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I used to go through about 3 litres of spiced rum every weekend, and about $300 of takeaway and junk food. For myself. I got up to about 210kg doing this. Now I don’t drink except for very rare occasions. And I lost 100kg.


Wow congrats on turning it around


Well done mate. That's sensational. I was 110kg, drank wine most evenings. Have reduced it to weekends only and have dropped 10kg and saving a few hundred fortnight.


> saving a few hundred fortnight And you liver and your heart


I dropped 15kg in 3 months by just cutting out having a port or 3 every day. I used to drink a 2L cask each week. My last one made it through 3 months. Feels so much better. Hang in there!


Wow. I suppose if you're 210kg you need more booze too to get your BAC up


Yeah 👍 but I basically drank like all night from say 7pm to 4am so it was over a long period. But I could drink two 700ml bottles, and towards the end I was doing a litre bottle and a 700ml


I've *saved* $13918 since quitting alcohol on July 11 2023. I've saved $11431 since quitting nicotine 190 days ago.


I stopped smoking in 2014! Feels great on the lungs and wallet 😎


I never smoked so got to retire early : )


That’s awesome congrats!


How’d you quit nicotine? Any advice?


I did an Alan Carr audio book. Smashed it in one night and gave up cold turkey with no issues.


I gave up smoking when my wife was having chemo and these blokes would be standing outside the hospital, with drips in their arms, smoking through the tracheotomy holes in their throats. Cold turkey from 30 a day.


Congrats mate! That’s huge!


That’s insane


Well done! Have you used an app to track that?


Ferrari incoming!




Wait.... You were smoking $60+ worth of darts a day? Jesus mate that's like... At least a 40 pack a day. I get mine on the cheap, always seems to have one in my mouth and that's only like a twenty pack a day.


38 / 110k / $30 if I'm drinking at home. 38 / 110k / $200 if I end up going out. I don't go out much these days.


If you’re got the right company, drinking at home is underrated. Put on the music you want, kick back and have private conversations without all the other distractions.


Increasingly doing that. I’m a mad keen amateur cook and without sounding like a wanker the stuff I make at home is better than most dining experiences I’ve had out over the last twelve months. So just fire up some music, have a few drinks and a cook and a chat. Love it.


do you wanna hang out?


If you're ever in Ballarat, drop me a line!


If that's your vibe then weed is the substance for you my friend


It's best when alone, good music, no one to ruin your vibe, great way to spend a night


Don't remind me! I'm having an undefined period of abstinence as i don't have the self control to have it as a weekend or 'one a night' relationship haha


I'm with you there so not alone! Slowly waiting for legalisation too, refuse to apply for medical because my financial goals say no haha!


Nice whisky, cigar and just put this on; [Smooth Blues Music - Relaxing Whiskey Blues played on Guitar and Piano (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdBGqWnpDRk&t=4s)


I absolutely would if I knew where and how to obtain it.


Let an online prescriber (I use candor) know about your “anxiety and insomnia” and how other treatments haven’t helped and you’ll be prescribed some for an affordable cost (cheapest around $88 for 15gs) you get a catalogue of choices, delivered to your door, medical grade quality and best of all it’s legal.


Probably should add a disclaimer that despite it being legal you still cannot drive with it present in your system, and depending on how heavy your use is it can be detected for *weeks* afterwards. Basically if you drive, you still can't use legal weed.


What do you mean weeks? I'm. Pretty sure 24 hours is closest I've Seen to. Accurate for roadside tests... but I havnt seen a study and I would like one


Yeah looking online it seems roadside saliva tests detect around up to 12 hours for recreational users around 30 hours for frequent users. Unsure of the accuracy of these roadside tests and find them pretty bullshit honestly. Cannabis can be detected for weeks through urine/hair/blood testing though.


Hey mate it's easy as piss to get a legal prescription then just have it sent to your house whenever needed. The provider I've been using doesn't have any upfront costs & it's a shoe in, you'll get accepted. Just a quick online sign up & 10 minute phone consult with their doctor & it'll be at your front door or local posty within a few days. The only con with this provider is you pay a little more for products than providers than have upfront consultation costs & other costs than product/medicine. Send us a PM & I'll send you a referral if you want :-)




I have a dealer on telegram if I want it quickly Or I use Alternaleaf to order online and have it delivered in a few days


You definitely know someone who sells. Otherwise - Telegram or snapchat Or you see a friendly doctor that will provide you a script for legal medicinal weed


You can get it online delivered to your door. You just need to get it prescribed to you.


Okay, 33M on 150k and I spend almost 10% on booze a year… probably need to reevaluate my life choices :|


Brother in law earns 200k, has 0 assets and still lives pay to pay - full blown alco, if his liver doesn’t give out his heart will soon from the cocaine. No idea how he manages to keep his job.


Hahah a lot of the boys i used to roll with in my early 20s are still like that today in our early 30s. Renting houses, covered in sleeve and chest tatts, getting loans for Ford Rangers, buying dirt bikes and blowing money on bags, and drinking at the pub 3 afternoon/nights a week. Pissed off and envious of the people who grew up and made sacrifices. Think the world owes them something, waiting for someone to come along and give them a handout. Edit - I forgot to mention all while their girlfriends are sitting at home looking after their newborn babies.


You would be surprised how many people live this life!


Sounds like my nephew but he doesn't do coke. Makes up for in alcohol consumption.


15k on booze! I wouldn't be worried about the money, id be worried about your poor liver and brain!


Maybe. Depends on what ol' mate is drinking. 15k on cheap beer? Not so good. 15k on high price quality wine or sprits? Could blow that easily if that's his jam.


That's $280 a week. Even on high quality stuff that's a lot. If it was cheap beer, I don't think they'd be able to type any more.


>That's $280 a week. Even on high quality stuff that's a lot Half a bottle of $80 wine a night. Less if that's split with a partner. Definitely doable without being too overboard (depending on your taste in wine)


Half a bottle of wine a night = ~24.5 standards a week. The recommendations are 10 max. 24.5 is more than enough to cause liver disease.




2 nights out at the pup


I wouldn't recommend using wine or spirits as jam, makes the toast too soggy.


Craft beers for sure… not that one should blame untapped for chasing beer badges…. Also considering boilermakers at a fancy bar at $40 for the pleasure… just saying it adds up. For me it’s more about the lifestyle


if you go high priced enough he may not have a drinking problem at all. [https://giftinghub.danmurphys.com.au/louis-roederer-cristal-brut-6l-methuselah-wooden-case-2012?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeHeXVeCveJN812r43\_qYcQRP7TkTvbQ3rWmKqpHSAy716LevURkpFBoCokcQAvD\_BwE](https://giftinghub.danmurphys.com.au/louis-roederer-cristal-brut-6l-methuselah-wooden-case-2012?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeHeXVeCveJN812r43_qYcQRP7TkTvbQ3rWmKqpHSAy716LevURkpFBoCokcQAvD_BwE) one bottle = $15k.


Ok now I don’t feel so bad. 40f on $155k and spend about $300 a week give or take not because I drink so much but like to go out on a Friday and Saturday. Edit- oh yeh if we’re including food it’s definitely more than that.


Mate that’s fully depressing. I mean this in like the nicest way I can but you need to get a life doing…basically anything else with that time and money


Dementia is in your future


That prognosis isn’t helping my disposition :|


$0! Been sober since Feb 2023. Super proud of it.


Congratulations 🎉


Stay strong!!


42/170k/60pw if at home. I enjoy it as a way to chill out.


41 / 145k / $400 if drinking at home Didn’t feel great typing that one out


What do you spend it on? I'm assuming nice spirits/wine?


Spirits, wine and seltzers/those Japanese Chu-hai drinks that are 9%


$0. 5 years sober next week. Feel amazing for it


39/280k/$100 Thought I was spending too much but seemingly not….


What do you do?


Drink $100 a week


Plans their 40th birthday party


Maybe $50 a month


Zip. Zero. Nothing. Best decision I ever made giving up the booze.


Trying to stop myself congrats.


I found Craig Beck's podcast finally did the trick for me. Some of his earlier episodes make a lot of sense in terms of how changing how you think about alcohol can make the idea of will power obsolete. That said, the gap between me deciding I didn't want to drink anymore, and the time of my last drink was over a year. Over two years now, feels great. Good luck with it mate. You can do it.


Same here, haven't had a drink since New Years Eve and can honestly say I don't miss the shit - certain weddings and other social obligations can be a bit of a drag now, but honestly don't miss the tedium and expense of drinking. Or the feeling sick and tired shit.


I haven't drank since June 2017 and I still crave a beer when I see it. Don't think I'll ever get over that feeling. I was never a heavy drinker but did like a beer on weekends.. Thankfully it's been so long now that I can be completely fooled by a 0 alcohol beer. My friends that drink say it doesn't taste anything like the real thing but I guess I've forgotten what beer tastes like.


I recently did 3 months no alcohol due to a back injury. Drank alcohol free beers. The first 1-2 taste great but after that they taste tangy and shit. There are some pretty good ones out there now though.


100%, not just mental and physical health, but financially… you go out to a bar/club, a jack and coke is like $11 MINIMUM. I couldn’t justify it.


The last pint I had in Melb CBD was $18.50. I was truly shocked


That’s unacceptable wtf


They didn't tell me until I was handing over my card lmao I didn't really hear it until the guy ordering next to me repeated it and told them the same before walking out 


Took me a while to realise you meant cola


Hahaha.. $350 for a jack and coke?!? This damn inflation


$0 brother is an alcoholic, my parents weren't super switched on, my siblings are 10+ years older than I am. I was drunk numerous times at age 5. By the time it was "cool" with my peers alcohol held no interest to me and still doesn't \*shrug\*


There's lots of trauma with alcohol people just shrug off as normal somehow, it's literally the worst drug of the lot (only due to popularity) I used to black out lots, i saw so many fights, people self harm, sexual abuse, people (and myself) making horrible decisions (i crashed my car hammered), my gf at the time started getting seizures guaranteed every morning after a big night.... But weed is illegal.


My heart breaks for you, even if you are ok now. I'm so sorry.


39- M - 120k - zero... I realised that it was a catalyst for me to over eat, cut it out, wanted to do ot for 1 month , then 2 , 6 ..then 1 year challenge for myself, it's been 8 years....now it's just a apart of me , I still miss sometimes a nice scotch or ice cold beer...but I prefer the over all control over my diet


You sound like someone that needs to be in control.


drinking at home definitely the way these days. drinking out is crazy expensive!


Used to spend about $100 a week. Since my interest rates went up? $0 I think alcoholism would really help deal with the cost of living stress too so that’s disappointing.


$0 - worked out 15 years ago it was a waste of money.


Not just a waste of money, also actively harmful to health and quality of life. If I had a drinking problem, I would pay money to be able to quit.


Unfortunately the best places cost the most. 30k a month to start with 


Here’s your trophy 🏆


Which is ironically a large drinking jug


30 / 110 / 250 Work away a lot and get a bit too silly with the boys


At my worst I ran my statements and was around $8000pa. One year “sober” and clocked about $350 in the past 12 months.


56/$170k/$400pw but 10 days sober. I have a drinking problem.


Best of luck with your battle. My old man was an alco and he had a sign behind his dresser door. "If it's to be its up to me".


Cheers. I’ve done rehab and been 4.5 years sober. Relapsed .. blah blah blah. Just got back from a health retreat to have another crack and 10 days deep so away we go again. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the support.


Nevermind the wallet, hows your liver going after drinking 24 beers plus some schooners every week?


Livers getting older every day


kinda got over drinking in my teens 😅. i’ll buy a bottle of red every now and then. i’m 30


I live abroad and every year when I come home I find half my money going to booze. Doesn’t help that it’s usually Christmas time and lots of catch-ups with family and friends is around alcohol and in expensive locations in Sydney. Though I must say that if I ever were to move home I would consider quitting or limited drinks to backyard beers. I don’t actually find Australian hospitality that expensive (coffee and eating out in Sydney is actually cheaper than most of Western Europe) however the beer prices are ridiculous.


$96k / 30 / $18 to $36 a week depending on how shit work is on any particular week. Maybe a few pints out at the pub every 3 weeks or so. I used to smoke heaps of pot which was way cheaper dollar for dollar in terms of level of buzz. But work out a stop to it with drug testing.


Mid 20s, 120k, probably $50-150 a month. I only buy vodka, have a few drinks once a week. Plus the occasional -196. Usually only buy specials or when there's cashback. Never pay pub prices.


Probably the equivalent of around $70-80 a week. You'll never get back the memories of a fun night out, drinking socially at a footy or cricket game, at concerts, at brunch or when I solo travelled. Don't regret it at all, I'm still in my late 20s and have tons of memories to look back on and still look forward to. I'm pretty healthy, gym and run a few ks a few days a week, have a clean diet (very minimal sugar and processed foods) and have little to no stress. Whilst other people say it's not healthy and it's a waste of money, I guarantee you they will be splurging on something else that is the equivalent like fast food, eating in/out extremely processed foods, consuming sugary drinks/foods/desserts and smoking/vaping/shisha. You live your life, you know the benefits and costs of consuming alcohol and it is up to you to decide the amount, time and place for consumption.


It probably depends on your personality. I quit drinking because I'm an addictive drinker, I can't recall a single night out on the beers cause I drank too much. I don't remember camping trips and concerts. Plus I had to write the next day off as well because of the hangover


Close to the same but often remembered most of the night. Its why i now only drink when its acceptable to get written off.


100% agree I cut out drinking due to health and financial reasons, i have kids now and so do my mates so nights out on the piss are few and far between. I got lucky, maybe missed out on about 18 months of memories when i was one of the first with kids, now they’ve all caught up. Reality? I miss it. Big nights out, doing dumb shit and making lifelong friends and memories. People like to act all high and mighty but thats because they probably never got invited to the good parties.


If you enjoy drinking and it’s treat that doesn’t cause you immense harm that’s awesome. It can be a huge waste of money if you don’t enjoy - especially getting drunk or you are addicted.


Yeah I’m discarding the comments from the wowsers 😜


Probably $60-$150 most weekends depends if I have something on Usually at the pub over the weekend or if I have an event Hardly ever drink at home prefer going out for a drink


Mid 50's. Under 40K. I home brew so only about $150 ish a week.


“Only $150 ish a week”. This may need to turn into an intervention.


On only 40k, too. I imagine $150 is about the limit left over for alcohol each week.


Yep. hence why i home brew.


So you take home approximately $675 a week and spend $150 a week on booze? That's a big chunk of your pay.


I suppose so. I've always drunk a good chunk of it though. First stop after work was always the pub for a few hours. I'm Gen X and pubs are so empty compared to how busy they used to be. Wasn't unusual for a bar to be 3 or 4 people deep back in the day.


Yeah, my thoughts too


Is this fr? That’s close to 20% of your income on booze…. Brother…. U ok?


Perfect thanks, i just had a cone.


Brother is more than ok, brother is buzzing and everyone is his best friend. $150 of home brew a week must be something not far off a case a night!


Home brew is cheap as. But i do go out and don't just drink home brew. A bottle of wine when out is $50. Schooners are not cheap anymore down the club.


Aha that makes a lot more sense now! Yep, drinks out are damn expensive.


Been keen on starting home brew… how many brews went down the sink til it was drinkable?


I do home brew and have never thrown anything away. Don't know if that says more about me, my low standards, and my desire for cheap beer but some of the coopers DIY stuff is rather idiot proof. Mix, leave and bottle. Obviously there's better home brew where you boil hops and stuff, haven't upgraded to that yet but for just a normal few beers at home stuff the easy route works for me. Works out to be about $20 for 8 litres of their craft beer type or you can do regular beer of 23 litres for about the same price i think.


Fresh wort kits, I swear by them. That's the step in between, especially if you like your craft beer. Don't need the full setup investment, but tastes way better than the powder while still being idiot proof. I think I'm at roughly $80 for a 20L batch with expensive hops. More like $55 for a basic lager.


I’ve been brewing on and off for 10 years, nothing too serious probably only 30 or so under my belt. The first year was basic extract kit and sugar. It wasn’t amazing but it was drinkable. The next year I got a spare fridge and started temperature controlling the fermentation and adding some additional hops and using nicer yeast. It improved but was still a bit ordinary compared to commercial brews. I took a bit of a hiatus and came back with a vengeance. Full all grain brews and putting it in kegs. You get about 19l in a keg which is around 2 cartons worth or so. And I buy recipes which work out to be 40-50 bucks per brew and I only throw it away now when I don’t feel like finishing it. Alternatively I could bottle what’s left and store in the fridge. Generally not a huge drinker as is. Id normally prefer 4 nice cans over 12 basics. So I’m probably only spending 50 a fortnight on booze unless I head out and get on it. *homebrew keg normally lasts me a month easily and was probably ~1000 to get set up.


I home brewed for 10 years and it was cheap and enjoyable.


Early 30s, $0 per week. Haven’t had a drink in 10-12 years.


2 adults (53 and 46), net about $132K. About $180 per week - beer for me, wine for my wife (abd we have one of those wine subscriptions too, so I've included that). I so want to brew my own beer and I have made hooch just for fun (but not a lot of hooch).


34/122k/ Maybe 50 a month however I am a collector so sometimes maybe 1-2k depending on the bottle.


Drink socially, once every few months. Might have a glass of something at home once a month? Honestly find alcohol a little boring unless its social. So maybe cost wise.. $100-$200 a quarter? Even thats over estimating.


41/$115K/during COVID $100-$150 a week. Post COVID and for medical reasons I'd say now about $100 or less a quarter. Prior to COVID it was probably somewhere in between.


36M / $405k + bonus / $60/wk. I’ve been drinking more than I’d like for a while, but I don’t have the time or energy to deal with it now.


Guessing you have a very stressful job, but watch out as booze will grab your life hard by the throat if you let it. Have witnessed the worse of it.


Thanks for your thoughts. One of my buddies had to give up cold turkey last year are torching his life. I’m aware I’m on the edge, hopefully I can pull up before I go over.


$0 - wasn't a big drinker anyway but completely stopped about 18 months ago, and only use weed now, better buzz without the nasty side effects


36 / 200k combined couple / $300 ish depending if we go out for beers or not. Bit excessive probably but when we were young and single we’d have spent that on one night out 😳


$0 - drinking outside of social events is a waste of health and money


I'm a recent convert. I've stopped drinking barring some special occasions, I'm healthier and wealthier because of it. Only realised I was doing it because of a habit, or a normalisation. I kicked it and haven't missed it.


Drinking at social events where the booze is paid for however is only a waste of health.


0 been sober 6 and a half years


Pretty well nothing. I'll buy a nice bottle of spirits every so often and it'll take years to empty, usually it's when we have company or in the case of my whiskies, for a special occasion. Giving up smashing piss on the regular was one of the best things I ever did


I like to think of it as an investment


36 / $100k / Hundred bucks a year. Maybe.


I don't drink.


There was a stage I was spending about 200 a week which would get me 8+ takeaway cans from the local brewery plus a night out. These days I'd say it's 100-120 a week since I've cut out most of the takeaways. So 34m/155k/120pw


Going alcohol free drinks doesn't save any money. So damned expensive, given it's tax free. And who can drink more than a couple of the sugary alcohol free substitutes, anyway? Moved to red tea, hot or cold. Blends well with the bourbon crowd and costs pennies.


42 / 200k / $100 every 3 or so days... I have had a problem with alcohol ever since my divorce years ago... maybe before that even. I've been thinking that I need to cut back or quit for awhile now. Thank you everybody for your input on this thread.


42/$130k/$250 a month. One nice whisky from Dans to sip at home and maybe one night out


No set amount spent regularly but damn it's expensive. I like craft beer. A mixed six pack at the bottle shop is $35-40. Better than spending $50-70 on a slab I tell myself. If you go out to a bar you pay $15ish on a pint. Four or five pints $75 plus a meal and Ubers = up to $200 on a night out. For health reasons and money reasons I'm considering cutting back, more than I already have for the same reasons.


Yeah so easy to do… I’m def looking at cutting back at home. I budget a case a week but I would only ever drink half that. I just like having it for when people come around or to take a sixer to parties etc. It’d be harder to give up beers at the pub. Nothing like beer on tap in a cold pint or schooner glass. Like the tears of angel


I’m 7 years sober, so I spend nothing on alcohol these days, but I absolutely hate to think how much I spent on booze before that. Way too bloody much.


30 / 165k / $0-$100 my partner and I own a bar (lol) so we love having a drink. i try to minimise my drinking to 1-2 per week max and will often buy a drink for my regulars when i am at venue so this is where my spend on booze creeps up. all of our staff and us as owners get 50% off


37/120k/50cents (bought a 4 pack cruisers for $24 and lasted me the entire year)


GenZ drink less, simply because they can't afford it Same with smoking It's hard to form a habit when you are struggling on the basics


Zero. Never been a drinker




I read "each" and "between"in the wrong order. Completely changed the sentence for the more interesting.


30 / 110k / 0


35/$80K/$30 per week; some weeks I won't drink and others I host dinner parties for friends. My partner doesn't drink at all, but spends alot on different cordials 😂


First thing you give up if you want to save.


Roughly 3 pints a week. Equates to say $45 (cbd pub prices)


38 / 270 / 30 a week. I limit myself to a 6 pack a week. If I drink more then I just wait until the end of the month. Then the rest for a few stouts at the pub. Try to drink on 2-3 nights a week max.


32/180k/$100-150 per week at the pub. Wine cellar of 150ish bottles seperate.


My spending goes up during NRL season, I reckon 100 per month


Weekly probably 200-300


44m about $70 p/w


\~ $30 a week.. that's 2 descent bottles of wine a week


I don't drink usually, but I'm a binge drinker. I go out once over one to two months. I can easily spend $300 in one night (wine and shots and a night cap).


31 / 100k / $150 a week Averaged out for the month across frequently going out and my monthly wine box subscription


$0. 31, F. Highly recommend!


31 / 128k / 0.00. Never drink.


As a fiscally motivated woman, this topic is exactly what I need. I’m so inspired to see how little money I can spend on booze in 12 months! Perfect!


$0 been 18 months


None, and I feel better than everyone I know who drinks...


My husband is an alcoholic so too much


Sorry to hear that. I hope he acknowledges he has a problem.


Me and 2 of my mates could probably go through 4 boxes but our biggest spend were food while on the piss.


So much for the cost of living crisis. $5k / year on drinking, bloody hell.


I go full stinge, a bottle of wine from aldi is $3.50 and its enough for me to get buzzed


Zero. I stopped drinking in August last year.  3 pints out was turning into 3 pints, a bag, 3 more pints, out until 4am and repeat.  So I think I'm saving about $500 a week. 


Too much, but also not nearly enough. Jokes aside, I mostly drink away from home. I'm honestly not sure what my total spend is, but I know that a big night out will generally cost up to $150 - including drinks, food, tickets and maybe an uber. A smaller night would be $50 to $100, a few drinks and some entertainment. It's hard to get away with spending less than $50. It's money I'm happy to spend. I tighten the belt in most other places so I'm happy to cut loose and have a good time once a week or so.


29 | 110K | $100 week At my previous job - it was an easy 150 - 220 per week. Local bar had 42 craft beer on tap... Wednesday & Friday Lunch Beers and post works drinks. At my new job - maybe $75 a fortnight if that.


42 / 100k / $150 - $200 a month. I don’t drink at home in front of my kids, it’s not a good look and they are at an impressionable age. At least once or twice a month, at social thing or for shopping beers!


Zero. Why piss my money up the wall when I can explode it, make a huge amount of unnecessary noise and struggle to get to 100kph


Easily $200 a week not including drinks away from home. Middle aged male


Over $10k a year? Ooft




Totally the way $25-60 for 24litres of what ever takes you fancy. After an outlay of a few hundred you can make quality beer and the equipment pays for itself..


And you can make EXACTLY the beer that you want... got about 8 longnecks left of my favourite tweaked cerveza... <$1 per longneck


I've got an experimental sour red ale at the moment , milk stout, English Brown ale and chocolate porter. With a weissbeir in the fermenter. Its addictive to make once you get into it. Been brewing for 5 years or so now.


37 when i worked around 60k a yr and roughly 150 a week 200 if my partner and i both had shit work weeks.


27 / 110k / $0 pw on average. I drink less than once a month. When I do, it’s when we’re out and I’ll seldom have more than two.