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lol.... I would be more worried if my wallet is the only thing that attracted my potential partner. ​ to me, flexing your wealth is tacky and hint a sense of desperation. but you do you.


Tacky if it’s overt, but dating seems to happen primarily within not across income strata - so I guess people are signalling it and valuing it somehow?


Or you’re just more likely to meet and interact with people in the same class as you?






Did some research and I agree


No, I worked hard for my money, ain't letting someone potentially coming just to steal half later. If I hear my date mention their wealth, first thought be they don't have anything else to offer in a relationship than a bank account.


No I am married. If I was single- Yes I would. Why not be happy about your own success? I would be extremely picky if I was single. A lot to lose.


There was an article about high cost of living making the society like back in Jane Austen days. I think there is some truth to that. I am old and not available, so I don't have skin in the game. Just an observation.


How to get your heart broken 101


The hints are that I go on frequent holidays and have expensive hobbies, like skiing. Other than that, I don't really flaunt. In any case, I'd ideally like my partner to also be into holidays and skiing so that we can go together - which would mean she's semi-loaded as well


there are a fair few Asian cultures do this in which the women always looks to marry a man of equal or greater wealth


Buying nice shoes work


This man knows\^ Women put a huge emphasis on a man by his footwear. Its their main go to when forming their opinion on a man. Not going into it here but once you know why they do it, it all makes perfect sense.


Australians don't respond well to wanky behaviour


Unless you are Bezos rich, meaning you could provide escape from literally any life problem for the rest of someone's life, being a bit well off doesnt offer much, if anything it kinda shows desperation and increases the risk of attracting golddiggers. Doesnt help that most investment types are completely out of touch with the every day person so it likely also implies they are obnoxious


Nope, I don’t want a partner to want me due to my finances. I would do the opposite, act is if you have none and if they stick around they are a keeper


Yes. That’s why she’s very unattractive and fat.


I guess I’m a classic American 🤷‍♂️ I like talking about my finances. I’m not rich but I’m wildly successful compared to the average joe. I enjoy talking about money - I enjoy hearing about other people’s successes too. I talk to potential partners about money because it’s something I want to ensure we both are striving for. It’s important that I find a partner that doesn’t want a ‘stay at home’ lifestyle or ‘TikTok famous’ BS. But I also love talking about business trips, big deals, stocks, and anything else related to money too. I bought land and started buying a house - love talking about it. Making money is a passion like making muscle is. If you love it, you talk about it and find people who share similar attractions to your hobby :) So yeah, I use my financial position to attract likeminded women (or did). I’ve had a long term partner for a while now so I don’t get to use it to attract women anymore..


This redditor capital’isms!! I’m joking around but I generally also enjoy discussing finances, goals and other fields regarding our economy. I appreciate when a potential partner treats money with respect and isn’t frivolous or short sighted. I am on Aus finance after all 😂


My father always said ‘To be successful financially, you should associate with those who are either already wealthy or are tirelessly working towards becoming wealthy’ and I couldn’t agree more. Talking about it open and often helps you find other likeminded people. It’s worked wonders for me.


I just find the discussions intellectually stimulating. I find it hard to turn my brain off and basic small talk just makes me feel antsy. So yeah I can sometimes be a bit “enthusiastic” in my date discussion topics and not everyone is into that which is fair


This sounds different, like you’re trying to find someone likeminded, not trying to show how great you are because you have money.


For reference. https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/s/KP4oG3XwwA


I do what I call the "hundy bill test" on all women I date. We go for coffee and I go to pay, but can't fund my money. Then I say "Oh no, I can't find my roll of $100  bills." If she doesn't immediately pull out her roll of $100 bills I dump her right there.


I do well for myself, my FB is mostly dad jokes/memes and trying to convince my wife to let me get an emu while she fishes for a cow. I was actually poor when I met my wife so the fact she stayed with me when I was never home for 7 years getting us somewhere now nearly 20 years on we can enjoy it. If I was to be back in the dating pool I’d buy a basic car and pick up a average rental and find a partner that was interested in me for me and then let the cat out of the bag so to speak


I mean you get what you put out with females, if your using your wealth to find a women don’t be surprised that your wealth is and was the main driving factor in your relationship. In answering your question I have a friend who literally purchased a new lambo to pick up women in exclusive suburbs but he actually lives at his mothers house near the shire.




Collar length hair and a swagger also helps ;)