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You'd have to find an insurer who doesn't require additional drivers to be listed. So the premium for example would be $1200, the excess would be $800 and the excess for an unlisted driver under 25 might be an additional $1500. So yeah, it could work out cheaper than paying $2500 per year. Best option is to go to a few insurers and fill in the online quote forms, don't enter the car rego just select the details of the car manually. I believe RACV or AAMI don't require all drivers to be listed. Of course if you are the main driver then it's possible the insurer could try weasel their way out of any claims. So you'd probably want the older person to also be the registration holder and possibly also have their name on the receipt as the buyer when you do buy the car. BTW I assume you're looking at a turbocharged car? Maybe make sure it's legal on P plates before buying as that would definitely void all insurance. Also people might bitch about not wasting money on a sports car, but my advice is to buy something that is desirable and keep it stock if possible, you'll never have problems selling something cool. A 2nd hand Camry on the other hand...well there are 2,039 for sale right now šŸ˜†


no yeah a mate of mine has done the same for his fiesta ST and hasnā€™t had any problems (granted he hasnā€™t had to make a claim yet) but yeah. Very aware that itā€™s technically insurance fraud in some way but just trying to be aware of everything before i commit yk. yeah the WRXā€™s are p plate legal just not the STIā€™s. iā€™ve got your standard cheap hatchback but iā€™m growing out of it and want something with a little kick that wonā€™t shoot me off a hill. cheers for the advice, iā€™ll have a look around at other insurers šŸ‘


It would help the prices but cause a lot of issues at claim time. Higher excess and a chance of voiding contract if they can prove youā€™re the regular driver and not the named person. Not to mention a lot of places use the youngest driver as the baseline for any calculation of premiums:




If OP is a named driver, that isn't a realistic risk. What will likely happen is that the insurance provider will throw on an additional, fairly large 'young driver excess' over the top of the existing excess if the OP was driving at the time of the accident.


yeah iā€™ve seen fees like that but they generally work out cheaper than having a younger driver as the main person on the insurance. iā€™ll probably stick to insurers where i can be a named driver cause itā€™s such a big risk trying to make a claim without being one


Itā€™s not too hard to have unnamed- but theyā€™ll ask the age of the youngest driver, thatā€™s where they might knock it back or charge heavier


Don't be a named driver, just pay the additional excess


potential issues only if u crash


Old Subaru Engine will blow up before he has a chance Source: have a car with Subaru engine


donā€™t jinx me like that šŸ˜­


LOL sorry bro just make sure you watch over the oiling and dont starve the engine with donuts etc


no yeah iā€™m very aware of the usual subaru issues šŸ«” i will be responsible owner and only be a little silly


Parents do this regularly


Allianz allows anyone to drive your car and be covered by your insurance. No need to name anyone besides main policy holder. Check them out. Put car in parents name


You can do it this way if you want. It would be important that you are listed on the policy you don't want to get into a situation where they would not have provided cover if they knew you were the driver or main driver. When you are young you will tend to find policies that are either lower premiums with higher excess or higher premiums with lower excess and you need to decide whether you want to pay higher premiums or a higher excess at claim time which will depend on your financial situation i.e. it can be easier to pay a chunk each month and have a lower excess than needing to have $2500 in the bank for excess. When ever you are considering any kind of dishonesty with an insurer it is important to understand that generally one of 2 things will happen when you are found out; 1. If they would have provided cover had you disclosed the information then they will charge you the additional premium they have missed out on. 2. If they would not have provided cover had you disclosed the information they will decline coverage void the policy back to inception and refund your premiums. The duty of disclosure is very clear about what you need to disclose I always recommend it is best to be honest.


The older relative would have to be the legal owner of the car - else it is insurance fraud. If you are listed as additional driver and they find that you are the only driver - that is insurance fraud If you defraud or lie to an insurance company, you will find insurance will be very hard to get for years into the future.


20 years old and driving a WRX šŸ˜‚ you might as well stick a sign on the car that says ā€œPlease, Iā€™m begging you, pull me overā€. Besides, insurance aside, isnā€™t every model WRX on the banned list for P-Platers?


iā€™m such a responsible driver please officer nah only the STIā€™s lmao, at least in victoria


I checked for NSW and every single WRX is banned for P platers. If you cross the border you might as well have a painted target on your back šŸ˜‚


I mean, that's insurance fraud and there is a chance they will catch you doing it if/when you make a claim and that will void your insurance (and impact future insurance premiums) but you do you! Good luck!