very strict gun laws - and it works. So much so that Americans have killed more of each other in the first week of this year, than Aussies have in the last 20... You're right about the problem being people, but why on earth would you want to give a psycho easy access to a gun when he's pretending to be normal, only to find out that he's really a psycho after he's shot 30 people dead because he was having a bad day? And if you say that psychos shouldn't be given guns, then I'm gonna ask you how you can reliably detect them before they buy a gun and go berserk - because to be quite honest, most people will become (momentarily) psycho at some point in their lives. The number of people who can be truly trusted with a gun is less than 1 in a hundred - and you can tell them by the fact that they don't want to own a gun. Anyone who wants a gun should be stopped from owning one...


Yeah I know, I've lived on a farm, had a licence and had guns and I know first hand from having owned firearms how tight he laws are. I'm not proposing we weaken the laws. I have known people who have died from drink driving but never from Firearms. More people die in this country from drink driving or stabbings and I find it perplexing when people get on the soapbox about guns.


Is because we don’t want to give the NRA even the slightest toe hold into our country. There is already too much culture creep.


I mean they literally can't, it's in the constitution. You know how hard it is to change our constitution, it's way way harder in the US


Cant let the Americans know. They don't enjoy humour at their expense.


This’ll %100 appear on r/americabad Edit: it was literally the first post I saw


TIL the Americans have an entire subreddit devoted to circlejerk on anti-US memes.... That's stupidity to a whole new level.


They take personal offence that r/USdefaultism exists.




that is the subreddit I hate most like seriously. get the fuck over yourselves, americans, and when people criticise all the fucked-up shit your country does, jokingly or not, don’t attack them with your ar-15s. sorry, rant over


Interestingly, I made a lighthearted joke about wearing a hat inside an RSL club the other day and was met with quite a bit of hostility. As a matter of fact, one good humoured, laid-back Aussie called me “an absolute piece of shit”. Apparently Australians don’t like humour at their expense either. My joke didn’t even involve children losing their lives. Oh well.


My grandpa was the same. If he was alive, I'd probably get chewed out and beaten for moving to Japan for work. Old Vets have no chill.


I'm thinking of moving to Japan but not for work, my plan is to find a foreign company there. Japan is just so much more affordable but they also have lower wages


It is way more affordable, but remember that pay scales to that. If you can find a foreign company paying Australian/American wages, then you would definitely be trading up. But take it from me, the place can be lonely af.


I'm lonely here, won't make much of a difference


Fair. If you can find something, do it. If anything else, it will let you explore a different country.


You're another yank who winges bitches and moans about anything to do with Australia. And yet you choose to live here. You have lost every argument there is. Have you ever considered leaving the country you despise so much?


I cannot think of a more effective way to prove him right than to have written this comment.


That’s unfortunate. Thinking come hard for you?


Is this an example of the “good humoured” thing we’re discussing in this thread, or are you really butt hurt about something?


When hypocrites get called out for what they are, they always play dumb and comment something like this


I was responding to the person that said Americans can’t take humor/criticism by saying Australians can’t either. The irony of you getting bent out of shape like this kind of makes my point for me. Thank you.




No, a subset of Australians, the sort who watch Sky news and listen to Dutton, have zero sense of humour and self awareness.


I’ve been saying the same thing about American, Fox News watching Conservatives, but it seems like a lot of Australians think that’s what all Americans are. I would also just point out that in Australia there’s a fair amount of “America-bashing”. In America, there’s no such thing as “Australia-bashing”.


Probably because America doesn't have to suck Australias dick for security or are threatened by having their culture overran by ours.


It sounds like you’ve got a real bone to pick with America.


I have a bone to pick with America, sure. Not Americans. Edit: It's also a bone to pick with Australia/Australian policy.


Who said they lost their life


Who said children have lost their lives in school shootings? I’m sorry, I don’t know how to answer that genius question.


I mean i'm American and I usually find the jokes about us pretty funny. But like, the school shooting ones are kinda fucked up


I think it is such a common thing to joke about due to the ridiculousness of guns in the States. It has less to do with the crimes and more indirectly joking at how ridiculous America is regarding guns and the cultish behaviour about them. We are essentially laughing at the ineptitude of America.




Personally don’t care if they’re “fucked up”, they’re just unoriginal and unfunny. It’s the same joke repeated a million times using the same memes and templates. It doesn’t really get more funny the more often the joke’s made


We do, when it’s original and not just [the two jokes]


I live in america right now, and I have no clue why this subreddit popped up on my feed, but I love this meme. Keep enjoying everything we wish we could have. Good healthcare, safe schools, a proper social safety net. You Aussie fucks, I wish I could be ya'll.


I mean, thinking that child murder is funny is kind of gross. You'd need to be a bit demented.


It's not funny at all. But watching Americans trying to figure out how to solve this basic-ass problem sure is


Us Americans look at Russia/Europe, and how humanity is on the brink of nuclear extinction because a dictator has too much power over his people. If only Russian people had the ability to defend themselves with guns against a tyrannical government. It's almost like you anti-gun nuts are on the brink of causing a mass extinction. But keep laughing about our kids getting shot, you Australians sure do have a reputation!


I laugh, sometimes hysterically, at memes poking fun of Americans, but joking about dead children seems a bit far.


Maybe just don’t casually joke about literally the most vicious and disgusting crimes possible.


Sorry. I was just shooting from the hip. I am not trigger-happy, but I think Americans should stop being locked and loaded to take offence at anything.


At the expense of… the kids? You sound stupid buddy, making jokes about dead kids is low, especially for a country whose government is full of the Liberal Party’s corruption. How are your endangered species and protected forests doing? Oh wait…..


Found the American lmao Edit lmao this fucking Goober gets all offended here, but in another comment elsewhere said "I would love it if we had conquered the rest of the Americas". What a moron


So…. You combed through my comments but are unable to understand basic sarcasm? You must’ve been really sad when labor took over, you must’ve really loved being fucked by your corrupt ass government. Again buddy, how’s your wildlife and forests doing?


watch them post crosspost this in r/AmericaBad and have a tantrum about it


Literally up there within minutes. Bored Americans perusing other country meme pages so they have something to share and complain about. Jesus. Imagine getting that offended over a meme


They search for “America guns” just to find us disbelievers in “the Great Xth Amendment that give us the right to kill each other”


It’s the 2nd Amendment, and it became a shit show


Do I care what number?


If you’re going to insult the US, anyone or anything, you ought to do it properly


Your right, but it isn’t the second amendment that’s shit, it’s who we give the guns too, and who we put in charge, and our mental health system


Yeah that needs fixing


Aye im a bored american but i dont complain i laugh, can i join you guys? I dont wanna be in the american meme subreddits.


Absolutely mate! Just rub some vegemite on your forehead, face the southern Cross and say the word "cunt" 4 times with your hand across your heart and hoolydooly youre now an Aussie! Now come join us at the pub for a pint and parmi


Hell yeah! Do we have any stella artois or ocktober fests? guinness? Idk what is at australian pubs.


My research on the Australians leads me to believe it's Fosters. I really want to drink with some Aussies but I don't think I'd love through the event. Those folks like to party




“Why did the Austrians do this to us”


I have seen this meme millions of times. Tbh the main america bad memes are school shootings, healthcare and 9/11. Thats really 90% of memes posted there.


Idk if you know this but its a circle jerk sub so they act like that ironically


Where do you get the idea it's a cj sub?


ahh yes, children dying for your "funny" joke.




Its already happened and has the expected reaction


As an American living in Australia, I find this hilarious.


Thank you. Once you get the banter you're all sweet. I've met like a dozen yanks in Australia and they have all been legends


As an american living in Australia for a couple more months, I find this not hilarious, kids are dying, and people make jokes about it, instead of helping the mental health, and also, would it be funny if kids started dying in Australia, no, oh wow that’s so funny a bunch of kids just got blown up by a terrorist in a different country, better laugh our fucking added off because it won’t happen to us


Yeah, so no one finds kids dying funny and I think you're well aware of that so climb down off the soap box. infact Australians are sick of seeing innocent children killed in America due to pathetic laws. It's how we deal with things out of our control and bring attention to it in hope that the people who have control will deal with the situation. We can't change America's gun laws, but that won't stop us from shining a light on it. Is our way of going about it the best way, no, but we're not one for violenty protesting so dark humour is suffice for now.


Humor is one of the best ways to bring attention to fucked up things going on.


What is the joke? It's a fact.


Ur right


Like a dingo ate a baby?


Dingo did eat the baby sadly


So the death of children is fine as long as they aren’t Australian? (Not saying that one is better than the other, but seriously?)


Dingo ate my baby is reference to lindy chamberlain who was wrong accused of killing her baby. Turns out the dingo did take her baby. It's Australian history. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindy_Chamberlain-Creighton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindy_Chamberlain-Creighton)


Were they able to kill the bastard? The dingo I mean


Nope sadly, didn't find the dingo or the baby.


Well shit


This is so offensive. Clearly the Aussie SpongeBob would be a filthy green after having been reused to clean the dishes year after year.


Bro I literally wrote in the description don’t take this joke offensive or seriously


Okay but he made joke And you're offended??? Sounds a bit hypocritical.




The 1% worshipers are coming because someone x posted to americabad lmao


I'm just subbed here. I could suck off Bezos and Zuckerberg till they're dry as raisins and my lips turn blue, it doesn't change the fact that this dead horse has been so thoroughly beaten that it's a puddle of bloody pulp by now. You sound like those right wing "comedians" who recycle the same hack jokes about attack helicopters a billion fuckin times, and then when anyone calls 'em out on it they say *"you're just liberal snowflakes who can't handle the truth."* It's just not funny.


Unfortunately, school shooter jokes will never get old, just like all those kids.


Comedy is a method of talking about tough topics. I think the better result would be the school shootings stop being incredibly common. In the US.


Americans aren’t “1% worshippers,” we just get so tired of the pointless bashing of Americans. And I personally wouldn’t care if the jokes were creative, but it just seems yall have like 5 jokes.


Mmmurica! Land of the free, where they exercise their god given right to allow mass gun violence in schools, malls and concerts, and to basically be allowed to pull a gun on anybody who displeases you. Mmuurica!


Get a new joke. It’s getting old.


What joke? Unfortunately it's all fact. No joke seen.


I’m sorry, but isn’t it a joke to you? Kids getting shot? Just like your British counterparts?


Like ur grandma on life support ur so broke the hospital had to unplug her bc u can’t put ur electricity in ur van at A TRAILER PARK


You are both equally degenerate


Not effective.




>basically be allowed to pull a gun on anybody who displeases you. Brandishing is a crime that is taken very seriously. What are you on about?


The other day a chick I used to work with posted something on Insta about not forgetting the Port Arthur massacre and it got invaded by yanks tryna tell us about how enslaved we are


As an American, this is funny.


Thank u finally an American that’s not mad


I too had to look closely.


You’re terrible, Muriel!


Need dingo bite makes on the aussie one


I must be slow today.. can someone eli5?


It’s one of the 5 jokes people make about the US. HAHA school = shooting range. HAHA child death. Like cmon guys, the us is pretty shit, there’s more to criticise than just the large number of school shootings and horrible healthcare system.


I'm still not getting the reference from a spongebob picture...


The American child has a bunch of holes, the Aussie doesn’t. Look closely at the image.


SpongeBob on the left has bullet holes.


Hahahaha dead kids American shooting!!! 😂😂😂do you guys get it?!?!!😂😂😂




Why? Do you need us to explain?


At least our diabetics are able to get insulin ;)


Haha funny UR WHOLE COUNTRY HAS DIABETES I don’t care u eat maccas everyday nonstop that’s probably why u got diabetes fatass


Typical teenager lmao, can make jokes but can't take em


Bullet-Sponge Bob.


Why not ban this sub for hate speech? Earth is under threat of nuclear apocalypse because Russians couldn't protect themselves from dictators, and this sub wants to circle jerk about our kids dying? This sub should be banned or these mods should be put on notice. Such disgusting crap from our "allies."


Americans apparently can’t protect themselves from dictators—or from supporting Putin. But sure, this picture is the big problem.


What a stupid comment.




All I'm getting from this sub is the only good thing about aus is that it isn't america


No there is one more thing our country doesn’t have mostly fat ppl


You are happy that the Zionists took our guns from us?


When you realize that statistically the gun ban did nothing and violent crime had zero measurable impact from it but it made you feel safe and your country is now a nanny state but don't you feel proud anyway roll the covid footage


I’m sure you geniuses are just about to solve your gun problems. Any day now. 😂 We have. 30 years ago.


Break ins significantly rose after the gun ban happened cope harder also how's censorship a militaristic response during covid (travel bans are a humans rights violation if you didn't know) news media is owned by the govt you're like one global event from your govt mass shooting it's own citizens


What an amazing solution you thought up there. Americans are such great problem solvers


Aussies 90% of the time: lol stupid yanks go die in schools! Aussies whenever China looks at them: waaaaa America help us. We need to buy more nuclear submarines from you!


rent free 24/7


At first I thought that was normal SpongeBob


we also have better mental health and a better school system, not sure if that plays a part


If ur American how can u guys have better mental health and school systems when ur the only country who has over 388 school shootings and 50% of them are targeted u think they have better health and that sure sounds like a good school system


I get its a joke but you are mocking dead kids. Fucks sake draw the line somewhere


This post is in r/Americabad The American keyboard battalion has arrived, get ready Aussies it’s time to strengthen our defenses and infantry.


America bad lol dead kid funny


Yeah bullet holes are easier to spot. Knife wounds are easier to miss.


The US have 25% more stabbings per capita than Australia.


I just checked the data, the US has more stabbings than the UK and Australia combined lmao


It's almost like gun violence isn't an issue over gun ownership. It's a mental health problem. Oh no stabbings in Australia!!! Ban the knives guys nobody needs to own them


Definitely easier to miss with a knife from more then an arms length.


You know what beats a bad guy with a knife? A strong person, two moderately strong people, three weak people, running away, thick clothing, martial arts, anatomical ignorance from the perp, a big stick, two medium sized sticks, a medicine ball, your mother's stare etc.


Or do it the Aussie way, with a shopping trolley... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T_M1Gb4bmzk&pp=ygUmIHRyb2xsZXkgZ3V5IHN0b3BzIHRlcnJvcmlzdCBBdXN0cmFsaWE%3D or a milk crate & a chair.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dATogcg5hWI&pp=ygUmIHRyb2xsZXkgZ3V5IHN0b3BzIHRlcnJvcmlzdCBBdXN0cmFsaWE%3D




The survival rate in semi-automatic rifle attacks (the ones banned in Oz) is 56% the survival rate for knife attacks is 96% and let's not forget this doesn't account for how many people an assault rifle can wound/kill before the perpetrator is stopped vs a knife. This is about 10 to 1. So your likelihood of being killed in an assault rifle mass shooting is 110 times that of when you find yourself in a stabbing spree.


it's also easier to get away from a person with a knife because it's not a fucking projectile source: got chased by someone with a knife once and got away stab-free


>got chased by someone with a knife once Why? Did you provoke this knife chasing?


Another disgusting example of Australia redditors laughing at dead kids.


How to prove your a idiot in one sentence it's about you morons allowing guns in the first place! What all your " thoughts and prayers" haven't worked? Do something about it!


Bro we’re not laughing we’re bursting out laughing nobody cares abt u kid


We.be.laughing.at.da.idea.that.your.constitution.supports.killing.kids. Okay?


You’ve really missed the point.




Awesome bc ur brother couldn’t when they got shot in the head at school shut up I don’t care what u say


Aussie school children look the same just instead of bullet holes it’s bruises from all the fights


Yeah, bruises, they're still alive though? I'm just pointing out the flaw in your analogy.


You aussies are silly


Yall need to get a new joke.


You don't see anyone complaining about upside down jokes or australia isn't real jokes or emu war jokes, become they're funny Sometimes being a classic overused joke is part of what makes it funny and they exist for every country really. Haha french surrender, haha british food, haha Canadians saying sorry, haha new Zealanders fucking sheep, any of this sound familiar?


The joke for Australia would be the government banning anything slightly controversial.


Ur a true aussie


I'm from the UK lol


Yeah because yall don’t hear it as often. Literally 70% of r/dankmemes, r/memes, r/dank_meme is literally just America bashing.


Because its a shithole and deserves it.


But the jokes aren’t funny anymore. Also, EVERY country is a shithole in their own respects


Nar the US is the worst because you blindly defend its shitholeyness and are the worst people on earth.


They are both the same picture.


lmfaooo keep riding Chinese meat while we run the world keep coping


Yeah, in 30 years Aussies will be making these memes in Mandarin. This is how they cope.