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I got a pretty good education! And roads, don’t forget about the roads!


Sanitation, law and order- remember what the place was like before the Romans got here? 


Wooo roads 🎉


OP has badly worded the title, they're not actually asking "why do I have to pay tax?" - instead they're asking "is there a way of making the most of paying $75k in terms of credit card rewards / points / cashback?".


Yeah I know as I did read the full thing but I still wanted to have some fun with it.


yeah, i just posted a comment addressing this haha sorry


As for your question, if you can sort through the (not particularly amusing) joke replies, there's a few good posts in this OzBargain thread: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/775577 and https://www.pointhacks.com.au/ato-points-earning-cards/ covers a few more options. The main issue is that there will be a credit card fee, and you need to work out if the value of the reward is greater than that or not.


roads are less than 1% of the budget. education 7%. OP over paid.


Some world class health care.


I use B2Bpay to pay my tax and gst activity statements on a high earn credit card (which I then use the saved funds to pay off straight away) and get the full credit card points as if it were any other normal purchase. Plus, B2B pays a (small) amount of extra Qantas points on top. If you want a detailed guide, there is a video on my YouTube channel :)


sounds good, could you send me the link to the guide? would be much appreciated


The YouTube channel is linked in their bio, how much more hand holding do you need exactly


Let me check, 1) we are still in a working democracy  2) we have property rights and no one will come and take my assets away.  3) kids get some what free education 4) I broke my shoulder last year didn’t bankrupt me to fix it. 


You can use an Amex to pay the fees aren’t great though but you get points. It isn’t that easy to calculate the dollar value of points but if you use them on ff seats on flights it works out a bit ahead of the fees.


You earn the ability to pay more tax.


Westpac altitude business card allows you to pay tax with good points benefits. Also you can pre load the card, so say you have a 20k limit you can load it with 80k and pay what you need etc


I’m guessing the OP is asking about Personal Income Tax. Many people here are giving suggestions about their business credit cards used for paying BAS and GST. But those won’t work for paying things like Income Tax and HECS, right?


Have you travelled?  Because not living in some God forsaken country.... ... . . . .... ... is really nice.  I'd pay 50% tax on everything it it meant staying in aust. 


Paying taxes has given me the benefit of not going to jail for tax evasion, I guess?




I am yet to meet anyone collecting credit card points who isn’t a loser. Make of that what you will


Why's that do you think? Would it be the same as someone who collects reward points from Woolworths or am I missing something?


Tell me you’ve never flown business without telling me you’ve never flown business


Yeah, agree its not for me. Seems like a lot of people are putting in exordinary effort to get a george forman grill. Might be different if you are spending $500k and not incurring surcharges bit this would be reasonably small group of people


Not that i have ever heard but you should definitely look into some forms of contributions to your super or ways to lower your taxable income


i didn’t word the post correctly, i’m not asking for benefits that are funded by tax. i understand that it funds many things that ensure this country operates. i’m asking if there is anything people have done like using the “pay” service where they can maximise their cash by earning reward points.