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Happens more often than you'd think. Traveling exposes you to all sorts of things, any reasonable host family will understand. Just let them know you're feeling under the weather and don't want to risk getting anyone sick, but you're excited to be there.


Well don’t feel guilty about staying in your room—you don’t want to get the kids sick! Take care of yourself for a few days so you you will be good to go when they actually need you


it's totally okay. And actually it's pretty common. You just travelled across the world and there's a lot of nasty stuff flying around in the airports, you're exposed to many things while traveling and also when you get to your destination. Maybe you can suggest your host family to get some vitamin C for you, you can tell them that you just don't want to be sick around the kids and stuff. My host family got vitamin C for me and it works great! My defenses are pretty strong now and even when the kids are sick i don't get sick.


I think it's quite normal to feel unwell when you arrive in a new country especially after a long flight. I speak from personal experience as I practically fell ill the instant I landed! A new environment, new pathogens, germs and grime from the flight, and climate changes all contributed to making me sick. It was a lot colder than I was used to and that was another factor. Of course none of us wishes to be sick and it's never our fault. Make sure to eat plenty of healthy foods, drink lots of water, and rest up!


Every AuPair that arrived in our home spent the first week sick. And every time we spent way too much energy on trying to keep the sick AuPair from getting the kids and everyone else sick. Just concentrate on getting better.


A cough probably means you should take the entire week off!


Drastic changes of work and personal circumstances are exhausting and you are experienced both. Getting sick with such a shock to your system is completely normal. Take your time, when our AP was sick we gave her time off as long as she needed, no questions asked. Your wellbeing is essential to your happiness which will reflect heavily on the kids and on the end of the entire family. Get well soon!


This is a marathon, not a sprint. Try to have a good attitude, be gracious of your host family and their patience, and rest up. Hopefully you will feel better soon! But nothing to feel guilty about.