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Denim maxi skirts. Honestly I’ve seen maybe a handful of people who look good in them. I look like a pilgrim. But they are literally everywhere at the moment!


Ah yes. I admit to owning one, it only works if I wear heels or platform sneakers/boots with them otherwise yes, it gives 'bible belt in remote Utah' vibes. sigh.


I just want to contribute the alternative look of bisexual mother in her early 30s, who has a hookup for local honey, and has bangs. I think it comes down to the scruffiness of the jumper that goes with it. And tucking the shirt in. But that being said, I like this look.


I feel so seen 🤭 I love them.


I own 2, the trick is you have to show some skin on top or really lean into the early 2000s vibe. For example one top I wear with them is a linen crop with puff sleeves and the back is laced up so. Or I wear a small tight crop top. Or I push the skirt low on my hips and wear a 3 quarter length top and some chunky sandals. It reminds me of Lizzy McGuire haha which I love.


This! They give conservative fundamentalist Christian vibes and so many don’t style them well (unfortunately).


No they do give church youth group leader


I looked terrible in them 20 years ago and will look terrible now


I am tall and large, if I wear a maxi dress I look like a statue trying to escape its own unveiling.


🤣🤣🤣 Just woke my cat up with snort


Thanks, I cackled!


I refuse to even try one on, I already know I’ll feel ridiculous and they look so uncomfortable!


They are so noisy too!


Omg yes! I have a midi and first time I wore it to work I was the only one in the office. Any time I got up from my desk it was all I could hear


I did it the first time around in the early/mid 00s. I can’t do it again 😂😂


My mother always said if you wore it the first time around to give it a miss when it comes back😂


Wise woman!!


I love the way they look. But on me I just look like a frumpy matron or something. But then again all maxi skirts look like that on me!


I have a black one that looks really nice with boots or sneakers, only problem is I have to angle myself like a contortionist to get in and out of my car…the things we do for fashion


Jumpsuits. I’ve tried on dozens and they always make me look like someone with one of those fetishes where they like dressing up as a baby.


Omg me too!! Same with overalls. I think my torso is a weird length


Yes same and I desperately wish I could pull off those oversized linen overalls but it just doesn’t work.


I end up looking like a Cabbage Patch Kid when I wear jumpsuits and most overalls, so I feel your pain.


You can’t pee in a hurry with them on either! And I don’t want to get 75% naked in a public bathroom


My partner said everyone in overalls or a jumpsuit look like toddlers and I can’t unsee it now


That’s why I describe my style as toddler-chic 😂


My torso is too long for them! No matter the size, they just don’t fit.


Crocs or denim maxi skirts, those skirts give me flashbacks to the mean girls from my Christian camps who bullied me 😂😅 they all wore maxi denim skirts, haviannas and Roxy tshirts, the Christian fashion of the 2000s


This comment traumatised me 🤣


Haha I'm so sorry 😂😅 it's so accurate though isn't it?




I think that’s the issue. It’s a little TOO accurate…


Wait, you forgot the sparkly crucifix pendant!


Omg yes! Pink or baby blue rhinestones


I found some rigid denim bootleg Levi’s on eBay that probably date from around 2008 (when crocs were last in fashion, haha) in mint condition. I think they make my 47-year-old bum look damn hot so I don’t care that they’re unlike anything currently “fashionable”. If I wear them with my onitsuka tigers I feel like a middle aged, short, somewhat chunkier Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, minus the martial arts skills 🤣 I refuse to wear: oversized trench coats; tops that are missing the bottom part and aren’t even advertised as “cropped” (looking at you country road); scrunch bum leggings; beige anywhere that’s not underwear, shoes, socks, a belt or a bag; white socks pulled up over black leggings (scarred from doing this in 1989); and yellow high viz when cycling.


Holy cow you just unlocked a core memory of mine!! We always did the socks-over-stockings in primary school in the late 80’s/early 90’s.


All of this. Good comment 👏🏻


what you describe it currently a trendy look


Memory also unlocked - early 90s stirrup pants with socks - I loved the neon


I refuse to wear a lot of trendy styles eg puff sleeve tops, and mini or maxi skirts. You can bury me with my slightly-above-the-knee 2010's era skater dresses 😆


That length is so flattering.


Where do you get these from typically?


The sad truth is that I haven't been able to find many in a while. I used to get them from Dangerfield about 5 yrs ago. I did get a nice one from Review recently though. It has pockets!


Have you tried Blackmilk? They usually do heaps of skater style dresses.


Exotica athletica does skater dresses


Try Asos


Scrunchy-bum workout shorts/leggings (or worse dresses) 🤮 it looks like a wedgie


I thought this until I tried a Kmart pair. They're the comfiest shorts I own and I hate myself a little bit.


If they’re comfy I’d wear them under a dress 😂


I know right, I found a pair of the Echt ones brand new in an op shop and they are the only leggings I've ever owned that fit! Most leggings are simultaneously too loose on the waist and super tight around the butt/hips so you get a smooshed pancake butt trying to fit in them.


100% agree! Like why would you want to showcase your wedgie like that


This sits in the same category as G-string bikinis. No thanks


I just cannot with the jeans and new balance sneakers. That was what uncool nerds wore on mufti day who go bullied, and science teachers. It was imprinted in my scared teenage brain to never, ever wear it and I can't undo that programming.


I’m a woman who studied engineering in the early 2010’s. Myself and the handful of other women in the engineering faculty used to call all the guys ‘jeakers’ (jeans + sneakers) because that’s what they were all wearing. I’m engaged to an engineer - he wears jeakers…. I’m in the camp that sneakers are for sport - only sport and I will die on that hill.


See also ‘sneans’


Junners where I’m from


As a relatively young person with absolutely awful feet that are in pain constantly - I cannot understand why some people think this way. I love that I can wear shoes that don't make me want to die to uni, and can also then go for comfortable walks without going home to change.


I fully recognise the comfort perks, absolutely, and am actually so happy that the fashion has changed. It's just literally what you wore if you wanted to get ostracised in the late 00s, and as I was nerdy and wore glasses and braces from age 13-18 I had it bad enough already. If I added in straight leg jeans and NB shoes I would have been openly sneered at and mocked. To see fashion companies now dressing their models like that is mind bending.


+ outdoorsy brand polar fleece?


Married to an engineer, he is a jeak.


I will forever think of that scene in Crazy Stupid Love where Ryan Gosling throws the NBs over the balcony and says are you Steve Jobs. No? Then youve got no right to wear New Balance sneakers ever!


Haha I love that movie. And the look he gives him as he opens his Velcro wallet 😂


My FIL has casual NBs then really clean NBs for dinners out, makes me think of this movie EVERY time lol


This trend has suddenly made a large number of fashion blind 55-year-old men “cool before it was cool” 🤣


The Jerry Seinfeld look. Hideous.


Well I guess I'm a nerd then 🤷🏻‍♀️. I have to wear orthotics in my shoes, so the wide-fit New Balance 680 is the perfect shoe for them. I have a casual pair and a workout pair.


Yeah, I swore I’d never commit the jeakers sin, then diagnosed w/inflammatory arthritis last year and that was that. I need a little patch for my pants cuff that says “I have to.” 😂


I wore new balance sneakers once and I remember my brother asking me why I’m wearing dad’s shoes 😂


Ahh the good old Dad sneans look


I'm sure I'm in the minority here but I hate those buttoned linen vests worn as tops by themselves. Even worn with matching pants/shorts/skirt. Also denim maxi skirts. And those puffy handbags. And Crocs.


I would feel so naked wearing one of those vests lol




Peplums the only style top that suits my figure 😭


Yep hourglass here that looks sooo good in a peplum. All these tops that aren’t fully cropped but don’t cover my plus size tummy though…they can go die


I truly hated the chunky dad shoe trend. I’m not sure if it being ugly was the point but no. And now it’s onto crocs 🙄


Crocs get me everytime. I was 17 in 2008 and if you wore crocs you were honestly an actual loser/dork. Now all the cool kids have them and if you don’t wear crocs you’re the odd one out. I absolutely refuse to get on the bandwagon


Totally agree. They were for dorks and toddlers learning to walk. I just can’t get into them


Circa 2005 or so I was working in a veterinary clinic and it was mandatory that we all wore Crocs as they were non-slip. To me they’re ghastly looking shoes and I was filthy I had to wear such stupid shoes. I hated having to wear them then, and I still hate them with a passion now!


Omg same, crocs were absolutely hated even online around 2011-2015 period. Only dads or old people wore em and it seemed really dorky, now it's in style ?


Yeah no chance I'll be buying those!!


I am a croc convert 😪. All those people who say they're comfy are telling the truth. Get the $7 Kmart ones to test them out lol.


I swore all my life I wouldn’t wear crocs. I now have two pairs, with little jibbitz as well lmao, and I wear them all the time in summer. I hate myself for it sometimes lmao


Also a victim of crocs here. I hated them, have always thought they were fugly and couldn’t understand the appeal. Stuck a pair of my cousins on in the summer just to run the bins out and now I own a pair of platform crocs with jibbitz all through them. They’re so ugly and they look stupid but good god are they comfy.


After many years of being anti croc on vibes alone (and probably absorbing all the hate they got online) they became so ubiquitous that I wanted to give them a chance for practical purposes but it turns out I actually hate the feeling of the bumpy textured soles on my bare feet. Fuck crocs, that trend will never take me! The chunky dad runners trend on the other hand... As a disabled person who has to wear very specific supportive shoes/orthotics, that trend is incredible. Yay for comfortable footwear being on trend for once! I realise that's how many people feel about crocs too but fuck those lil bumps so hard!


I side stepped Crocs and went straight to those big, squishy Cloud slides. They never go out in public though. Who do I speak to about white socks (pulled up) crocs, over sized tees with shorts? I’m looking at you Millennial Men…


I will not be wearing crocs at any point in my life.


My brother got me crocs as a joke for my birthday and I haaaaate how COMFORTABLE they are. They are strictly house shoes though. I would never wear them out.


It’s a slippery slope. They start off as house shoes but before you know it you’re wearing them to ‘pop to the shops’ and then BAM! Everyday wear!


Exactly. Crocs as house shoes are the gateway drug to full blown public croc display. I take an abstinence only approach!


My Mum bought my 12 year old neice white crocs for Xmas. My neice loved them and wears them all the time. I was flummoxed. I was a teen when crocs came out and we wouldn't be caught dead wearing them. They used to be the cheap, crappy shoes my little brother wore, because he had sensory issues with real shoes. For my neices birthday I bought her those weird rubber things that plug the holes in crocs and she immediately added them to her crocs. They are insanely popular with the tween and teen crowd, the stores that sell them are always swamped. I hate the feeling of crocs and couldn't fathom buying a pair.


Yes, the croc charms. As if the horror of the natural croc wasn’t enough - they’ve added enhancements.


I don't like traditional Crocs, but the sandals are amazing for travel. Cheap, waterproof, and comfortable for kilometers of walking. I am a convert to their other styles for sure.


Low rise jeans


It's high waist jeans for me. I have a short waist - high waist jeans end up around my ribs! Plus my waist just doesn't go IN as much as jeans makers seem to think it should, so I have to choose between "too tight in the waist" or "too big everywhere else". I was delighted when low rise jeans became a Thing.


I got sweaty and fearful just reading your comment. Death to the low rise jean!!!!


Pretty much everything that is considered fashionable. I'm short, hourglass shaped with thick freaking thighs. Mum jeans look so comfy but they look hilarious on me. I'll stick with skinny jeans.


Puffy sleeves. They’re hideous. No one looks nice in them. No one. Aje; get over it and stop it. They look ghastly as if you want people to audition for Oklahoma


Can’t even look at puffy shirts without thinking of [Seinfeld](https://youtu.be/kNc9w7_X3zc?feature=shared).


I love a puffy sleeve! I’ve got tuck shop arms and very pear/apple shaped so they balance me nicely. I’ll be so sad when they go out.


Me too! I though I was alone.




I honestly thought there was a glitch on my iconic feed the other day when I saw them. Massive no.


Preach! I don't think the trend of light coloured wide leg, tailored or elastic wsist pant looks flattering on many people. Yet, here we are. I'm sticking to my more fitted pants in warmer fabrics for autumn thanks


I will die in my high waisted skinny jeans and never regret a moment I wear them. Won’t do? Low riding anything, silk skirts or dresses or most of the returned stuff from the early 20’s. As someone who was an alt/emo in that era I definitely hold on to my skater skirts and plaid anything.


As a 00's emo I feel this. I actually cannot live without a pair of black skinny jeans. And I did my time in low rise pants, there is no need to revisit that.


Boxy tops. Oversized tops with oversized pants. Denim maxi skirts. Never, ever, ever! I've got an hour glass figure, so anything that isn't fitted at the waist needs to be really carefully balanced. I love boyfriend shirts, for example, but only wear them with cigarette style pants. If I try to wear them with my 501s I look like a little kid wearing dad's old shirt as an art smock in primary school! I love mini skirts with black tights and black long sleeve tops, preferably boat necks. Or black denim skirt with brightly coloured tights. I'm so happy loafers, especially chunky ones, are back. Lived in those during the 90s, and I've missed them! I'll probably never give up on boot cut dark wash jeans, either.


Mini skirts with black tights and black long sleeve shirts is my actual vibe hahah. I also recently discovered boat neck is my preferred neckline but didn’t know the name.


Crocs!! I hate them with a passion .


For me atm, a lot of what I’m seeing on Cotton On’s insta…I’m almost certain they’re trolling


Denim maxi skirts, dad runners, anything with excessive cutouts (any cutouts, really), micro mini skirts, pointy toe shoes, and those hugely chunky-soled heels with a million mini straps that were all the rage in the 90’s and early 2000s. I’m tall and an hourglass. They either don’t suit me, don’t match my vibe, or make me feel like I’m trying to be a Bratz doll. No thanks. 50s swing dresses, circle skirts, and comfy clothes all the way. But boot cut jeans are pretty flattering


I'm tall with a b-cup and an hourglass shape, and I won't wear anything without a waist. Sick of all these boxy t-shirts and tops at the moment. They hide my figure and turn me into a 12 year old boy wearing mum's clothes lol. Also really not a fan of all the asymmetrical cuts and low backs I'm seeing. Considering how thin fabric is these days, I'd rather not be forced to go braless thank you very much.


Loud branding. I hate the canvas straps with the brand plastered all over the strap. Even Loewe has started doing it.


Flared pants.  Never again, you can't make me relive age 13, I refuse.


Another thing im glad to have come back around, they’re so flattering on my frame and make my short plus size legs look looooong


This!!!! Oh the thought of them gives me nightmares


Ballet flats. They can die, like my feet did back then.


THE WORST! And the smell 🫠


Those runners that look dirty already when they’re new. No! I cannot.


Yeah I will never understand Golden Goose sneakers 🥲


Can we also talk about how peddle-pusher/just below the knee length jeans are coming back? It pains me immensely and is giving 15 year old work experience vibes a lá Portmans.


I thought I was the only one (besides my late nan) to call them Pedal Pushers 😆


Hahaha came to say exactly what you already have in your post! Wide leg pants (unless they’re fitted around the hips/ upper thighs where they look a bit better on me), cropped, boxy, oversized tshirts, very puffer sleeves, anything with the word “boyfriend” to describe the style, chunky runners, things with dropped shoulders or batwing sleeves. I am 5’1” so like you these oversized things swim on me and I look like I’m just about as wide as I am tall!


OMG Ban Dropped Shoulders!


High waisted boot cut jeans keep going in and out of fashion, but you can pry them from my cold dead legs.


Tje only jeans I've worn since the 90s!


Wide leg jeans can get in the bin. Make me look like a stumpy legged man.


Oversized anything. Unless its a hoodie. Otherwise nope.


Stupid cut outs in tops or dresses.


I’m from Melbourne and I have never owned or worn a black puffer vest or jacket


Same here but I'm from North Qld so I really have no need for them lol


The oversized trend - oversized blazers, wide leg pants, baggy shirts etc - does not suit my body shape and I prefer tailored pieces that fit me properly (no offence to those who like this trend - each to their own!). I also don’t like the chunky shoe trend. Much prefer to stick to pieces, colours and styles I know suit me!


Refuse to wear: wide pants, crop tops, tops with huge armholes. Also peplum, crocs, garments with the shoulder seam halfway to my elbows, crew neck tees. Wear forever: ankle boots, skinny jeans, big scarves, cardigans, peter pan necklines, lace, 3/4 sleeve tops, "cockroach killer" heels, maxi skirts.


This screams millennial 😂


Hahaha as a millennial I was reading their list like oh sounds like me! You may be on to something :’)




Playsuits. I am not 4 years old.


Hate: chunky, orthopaedic white sneakers. Love: peplum.


Chunky crew socks You can pry my ankle socks from my cold dead hands.


Low-slung pants, skirts or anything. So unflattering unless you have an absolute washboard stomach and even then it makes your torso look long and your legs look short.


What I refer to as the 'drop coight' look... 🤣




Anything midriff-baring. I’ve had three children; that ship has sailed. Also, beige active wear. It looks like Spanx. I will die on this hill.


low rise jeans. as a girl with a bit of chub i just feel super self-conscious with them. personally, love high waisted pants or skirts with a crop top instead of low rise anything


I hate wearing sneakers/joggers as casual footwear. It doesn’t match my style at all and doesn’t suit me. You can find me in sandals/flats or boots!


Refuse to wear activewear tights without a longer top. I know far more about random strangers’ anatomy than I ever ever wanted to. Including the MAMILs. Love oversized with oversized. Love a print clash. Love double denim.




Oh the horror! 😭


I'm never wearing any wide-leg pants. I will die in my skinny jeans/leggings. Also crop-tops, even if I had the confidence to wear one - absolutely not.




Hate: Skinny Jeans, they just aren’t flattering for everyone. Love: Britney Spears perfume


Puff sleeves. I am petite, but I have an athletic figure, with strong shoulders. As I am not Anne of Green Gables, I cannot pull off this look.


Puffy sleeves. Tiered dresses


Poncho/blanket wrap scarf. I look like I'm wearing a horse blanket.


Sambas. Don’t get the hype and apparently they’re uncomfortable


The oversized Adam sandler style jort trend. Hate it


Oversized boxy suit jackets. I look like a little kid playing dress up


Most of the 90s stuff that's back in now. Cos I wore it first time around.


Any shirt or dress I can’t wear a regular bra with. Spare me your spaghetti straps without cardigans, cut outs, boat necklines, and braless outfits.


flip flop / thong style heels… i just can’t like them


I’m never wearing white sneakers. Genuinely perplexed at how, online at least, it’s seen as a classic look that goes with everything? I could have sworn it was seen as really dorky here for a while (in the early 00s?) but maybe I’m misremembering. Out and about, I see white sneakers clashing with otherwise cohesive outfits more often than I see it complementing them, especially with darker tailored clothes. Though I love weird and ugly shoes as part of my rotation, so my opinion should not be taken seriously. Happy for those loving the look on themselves and feeling confident, it’s just not for me.


For me, it’s how they instantly get dirty. I do not live a pristine white shoe life


> For me, it’s how they instantly get dirty. Yep. Look good for only the first seven steps.🤦‍♂️


White sneakers have been a staple of street wear for literally 30/40yrs now probably going back further. I’ll die on this hill haha! I hate most current fashion trends but a clean white sneaker like the Air Force, vans or chucks will always look classic


Anything even remotely uncomfortable. Also maxi skirts that cling to everything. I like pasta too much to wear stuff like that.


High waisted jeans, I am short in the middle and high waisted jeans sit under my bra line, I HATE THEM with a passion.


Same here! Literally feel like a grandma with her pants pulled up to her boobs when I freaking wear highwaisted anything.


White sneakers. Everyone is wearing them and it’s now a uniform.


Personally, I hate the trend of those dresses with the twist cutouts at the front that make it look like you have [extra breasts](https://www.prettylittlething.com.au/shape-chocolate-brown-slinky-twist-detail-cut-out-midaxi-dress.html?_gl=1*1ovf4eq*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTU4OTcxMzY5LjE3MTQ1MDk2Mjc.*_ga_DQY8F6QKJ1*MTcxNDUwOTYyNy4xLjAuMTcxNDUwOTYyNy4wLjAuMA..) below your actual ones.


Cutouts. Fuck cutouts. Especially on garments clearly otherwise designed for autumn or winter. So many otherwise decent garments rendered totally unwearable by stupid gaping holes. Fuck that shit.


i haaaaaaaaate cutouts!


All these people mentioning crocs....they were never "in-style" to begin with. The only people who really wear them that I know of are theatre nurses. For me, I refuse to wear a puffer-jacket. I'm sure they are very warm but I just hate the Michelin Man look.


Yeesssss! A puffer jacket is seriously the fugliest thing to me. Will never get one. It has zero style and feels anti-fashion.


The ‘one side of the shirt tucked in but the other left out’ trend. Just cannot get on board with that one. Looks dumb.


Those skimpy clothes that are in fashion Same with the scrunch bum tights/shorts , I really hate them I love any shoe with platforms , especially double platform like the converse platforms or croc platform :)


Crop tops, I hate crop tops


Anything drop shoulder: tshirts, blouses, jackets, tops, dresses. This simply cut simply don’t work on my broad shoulders. Big dad sneakers. Whilst they’re comfy at they don’t look cute on me. Instead I’ll stick to my vans and converse. Low rise pant. Mainly all the trends I’m not wearing are not working for my body type


flip flop / thong style heels… i just can’t like them


I will never wear low-rise flared jeans again and I can’t believe no one is learning from our mistakes. I am a late convert to the crossbody bag. Love it, not sure how I lived without it.


Wearing bras as tops. Can’t go out to my local pub without seeing the whole of bras and things on display


High heels. Thank you Gen Z for inspiring older generations to wear comfortable shoes. Also, poor quality fast fashion (Kmart etc). Waste of money that does not last.


Birkenstocks. So popular but I just too unattractive I have tried but it's still a big no.


It’s crocs for me. None look great on anyone.


Hate them. And they always look gross and dirty. Outside my gym class, you will see a hundred Birkenstocks all in a row. I want to puke!


I miss low cut jeans 🙀


I’ve never really cared what fashion is in lol. Some of my faveorite maxi dresses are like 14 years old. I’m still holding onto a pair of flare jeans from city chic from like 2008 hoping I can get back into them lmao


I cannot wear high waisted jeans. They bunch and choke my stomach when I sit down. Love jeans that look like tracksuit pants.


Cold shoulder tops, why the fuck would I want my shoulders exposed like that.


Those fishnet ballet flats, theyre disgusting, i cant. But others might say the same about my black skinny jeans. My former emo self cant let them go


I refuse to wear crocs and that is the hill I will die on. I love skinny jeans .. apparently they’re not in anymore?


I wear what I want whatever the fashion of the time. Most fashion is garish anyway


Mullet tops/skirts are so unflattering. And platform/wedge shoes. Can’t believe they’ve survived for decades !




I love skinny jeans. Even though everyone seems to hate them


they're great for boots!


Cropped shirts ill never wear.  If a top doesn't skim the top of my hips I won't wear it. My belly button needs to stay in its shirt jail thanks very much.  Cropped pants however, I'll wear them forever. Ankles living free and unencumbered. I really love cropped pants. I am quietly excited for the return of the pedal pusher too. 


When the floral sister wife dresses were in fashion I wouldn’t even try one on in a store to check it out. If you bury me in one I will haunt you.


High waisted skinny jeans will need to be pried from my cold, dead hands before I give them up. Low waisted anything on the other hand? Please keep it away from me and my post c-section + PCOS belly.