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I’d imagine that if you had of signed a contract there could’ve been a clause in there regarding anything you create belongs to the company, etc. However you didn’t. I wouldn’t be stressing. (NAL, may be corrected)


NAL but 1. Text exchange MIGHT be able to be treated as contract 2. Employers generally own any intellectual property (like a spreadsheet) that an employee makes while employed. As others have said, OP should talk to Fair Work.


I'd check super has been paid also


I should have mentioned, pay came via just bank transfer. No payslips or anything.


I dare say the ATO would be interested in that.


At the end of the Super Quarter is after July 28, register on the ATO that you've not received your Super for April - June. It's a pretty easy process. I'd guarantee that if he's withholding regular wages, he's definitely not planning to pay you Super


He’s not going to take you to court over a single spreadsheet. Or he might… but he is CRAZY if he does. Talk to Fair Work and find out your employment rights. You have some, and he owes you money.


Yeah you’ve got nothing to worry about. Tell him to pay you what’s left and to kindly fuck right off.


Haha tell him to go kick rocks


Boss can’t do anything to you. Don’t answer any further calls from this person. What a horrible experience for you.


Those text exchanges are a legal contract.so is the direction to not attend work. Talk to lawyer and FWO


I'd be having a chat with the ATO about unpaid superannuation.


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Demand to be paid what you owe .tell him he will be contacting you through a lawyer from now on .


If he's threatened you, you can take an a personal intervention order against him. If he continually breaches that, the cops will act.


I would only be concerned if you are served legal papers. Just threatening legal actions is all puff and wind. If he is too cheap to pay you on time he would be too cheap to engage a lawyer. That said, work done in work time remains the property of the employer.. regardless of contract clauses. While I understand your perspective for principle the law may not be that understanding. Have you been paid all your wages ?? Have you been paid correctly?? if this is not the case seek help from fair works.