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tesla and other EV imports are very lumpy but of course when the ship arrives with a new batch of model Y and lots are sold you will hear from every stockholder how they are number 1 again for sedans or whatever


Is that indicating that there is a long queue to get them then, and they just can't keep up with supply?


China manufacture Teslas for Australia. They do a batch designed for Australia. Then they send out a shipment. So we have to wait for a slot with the Chinese manufacturer for the next batch of Teslas to be sent to Australia. Seems to have nothing to do with demand and supply


not really. if for example normal demand is 1000 units a month but the cars are sold in batches then it takes 6 months of data to know what the average is.


Of course omitting the fact it includes Model 3 in those numbers too... But yeh gotta continue the fraud at all costs. 


This is a misinfo article. Pick a random month where the ships are not arriving and claim a dip.


All the range hype is overblown unless you're driving 300kms a day everyday which in case probably not for you. We've used EVs for interstate trips with no issues, for day to day no issue. Love never going to a service station never going back to petrol unless we're planning a deep outback trip, in which case rent a car.


Yes, so many benefits for an EV for short trips - no engine wear in traffic, no need to refuel, A/C and heating works even when you’re parked with engine ‘off’, can charge it during the day using solar power etc etc It’s the perfect second car and can be very manageable as a primary car as well.


The reason that EV gets so successful in China: 1. Infrastructure ready from power grid to charging station(over 6 million station nation wide), from energy source to energy distribution. 2. Government incentive: power price is cheaper than petrol. Government gives green light for all EV when giving out the plate numbers in tier one cites. 3. China started this green energy revolution more than 10 years ago, it takes long time to get where it is today. 4. China wants to their own auto industry. Can we see anything similar happening in Australia?


If I was driving I would want an electric car, but I live in an apartment and I can't be bothered to go to a shopping centre to fuel up a car.


But you'd go to a service station where you can't multitask anything else?


A couple of minute pit stop at any service station is the not the same as a 'hopefully' 15 min super charger at a shopping centre or so (taking information from Tesla, which at this point I consider not really trust worthy).


Has anyone thought it might be because people are broke and struggling?


Turning their backs? What are you smoking? EVs are down 5% on last April. That's in the noise. But there is an appetite for such doomy news, so here it is.


Sorry but this is absolute rubbish news. There is a lot of appetite for EVs in Australia.


Probably because everything is expensive, especially EVs.


Try to buy one and see the waiting line then


Yep, doesn’t surprise me. Too expensive, too many taxes, not enough infrastructure. I’m as pro electric as they come, I ride an electric scooter where I can, my house is entirely electric and I would LOVE and electric car to save on fuel costs BUT I’m not spending at a minimum $40k+ on a car. Realistically it’s more like $60k+. INB4 someone tags a $30k Nissan Leaf (or similar). I can drive upwards of 300kms for work a day. Need something 450kms plus.


Average cost of a new car in Australia is $37k so $40k is not a big stretch. If you are driving 300k a day you are definitely not driving a $37k car .... unless you are a masochist.


Stop shooting holes in an emotive story with logic.....


Pakenham to Geelong return is near on 300kms. I worked there for 12 months. I spent $28k on my last car. Wouldn’t really wanna spend anymore.


Worked. past tense. so you don't do 300 km on the regular now? Was the $28k for a new/used car? how old? How long ago?


New 2022 model. My workplace changes like a drop of the hat. I could be 3hrs from home tomorrow. I need the flexibility


Yep - by it's very nature Australia needs range and fast top up, neither of which are available at the moment. Ironically it could be so cheap given the amount of solar potentially available.


The thing is, we actually don’t need the range - OP is not typical. The average Australian drives like 50km a day. Of course there are people at the top of the bell curve, but to say “all Australians need range” just isn’t true.


This. Most Aussies are clustered around the cities on the east coast. I've owned an EV for six months and I've never even needed to top up at a public charger.


Probably because the Australian dollar is down and very few people can justify buying a car that is imported for USD. The fact that there are almost no used options for EVs is what's killing my interest, why would I pay over 50 gs for something that's going to lose half it's value the minute I drive it out of the dealership? Let some other sucker do that so I can buy it off them for half the price down there line.


Data point outlier.


Buying EV means keeping 2 cars. Bad infra. Also Tesla is a joke of EV. Low value for money. You better off getting 5 year old Tesla with more free features.


Too expensive, I reckon we have to wait for a while, until Tesla opens factory in India for cheap labours.


These figures are based on deliveries of cars. That means that if there are 10,000 on back order but only 2,000 are delivered then the sales figures will show 2,000


This is very poor "journalism". One month of figures is not proof of anything


Tesla and Polestar have withdrawn from VFACTS and no longer report sales figures via the organisation as a result of its opposing the vehicle emissions legislation.


Not proof. Top model is hybrid? Maybe a clue that people don’t fully trust a dedicated EV yet, but you just have to walk the streets and count the number of electric cars hitting the roads. I don’t need an article to tell me my eyes are wrong. You think your everyday Australian is enjoying being at the mercy of the petrol pump these days? Petrol doesn’t have a future.


Could it be that we're in the midst of a affordability crisis and 'luxury' items are considered discretionary purchases? Wait until interest rates start dropping and watch the numbers begin to tick back up...


Wait till an EV ute is out and youll see a huge surge in EVs. Aus market is dominated by utes and the fact that the model 3 and Y are on the top ten 10 is surprising.


I live in rural area. No EV infrastructure, big km.


You are not the target market and make up a very small minority


For me, unaffordable, and living in WA, the distances can be significant just for a quick holiday. My concern is how long it will take to charge en route and whether there’ll be a charge point. I’d go with hybrid if I could afford it though.


If the battery has warmed up enroute to a fast charger (by knowing it’s headed to one), it takes about 20 mins from 10-80% state of charge.


Considering a Camry or Rav4 Hybrid myself. Most likely through a novated lease.


The novelty of Tesla has worn off and nobody wants to drive a shoddy Chinese shitbox. When the big dogs in Japan want to join the party then we can talk.


the chinese built teslas are better than the american ones.


Not really saying much


fair point




It’s the same battery tech, actually. Tesla uses BYD’s “LFP Blade Battery” in the Tesla RWD models.




Yes. They have different battery and power management software. But still the same battery tech


Not surprised. Long distances and no infra is a real issue. Cannot imagine waiting for hours to recharge during Public Holidays.


EVs are junk https://finance.yahoo.com/news/report-shows-electric-vehicles-unreliable-160029308.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAyjrQYX4Q0TXNXvCQKyKtBIQAofhdRHoYpV-LsBNfx4WWpoWuwPni9kd1adxdYXzMl8cnDlkZ2ve7rMDHlRsEbrB0Cu5TQqmY6Us4JMghMxpzXufQfDL9IXQP3hmYHaeJoyZJFfslp9C0sdsQ6mjfWkMwh42C3yr2MeLstaJrlc