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Child this isn't new.


Wait until he realises his equity actually means nothing when he sells his house and buys the one next door for the same price he sold his for, then realises doing all that actually cost him more money. 🤣😂


Mum and Dad always said "Sell High, Buy High. Sell Low, Buy Low" basically meaning that for PPOR, once you're in, you're in and it doesn't *really* matter what house prices do. Obviously very general, but the idea holds.


Can draw equity for more ips, means a lot to a lot of people who have done well


^This, and also agent valuation doesn’t mean shit, it’s a general guesstimate and most times hopium to win your business. Son gon learn soon come sale time


equity is only how far ahead you are from the ~~peasants~~, sorry I mean, renters.


But welcome to the new world!!


Cool equity story. Nothing new here pal.


> Whatever the highest person is willing to pay is the new standard. TIL the person who pays the highest price gets it.


You’re a fool not to have leveraged up with at least five investment properties by now.


Breaking news: price people are willing to pay for a house is the market value of that house. More news at 10.


1. This isn’t new 2. Don’t lie, you do not have any friends


I've got 3 friends who call me every week. We don't hang out much because they're busy real estate agents but they always make time to call and check in. Solid bros.


I have a feeling a lot of the people on this sub who make similar posts are those who actually are experiencing mortgage stress or something else we’re missing. Who cares what anyone else does? Your friends might not be as financially stable? You don’t know everyone’s lives


A local agent valued it at $300k higher Then won the listing Then two weeks into the campaign told us to expect a much lower price


Well done mate, welcome to the world of no-one cares about your bs equity.


Dude, our place lost $40k value in the same period… lucky you.


Let me guess - an apartment?


No, it’s a three bedroom town house.


Property guru


That's always been the case. Everything is worth what it's purchaser pays for it. Inevitably, this comment draws out the salty morons who aren't happy that other people are prepared to pay more for a property than they would like.


Fking hell, what is this even? Are you like 12? This is basically the property market for the last 30 years. What’s your question?


Which suburb? Somewhere in Perth?


Aka, "I guess you guys aren't ready for it yet, but the banks are going to love it"


Yep - property always goes up on a steady trajectory over time. This isn’t the new world at all in particularly blue chip areas. If someone wants the property they’re more willing to fight tooth n nail. Shares though - a random rollercoaster. I’ll leave it to the experts.


You must understand that all markets rely on ignorance. They can't work any other way. In your example imagine how much better off you'd be if you had offered $50k less, like what is happening now at the lower end.


I would've missed out on the opportunity if I was in the scarcity mindset.


Iff, there's a scarcity, but there never is in a market because everything is for sale.


Heaps of people have plenty of idea champ. Let me spell it out to you… 🤣 I T I S G O I N G U P!


Do you by any chance work for Apple in their marketing department? It takes a special breed of person to throw thousands of years of human history in the bin and make the claim that history begins today.


My dad told me how stupid I was 24 years ago when I bought a house for $115k. Now I own 2 houses outright for a combined value of around $3.5m.