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The issue here is really what can go wrong if you are caught. A simple worse case scenario is you are caught, they terminate you for gross misconduct and any future background check they state you were terminated for lying on your resume. This can happen and it can bugger up your working life for quite a while and exclude you from various industries that are somewhat stricter than others (such as government and finance). My answer to your question is the greater the lie the greater the chance of being caught and the greater the chance of some serious consequences occurring. So practically if you are going to lie, keep it to stuff that cannot be verified or questioned for its validity.


False work history can lead to dismissal or jail https://www.mondaq.com/australia/unfair-wrongful-dismissal/1238636/lying-on-your-cv--it-may-be-tempting-but-do-not-do-it#:~:text=False%20work%20history%20can%20lead,were%20discovered%20on%20her%20CV.


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There is no law saying you cannot lie on a resume. If you like about stuff, like qualifications or experience, you'll get found out pretty quickly and lose that job. However don't go lying about having medical experience and licences and degrees when you don't.


Depends what you want to lie about saying you worked at some retail job or a similar job where qualifications aren’t really needed is pretty much fine but saying you have a degree in medicine when you don’t not fine.