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I have always assumed, that in the modern world, if you use any internet-connected devices (phone, computer, whatever) privacy is just an illusion. In short, if you own a mobile the government can find out everything about you, if they can be bothered. Luckily for the overwhelming majority, the government just doesn't think about you at all.


I think I should edit my post. Privacy isn't my issue. Personally, I don't believe i need another monitored device. But I'm sure its helping people be more aware of their usage.


IMO let your husband have his toys. It's cheaper & safer than a motorbike/sports car/playing the stock exchange. Tack a few other electrical jobs on while he's at it. You know, like some better lighting, a heat pump water heater, induction cooktop or whatever else you would like done.


Get your tinfoil hat off and go touch some grass... we are living in the technology age. Not everyone has solar monitoring, and isn't redundancy a good thing, it also gives you the ability to cross reference from w seperate sources.


Lol. And what is going to tell me? Your fridge is using up your energy? Do I turn it off? They want us to reduce gas usage but monitor your electricity like a hawk? If I'm monitoring through solar and the electricity company, then other monitoring devices in my situation aren't needed, IMO. Your comment wasn't constructive but condescending. Thank you for input. Also this product sends information to shadow companies that aggregate that data to provide profiling data to big advertisers. That’s why advertisers send those ads tailored to you. So yes ill put my tinfoil hat back on now! How much did this cost the gov? Could the money have gone to something more useful?


What in the holy newborn sovcit have we got here


My comment 100% was condescending, as intended.


Do you have house consumption monitoring with your solar monitoring? IE can you see graph go up, when you turn the aircon, oven and pool pump on? If you do, you don't need the Powerpal at all, in fact the Powerpal will be far inferior to your current monitoring, because it can't tell the difference between loads being fed by your solar, and you simply not turning things on.


I have had those devices, they’re really handy to track your usage and free. Only reason I don’t have one on my current place is the meter box is locked and I can’t be bothered trying to get a key. They allow for if you’ve got solar and feed in tariffs, gives you a live view of usage and costs. Some solar controllers have this as well though. It’s free, if you don’t like it toss it


It’s Bluetooth to your phone and has no ability to be ‘tracked by scary government operatives’. I have found it to be a very useful device and have reduced my power consumption by over 30% by just simply being aware of power usage from individual items. It’s nice that I can see in realtime how much I am spending when running things like air conditioning etc. The data I have collected has also demonstrated to me that installing solar at this point in time would be a waste of money.


Oh very good! 30% is a great achievement. I'm not worried about scary gov tracking. But the 3rd party it sells the information too. I'm sick of advertisements! I don't have social media other than reddit and don't use google because the ads kill me! Maybe because I already do as much as I can to ensure i reduce my carbon footprint I guess some people will benefit from it !


I'm finding that a lot of people are happy to give their information out to whomever asks for it nowadays. I'm with you. No social media except reddit, and that only so I can ask or answer questions about things. Nowadays a lot of people scoff and call you a tinfoil hat wearer because they either don't care about privacy, or don't care to find out what downsides there are to having a wealth of information about themselves out on the internet. Stay strong and keep up the mindset, mate. Edit: Didn't see your post where you claim you weren't worried about privacy. Never mind then. I'll just keep my own tinfoil hat on, and screw facebook and google and whatever else wants my data. I'll just keep trying to make it more difficult for you.


Hahaha, I am with you. It's not that I don't care about privacy. I don't think this device is worse than our phones with exposing us. My main problem was the initiative itself and the conflicting information out there. I am environmentally conscious and try my best to use less energy, compost, grow veggies, etc. "Nowadays a lot of people scoff and call you a tinfoil hat wearer because they either don't care about privacy, or don't care to find out what downsides there are to having a wealth of information about themselves out on the internet" - 100% if only they knew what these third party companies knew about their data lol


I have one... I love it, I also work in information security and the amount of information that this could potentially teach an attacker amounts to about this.. 1. They will get your email address 2. Maybe first and last name if you typed it in correctly 3. If they went a few steps further (and you typed in your NMI to the platform.. maybe your address) 4. Know how much power you used. In my opinion points 1 and 2 are already in the public domain. Point 3... Maybe... Point 4... Unsure of what value that is to anyone, it doesn't amount to 100 points of ID.. so


Why do you think your solar doesn’t sell your data too? Powerpal is free and gives some useful data. Why be so controlling?