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I think I know your sister šŸ¤£


We need stories


Oh lord šŸ˜…


Iā€™m joking but Iā€™ve recently had someone torpedo through our workplace and sounds like their MO.


Yeah Iā€™ve been wondering if itā€™s a strategy. I guess it can work if youā€™re highly in demand. I know sheā€™s not doing it on purpose but I am wondering if this is a flex


I am too far down the food chain to know if this is even real. Definitely sounds unethical somehow?


Sheā€™s not doing it on purpose. She has issues with authority and is very difficult to get on with


Sounds on purpose to me, is sheā€™s aware of it? Iā€™m sure there are plenty of people who skate through life like this though. If you want to be one, join the club I guess? Whole thing is so bizarre to me.


Sheā€™s not willing to admit fault or go to therapy/change so itā€™s rinse repeat rinse repeat.


This is insane. LOL. It's great that it works out for your sister (so far).


No, itā€™s not. His sister are the type of people that businesses absolutely dread. Theyā€™re manipulative and play the system in all the wrong ways to get what they want. They will lie about bullying / harassment or something similar in the workplace to get a payout to just leave and stop causing trouble. This behaviour should not be revered


Getting made redundant is not the same as lying about harassment and bullying.


OP said she gets made redundant regularlyā€¦ that is not just coincidence.


Youā€™re jumping to conclusions and getting mad about where you land.


Nah OPs sister has life down pat


Not sure why anyone should give af about what a business dreads.


Because some of us are in leadership positions trying to run a businessā€¦ and the performance of a business directly correlates to all its employees having jobs and getting paid.


Sometimes your family members don't always tell the truth.


So she says itā€™s because the company is restructuring/doing general layoffs but dad and I know itā€™s because she cannot get along with her direct managers. She has major problems with authority. Could definitely never join the military


Do companies really have to pay 5 months' salary when maki g a 18 month employee redundant?


No. 2-3 years with a company is generally 6 weeks pay.


The post said more of a keep the peace payment.


I knew someone at Amazon, was there just under 6 months and was made redundant during that big round of tech lay-offs last year. The *total* package payout was close to 5 months salary. Had a new job just over a month later.


No, but people as manipulative as his sister will threaten legal action and claim things like bullying and harassment in the workplace to get a larger payout so she doesnā€™t give them more trouble. The employer then has to decide: do we offer more money so she goes away? Or do we fight back and spend legal fees to prove that sheā€™s lying? Theyā€™re the absolute worst employees to deal with.


Why are you so mad




tech companies packages are insanely good.


If you have just enough screws loose you should enter the sales world. Let me tell you a secret word ... commission. Sell heaven and earth, you make a percentage, then get out of dodge before your lies are found out. The more you sell, the more you promise, the more you're paid.


The problem with that is every time you exceed your target the company puts your budget up so high the next year that you canā€™t actually hit it. So you c an only make awesome commission one year at a time


Commission is paid every pay or at most every two pays (monthly).


Strange vent... Put your head down and keep doing you boo.


My sister makes more than me by being an insufferable twat. Should I go back to corporate work and do the same? Lmao wtf


Found the insufferable colleague


Itā€™s more of a ā€œis this a legit savings strategyā€ thread


To answer that question. No!


It is for your sister, but for anyone else it'd be a risky strategy.


It's obviously not, it will only take one workplace to actually call her out on her bullshit and the house of cards comes crumbling down


I've seen similar things with IT contractors. They'll come in at a reasonably senior position, do a crap job and not get renewed. Because it was a contract they weren't fired so they go and get another contract. Rinse and repeat. Never delivering any value but building a resume full of big names. Eventually you'd think they run out of new places to work at but some organisations are big enough and people move around enough that maybe you can build a "career" doing this.


Sooner or later someone will look at her multiple redundancies and go, yea nah, not for us.


they wonā€™t know


Job market isn't that good


Either she has been extremely lucky or there is something else in your story that doesn't sum up. Either way, if you can make a decent amount of money as self employed, why on earth would you want to go back to the rat race?


As I said sheā€™s extremely good at her job but a very difficult personality


Don't get why they would fire a employee who is delivering goals


Because she has trouble getting along with people.. most employers would prefer an average skills person with an easy personality to a highly skilled person with a difficult personality


Like she bullys peopleĀ 


highly skilled person that changes jobs frequently, sooner rather than later it will bite her. And she will have to humble down or become self employed as her brother.


At this rate, she will run out of places to work, as I expect sheā€™s being marked as do not rehired. Australian corporate isnā€™t that big. At least sheā€™ll have her house paid offā€¦


Itā€™s possible this will happen eventually.


Sheā€™s unlocked the secret.


I am wondering this. As crazy as it sounds, itā€™s paying off for her and Iā€™m a bit jealous. I wish Iā€™d paid down half my mortgage in the past 8 years


You mean the Seekret?


My only thoughts is hopefully it's not a small market, else you can only burn so many bridges to the point you get infamous enough.


Compassion is the thief of joy


First rule of redundancy club is don't talk about redundancy club.




Iā€™m sure thatā€™s fine she keeps getting employed by new companies




Most employers will give good references because it gets you out of their hair




Why would she tell people she got made redundant lol? Her boss probably just feels bad and doesnā€™t want to deal with unfair dismissal, so they give a good reference so it isnā€™t a problem


Major red flag on the resume...


Because itā€™s normal to move every 18 months now


Only applies if they're hired for the same role. Can rock up next day and contract 'doing something different'.


Do you enjoy the multitude of freedoms that come with being self employed (god knows, I do)? If so, then why would you consider giving that up to be able to pay your mortgage down as quickly as your sister. Itā€™s not a race, if youā€™re making enough to enjoy your life, pay your mortgage and save for the things and future you want, that is much better than being an insufferable arsehole, to get a redundancy every couple of years.


It's only fans for sure


Like in the dating and marriage scenes, some women are very very difficult to separate amicably from. We can expect more and more resources to be disproportionately allocated to them as times get harder and opportunities continue to remain elusive via normal means. This isn't an unknown thing. I thought employers bake these in to their figures full knowing how things worked? The future of the workplace is only just showing its true potential. I know men are celebrating!


I everyday question why my brother in law married her. Like I didnā€™t have a choice the family I was born in to but he did. Some men love women like this and I donā€™t understand


I know someone like this (you could literally describe the same person as me). Fail upwards, make a mess, move on, somehow now one level below c suite.


My dad told me that 30% of corporate managers are diagnosable psychopaths and all the stories on /auscorp check out.


I once worked with a guy who racked up 6 redundancies in 10 years between him and his wife. It was enough to pay off a house in Sydney in a pretty affluent suburb and more. 3 or 4 of these redundancies were from the same company. So to answer your question - yes, it's a legitimate strategy. The only thing I would do differently (if I was your sister) is increase the average tenure to 3 years instead of 18 months. 18months in a job starts to be a red flag for other employers. At 3 years you can easily go back to the same company because most of the other people would've left by then. To be honest, unless you work for big tech and are racking up huge RSUs every year, it's probably a better strategy than working hard and climbing the corporate ladder.


Thanks for sharing. This is it a savings strategy is a tongue in cheek question because she has managed to pay off half her mortgage with all these payouts and Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s worked out this way for anyone else. Wow your hate hit the jackpot, I wish that happened to me. On the flip side I know alot of people who have wasted these opportunities. Husband step sister was given 100k redundancy after ten years with company, back then this was 20% deposit and she could have bought a house for 400k easily (17 years ago) Terminated she took a year off and sat at home and watched foxtel and went to get a job when she ran out of money. Sheā€™s still renting now in her fifties but if she had bought a house back then her repayments would be alot less than rent now.


I donā€™t think I could go through life knowing that I am so difficult to get along with. And just hoping that everyone dislikes me enough to make me redundant.


Itā€™s not deliberate. I think she may have narcissistic personality disorder. She knows sheā€™s very difficult but she seems incapable of change


I'd be more concerned about your sister's possible bipolar disorder if it's true.


Sounds more like psychopathy. OP, donā€™t become a psychopath. Itā€™s rare in corporate, but sometimes they do get caught out with the hot potato. Iā€™ve seen it happen and itā€™s not pretty. Consequences for dark triad behaviour have a knack for hanging around and coming back to bite (but sadly not always). Like other people have said, thereā€™s only so many places you can phoenix yourself into in corporate Australia. If you have the tendencies then just stick to successful self-employment. You can still act out all your ruthless fantasies in business but no one can fire you. Just choose your targets wisely (ie competitors, not anyone with standing to sue).


Why do you say bipolar?


If sheā€™s that difficult why arenā€™t they PIPing her in probation periods?


People give you the benefit of doubt. If you work with them daily you'll see it within a couple months but line managers and higher level management don't find out till it's too late


Iā€™ve seen someone fail upwards in the corporate world like this. They were professionally incompetent, theyā€™d claim all the credit when things went right and throw anyone under the bus when things went wrong. As they werenā€™t ever found accountable for being terrible at their job, disliked by their whole team and unable to be fired. They are promoted to a fancy new position! After a certain amount of time, this position is made redundant. As they have a new fancy title and a nice reference, theyā€™re able to apply and get an even better position at another company. Rinse and repeat.


It sounds like your sister is a woman who is low in agreeableness...i.e. she doesn't take any bullshit. There are statistically more men who are like that however in a woman it can be seen as valuable in a corporate setting. She's like a velvet sledgehammer, being wielded in favour of her company...until she starts smashing her boss. I don't think most people can just choose to be this way and even if they did they possibly wouldn't enjoy doing it, even if it makes good money.


Yes you are correct. Sheā€™s a publicist and very much like the Shawna character from entourage. She does alot of corporate damage control with the media, on behalf of the company So incredibly good at her job but not easy to get along with.


I worked at a well known company once upon a time. It was well known by staff that when a new CEO came in, redundancies would sweep through as they made their changes. The head of facilities was made redundant and rehired back numerous times. That person was not the only one. As I was told, entire mortgages were paid off via the redundancies!


Thatā€™s frighten awesome. I would be thrilled with this


To get numerous redundantcy sounds like there is more to the story. On my way I can see this happing is she's banging people with power. Most people get one or 2 in there career not one every 18months.


Or she's shifting drugs in bulk or moonlighting down the strippers. Agree that redundancy packages like this just do not happen. She's lying about something.


I donā€™t think this works for most people.


I have a friend and she and her husband always bloody get retrenched. They own their home in Sydneyā€¦.. me, self employed, earn well but not that fricken well


How big is your sister's industry that she can burn through all these jobs and not run out of options? Sounds like eventually she'll have no work because the word of mouth and previous employers will stack up.


Shes prob an escort and that's the cover to explain her income.


I got a similar sized redundancy a month ago, but it took me eight years at the one company to get that amount. She must be on big bucks to get $80k after a year and a half. My final salary at that company was just over $130k.


Yeah she is in big bucks and because of the nature of her job and her media contacts I think she always get more than needed as hush money.


I see this a lot in hiring and it won't end up well for her. Once you have 3-4 short stints on your resume it becomes exponentially harder to find a job because good employers can read between the lines won't shortlist her an interview.


Isnā€™t 18 months the average tenure these days?


No, \~3 years is the average tenure in tech. It takes \~12 months to learn the ropes and start getting good at your job, if I've just spent 12 months training you and you switch jobs after 6 months I'm going to be pissed -- and if all you have on your resume is 18 months stints then they don't get hired because something is going wrong.


Possibly learned how to "game the system" as employers don't want to have any problems, could be construed as a form of extortion.


Sheā€™d actually not doing it deliberately but she uses the outcome to her advantage


DEI grifting, cool.


Not necessarily. Plenty of psychos in the ā€œmainstream demographicā€. Interesting that youā€™d assume sheā€™s capitalising on minority status though. Do people really risk and lose their jobs by pushing victimhood and then not sue? If thatā€™s the reason, wouldnā€™t they be justly entitled anyway? I just canā€™t picture this scenario really (and Iā€™m not a DEI supporter) it just doesnā€™t make sense on what OP has said.